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19393660 No.19393660 [Reply] [Original]

why won't Hololive interact with the wider vtuber community?

>> No.19393737

They are the gold standard. Having impurities is unacceptable.

>> No.19393780

because the wider vtuber community is ironically leeches

>> No.19393790

Members too dumb and menhera to not make a yab during external collabs.

>> No.19393802

EN is getting more freedom. We should expect more collabs with Vshoujo soon.
Gura x Nyanners
Ame x Silver
Ina x Froot

>> No.19393815

Why does it need to?

>> No.19393974

They would lose their some of their audience or fans when introduced to other vtubers that may be a better fit for those fans. I think it was mentioned before. Most hololive fans don't watch any other vtuber groups or indies. Hololive only stands to lose when they interact or collab with other vtubers.

>> No.19393995

>Gura x Nyanners
ft. dkooters

>> No.19393996

They've grown big enough that they're not competing with themselves. Showcasing vtubers outside the company would potentially leak viewers outside of Hololive. Especially since small corpos and indies have much better models and actually provide chat interaction.

>> No.19394019

JP? They do
EN? Yab magnet

>> No.19394044

Cover still wants to maintain that they run an idol group. Even if they're not very idol-like, cover still seems to at least want to pretend they still have standards. The test the water every now and then, like the Kiara x Nyanners collab, but their immediate reaction is to pretend it never happened and then try again months later because fans and people here rage at cover for letting their holo interact with a "whore".

>> No.19394133

Theres been multiple ironmouse ones, i think a zentreya one but im not to sure, there was ollie and froot

>> No.19394150
File: 164 KB, 393x497, Th15Junko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down there junko

>> No.19394256

I want Gura x dakooters

>> No.19394338

they do, a lot, you'd know if you weren't a clipfag

>> No.19394361

Marketing tactic, creates a different image/aura around the company. It's similar to other instances where YouTubers or musicians keep themselves separated from the wider community. Note that they primarily do this in the west, in Japan and Indonesia they interact freely with others.

>> No.19394403

>Hololive is the Apple of vtubers

>> No.19394540

JP does often
EN doesn't but I think it might be the fact that most other EN chuubas rely on unfunny sex jokes to fuel their content.

>> No.19394626

You want your chuuba to be compared to the wider vtuber community anon?
Because it doesn't seem like Omegagay does

>> No.19394750

Because China gave Cover the black mark and everyone worships Chinabucks because they are dumb.

>> No.19394798

You people are shoveling such an insane and disproportionate amount of money at hololive, that now they're so incredibly rich they don't even stream. There's a huge number of other vtubers that are very good to watch, but you just completely obsessed with this one company for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.19394813

but they do, Suichan just gave a massive boost for Versen:


unless you mean holo EN specifically, they avoid Western Vtubers because they're all just bitches and whores imitating vshitshow.

>> No.19394909

Because they're the biggest but also strictest company I know :)

>> No.19394942

But Holostars collabs with others all the time?

>> No.19394976

I used to think it's because they don't want to bleed viewers but we've already seen that the viewers can be very loyal towards their girls. Chumbuds used to be known for not watching other girls within HoloEN and only watched Gura. Last time I checked MQ didn't rise to the moon after she got a collab so I don't think there's a need to worry about viewer loss.

>> No.19395079

My wife Nene isn't a whore though, she's more seiso than HoloEN.

>> No.19395118


>> No.19395119

>they don't even stream
who are "they"? I open up my youtube everyday and always have plenty to watch

>> No.19395165


>> No.19395179
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They don't want to show the outside world. Other vtubers don't have the benefit to ride on brand name alone and have to actually stream and be entertaining to attract and maintain an audience. That's the polar opposite of Hololive.

>> No.19395224

I assume you must speak japanese. Becuase that's certainly not true for the english speakers, who are the majority here. I know that hololive's english branch is SO lacking that many of their fans actually watch japanese streams they cannot even understand, which is completely bizarre. But even their japanese streamers are really lackluster compared to other companies.

Your behavior is really bizarre. You just slobber all over yagoo's dick all the time, and not even try something new. Not even see what else is out there. There's a lot of good people out there you are missing. This is the mindset of a slave-like person, you worship the popular thing instead of looking for something niche.

>> No.19395264

because there will be only leechers

>> No.19395271

Because they have too much power, Suisei interacted with a indie this week and the girl got a huge increase in subs

>> No.19395280


>> No.19395382

holojp is probably the most un seiso

>> No.19395434

From 2k to 13k in two days

>> No.19395449

Unironically this,
I tried watching the greater of the western Vtubing comminuty and all we have there is drama,bitching and for some reason a lot of Vtweeter.
Dont get me wrong , I like some of them and no I will not give their name to this god forsaken place but I really dont think hololiveEn gain anything by interacting outside of their bubble.
Hell, the fact that they rarely interact with the rest give them a sense of "royalty" with way the 2views or the vtubers with hundred viewers talk of them you see that would do a lot to have a chance to get in Hololive or just have a chance to collab with them.

>> No.19395450

Because if the boys collab with other dudes their fans don't go apeshit out of jealousy like they would if their favourite waifu did. They also just care less about the boys maintaining a pristine image in general. Streaming in a vacuum or with each other generally allows Cover to maintain a much better hold over what their female vtubers do or say, and keeps their image squeaky clean in the eyes of the fans, which generally matters a lot more for female vtubers (of the "idol" variety at least) then it does for male ones. At least I'm assuming that's the primary reason why their female talents do so few collabs outside of the company.

>> No.19395509

Not that Nene

>> No.19395529

Actual 2view. Post your twitch.

>> No.19395599

Who the hell do you guys watch to find all this drama and bitching? I just watch the small corpos that are known here and outside of Pippa most of them act more like Hololive than Vshoujo.

>> No.19395603

which ones nene?
ik most of the jo branch are unseiso shit marine makes rape jokes

>> No.19395609

>Gura x Nyanners
That would be pretty hypocrite from nyaners.

>> No.19395657

Kawapro Nene, titty tenshi

>> No.19395671

Vshojo hasn’t had much bitching or drama in months, and they csn actually keep their members unlike a certain Japanese company

>> No.19395705

How so?

>> No.19395745

Firstly no I don't speak japanese, but I understand enough to follow streams
Secondly I mainly watch HoloEN and I have no problem with ever running out of things to watch
Finally I have watched tons of vtubers outside of Hololive and I have found many that I have enjoyed but I still prefer HoloEN overall
I hate fuckers like you though that shitpost acting like your elite taste is automatically the best just because it is less popular and because it's hip to bash on holo

>> No.19395802

When anons say they tried to watch more vtubers what they usually mean is they watched a few minutes on a single twitch stream and scrolled through twitter before giving up.

>> No.19395815

All of Kiara and Mori's interactions outside of HL have been some of their blandest content, I don't see what's the urgency.

>> No.19395817

Nah she'd probably love to get Gura on her side in private.
Nyanner's hates loli's, yet panders with a loli avatar and loli content

>> No.19395865

>mori interacts with anybody outside of hololive
>holofags call her a whore and a traitor
That's why.

>> No.19395891

Because they know that their audience is a bunch of schizos that will get in an autistic rage if they were to collab with outsiders, even worse if they are a male

>> No.19395920

The seal one.

>> No.19396022

Go and show me how many vtubers that have interacted with HL after the CN branch are closed have chinese fans or bilibili channels, that's the reason you'll never see NijiEN collabing with them, a couple of them are rumored to join the 2022 bilibili aniversary conert and no one wants to ruin it for everyone else.

>> No.19396098

>a couple of them are rumored to join the 2022 bilibili aniversary conert and no one wants to ruin it for everyone else.
source, your ass

>> No.19396113

I hate the fucking Chinese so fucking much

>> No.19396124

NTA but i want to answer, i dont try anything else because everyone else is just normal streamers with an avatar, hololive has something special and they deserve my loyalty.
i dont even speak japanese but ill watch Luna being cute for hours, even if EN dont stream that much, i wouldnt just replace them with any random, i rather not watch anyone and just wait for them.

>> No.19396253

Sara Hoshikawa has a billibilli channel I believe.

>> No.19396336

I spent my last month taking a break from hololive just to see if i was too biased against other vtuber and I spent my time drifting from 2 views to hundred viewers Vtubers I did not watch any of the other corpo but Im for sure going to try them Soon enough.
This journey did activate a Saviorfag impulse I didnt know I had in me, some of these girls deserve to be in Hololive and want to. I now understand where all this hate for Sana come from.

>> No.19396372

The "vacuum" is cultural, nobody is forcing them, nigger

>> No.19396381

Because most of the wider vtuber community stabbed them in the back over China.

>> No.19396428

Getting too cocky, vshojotard

>> No.19396516

>why won't the king interact with peasants?

>> No.19396605

...That's what I said? Cover'd prefer to have them just stream by themselves or with each other instead of collabing outside the company, because of the reasons I listed, so they probably encourage that. No shit they're doing it intentionally, did you think I meant that they were being exiled on their own little island or something?

>> No.19396650

I actually went and watched the archive she stream sniped after hearing her talk about this. Kind of funny that some of them seemed absolutely certain it wasn't her.

>> No.19396760

And did one of the most (in)famous songs.

Plus the fact she lays with SJWs

>> No.19396941

Well, you got to explain better because I interpreted it as if Cover is ordering the girls to not interested with males, when it's just because they choose not to do it

>> No.19396984


>> No.19397086
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They're afraid.

>> No.19397174

Gura with Nyanners would be good because Gura would probably start humming Pomf Pomf.

>> No.19397205


>> No.19397297

Hate for Sana at this time is completely justified considering she streamed what, once? Twice? In Feb? (not including whatever membership streams she may have had).
It's ridiculous.

>> No.19397305

deez nuts

>> No.19397397

truly terrifying

>> No.19397648

Nyanners is a self hating pedo who claims loli is disgusting while using a loli persona who built her whole career on pedo shit.

>> No.19397693

>they avoid Western Vtubers because they're all just bitches and whores imitating vshitshow.
You wish they were all like vshitshow

Well I know that Nene is more of a subtle whore

Your definition of lacking is just baiting, admit it you are a nijitard

>> No.19397736

Pomu is almost as bad as pink cat you retard

>> No.19397992

HoloJP I think is pretty active with collabs, never mind HoloID too. I just don’t think Cover wants HoloEN to do so because for as drama filled as the JP community is, the EN anime community is just as bad if not worse in different aspects.
There are people or dramafag ecelebs that just look at EN and see Myth numbers and will take advantage of that. I mean just look at the shit Vshojo constantly gets into.
Of course it could also be that EN is mostly heavily introverted, which is bizarrely a weird saving grace itself since it helps them escape the wider drama.

>> No.19398362

I just find it incredibly ironic that the only people allowed to interact with HoloEN are Vshoujo and Trash Taste of all options, two groups that have openly taken shots at Hololive in the past.

>> No.19398385

Because myth are a bunch of autists who can barely ask people within hololive for collabs. Bae seems like she's planning to start collabing outside of the company. I think the niji collab ban is nijiEN banning hololive. Not the other way around

>> No.19398539
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>> No.19398623
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They should be afraid.

>> No.19398712

Restrictions will be the end of hololive

>> No.19398801

It’s probably because it works as a business relationship which Cover can benefit from due to TT’s apparent ties with Kadokawa. That or only a few talents that bring in big enough cash really wanted it that badly to where they convinced their managers it’d be good for the company.
But really I’m just spitballing, because it seems like a some or most of the EN girls could give less of a shit about TT or Vshojo. Only Mori, Ollie, I think really wanted those collabs that badly.

>> No.19398874

If any of them hated Sana, I would completely understand and wouldn't judge them for it.

>> No.19398902

>yab magnet
>every single fatal yab so far was from JP

>> No.19398935

keep saying it, maybe it'll be true eventually.

>> No.19398939

Because that's what sets them apart. They are relitively insular with some points of reaching out to bigger names for collaberation. It keeps it all in house to a degree and I find the atmosphere of the content more interesting than a lot of other streamers content. There's also a lrvel of 'sanitation' to them. They can have some level of crudeness, but for the most part aren't allowed to build their humor or interactions entirely out of crudeness, giving it a cheeky veil when they talk about 'yabai' stuff. Before the /jp/ bros shit down my throat about how retarded I am, yes I know there was a point in time when they were lewder, more crass, etc., but I came here with EN and I like the streaming style they had.
Sometimes restrictions breed better content and more thoughtful humor/gosling bait.

>> No.19399024

Ask me how I know you're an american millenial, op

>> No.19399125


>> No.19399274

The only vtuber groups that exist in my eyes are HoloEN, NijiEN and Vshoujo.

>> No.19399369

fpbp. low tier chuubas should only interact with low tier chuubas

>> No.19399474
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Where's my Gura x Pikamee collab?

>> No.19399515

why didn't the thread end here

>> No.19399542

Nice bootlicking

>> No.19399562

Do you know the meaning of that word?

>> No.19399580

They do interact with non-holo vtubers daily, literally every day. It's just on Twitter, which I don't recommend.

>> No.19399602

>Aloe, Coco, Rushia
yes, i do

>> No.19399623

Once you look that word up, go look up 'metaphor' and we can continue the conversation, anon

>> No.19399636

Fatal, idiot, fatal. What's the meaning in English, retard?

>> No.19399653

god damnit 2hubronies are so fucking annoying

>> No.19399676

>I was merely pretending

>> No.19399698


>> No.19399818

Hololive already interacted with 2 views like vshojo and they caused nothing but endless yabs so there's no point in talking to the rest of the vtuber community.

>> No.19400010

You oshi will never incline because I'll never strap her to a tilt-table. This sounds dumb because it's the same commitment to literal autism as what you're displaying

>> No.19400092

True, I really dont know what fuck is Sana doing.
I dont know if she noticed but the fact that she doesnt stream hurt the overall unity of Holocouncil too, just compare their 6 month anniversary to their earlier collabs or the 6 month anniversary of HoloMyth and the chemistry is a downgrade.
The Council has to limit their full gen collabs since Sana is just not there what an handicap.
And before you call me crazy just think about it, if any of the Myth-girls fucked off who know where during their first 6 months the numbers of collabs and the gen unity would have been hurt.
Sana is so not there Most En fans care more about Ollie, Moona and Rene than her.

Just imagine who could have used that spot she got a golden ticket and wasted it, I hope they do a proper and better scouting for EN3 because you cant tell me she was the best they could find.

>> No.19400228

I don't know, fatal yab seems more like a company wide disaster that sunk it and never recovered from more than fatal for the vtubers themselves

>> No.19400404

ENtubers are a wasteland of talent and insane SJW western women, Sana is the best they could have gotten desu.

>> No.19400496

Ollie did and /vt/ fucking despise her

>> No.19400514

>Lethal, to be the cause of death
>Implying Aloe, Coco and Rushia will never exist again and are basically dead.
do YOU know the meaning of the word?

>> No.19400553

jp does pretty often

en will never do it because they'll get exposed as talentless boring whores by even the most insignificant 2view indie

>> No.19400556


>> No.19400600

I'm genuinely confused as to why they haven't collabed yet. They have a similar vibe to each other and have openly expressed that they find each other very cute.

>> No.19400686

>Gura x Nyanners
That has some kino potential. Nyanners becomes an absolute retard around new people and would probably let Gura dictate the stream. That's pretty much what happened with her an Kiara.
literally who?

>> No.19400803


>> No.19400879

That’s because Mori and Kiara pushed for them but it was mainly Mori who wanted Vshojo and TT collabs. When there was pushback to the Vshojo collabs Mori put it all on Kiara as if it was her idea kek

>> No.19400958

You mean just HoloEN? Why give your competition any exposure when you have a stranglehold on the western market? At least, that's how things used to be before Luxiem, and now vshojo has caught up too. Frankly I think that outside of Mori and sometimes (rarely) Kiara, the other HoloEN members just don't seem to give a shit about outsider vtubers.

>> No.19401025

because they killed a majority of their relations once they got popular, and the few collabs since have been with 2view personal friends who don't care about that shit or paid shit like big events

>> No.19401107

Respectable but opinion discarded

>> No.19401171

Almost everyone from NijisanjiEN would have been better, honestly

>> No.19401283
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The vtuber audience is growing and there's more and more viewers that have never heard of Hololive due their isolation from the rest. This collab is a good representation of the top of the western vtubers today and there's really no space for Hololive in there.

>> No.19401316

>not realizing that Coco, Aloe and Rushia are online avatars/personas that are, indeed, dead.
Once again, yes, i do.

>> No.19401335

Because the South East Asianiggers region exist.

>> No.19401336

how about you fuck off with that viable observation, buddy

>> No.19401366

Image opinion discarded, blame cat and Nux

>> No.19401413

only moona does this

>> No.19401430

was one of them nanodesu
when Ru-chan got rekt, it made me open to follow her post Holo & Vtubes
fan of the dum Feesh now

>> No.19401472

if vshojo are so bad why are they the only vtubers HoloEN is allowed to communicate and collab with?

>> No.19401545

Because Kiara is a sperg enough to even bother with those drama magnets at all. Everyone else is smart enough to keep at an ocean's distance from them.

>> No.19401793

It's just blatant cronyism on Mori's part. Because she's friends with Milkyqueen, Gigguk and his wife Hajime who's in Vshojo, she tries to collab with them so they'll benefit from Hololive's big fanbase.
All Mori's disingenuous talk about collabing outside the Hololive bubble ruffled some feathers when her ulterior motives became obvious. Some people defend her and say it's no big deal if she involves all her drinking buddies in Hololive, but a lot of people are now suspicious that Holos just want to abuse their position to shill their friends, alt accounts, so on.

>> No.19401837

I think Bae should collab with her old buds and Kiara should have sex with Pomu but otherwise I'm happy with how things are now

>> No.19402393

Congrats, you have discovered this Cites most self damning feature, Intense, visceral infighting

>> No.19402431

Interacting with Nijishitty can only make Hololive worse. This might make seanigs seethe but it's the truth.

>> No.19402535

If that was the case they'd have only three or four employees.

>> No.19402565

Lazulight and Obsydia yeah. Ethyria maybe the hag and enna.

>> No.19402599

So you don't understand the concept of a metaphor. Not surprising, considering where we are.

>> No.19403537

both are massive introverts, like with kson, someone has to initiate for them.

>> No.19403877

I didn't bother to read any of the replies here so it could've been stated but it would basically be opening a can of worms where a bunch of indie vtubers would flood their chat feed and inboxes pleading to collab with them. It'd basically be on-par with normal people constantly asking someone the likes of Kurt Rusell to hang out with, or paparazzi rather. I'm sure there's bigtime VTubers in Nijisanji and Hololive that probably have friends who are smaller indie vtubers that they would like to collab with but there's also management that they would have to go through, additional rings to jump through and all that.

>> No.19404897

>the niji(actual)fags
If this is the "top of the western vtubers", then I hope they stay isolated lmao

>> No.19405015

you probably only hate these groups because you've been told to hate them and never gave them a fair chance.

>> No.19405401

they have a fair bit of clout so you can argue that they aren't just leeches

has a different audience (twitch / normies) so hololive stands to gain something from them.

NijiEN Girls mostly share the same audience but has a way weaker reach.
NijiEN Boys has a different audience but they're chinks and cover risks them becoming "honorary hololive" probably can hurt if they ever plan releasing stars EN.

>> No.19405478

cool we'll just collapse "other vtubers" with 'all of humanity" so you can be right, I guess

>> No.19405517

oh God yes, please let this collab happen

>> No.19405748

context matters, for example ollie does the same but is only called a whore instead of being a whore and a traitor.

Fubuki does the same but is mostly just called a saviorfag.

it's on how they act and who they interact with. no one will be salty if Bae collabs with some of her indie acquaintances for example

heck no one bats an eye to Risu, Iofi and bae when they interact with stars cause unlike ollie they know how to read the fucking room with them.

>> No.19405873

kek nobody wanted to respond to this one, but you're right. I don't think there has been a single day since the launch of IN where they haven't done cringe roleplay with a noname 2view on twitter. Holo interacts with non-Holo everyday, it just isn't in streams. If you want to ask why they don't stream then make a thread based in reality first.

>> No.19406151

Oh, okay. If you're dumb enough to try to defend these people I'll dissect them for you.
>the fags
I tried watching them, and I got hit with a near physical wave of fujo cringe the instant the stream loaded. I gave them a few minutes to move on in case it was just a moment of service, or they were doing it as a joke, yet it carried on and on and on. They deserve the reputation they've got, and I fully understand the reason they have a load of SEA viewers despite being NijiEN is because the english ones can actually understand them. I don't have a great amount of hate for them at this point aside from the losers here who claim they're super popular, but they certainly not something someone expecting a good amount of entertainment should watch.
Their content is coomer baiting, flirting with or outright starting drama, reaction content, and generally just pretty lazy. They don't talk about sex shit all the time like some say they do on here, but they do it enough that anyone with some expectation of proper creative humor get's sick of it fast. Oh, and one literally doesn't speak. That's pretty blatant "look at my big tits anime avatar" level coomer bait. Nyanners got her ENTIRE company to tweet cancel shit at Nux during that whole drama, some of which later explained that they didn't know what was going on at the time, which combines with her meltdown pretty clearly indicates it was Nyanners pushing them to do it without any explanation. Not only does that reflect poorly on Nyanners, but the others as well because they happily went along with it, not to mention they were hanging out with a dramatuber like Nux in the first place. I could do more if we went with more "roommate" kind of stuff, but I'll let sleeping dogs lie.
Not funny, not entertaining aside from her singing, generally has stupid twitter tier "takes" and should keep her mouth shut when doing anything other than singing. Tries to "own the haters" like Mori, and is somehow arguably even worse at it than even she is. That's not to mention she's a anime dub VA, who openly sided against Vic who got Me-too'ed at the time (another example of needing to keep her mouth shut), so you know she wouldn't have any problem throwing anyone in Hololive under the bus if it was the popular thing to do at the time so long as she thought she'd gain clout from it. She made fun on vtubers in the past, but jumped on the bandwagon with her own when she saw how popular they are. Anyone who gets involved with her is getting involved with a backstabbing, openly deceitful, snake who'd fuck them over the instant it benefits her, and frankly, I don't even know how you can begin to make the argument that this is the kind of person you'd want near ANYONE you're actually a fan off. Even Vshojo should steer clear of her, but they hung out with Nux so I see they don't have the wherewithal to understand that.
The others in this I'm not as familiar with, which going by the type of people you're trying to brag about, is probably a good thing. Now back to your containment thread, vshoufu.

>> No.19406351

So nobody mention holoID?

>> No.19406548

Ollie does it and she's rightfully being called a whore for it.

>> No.19406777

See? this is a great example. This is the power of hololive. A single shout out could incline a 2view to the cloud. This is save for JP, mostly, since their indies arent shameless enough to collab begging first AND will only shoot themselves if they ask first or more
EN tho... just look at Haruka's case and you'll see how the average 2views are regarding collabs

>> No.19407466
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If you need to ask this question, you have no business sense.

>> No.19407579

fpbp, smaller JP and international branches belonging to a JP corpo are acceptable but keep away the burger land companies

>> No.19407617

Based take. Fuck then twitchtards and fujobaiter

>> No.19407661

And? That's the effect most anyone big can have from interacting with someone small publicly. Ironmouse took LordAethelstan from a 20 viewer streamer to a guy who regulars 1-2k viewers now.

>> No.19407679
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>> No.19408135

You people are still fixated on that lmfao

>> No.19408405

Is mostly Mori going crazy for it

>> No.19409091

Holos told me that they don’t do it because of potential Drama but then Rushia happened so what’s the excuse now?

>> No.19409142

>because of drama
shut up tourist

>> No.19409172

lmao ''free vtubers'' keep spamming these huge collabs and nothing ever changes, the only real big shoot from this image is Vox and mostly because he is a fujo king collabs have nothing to do with it
>Niji girls keep losing ground to the males
>Froot and Zen literally the most weak members of vshojo
>LeeandLie top tier model but is a horrible streamer that struggles to get 1k ccv + ironic weeb sense of humor
>Bao, Vienna and Green Deer drama whores

>> No.19409191


>> No.19409317

basically this

>> No.19409318

I don't understand what you're talking about. Rushia drama came EXACTLY because she made a collab.

>> No.19409349

Cry holobronie

>> No.19409795

A collab with Miko so are they gonna stop interacting with Miko now too?

>> No.19410170

No, a collab with an utaite outside of hololive.

>> No.19410292

>gold standard

>> No.19410444

Why are you people like this? Where do you come from? Do you believe that there is a movie community too? I never got your obsession with putting everyone in the same bag.

>> No.19410445
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Because the most of the "wider vtuber community" is in fact, and I say this unironically, a cuckold fetish community.
My interactions with vshojo fans, for example, were truly eye opening. I can't even feel pity, just utter confusion as to how someone gets to that level.
The further they distance themselves from those freaks, the better.

>> No.19410538

Seeing how all of Myth minus Ina has dropped a Nigger bomb on stream, I'd say it's best to keep these spergs away from indies and small corpos.

>> No.19410543

I only ever liked Rosemi, this is painful...

>> No.19410585

because the wider community needs chink bucks to survive

>> No.19410596

while yes theyd lose in the short term, theyd also gain by lifting up the industry, the more popular the medium of vtubing gets the more likely people will get into vtubers which means hololive will end up with a larger pool of viewers that like their chuubas.
the better matching someone is with their viewers the more dedicated theyll be and that means the more people who match with hololivers in the long run will give more.
or at least i think it may work out that way, either way isolationism isnt a good long term strategy because you limit your outreach.
thats why kizuna Ai collabed so often collabed, lifting those around her up as the medium grew lead to people find those they liked and supported and gave her clout among others outside of being "the one who started the trend" which holo could easily end up being remembered as since they never bonded with the community as much.
to be fair anon, maybe it wouldnt be such a problem if they werent isolated, mori's friend group wouldnt be as prevalent if the others could also have their friends.
those people happen regardless and as you said management would filter them.

>> No.19410649

Won’t happen. Nyanners seems jealous of Gura and has backhandedly complimented her, implying that she’s faking her dumbness and manipulating her audience.

>> No.19410726
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, PekoSio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time....

>> No.19410732

i mean shes not wrong but i dont get why shes throwing stones in her glass house

>> No.19410845

Almost all Vtubers are faking their dumbness and manipulating their audience. A normal dumb person would just tell them don't know something, while a vtuber make a show of not knowing it.

>> No.19410854

>literally who?
Some tranny.
If it's not on stream, it doesn't happen, imo. I follow Myth on twitter but almost never get their notification and I don't care even if I did. They are vtubers not vtweeters.

>> No.19410873


>> No.19410895

I remember the time when they had collabs with nijisanji back in the day when they were not as big as they are now...
Gotta wonder why the cold shoulder social distancing attitude now. Did Cover let their big status get to their head?

>> No.19410915

I despise this piece of shit.
Just a friendly reminder that anyone that shits on Gura like this is most likely doing it out of jealousy and nothing else. Hope she continues to seethe.

>> No.19410942

cool good for you anon, but that's not what the OP said, the OP said Holos never INTERACT with other vtubers at all, and they literally do every single day of the year

>> No.19410944

They collab with Nijisanji just as much as they did in the past, just not with the guys anymore.

>> No.19411020
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Once a traitor always a traitor, you're on 4chan for fuck sake, you should know how she is considering her history with this website.

>> No.19411059

i don't see anything backhanded in her comments

>> No.19411119

But it actually is, you tourists have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19411122

I absolutely agree tweeting shouldn't 'count' but then bring that up with OP who said interacting and not streaming. I'd love to talk about collab perms but that's not what this topic is about, it's about total chances of interaction.

>> No.19411148
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>> No.19411154

>she’s playing 5d chess with you
>she’s gonna have the last laugh
This isn’t even subtle at that point.

>> No.19411160

>Hololive fans
20-35 year old men who only watch hololive
>vtuber community
Leeches and generally full of people who would trash hololive fans

Not hard to understand

>> No.19411244

Based, funny how he will never reply to you.

>> No.19411543
File: 81 KB, 758x405, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate id branch both Holo/niji
Because they always ruining rrat like this

And it's just half of them

>> No.19411686

anon, /vt/ says that id branch didn't exist

>> No.19414499

Rushia collabed with an Utaite? When?

>> No.19415166


>> No.19415275

Remember the super collab that became such an embarrassing shitshow all the parties involved tried to sweep it under the rug.

>> No.19415575

Cuckbeats are already enough. We don't need more cuck fans.

>> No.19416018

>interact with people outside of hololive
not enough for you? and this is just the jp girls

>> No.19416039

Hololive is unironically the Apple of vtubing. Cover are smart to keep their audience within their walled garden.
They'll throw a bone every now and then, but EN is still their golden goose that they want to protect. And it's why "Holostars EN" is absolutely not happening.

>> No.19416611

If they have to collab with outsiders it should be with non vtubers, They have nothing to gain from others vtubers since they are already at the "top".
Appearing in normies programs like tv shows like the main branch does would be more appropriate or even non drama involved big youtubers like Ludwig or Pewdipie and by non drama I mean that they dont post retarded take on twitter and dont take stab multiple at their industry.
Mori had the right idea she just chose the wrong group to approach but its still served as a good promotion of hololive.


>> No.19416993

ina can barely interact properly on stream with her genmates, imagine with someone like Froot.

>> No.19417293 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19417412
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The irony of this post is that rpr literally cried yesterday because he missed being founder on Towa's twitch.

>> No.19417539

Kek nijinigger still tryna memoryholed it to this day

>> No.19417567

Rpr... dont be too distracted by nijibeggars and neglect your kenzokureps..

>> No.19417593
File: 2.66 MB, 960x540, Kizuna AI The Last Live hello, world 2022 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fa48gox.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't know a gold standard if it hit you with a hammer.

>> No.19417830

even Yogiri's self arranged graduation had better production value than half the shit cover does.

>> No.19417908

And Yogiri 3D live is worth 2 graduation.
That's why she can't have graduation live in her reincarnation.

>> No.19417964

Hololive is the Apple of vtubing, while everyone else is akin to the Android ecosystem.

>> No.19418028

The reason JP does it is because in Japan Hololive doesn't have a dominant enough position relative to Niji to close shop.

>> No.19418579

Sex in your private time isn't a collab.

>> No.19418821

ah ah ah wwww
