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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19394386 No.19394386 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the male members of all branches of Nijisanji.
Talk about your favourite livers, ask for stream recommendations, post cute images, keep it friendly.
Post what your oshi has planned or is currently up to, what events you're looking forward to, or what/who brought you to the Nijisanji males in the first place.

Previous thread: >>19378854

>> No.19394514

he's really cute. thank you for sharing his links and streams.

>> No.19395389

how do you all know when a thread is about to die? sorry newfag here

>> No.19395590
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Implants in our brains

>> No.19395642

Page count. You see those four numbers on the very right of the screen? Hover over them to see what they mean.

>> No.19395806


>> No.19397181

arasa LOVE

>> No.19397384
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r.i.p. axia thread you were so cute. too cute. it couldn't last.
also i like that he finally did end up streaming only after i went to bed. damn cat.

>> No.19399123
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>> No.19399176
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Really liking Fulgar a lot, very good so far, he deserves more subs

>> No.19399198
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Watched a non vtuber related stream and the streamer brought up genzuki's nyan nyan neko tiktok song. my husband is so popular

>> No.19399423

I've been checking his stream, and I saw the Getting over it collab. He has a good head on his shoulders. I hope he sticks to carving his own corner rather than bending over to some of the fanbase

>> No.19399561

hope it's just an elden ring binge..

>> No.19400259

i admittedly haven't watched anything with him yet, but i thought his tweet about how much he loves nijisanji and how this last week has been a dream was really cute

>> No.19400764

Yeah it's really nice seeing him tweet about how much he loves nijisanji. I was a little put off by his debut, but watching his 2.0 made me do a 180 and I'm really glad I watched it.

>> No.19403621
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imagine waking up to this

>> No.19403675

I won't make it out of the hospital alive

>> No.19403700

He bites you with those teeth and it makes a squeaky toy noise

>> No.19404572

Would you forgive Lauren and re educate him on how to hide JAV pirating y/n

>> No.19404909

oh jeez, even the official account had to release a statement. i know piracy is a much bigger deal in japan, but christ.
i hate that he'll be taking a break from activities over something this silly, but i look forward to his return.

>> No.19405076

Damn, man just wanted to jack it to nipple play porn. Godspeed, Lauren, this must suck for both him and his fans

>> No.19405239

He apparently requested it himself, probably doesn't want to be kinkshamed. I guess, this is why Vodka privated the video of him teasing Laurent.

>> No.19405316
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I thought with the actress qrting him it would have blown off enough steam for him to do an apology stream and move on, and I'm kind of surprised he asked to take a break over this. I didn't even get to watch the full stream and I wanted to hear his after tourney thoughts but I don't know if that will even happen now that it's tied to Nipple Harlem Extreme Nipple Ji ○ Port Is Crunchy Chupa Chupa! Paradise Chikubi Ejaculation For The Ultimate Nipple Torture From All Directions
That makes sense, good guy bodoka.

>> No.19405493

I still want an apology stream where he plays his nipples in front of thousands of people

>> No.19405594

Getting your secret fetish outed is embarrassing, especially when your friends and fans are definitely going to endlessly tease you about it.

>> No.19405817

>re educate him on how to hide JAV pirating y/n
Just have a damn external hard drive or little usb drive (attach to keychain) and mark it with red tape. Put what you don't want people to see on it.

>> No.19405842

This vampire has definitely commited several human right violations

>> No.19405875

all of the people under his tweet writing fucking essays about how he deserves to be punished and needs to reflect need to touch grass holy shit

>> No.19405948

or just have a separate user account for vtubing

>> No.19406061

This, I do not know why this is so hard to have a new user profile
Bunch of schizos trying to make a mountain out of a molehill as usual... I know piracy is severely looked down upon but they are acting so uppity and righteous as if they get compensation for reminding him

>> No.19406128

Well damn, I did not realize pirating porn was this big of a deal. I guess this means goodbye to any potential nipple play fanart coming from this. Shame.

>> No.19406251

Maybe some antis will draw some to make fun of him

>> No.19406331

can't wait for this to turn into that situation where that narukami fanartist is super fixated and drawing him getting punished constantly for being a twat.

>> No.19406511
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>Start looking for random axlr accounts to follow
>One of them blocked me
I wonder when that happened...

>> No.19406556

Sometimes they run blockchains on some accounts, so if you follow something it will catch you and block you, even if you never interacted with them.

>> No.19406560

Japanese shizos are scary as fuck. They will write entire twitter essays about how some vtubers are the root of evil and continuously stalk and talk bad about you

>> No.19407798

I feel bad...

>> No.19407953


>> No.19408079

Nagao was in the original thumbnail, but Maimoto changed just changed it. I wonder if Nagao was supposed to be here, but couldn’t do it anymore because he’s busy preparing for 3D. If that’s the case, that’s a real shame because soccer is his favorite sport

>> No.19408123

>>19408079 (me)
Or maybe they just mixed them up because they’re both purple

>> No.19408368

>no Nagao
Aw man... But I'd rather he not be overworked

>> No.19408585

fuu-chan is cute! his stream today was really comfy

>> No.19408831

would rather he didn't have to apologize and take time off but honestly? of all the things to be sanctioned for, what a way to go. based Lawrence.

>> No.19409952
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>> No.19410634

reporting him for unethical practice

>> No.19411822
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>> No.19413928

They gotta show he's actually 'reflecting' and how they 'dealt with it' so it doesn't turn into anything bigger and people can stop talking about it.

Someone qrt-ed his original apology tweet with the clause about piracy, it was like 2M yen fine and/or 2 years in prison.
Compared to that/firing him/losing their business partnership with DMM, this is basically the best outcome.
People have gotten enjou-ed for much less (see Hoshikawa and her bubble tea stamps)

>> No.19414123

Kaida key visual on the 4th

>> No.19414188

Would be funny if this ends up with the JAV having higher sales because of this, just like the one that Kanae asked the sauce for before.

>> No.19414474

I've heard a few nip streamers who say pirating porn is one of the most unacceptable things. He probably knows he upset a lot of people.

>> No.19414706

They say that on stream but everyone uses free sites to fap...

>> No.19414867


>> No.19415023

And Lee On..... I would feel weird wishing they could stay considering the state of their branch, but I hope that they all don't go, KR clips were some of my first Nijisanji clips.

>> No.19415198

Man, remember when Akkey said Suga and Yun are the only guys because he mistook Chiho and Gaon as girls? Part of me kinda not surprised with Kiru going, he kinda going nowhere, Chiho and Gaon was sorta slower than him at first but then they got boosted.

>> No.19415266

Kiru liked to be on Twitch more than Youtube eventually, he also didn't have much variety, if he was a JP member he could have coasted along like Aki-kun, but he is KR

>> No.19415317

What a shame kiru had a sex design

>> No.19416922

Levergacha special livestream this Friday. Also a big annoucement at the end. (As much as I love Levergacha, I hope it's not another live event. I don't know if they can bring anything new that hasn't been done in the past three live events they did. Showdown was fun but the shogi segment at the end dragged on for way too long.)

>> No.19416996

A live event isn't needed but maybe some levergacha tourney?

>> No.19417880

Shellin 3D... That aside, more episodes like that one where they visited Sega arcade would be fun.

>> No.19418921

I can't tell if it's the 3D limitations, or if Kuzuha really does hold his pen like a gorilla, I always felt his fingers were quite expressive in 3D

>> No.19419944
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I mean it more than usual today, wtf did Akina mean by this?

>> No.19419961
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Leo's today's stream thumbnail
Jesus this old man is whoring himself out

>> No.19419977

Doesn't he hold his spoon & fork weirdly too? Wouldn't be surprised if he does the same for writing, but I also feel like it's more of a 3d stiffness here

>> No.19419985

>hold his pen like a gorilla
that would explain his shit writing
to me it looks like a relatively normal way to hold it tho

>> No.19420108
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This sexy old man..
You are in the hell timezone too huh

>> No.19420664
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Nijiquiz return, this time flexing elementary school knowledge recall

>> No.19421121

This is why Shellin doesn't get clients.

>> No.19421500

Leos is using every bit of his brain to play tic tac toe. And I'm dying.

>> No.19422649

fuwacchi and shachou need to go back to 4th grade

>> No.19422654
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I hope he has a lot of support from friends and the company. Looking forward to his return, no matter how long it takes.

>> No.19422749

in axia's zatsu yesterday he made it very clear without specifically addressing the enjou that he values lauren's friendship, can't wait to play games with him again, and will be sticking by him. i'm sure lauren will be okay--he's a dumb but good boy with lots of friends.

>> No.19422869

I love their friendship.

>> No.19423106

they're really cute. i used to think that they just get along so well because they're both very social, but in a recent stream axia said he's the type who actually prefers fewer, deeper friendships so the fact that he just instantly clicked with lauren is adorable. i'm glad they were put together in nijisanji.

>> No.19423294

Someone made a really nice MMD model for Shellin.

>> No.19423540

If he won't debut yet, Higisha will find a way to make it a reality. It's smooth

>> No.19424282

Thanks anon, I‘m happy to hear that!

>> No.19424972

Axia this is why you have no girlfriend...

>> No.19425273

just throwing his meat about. sick.

>> No.19426066
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f l a t a s s

>> No.19427124
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Kanae twitch chat is so unhinged sometimes it's a little refreshing

>> No.19427333

maybe a not-ESL anon can explain better but in net slang () was used for self tsukkomi or bitter/sarcastic laugh.
a lot of doushi in his replies didn't seem to get it either because they're teenagers or they're adults but they go outside and don't live on the internet like akina does.

>> No.19427698
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kiru will end his activities on march 31st.
i enjoyed how he would get into games and how nice his voice sounded, hope good things come to him in the future.

>> No.19427710

he's very ガッカリ at the youth not understanding his early 2000s net slang
akina is eternally bad at playing his uni student role lol stop giving away your age ojisan

>> No.19427894
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Axia and Patanee's collab was adorable, but this cat needs to buy a damn kitchen knife already.

>> No.19428023

barely any time aftet this, mane-chan texted to remind him to sleep since his health has been bad due to staying up. He talked about wanting to die at 30 again except he said thats in a little over 2 years. again... Sometimes I hate listening during these moods, i worry

>> No.19428172

And now it's apex time.

>> No.19428251

Don't worry, he will buy one right after he starts drinking water again.

>> No.19428738

I wonder when will Axia buy a kettle, or will he use his frying pan to boil water for the rest of life.

>> No.19429815
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i hope his move is going well

>> No.19430772
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>> No.19432283
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>> No.19432317

I really worry too. I'm not sure what's gotten him down lately...

>> No.19433584

Sometimes you just get sad when you realize how old you are. Idk if the realization of his own age plus his love life are making this idea popping up in his head again. Please Kanae you can still be a cute ojisan that everyone loves...

>> No.19435438
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>> No.19437273
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>> No.19439602
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>> No.19439605
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>> No.19441323 [DELETED] 


>> No.19441351
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>> No.19441924
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I want him to fall in love get married, it's ok if he streams less I just don't want him to stop existing
It's tough because I love him, but as a listener you can't do anything when someone says things like that, he's been saying it for years. In the summer he actually was positive about it and said "maybe I'll change my mind to 40"
but then he got down over no love life in the winter. But, since I can't do anything it isn't worth talking about too much, just wanted to get it off my chest

>> No.19442929
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Nagao’s been really busy lately. I hope his debut is soon so he can rest properly

>> No.19445268

Just saw that they got Life is Strange perms again, now that is something I want to see him play

>> No.19445756

I'm excited for his 3D debut, but yeah I want my grandpa to rest...

>> No.19448078
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>> No.19450159

Please recommend me some dudes. I prefer zatsudan to gaming streams and just general humor. Nihongo is not an issue.

>> No.19450718

Kenmochi Touya

>> No.19451483

kenmochi, rikiichi, mayuzumi, gwelu, genzuki

>> No.19451761

Kenmochi is the first one who comes to mind. Though he's been busy with things outside of streaming, the kusoge he streams works as zatsudan as well. His humor is very quick/witty and has the best banter with chat imo. If you aren't used to abrasiveness its quite a different experience. He's quite mature too, as a huge vtuber fan himself, and has a healthy relationship with streaming/fan activity so you may hear his opinion on that.
Genzuki does long zatsudans, from 4-10 hours. Even his karaokes are 90% chat 10% singing sometimes. Topics range from music to makeup to animal mating cycles to what the meaning of true love is, it's a little adhd at times. He does talk about girly things but I still find his humor 'masculine'. He also won't take any shit from chat, very headstrong.
Mayuzumi has taken a break on zatsudan for now but he would have a semi-weekly chat that touched on the latest tech news, life and Nijisanji updates, and whatever was on his mind.
As for humor, I find Fuwa, Kuzuha, and Gaku funny but they're way more game stream oriented. Gaku has a weekly breakfast show that is mostly fan's food showcases, cooking stories, and news.
I don't watch them frequently but Joe and Gwelu are also hilarious with a lot of chatting content. Joe has a radio show with Maimoto and Gwelu has random Youtube shorts or streams talking about uni, math, even a stream teaching viewers what bitcoin is (though it was a little lacking imo)

>> No.19451778

i like watching sonny so far beyond his roommate's drama, i just wish chat wasn't constantly on his ass as if he was some sort of baby. chat is literally insufferable

>> No.19452095

Fulgur’s chat is the only one that’s readable

>> No.19452573

I just noticed that this was #70.9

>> No.19452618

EN guys chats are so strange to me. Reminds me of utaite twicast chats but those are mostly superfans spamming love

>> No.19452680
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Last thread died too prematurely, there seems to be a timezone where most regulars aren't here

>> No.19452731

Interesting, thanks for the recs I will give them a try. My initial interest was in the ones whose designs lean ojisan like the salaryman, maimoto, the guy who looks like a fate character and doesn't stream on his channel, and Belmond, but I haven't gotten around to checking those guys out yet either.

>> No.19453043

The salaryman (Yashiro Kizuku) is pretty great, but his main shit is gaming streams.
You could check out his old radio streams where he would do fun shit like rolling for viewer submitted fetishes to create characters.

>> No.19453443

Yashiro also has great zatsudan if you're interested in him. Mature guy while also being a huge otaku. But you have to go to his playlist, he's mainly a gamer.
>guy who looks like a fate character
Gilzaren. If you follow Youko, Kazaki, or Gaku, you may see him more often there. He hangs out with the 2nd wave a lot. He streamed for the first time in over a year.
He had quite a lot to say here while being held hostage on Noraneko's stream.
Belmond is very calming. He is amazing at remembering his chat regulars. He has a 2nd episode of his radio show with Oliver soon. Another guy I forgot to mention. Oliver is great at talking about his interests and he's had a lot of experiences, though I don't watch him as often. I think he does semi regular morning zatsu.

>> No.19453661

you would probably like maimoto and yashiro too yea. maimoto and rikiichi are ojisans practically joined at the hip, and even though maimoto does mainly game streams he interacts quite a lot with his chat.

>> No.19454255

Once again thanks for the info, I'll probably take a few weeks to check out some vods and then report back.

>> No.19454394
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Happy watching, bro

>> No.19455448

I usually don't look at chat, but I checked out his fan discord and immediately regretted everything. I think I need to chill on the parasocial. I feel like an older sibling who wants to protect my retarded younger brother from girls taking advantage of him.

>> No.19455984

Of the EN guys I've checked out, Fulgur is the one with the healthiest chat, and he's vocal about what he doesn't want them to do. Next would be Shu, but they do still spam emotes a lot

Sometimes I'm curious about how fan discords are, but it's probably too much for me since I try to ignore chat most of the time myself

>> No.19456276

Fan discords haven't been worth it in my experience, way too many young people spamming. The only ones I really use are ones with stream archives or tweet bots

>> No.19456898

Yeah, poor thread died after birth, so made this one to carry its spirit.

>> No.19458109

look at my beautiful wife


>> No.19458289

Mameneko is stunning here

>> No.19458905

new rofmao has someone judging who they are as people
who's the disgusting pervert? i'm betting kaida

>> No.19459328

Kaida should do an Ange tier hentai review one day

>> No.19459562

>fan discord
Why would you torture yourself like that?
Don't bother with fandiscords, more often than not they are echochamber dumpsters filled with spam and barely anything of value outside of maybe tls and it's even worse if it's centered around an indie...

>> No.19459661

If I wasn't a tech retard I'd add their twitter bots and stream alerts to a private discord of only me.

>> No.19459826

Shachou has secret cumming on back JAVs on his computer.

>> No.19459961

can't wait until all their weird secret fetishes get leaked.
anons, what weird shit do you think the boys are into?

>> No.19460272

Something in me tells me Kaida likes multiple boobs

>> No.19460697

Curiosity killed the cat. I'd never been in one before and the fan discords I've been in for other content have usually been okay. I'm a little thankful, though, because I wouldn't have known he dropped in on Alban's stream if I wasn't looking at the discord.
Discord bots are usually pretty user-friendly. You can also do it easily using a webhook, but that's for someone a little more tech literate.

>> No.19461222
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I wish their mama draw them more...

>> No.19463435

sex with chinese dota man

>> No.19465521
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>> No.19467201
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>> No.19467434

Rof-mao "who tweeted it" quiz
Did not know Ago made a tweet about being naked... I surprisingly got 8/10

>> No.19468611
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>> No.19470449

Pomu from EN wants to invite Ebio to the next Friday the 13th collab

>> No.19470728

i love you kuzucchi kuchan amagami no kyouken kussan ku-kun zuha KING kuzuppi robert downey jr. daniel radcliffe kuzuha channel

>> No.19471274
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Sex with the pome

>> No.19471340


>> No.19472159
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Leo's birthday art.
A bit plain compared to other Eden boys IMO, but at least I'm happy his face does not look weird considering how often it happens in his official arts.
No disrespect to his stylist(mama) but I wish he'll get a more illustration-like art next year.

Also, bless his mameneko sign

>> No.19472642
File: 183 KB, 849x1200, atry_oekk-1499284122774437891-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss that one Leos TL anon.
He looks adorbs. His mama posted the full too.

>> No.19473237

six out of ten! i knew more than i expected
i don't even remember this but it just sounded like the adorably dumb shit that would come out of fuwa's mouth

>> No.19473292

Considering his other known fetishes, I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.19473459

Feel bad for Lauren. Hopefully Axia will touch his nipples for him as a friend.

>> No.19473532

axia will lick them all night to comfort him, don't worry

>> No.19474016

I remember that tweet because he said it recently, it popped up while I was outside and I smiled uncontrollably...

>> No.19474256

I hope his mental is strong. Yumeoi really hated himself after his apology and comeback. I want happy idiot Lauren to come back with a strong mentality.

>> No.19474347

This thing is blowing way bigger than I thought, guess it's just how the jp side treats piracy huh.
Kind of a culture shock for me.
Saw people saying he's lucky it's porn, if he ever got caught with a movie or game he'll be done immediately

>> No.19475516
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I expected there to be a big backlash because of JP piracy laws, but it happened at a bad time so it's even worse. Theres a lot of factors like unrelated vtubers drama being mixed up in this, and things like the J1 collaboration being postponed... A break sounds good even if I miss him because facing the heat of enjou now before onlookers have a chance to be distracted will be worse.

>> No.19475682

There seems to be something about piracy recently that it gain lots of discussion.
I remember seeing tweet about more than once free manga site being trending

>> No.19475777

I can't speak for the atmosphere of piracy in Japan but in the west, in the last 3-4 years ISPs have been attempting to block reupload sites for anime and manga, more and more.

>> No.19476501
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>> No.19476857

i work for a localization company in japan and trust me, the culture is completely different. we've had meeting after meeting on how to convince people in the west to purchase manga rather than pirate, and the jp employees are like "why don't we just remind them that piracy is bad and illegal? then they'll stop!" bro, no......... piracy is built into otaku fandoms in the west, going "it's illegal!" does nothing to change that.

>> No.19477175

Sadly there is no way other than localizing way faster (impossible for anything not immediately popular) and not selling it for double the price it sells for in Japan, plus manga isn't purchaseable easily in the first place in the USA. But then I doubt a company would understand, companies being dense is a worldwide phenomenon.

>> No.19477860


>> No.19477931
File: 260 KB, 2048x1400, FJzs2GMVQAEUTHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god finally some good news. I'm hyped

>> No.19478004
File: 316 KB, 1564x2048, FM682tCaQAEtb9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My crowned prince got his trophy

>> No.19478183

One of my friends works with localizing manga too (JP to "not English") and it's funny to me because they started out with doing manga scanlation with a fan group back when we were still teens so they've basically gone from illegitimate to legitimate.
Piracy's a really big part of english-speaking otaku fandoms (back then and maybe even now).

>> No.19478196

>the J1 collaboration being postponed
Their social media person was hyping up the collab like an hour after they posted about him going on a break and I remember thinking it was tonedeaf as hell because why the fuck would you post something he was involved in right after that.

>> No.19478983

I like this, what is it about?

>> No.19479938
File: 245 KB, 646x2048, FBLw1kmVQAUvPiS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will take the fall and be Kanakana's stay at home wife, it will be tough waking up to his beautiful face every day and having breakfast with oue family of 2 children but I will prevail

>> No.19480033

Shouldn't be a struggle, you'll have his other spouses to bond with, too

>> No.19481344
File: 1.37 MB, 3508x2078, IMG_20220226_163353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19481641

This rofmao premiere is just confirming that shachou and ago are pure wife material
and kaida is a cheating slut

>> No.19481807

Imagining Lauren crying in bed while rubbing his nipples

>> No.19482038

IDK if anon is horny posting or funny posting but I laughed

>> No.19482113

I wonder how this is gonna affect sponsorships for Lauren. He was doing that thing with Ahamo and the boat racing thing. What’s going to happen with that now?

>> No.19482226

the only thronez fanart i've seen of this so far was lauren crying on axia's lap so i sure wish he was rubbing his nipples at the same time

>> No.19482303

Enikara said they are 'rearranging' his sponsorships, and ahomo took off their twitter header which was Lauren's hand drawn mameneko
I guess its not looking too good...

>> No.19482306

...would you post it? that's hotter than nipples

>> No.19482548

i don't feel comfortable posting it since her account is locked but it was _ki_nu_ta_ iirc.
speaking of ship fanart, nearly all the lraxlr shippers i follow released statements saying they intend to continue supporting lauren and anyone who doesn't should unfollow. it's kind of funny how overblown it felt, but considering how some of lauren's schizo yumejo reacted on twitter i guess i shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.19482937

No... now ahaneko will be associated with this stupid event

>> No.19483066

>header is his nipple

>> No.19483352

kaida needs rape correction

>> No.19484318

Kuzuha's throat is fucked again

>> No.19484484

It's going to stay fucked until he finishes Elden Ring or Mane-san breaking into his house to stop him.

>> No.19484546
File: 187 KB, 2048x2037, FM28uTbUUAAR-X-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 hrs of Elden Ring followed by 8 hours of idiots in minecraft, not even a vampire would come out unscathed.
His "sugee" is so soft today

>> No.19484859

When will this vampire stop activating my maternal instincts. I just want to take care of him

>> No.19485391

Axia finally has his jijii aim fixed after changing his monitor's refresh rate huh

>> No.19485824

I know this happens a lot but sometimes I do worry his throat is just gonna break for good one day

>> No.19486552

He really loves unintentionally debuffing himself all the time.

>> No.19488452
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>> No.19489840
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>> No.19490020

wake me up when lauren nipple torture art drops

>> No.19492617
File: 256 KB, 2048x1594, FM1mUm0VUAMP9IE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love so much

>> No.19492627

sniffing mashiro's panties

>> No.19493458
File: 330 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_20220304_004934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Shotan Burgundy

>> No.19496172
File: 894 KB, 1280x720, 1646328452113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yomiya will be in this question game collab soon.


>> No.19497010

sniffing ago's ago

>> No.19497960

sniffing anon's posts

>> No.19499126

Mashiro is pretty sick right now, I'm concerned.

He must have a pretty high temperature inside his body

>> No.19499244

What does Masaru do for membership streams? Tempting to member as he is the niji I listen to most.

>> No.19500402

he has a playlist available with all his members streams, you can see what he does, he is very active there and the streams are long.

>> No.19501851

ago grope

>> No.19504297

Can someone who is a fan of Fulgur Ovid tell him the "Legatus" voice spam isn't cute. He's going to filter his audience into dust if he keeps it up.

>> No.19507215

I get worried too, especially now since he's using voice to sing more.
Thankfully his throat seems to easily revert to normal with time and manuka honey.

>> No.19508216
File: 2.36 MB, 3864x2687, 4C2EC1FC-9738-4E4F-ADD9-892427518625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute wife on the left

>> No.19508279

Isn't that what he wants?

>> No.19508866

This clip was trending in japan
some tweets saying "I thought it was serious but thank god it's just this guy"

>> No.19509516
File: 612 KB, 1500x2000, FMrNn3DVEAYiOCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor boy, I just saw the tweet. But thankfully his fever is lessened.

>> No.19510216

Akina 24-hour dia challenge
Godspeed, sweet wife. I look forward to it but also don't want him to push himself.

>> No.19510611

Wow, good luck akkey
though with Raindrops rescheduling the concert it falls really close to Vsaikyou so I wonder if he's in it?

>> No.19510650

That sounds like hell. Good luck to your wife, anon. What rank is he now?

>> No.19510661

I wonder why people say Konbini-kun is boring. Seems like a pretty cute dude with a fun personality.

>> No.19510890

i guess some people were speculating that he wouldn't be, so he confirmed he'll be trying his best at both https://twitter.com/333akina/status/1499543800255246338
iirc he was last at plat II, but i don't know if he's been playing behind the scenes while taking breaks from his move.
also, i don't remember if it was mentioned here, but he said during his utawaku that he'll likely be sharing his new outfit once his move is complete, so something to look forward to!!

>> No.19511092
File: 120 KB, 1135x1139, FMsgPs7aIA0_Wdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD_SUSHI_MASTER moment. I believe in him, feel like Valo practice improves Apex players aim

>> No.19512845

I don't see anywhere besides EN thread calls him boring. That thread is filled with shitposters and numberfags, people saying so might be because he was the most popular pre debut and his debut turned out to not be "kino" like they would like, or something like that.

>> No.19513409

Who? Shu?

>> No.19513502

Albany Knox

>> No.19513545

Don't you guys have a general?

>> No.19513657


>> No.19513805

What's the point when you do have a more active general? Well, you do you, I'll just filter the names.

>> No.19513849

Stop filtering out the EN boys. This thread is for all boys, as long as they're Nijisanji.

>> No.19513933

Feel free to do so, newfriend

>> No.19514023

for real. id and kr also have generals and i've never seen someone throw a fit over them being posted about here.
i don't usually watch en but i enjoyed the luxiem game show the other day. it was fun getting to know them all a bit better, since i'm usually too overwhelmed by my own oshi and surrounding group to branch out much. if people want to rec their fav clips of en boys i'd personally appreciate it.

>> No.19514200

"All branches" has been in the OP since the beginning as well.

>> No.19514956
File: 319 KB, 1780x1224, FMta28OacAANpqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of other branches my korean wife Suha will be singing later and there will be an archive kept
Ha Yun's jp is also improving, even if EluElu and Mahimahi are using simple jp with him right now. I don't know if he's in VSaikyou but it would be nice.

>> No.19515108
File: 82 KB, 630x744, FMyeVVjUUAAnmxZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other mafia watching the membership stream right now and ascending?

>> No.19515305

really hoping these two make an appearance in akina's apex-a-thon. they were so cute when they played together before.

>> No.19515449

kuzuha just started a new stream, we ain't done yet.

>> No.19515505

24 hr party!

>> No.19516674

back to our roots

>> No.19516703

Full thing of Iinchou's finding a date via Nijisanji stream.
I wonder if the couple who got married on Chronoir day ever posted pictures

>> No.19518137

He feels pretty confident and comfortable with interacting with chat too and obviously has experience streaming. His voice really reminds me of EN dub actors (not a diss), it's very clear

>> No.19519803

https://youtube.com/shorts/kuUQzjTYTg0 cute hand drawn clip

>> No.19521326

In fact I wish people would talk more about EN boys in this thread for higher odds to survive shitpost waves in catalog. I don't watch much EN but from clipfagging I like most of them just fine.

>> No.19521514

kaida new visual waiting room

>> No.19522114

I doubt Lauren is gonna be able to participate in the soccer collab. I hope they find a replacement because if it stills go on antis will have less ammo against him

>> No.19522191

He definitely isn't doing any sponsorships for a while now. I feel so bad.

>> No.19522384

Quick! You and your wife have been locked in a room together, and your wife is sleeping soundly. What do you do, anons?

>> No.19522488

yeah, i was pretty surprised when he was in the announcement just an hour or two after his official statement. i hope once this blows over he's able to gain momentum again.

>> No.19522551

I really hope it's just postponed because they're finding someone to replace Lauren. Aren't they supposed to have collab merch too? I hope they're just trying to sort that out and not canning the whole thing.
Although this also means Lauren's not going to get any sponsorships for a while, and it's going to be sad if those Edengumi 's sponsor things won't have him...

>> No.19522798

stroke his hand

>> No.19522912
File: 43 KB, 785x601, FA8rnJ5VEAM_dw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get into bed with him and inhale his scent

>> No.19523426

Honestly, even though I'm sure Lauren would just tell them to do the collabs without him, it's too sad to imagine edengumi missing only him. his banter was such an integral part of the group dynamic, whether it was his pandering with axia or bickering with patanee and leos or being chided by oliver.
this dumb porn scandal ended up being a way bigger mess than i ever would have expected. i'm sure his coworkers are standing by him (thankfully), but that doesn't change the fact that it's negatively impacted a lot more people than lauren at this point.

>> No.19525577
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>> No.19526056

Be the big spoon!

>> No.19528442


>> No.19528489
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>> No.19528945

Akina's shota senses went off

>> No.19530418
File: 177 KB, 541x382, IMG_20220304_022420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he got his Mahjong Soul prize.
And Telecaster B boy hit 6mil

>> No.19531524

Thank you, will check later.

>> No.19531726


>> No.19531774

Ahamo collab cancelled. Roren....

>> No.19531801

Not surprised but still sad nonetheless. How long was it supposed to be? I thought they already streamed the thing.

>> No.19532062

I think it was to the 14th? I can't find the tweet at the moment.
Every time I open twitter and see a statement from Anykara I get so anxious, I just want this to be over and in the past

>> No.19532543

same anon i was out running errands when i saw the ahamo cancelation and it made me so nervous i had to go home. i feel so bad for him, and i'm not going to feel any less uneasy until he's streaming again.

>> No.19532598

What happened? I'm out of the loop on this.

>> No.19532669

I only watch women. Faggots, whores, and cucks are the viewers of these fuck boys

>> No.19532692

As usual, no need to reply to shitposts.

>> No.19532975

I’m gonna bully Lauren’s nipples as punishment

>> No.19533032


>> No.19533059

My dangerous wife is going to molest a blond high-saturation anon!

>> No.19533295

Nijisanji EN member Akina Saegusa collab when?

>> No.19533519

Oh no! Akina is gonna abuse his power as a big name in the company to get free sex! Just typical corporate scandal stuff.

>> No.19533541

This vamp's elden ring stamina is out of control. He's really enjoying reverting to neetmode.

I've enjoyed listening to his gradually waning voice nearly all hours through my headphones for the last few days. I just want to tell him to go rest and force him into bed

>> No.19533573

i thought it was cute when he was talking to mayuyu about how popular the en boys are and mayuyu started listing vox, mysta--the two most popular--and akina was like "YEAH! SHU!" lolll yes sweetie the one who interacted with you.
as hard as he tries during kokusai collabs, though, he needs to be with someone who speaks moderate japanese because he seems to get nervous about if he's matching their language skills (though form what i've seen sonny speaks it okay?)

>> No.19533826

Sonny seems like he can carry a convo but I have not seen much of him. Shu can easily speak it. I thought Akina did a great job in the Suha HaYun collab. But HaYun's JP has been improving a lot.

>> No.19534167

he does really great with hayun! it was more with hada that he got nervous since she's so quiet and then he felt bad that maybe he wasn't speaking at a level she could understand and respond to. sweet senpai.

>> No.19534245

Cute uncle...

>> No.19534769
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>> No.19534832

>cherry boy's cherry got popped
I can't believe Akina isn't a virgin. I'm out of here.

>> No.19535243

>He's really enjoying reverting to neetmode.
I can imagina, especially after all the training for concert and stuff he had to do.
Happy for him.

>> No.19535282

I mean props for aizono for trying, but that day he just refused

>> No.19535358

ahamo also tweeted
luckily it sounds pretty subdued--sounds like they're just closing it early since lauren is on leave and thus one of the people supposed to be participating wouldn't be active. i was worried they had requested a cancelation in order to avoid being associated with lauren altogether.

>> No.19535575
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>> No.19535752

I can't believe it's been a year since this legendary moment

>> No.19535840

The area is now unofficially called "BAM area"

>> No.19535884
File: 393 KB, 1455x2048, FM7RCAbUUAYJlMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuzuha is going to be on the big screen singing about biting (You)
If anyone ordered the album here what version did you get? I wanted to get the extra BD but decided not to

>> No.19535962

He needs to do a JAV where they don't show his face but that actress sucks on his nipples.
Just a 2 minute video with no nudity and post in on YouTube

Will be the most viral Niji will ever go in years.

>> No.19536166

People who already signed up before the collab cancellation will still get all the benefits. So there's that... Not that people here use ahamo.

>> No.19536811

Got Edition A. Don't have a BD player but I'll probably just borrow a friends.

>> No.19536943
File: 296 KB, 1290x1821, ysdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish they were my parents

>> No.19537183
File: 361 KB, 1080x984, ghfhhhfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akina.... it's too late. We still love you.

>> No.19537366

Can confirm that Sonny speaks Japanese just fine. He's been very comfortable reading and responding to Japanese superchats, and he keeps trying to play games in Japanese. Struggles a bit with kanji, though. Yugo also said he was pretty much fluent, and Yugo is native himself.

>> No.19537647
File: 329 KB, 1967x1536, IMG_20220304_060520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tondemo wonders with Mashiro-chan and Fuwachi!! A day from today

>> No.19537800
File: 223 KB, 1792x828, IMG_20220304_060722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck conflicting feelings. Levergacha daipan is ending. And Shellin 3D?
Can't watch at the moment to see why, I mean not everyone got to be in it

>> No.19537908

Bobon is debuting his new costume in case anyone wants to pass by.

>> No.19538003

very manly, very cool, very fps, thanks for the notif anon

>> No.19538013
File: 661 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20220304-111718_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Bonnivier is going to Ukraine, bros ; ;

>> No.19538017

He's gone full tactical, based

>> No.19538024

No reason, but considering the time it end, they simply didn't extend the run time beyond season 2. Kinda like Nijikuji or Mix-up! I hope it'll be back someday... Or at least make another similar show... Still, I really want Shellin to throw some snark to Hayase or Sukoya in Levergacha...

Niji currently have a lot more weekly show than back in 2020 too.

>> No.19538085

There was also a pretty cool video at the stars (that also kinda spoiler the outfit) if you or anyone wanna check the VOD later.

>> No.19538097

I really want Tulipgumi to be in the final episode.

>> No.19538153

It's probably replaced by the upcoming Chronoir show

>> No.19538215

But Chronoir show is more like ROF-MAO than Levergacha/nijibara/nijiqui based on what we've seen. Just the two fucking around in 3D.

>> No.19538240

No, that is on Chronoir's own channel and is way more casual, it's not like ROF-MAO replaced a show. The two are unrelated and Kanae already talked about recording stuff for it.

>> No.19538273

Recording for levergacha seems exhausting, considering they have to play games for a long time even though only a fraction gets aired, and they do other stuff too.
I love levergacha and wish it could last until everyone in the main branch gets 3D, although I guess now Yashiro and Sasaki can get some rest. 2 year is a good run.

>> No.19538330
File: 369 KB, 1200x1920, FM5B_HkaMAATjZm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shellin fan who has been saving hundreds of thousands of yen is going to need a battle plan since Youtube-kun has an SC spending limit.

>> No.19538538

I still shudder to imagine Kanae and Gundou's episodes where the recording went for 10 hours because Dedede keep destroying them. Or Shellin recording the narration in the middle of the night because of Ark addiction....

>> No.19538868

Suha sounds good today

>> No.19539025
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>> No.19539807
File: 807 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20220304-071501_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Ikemen
He was acting like his garter socks are a fun fact earlier, as if he doesn't upskirt flash us in every ROF-MAO episode

>> No.19539834
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>> No.19539937
File: 812 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20220304-071851_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbloomed version

>> No.19540037

he's a vamp, please undastand

>> No.19540196
File: 825 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20220304-122457_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't speak to me or my son ever again.

>> No.19540517

can i fuck your son?

>> No.19540764

It's not something that can't be solved with multiple accounts.

>> No.19540886

Weekly max level SC to every future stream that says congrats on 3D debut?

>> No.19541415 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 754x873, IMG_20220214_140114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Because I'm already fucking him

>> No.19541472

i wish i was imadog i want zuha to nibble me too

>> No.19541822

YGO time.

>> No.19542613

Bonbon's new outfit with his original hair looks perfect for my taste

>> No.19543132

My cat wife is doing his 2.0 reveal today

>> No.19543409

why is this boy so good at streaming right when i'm about to go to bed

>> No.19543733

His 1.0 was already so good to begin with, but damn his 2.0 is buttery smooth

>> No.19543780

oh jesus, the little way he tilts his head when he's questioning himself really comes through now. this cat is dangerous.
if his 2.0 is this good what the fuck is his 3.0 going to look like?

>> No.19543889

Axia might be most expressive l2d avatar in Nijisanji imo, it's so good... Like I was shot right through the heart with his movement...

>> No.19543942

I have a boner now, thanks for the food

>> No.19543960

the fact that he's embarrassed because it picks up a lot of his movement now says a lot. too cute.

>> No.19543973

His 2.0 makes it a lot more obvious how good his 1.0 was. It's not as big of a difference as Leos. Still great though.

>> No.19543984

What a slut, showing off his boob window for 2.0 reveal... I'm gonna have to correct him with rape...!!!!!

>> No.19544210
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>> No.19546168
File: 517 KB, 815x692, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you next thread anons
god I love this cat so much
