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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19275852 No.19275852 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they the only one in Hololive who cried for Rushia?

>> No.19275979

because they are the only ones she got along with?

>> No.19276193

Marine was playing Captain Save-A-Ho with Rushia and Pekora was playing the numbers game. Everyone else was probably relieved they didn't have to try to be friendly with that insane backstabbing cunt anymore.

>> No.19276262

My rrat:
- Pekora is a sheltered girl still living with her mom, and Rushia was acting extremely cute towards her most of the time. She probably feels like she really lost a good -friend- and didn't do enough to help her.
- Marine is probably the most affected from experience. She didn't say it out loud but she definitely had to deal with similar issues with either close friends or family. So seeing Rushia destroying herself despite the fact that she tried to help must be completely depressing.

/vt/ likes to shitpost about it, but seeing mentally people slowly killing themselves is actually not very funny.

>> No.19276334

They both got scared they would yab like Rushia did, so the emotion overcame them at the thought of destroying their careers too. It makes total sense when you think about it.

>> No.19276417

but why did Flare seem so indifferent towards Rushia leaving? At least, Noel showed some sadness

>> No.19276447

They knew each other from niconico

>> No.19276606

>why did Flare seem so indifferent
Bad blood, simple as that. Flare is probably not as evil as what people wants to make her at the moment, but if you don't have a good relationship with someone there's no reason for you to fake sadness when they go away.
I can't say anything about Noel because I don't follow nor care about that bitch. You'll have to find another rratposter for her.

>> No.19276903

Flare is indifferent because she was the one plotting for Rushia's demise. She was the so-called "bully", the one Rushia was talking about all those months ago. She was the one pulling the strings all along. The bitch made sure to pick the right moment to act on her plan, right before Valentine's day, where she would be sure to break as many gachikos hearts as possible.

>> No.19276919

>Openly admits that she hates people being deceitful
>Genmate is exposed for being deceitful

I wonder

>> No.19277013

>She was the so-called "bully"
>The bully that she claims was a senpai/senior
>Her Genmate

>> No.19277430

>her genmate was bullying her
>specifically said the bully was a senpai
If you're gonna peddle rrats and shitpost try not to be a colossal retard while doing it. You don't even get a (You).

>> No.19277693

I'm giving him >>19276903 a (You) just to spite you, retard.

>> No.19277968

Whatever Rushia leaked didn't affect them personally

>> No.19279494

She's mad her Bakatare thing got basically ruined because of Rushia's actions, not to mention her hating liars should extend to backstabbing whores.

>> No.19279618

Ever stopped to consider that they know her better than you do and the lack of emotional response is telling of deeper issues than you seem unable to comprehend?

>> No.19280815

It's a fucking crocodile tears for the views.
Sad that Rushia-Marine is dead.

>> No.19281024

Pekora seriously burned some bridges when she threw everyone in the company under the bus after Christmas eve by saying if she had a boyfriend she'd stream on Christmas eve to hide it. Her collab partners are very regular: rushia, botan, towa. She lost one of the few willing to regularly put up with her shit as opposed to very occasional collabs for appearance sake.

>> No.19281060

They are a good actor

>> No.19287101

>Everyone knows Rushia was fucking Mafu
>Everyone knew Towa was fucking voice-kun
>I know Botan is fucking me
I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like any of them are keeping it a secret.

>> No.19292054

It didn't because Cover threatened with lawsuits and immediately terminated her contract. Has they been indifferent, those skeletons in the closet would be running free ruining Hololive.

>> No.19292251

Muh nihilism. Psshhh here's your (you), kid.

>> No.19292742

Pekora feels like the leader of third gen and so feels responsible for not saving rushia.

Marine is always reaching out to others so she would be sad no matter who it was. I do think some of it is just for the camera though. I don't think she was actually that close to Rushia outside of their personas.

>> No.19292890

Because Marine is a sweetheart and Pekora started crying after she was crying. Hearing senchou cry made me want to throw Rushia off of a tall building.

>> No.19292998

>Hearing senchou cry made me want to throw Rushia off of a tall building.

Senchou would not want that, she would want rushia to be saved

>> No.19293327

Teach me how to kill myself slowly, mentally.

>> No.19293562

I wouldn't deny the possibility of her being legitimately pissed because of Rushia acting deceitful and/or her actions hurting the rest of her genmates. But I could also just as easily see that sort of emotional detachment as her way of coping and I don't think it's entirely fair to just say she doesn't care or that she's angry as if it's fact.

>> No.19293786

Make friends with mentally ill people who do drugs

>> No.19293858

Because they know that Rushia was one crazy bitch.

>> No.19293865

>Hate lying and being lied to so much that she can't play AmongUs
>Now there is this supposed "friend" who went behind everyone's backs and tried to sabotage them
>To make it worse, the whore's incident took spotlight from the concert you and your two super close friends have been preparing for several months
Yeah, I wonder why...
No one is saying Flare is evil, though. It's more like it's the indication how shitty Rushia's decisions were in Flare's perspective.

>> No.19294486

I know, but it hearing it put a scowl on my face. I wouldn't really throw the green woman off of a building.

>> No.19294684

You're already doing it by being here

>> No.19294795

If Rushia ends up happy with her fans after all of this I think it would make senchou a little happier. Don't you agree?

>> No.19295014

Yeah, I can't argue with that. I just don't like that senchou had to be put under emotional duress whatsoever during this situation. She's too good! Rushia barely deserves a friend like her.

>> No.19295045

How exactly am I killing myself here?

>> No.19295195

didn’t marine say she tried to reach out to rushia but the situation got too big for her to handle? obviously crying out of guilt for not being able to do anything and everything turning out the way they did

>> No.19295203
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Fuck Rushia for making Marine cry.
If she's willing to burn down Hololive because she's mad she got fired then those friendships meant nothing to her and it was all for nothing. You wouldn't do that to your friends.
Who gives a shit if she was bullied, she could have gone to anyone but she choose some gossip youtuber with nothing to his name.
