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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, FMGsCAwXMAIUwpB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19254689 No.19254689 [Reply] [Original]

Isla is on break until March 14th edition.

All song covers:

【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス】(Graduated)

【Neena Makurano 】

【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

▼Kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsun/
CyberLive >>>/vt/clg/
Reiny - https://twitter.com/Reiny_ENVT
Yuuka - https://twitter.com/YuukaBear1
Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi

Previous thread: >>19163287

>> No.19254746


>> No.19254869
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>> No.19254986
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, VR CHAT DEBUT! 2-36-3 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stuff your panties into my mouth, Nene

>> No.19255113

Lua puts so much effort into what she does it honestly makes me feel very much in love with her, she clearly tries to invest either from her paycheck or donations back into the streams and that is always a great sign of someone who cares about their craft, one of the best vtubers to watch if you need just a little bit of love.

>> No.19255331

Lua wrote this

>> No.19255368

Woke up and combed the collab. It was a lot easier to not have the wrong neurons activate when I could actually see who's highlighted. The part where they all talk about how they learned japanese starts at 1:31:10. Nene's response can be translated as "It's a secret", and let the other girls talk. She's so smooth, I love her.

>> No.19255393


>> No.19255679

>watching lotte archive
>unfortunately you are onichans and we are not in Alabama either
my sides

>> No.19255795

>lotte archive

>> No.19256047

I'm just trying to attone because I used to schizopost about her for fun.

>> No.19256069

Valley girl Charzu is called Lotte.

>> No.19256170
File: 81 KB, 320x293, 1620537558999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu's very erotic alter ego

>> No.19256580

>schizopost about her
Wtf why? She's the nicest girl in the whole company

>> No.19256769


>> No.19256886

1. Some other anons did it too
2. She didn't have a niche so it was easy to say that she didn't really like what she did
3. Her laugh, I love it but it does come out as fake.
4. I was bored and it made for a quick laugh

>> No.19257572

Sad! Especially since she's here...

>> No.19257705

So since Isla's announcement was a 2 week break, should I be expecting the same from Neena?

>> No.19257786

Yeah, I found out later that some of the girls come here. I don't even dare comment or chat during streams out of sheer embarrassement for what I did. It specially hit me when she admitted to having a crush with a 1D member and that that proved she wasn't a 14yo boy, now I'm not sure if some asshole has ever said that on her streams, but I felt like shit because I did see that rrat /here/ and I hated that maybe she felt slightly insecure about her voice to the point of making such a comment.

>> No.19258277

No i don't think so

>> No.19258338

I wouldn't stress over it too much. I dipped for a bit when I found out they were here out of pure shame. Even yesterday I mixed up Nene's japanese with a prism project girls and jumped a gun. Nene and Reina seem understanding and have continued to be so very kind to me, granted I am still too afraid to say much in a Lua or Charzu stream.

>> No.19258901

>she wasn't a 14yo boy
>I did see that rrat /here/
That would've been hot if true

>> No.19259022

This is why you only schizopost about big name japanese chubbas that will never ever come here

>> No.19259287

Guess they're called schizos for a reason.

>> No.19260833
File: 95 KB, 900x900, Charlotte_Suzu_シャーロット・スズ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu still hasnt had a 1 on 1 collab with any of the gen 2 girls...

>> No.19261164

What was she thinking?

>> No.19261268

Weird thing is she actually has good 1 on 1 collabs even with strangers from other companies.
Charzu please collab

>> No.19262260

Why does she hate them?

>> No.19262408

and now she won't ever collab with her sister.

>> No.19262461

the pool of choices just got smaller

>> No.19262923

Charzu only wants to collab with clean people not unwashed sweaty ones like Neena and Nami!

>> No.19263122


>> No.19263167

I will just have to clean them for her. With my mouth and body.

>> No.19263203

Her collabs with Usagi and Orla were great and she has a great rapport with Reina. I am guessing she comes across as more serious than she really is leading to people thinking she is hard to approach.

>> No.19264232

Lua have do vr?

>> No.19264898


>> No.19265058
File: 1.77 MB, 1800x825, image_2022-02-27_162615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19265360


>> No.19265389

vr stream before?

>> No.19265455

Wow this art is really good.

>> No.19265642

Kino incoming

>> No.19265833
File: 3.76 MB, 1521x2048, image_2022-02-27_164238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join her membership if you want the full size version.

>> No.19265973

Sweaty catbro...

>> No.19267009

I'm watching some of Nene's old vods, she had a weird accent back then.

>> No.19267368

She just flows in and out of different versions of character voices really, although her english accent is some mafia shit.

>> No.19267470

>although her english accent is some mafia shit.
I love it. Reminds me of what Hollywood thinks New Yorkers talk like. It's very cute.

>> No.19267537

She just can't stop faking her voice, really cringe

>> No.19269112

Nami please stop shitposting about your coworkers

>> No.19270901

JewYork accent

>> No.19272284
File: 71 KB, 1200x864, EC7sMheUUAAopMZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like little baby. Watch this.

>> No.19272469

that was almost too powerful to read...

>> No.19272938


>> No.19273163


>> No.19274654
File: 123 KB, 628x684, 1637300385528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Nami's sonic adventure 2 stream and I can't imagine how sweaty she was during final rush.

>> No.19275391

She'd be rich if she started selling it

>> No.19275506

shee's girlfriend is on


>> No.19275757

no one cares, it's not shee..

>> No.19275837

I care, anon.

>> No.19276189

Good, time to get my claws into her.

>> No.19276192


>> No.19276434


>> No.19276639

Nami has made every Namipost in this thread

>> No.19276723
File: 1.77 MB, 1360x1160, 1646017291014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Namiji a lot.

>> No.19276733

So does she know everyone wants to drink her sweat?

>> No.19276827

Herojis have been very vocal about this.

>> No.19276947

Based Heroji

>> No.19277152

I was considering making that my Shark Tank pitch submission for whenever that stream happens, but I'm not sure if somebody else has already got that one covered.

>> No.19277205

Pack it up cunnybros. Charlotte has been groomed successfully to only respond to certain people. I've noticed it in her past streams, but she only chats to the same people over and over. One guy though she responds to all the time after his outburst on twitter. He's asked her to delete attention seeking marshmallows a lot and she's caved so much over the past few months. On her latest tweets she'll make sure to respond to him so he doesn't get upset. But that's made her respond to him all the time and he now gets the attention he wants. Sorry cunnybros but she's been claimed now.

>> No.19277390

This has been known for a while now. You don't need to reiterate it again.

>> No.19277490

I just want new cunnybros to know it's over

>> No.19277738
File: 477 KB, 662x640, 1634049900431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birblings are the best fanbase

>> No.19278030

She even talke dabout it with Lua in the collab

>> No.19278106

So why should I like Nene?

>> No.19278167

Because she's a pure and dedicated tenshi who loves her cloudtomos very much.

>> No.19278204


>> No.19278374

For the low price of $50 a month you can get an audio recording where she tells you you're a good boy, and loop it to prevent you from committing your next yab.

>> No.19278475

How did you know I asked her to call me a good boy???

>> No.19278522

Tomos are a hivemind.

>> No.19278621

Tomos are so basic and easy to read

>> No.19279700

>prevent you from committing your next yab
Doesn't work since everything bad has come from cloudhomos themselves

>> No.19279813
File: 1.92 MB, 632x864, Aruru...[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx1wcii.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19280592

Reina's doing a sleepy voice twitterspace with a bunch of pokemon I didn't know existed if anyone's interested in that.

>> No.19281005

Nami's sweaty pit pussy...

>> No.19283355
File: 106 KB, 401x242, image_2022-02-27_234340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the feeling of Lua taking a fat dump all over your face. The consistency of her fecal matter would be watery and slimy and leaves a stinging sensation due to her diet of fire noodles, citrus, and fast food. You start coughing as the cascade of excrement continues to shoot out of her birby butthole as it covers your eyes nose and mouth. Lua strains and starts spreading her ass cheeks wider while letting out a HHNNNNNNNNNNGHHHH, forcing out the last few drops of that have been collecting in her intestinal tract for the last few days. The overwhelming stench permeates into your soul as you feel yourself being buried in the mountain of defecation that was once inside her. You can't help but get hard as you realize there will be nothing more intimate than being used as Lua's human toilet. Lua sighs as her strains of effort now releasing only slight farts after squeezing out the entirety of her dumper juice. She notices your hard cock and clamps it inbetween her enormous asscheecks, shifting up and down to smear the poop stains onto to and marking your dick as her property. Now with her tummy emptied and her butthole cleaned, she leaves you to fester in the corner of her room with your face and dick covered in her lovely chocolate as she turns on her setup and starts the stream for the day.

>> No.19283791


>> No.19284038
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19284641

Lua's shitposting again...

>> No.19284780

Reina collab is apparently a double date where they ask us questions about themselves and answer in a poll as a collective unit to see how well we know them. At least that's what I got from the twitter space. Nene schizos, pull your weight. Mega stoked for Umineko and the Zatsudan.

>> No.19284938


>> No.19285889

I thought she didn't play games

>> No.19286117

It's always earlier than I want to wake up for me, so what I generally do is wake up for the first hour and a half zatsudan to gush all over her, go back to bed the second she starts gaming, and wake up the second she ends the game to continue gushing all over her. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.19286297

Nene's not very good at them but she definitely plays games.

>> No.19288036


>> No.19290054 [DELETED] 

I hate that I'm such an idiot here from time to time, intentionally choosing the wrong words to give people the wrong impression while making it not at all difficult to figure out what my chat identity is. Obtaining a sense of community in chat while occasionally letting my mental homelessness run loose here. I appreciate nene for loving me regardless, but I'm schizo enough to notice immediately when a single name disappears from chat. There are 2 now. I've been on my best behaviour so I can only assume that they see what I say here, put it together, and think I'm extremely manipulative. I'm just so bent over it because community is something I long for, and have to accept these places are not at all separate entities. Being mentally homeless fucking blows.

>> No.19292231

Why delete?

>> No.19294919

God I wish Sonic Heroes was on Steam so Nami could play it, it's so much more janky and every level would be like final rush. On that note please play Sonic Forces that game is cringekino and just as bad

>> No.19294968


>> No.19295085

Am exposed

>> No.19296510

or she can just play sonic mania... an actual good sonic game

>> No.19297261

Please Nami I need Shadow the hedgehog edgekino. Just name your price.

>> No.19297539

She would have to get the Gamecube/PS2 out so I doubt we'll see that

>> No.19297746


>> No.19300565
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My wives.

>> No.19300597

Elsha looks like Rushia crossed with Elsa.

>> No.19301056

Thats probably where the design idea came from

>> No.19301199


>> No.19302858

Why does charlotte suzu fake her voice

>> No.19303206


>> No.19303282

Charlotte Suzu? More like... Charlotte Poopoo

>> No.19304166

I can’t wait to see Nene play Elden Ring

>> No.19304272

>and the Zatsudan
All her streams are half zatsudan

>> No.19305293
File: 332 KB, 659x392, image_2022-02-28_072327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lua please...

>> No.19305550

she wants people to hate her

>> No.19305599


>> No.19305750

Yeah, mine.

>> No.19306470


>> No.19306801


>> No.19306885

I don’t think Nene can beat Elden Ring

>> No.19306949

Anyone can beat any Souls game, it's just a matter of how long they can go with slamming their head against a brick wall until the wall breaks.

>> No.19307508

What was Lua’s story just now?

>> No.19309198


>> No.19309274

Double date starting!

>> No.19309904

i would drag my balls through ten miles of broken glass just to taste a drop of Nami's sweat

>> No.19310256

Ugh...not even taste various parts of her body directly or something? I commend you for your commitment, lad.

>> No.19310339

link for neena's vr stream where lua showed up pls

>> No.19311946

Lua is basically mini Nene
>like tall guys
>commission spicy art
>pretend to not understand innuendos, while using said innuendos to pander
Main difference is Lua's main voice does not sound like down syndrome with a speech impediment
And has not had bf / roomate yabe

>> No.19312002

Her main voice sounds like Microsoft Samantha or whatever Comdost uses.

>> No.19312078

>And has not had bf / roomate yabe
This is true, because she's married, to (Me).

>> No.19312101

Don't compare Lua to that megawhore

>> No.19312175

Luawife is pure

>> No.19312283

I don't dislike Lua but I don't feel the same big love from her as with Nene.

>> No.19312298

>Lua uses PA system effect
>School shooting announcement

>> No.19312307

Whoa, so Nene's gonna be another Rushia in the future eh

>> No.19312482

Wtf Nene had bf roomate yabe and people didn't leave? KEK

>> No.19312619


>> No.19312677

Nope, roomate had nothing about bf, you can do your own reps and check deleted threads if you want, but it's a literal nothing burger besides finding that she's cute irl too

>> No.19312911
File: 415 KB, 510x477, 78080879889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lua doing a space while lying in bed

>> No.19312959

She's not full GFE

>> No.19312978

Yeah she is wife experience

>> No.19313012


>> No.19313101

Which makes her sound more genuine

>> No.19313213

pure sex (with me)
>while lying in bed
with me
yeah, mine

>> No.19313289

Birblings are deranged

>> No.19313317

I think you meant cuckhomos?

>> No.19313337

How so?

>> No.19313425

>Our first time was in the locker

>> No.19313590

The lua duathlon story gave me a semichub, what is wrong with me?? I don't like that sort of stuff

>> No.19313732

U mad?

>> No.19313741

Lua flashing her power level never fails to surprise me

>> No.19313906

Birblings are pisschads, did you not know this?

>> No.19314065

cloudtomos either coping hard, or have low / non-existent standards

>> No.19314095
File: 207 KB, 298x325, 7897978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think Lua has some deep seated fetishes that'll make even Neena look at her funny

>> No.19314135

We probably need to create a split for Lua and Nene

>> No.19314138

Lua definitely holds back on stream. A lot.
Neena seems the type to just curse on stream, and what you see is what you get

>> No.19314188

>Constantly talks about piss and shit
>The members stream
Oh yeah she does. She's perfect.

>> No.19314214

She obviously does and she herself said it.

>> No.19314469

All I've heard from the members stream was the one dude who asked her to do cuck scripts and her almost being molested on a train but liking the concept of it in fiction.

>> No.19314702

>to do cuck scripts
Why are cucks like this?

>> No.19314855

>open thread
>schizo back from his vacation and talking to himself again
>close thread

>> No.19314991

>Lua wants (You) to submit insults you want her to read out to you

>> No.19315180

does it just transfer to me as a fellow birbling?

>> No.19315221

>Lua has some deep seated fetishes that'll make even Neena look at her funny

>> No.19315396

that was a great double date, Reina is a nice girl, I'm just not a fan of her voice

>> No.19315585


>> No.19315620

I like her voice but there’s something about her model that I can’t put my finger on

>> No.19315666

I like both her voice and model, REINA SEX.

>> No.19315673

It used to be worse until Hana fixed it herself

>> No.19315863

I don't see what you are talking about, have you seen her debut or post debut streams? Now that was bad.

>> No.19315873

Nene spoils cloudtomos too much

>> No.19316296

You can do that nude though. NUDE NAMI IN THE GRASS

>> No.19316696
File: 108 KB, 287x215, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have collabed with her, you dingus!

>> No.19317186
File: 90 KB, 1125x1086, 1644018118467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guerilla ASMR

>> No.19317259

Oh she didn't collab with anyone from GEN2?

>> No.19317314

afaik no.

>> No.19317330

it's punishment

>> No.19317637

>nene and reina asmr at the same time

>> No.19317754


>> No.19318115

Reina just called me cute even though I'd hideous, later virgins.

>> No.19318454

Nene's asmr streams are always the best, no wonder they always get more views than her other streams

>> No.19318821

Need to play boardgames with Nene until she passes out from exhaustion.
I want to settle her catan, monopolise her mayfair, colonel her mustard, conquer her kamchatka and sink her battleship.

>> No.19318847

Do the girls themselves just go around comissioning art of themselves from random artists?

>> No.19318978

Yeah, you make it sound like that is some how weird.

>> No.19318992

Yeah, they get an allowance of $300 from management a month to do so

>> No.19319522

In a mello?

>> No.19320443

Lua's voice sounded very geeky today. Cute!

>> No.19321167

I mean what else do you do when your fans don't give you fanart? You make it yourself!

>> No.19321351

It's actually smarter to commission a variety of artists as opposed to just one or two because then when they each post the finished piece to social media, you're getting free advertising across a larger group. Very business savvy.

>> No.19321379

It could also be that artists feel they don't need to draw it because they are commissioning stuff themselves anyway

>> No.19321424

how fucking rich must the founder be to give each member $300/mo...

>> No.19321603

Nene and Reina talked about that wedding stream, how they didn't expect people to get so upset over it and how bad they felt about it.

>> No.19321891

Sarcasm aside, that $2400 comes directly from PK's 50% cut from all 8 members. The allowance was introduced when Nene started bringing in more than $8k/mo. The whoretomos are spreading the money/love now, so Reina's income is also high. All is good, you can see how happy all members are with the skebs/videos they can afford now.

>> No.19322283
File: 181 KB, 500x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to Nene's guerilla ASMR stream
Every time.

>> No.19322345

someone gave Nene two 400 dollars aka supa just in the past few days, 300 for art is nothing

>> No.19322860

It seems that only a few were actually upset. The top donors all have multiple oshis anyway, and all are sunreis, "married" to Reina.

That's 2x400x0.35 = $280.

>> No.19323902
File: 20 KB, 313x246, nene_income_2022.Feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for the income-report. I'm glad that the data is somewhat transparent. Realistically it's a bit higher than this. There are fees of up to 3% here and there, but my guesstimates are pessimistic.
A month ago her post-cut income was $5200.

>> No.19324071

are the majority of people on her fanbox T3?
I really hope my tenshi can become full time soon like she wants to

>> No.19324204
File: 22 KB, 317x253, nene_income_2022.Feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>19323902 (me)
Sigh, spotted an error.

Yes, at least 30 people on T3 and at least 10 on T1.

>> No.19324579

for me it was being scolded by Nene

>> No.19325621

>30 people on T3
Damn she making bank

>> No.19326863

Yeah she was toying around with the idea of doing a insult mello stream which may be for members only

>> No.19327162

>Yes, at least 30 people on T3 and at least 10 on T1.
No wonder she hates me. It's because I am t1.

>> No.19327281

Speaking of Nene's fanbox, is it allowed to talk about her fanbox stream?

>> No.19327827

Why do you think she hates you?

Probably ok, as long as it's not unveiling the planned things. You guys were more than happy to invite people to the vrchat participation when she explicitly asked for the smallest possible audience. We barely fit in the worlds when we got the extra 3 people from here. 2 more, and we'd have had to call off the club iirc.

>> No.19327848

Yeah I caught up and heard. I'm sending one soon lol

>> No.19328150

I'd say to be careful since the schizos are also in the fanbox you might get put in the schizolist.

>> No.19328222

with a woman like nene, her love can only be bought

>> No.19328331

I just wanted to say that was the first time in my life I got headpats and that made me really happy.

>> No.19328928

Based, enjoy your happiness.

>> No.19329317

I'm glad for you, anon. It was a nice gesture. Everything else was very similar to large parties that I've been to/organized. Without VR gear it felt stifling, though. I recommend gearing-up next time. Plus, I hear that you can go to such parties quite often in VRC.

>> No.19329365

does Lua know how much I love her?

>> No.19329875

I wrote this. And yeah she said she loved me back after I came inside her last night.

>> No.19330031

Yes, so does Nami except it's a mix between love and lust

>> No.19331734


>> No.19331927

Lately I've been looking at javs with small chested girls while having Lua's stream on at the same time. Been fapping thinking that it's Lua getting fucked and getting the biggest cums in recent memory.

>> No.19332067

Small chested and clearly defined tummy are the best javs
t. birbling

>> No.19333192

Are you the one who sent the cuckmello too?

>> No.19333334

No, the only maro I've ever sent was one asking her what color she paints her toenails which I'm sure she never read on stream. Been trying to slowly piece together an image of her so I can get the most out of my fapping imagery.

>> No.19333400

Why did Nene's streams today have black bars on the sides? Did she screw up some setting? Or is it my PC?

>> No.19333624

Fucking footfags kek

>> No.19333691

i did.

>> No.19333725

Good catch. Tell her about it.
During the Vinland Saga watchalong, her Streamlabs app died and refused to reinstall. So, she switched to OBS, which she found was amazing in every aspect. 1% cpu usage instead of 40%, everything moving smoothly including her model, 10mbit/s instead of 6. Full info is in the beginning of this:
She just didn't adjust the background properly.

>> No.19334100
File: 315 KB, 2326x1622, Screenshot 2022-03-01 at 01.15.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic if anyone is too lazy to open the stream to see what the dude saw

>> No.19334241

I swear if one of you makes Lua read some cuckshit I will find you

>> No.19334267

nice face

>> No.19334306

Thanks took the first derp face I saw

>> No.19334407

>tfw Nenes original outfit is much hotter but she wants to be slut nun

>> No.19334533

maybe the rigging is better in the new one

>> No.19334727

She doesn't like cuckshit she won't read them

>> No.19334949

It's not hotter. But I love nuns so I'm biased. also the rigging

>> No.19334967

I should learn to draw so I can draw Lua being kidnapped by me and forced to live with me, chain collar and breeding and so on

>> No.19335320

>doesn't like cuckshit
>dark lua

>> No.19335426

Its okay if it is a woman gettting cucked and a woman doing the cucking, Lua is based

>> No.19336758

Lua clicking her tongue is so hot.

>> No.19336851

do you know da wae?

>> No.19337143

Apparently there's a clause in the Kawaii contract requesting that the girls don't swear much. Ichor probably never saw it.

>> No.19337207

Neens too

>> No.19337279

Neena doesn't seem to care

>> No.19337356

multiple of the girls swear plenty. management obviously doesn't care

>> No.19337421


>> No.19338062

she also said that things have obviously changed in management

>> No.19339195

Nene only swears in covers.

>> No.19339299
File: 395 KB, 334x512, Lua suck[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Faosrgt.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19339600
File: 128 KB, 1340x1172, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19339634

Even out of covers she swears more than Reina or Charzu.

>> No.19339687


>> No.19339794

Does she? She felt really sorry for letting out a "fuck" during the Vindland Saga watchalong

>> No.19339840

Too busy to graduate...

>> No.19339857


>> No.19339867

I want to believe she actually took that position she was offered in japan...

>> No.19339952

What the fuck keeps her so busy she can't stream for an hour or two?

>> No.19339958

>You will never send Nene ASMR audio of your dick nutting

>> No.19340226

I have heard Nene swear a couple of times and I don't watch a ton of her streams. I have only heard Charzu swear once and I watch nearly all her streams.

>> No.19340329

Awuwu...she doesn't even have time to say goodbye...

>> No.19340337

Busy with apprenticing or my cock at all hours of the day.

>> No.19340691

Yes, but good luck getting any piss, I'm drinking it all

>> No.19340899

Goddammit Kawaii, it's your shitty management practices that drove her to do this. You just needed to let the talent breathe and do their thing, since this clearly isn't a full time position and there should be no expectations to chase the analytics. First Hana and now Aruru...

>> No.19341015

there is no shitty management practices and the girls have talked about how they do what they want a thousand times. they've also talked about management caring about them being happy above all. so if aruru isn't showing up then it's only her to blame

>> No.19341154

That's strange...

>> No.19341259

What if Shee becomes the biggest in the company by cultivating an audience of 12 year olds who love creepypastas and roblox?

>> No.19341355

That can actually happen, but Nene would still be the biggest earner

>> No.19341444

Then why did she and Hana graduate within a short time of each other? Are they irresponsible, bad people that just couldn't handle being a 2view? I'll laugh at your face, internchama.

There's clearly pressure to grow and succeed, but more important, being forced to devote serious time to streaming. Being forced to do what the analytics says to do, more GFE, more skebs, more whatever bullshit the girls have to put up with. Them putting a brave face doesn't change anything.

>> No.19341490

fuck off back to /ppg/ where you can pretend prism isn't a black company

>> No.19341541

we need to teach Shee how to make clickbait titles
>I Played Roblox at 3am While Reading Jeff the Killer Creepypasta [warning: cops called, not clickbait, almost died]

>> No.19341617

>oh no i can't defend the company that pays me pennies so i'm gonna pretend they're from a rival company
Pathetic look. Hana and Aruru's graduations were the sole responsibility of Kawaii.

>> No.19341650

oh the schizo's back and they're slowly learning the girls's names

>> No.19342241

She did trigger them by saying she was going to be the legs and feet of Kawaii.
She did mention she has bangs if that helps. Do you happen to be a member?

>> No.19342345

This is why old hags will always succeed. I fuckin love hags so much.

>> No.19342813

you dont know anything so stfu

>> No.19343015


>> No.19343412



>> No.19344142

Never seen someone cope this hard about a black company.

>> No.19344356

That’s pretty normal here anytime something happens with Kawaii they immediately bitch about Prism.

>> No.19344537

>fuck off back to /ppg/ where you can pretend prism isn't a black company
I don't think anyone who visits /ppg/ defends Prism regarding them being a black company... And that anon has a point, if Aruru felt pressured to release shorts even if it was just a recommendation and not enforced by management in her already limited time that could have contributed to her reason for leaving. However as someone who watched her while she was active I disagree with bringing up Hana as I don't think the situations are comparable.

>> No.19344798

If you apply to a job and they ask you if you can work 3/4 times a week and you say yes. Whose fault is it when they ask you to work 3/4 times a week?

>> No.19345118

Its always a good day when someone knows commy, the little minx

>> No.19345712

>if Aruru felt pressured to release shorts
I'm not up to date on Aruru but is that conjecture or something she (or someone else) actually said, that they were/felt pressured to release shorts?

>> No.19345920

All I remember is that it was recommended they do that, but due to language barrier the suggestion may have come off firmer than intended

>> No.19346059

Conjecture. I'm not here to spread rrats it just sounds plausible to me that it could have been a factor. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe management recommended they do them.

>> No.19346140

nothing could've saved Awuwu

>> No.19346332

Schizos GET OUT

>> No.19346346

I could've...

>> No.19346680

They literally let Aruru and now Isla take weeks off, if that isn't letting the talents breath I don't know what is.

>> No.19346957

There isn't a single poster in that general other than maybe the talents that likes the company itself anon

>> No.19347132

Who sent that? Lol

>> No.19347344

Why does charlotte suzu fake her voice?

>> No.19347628


>> No.19347657

she fakes it for sex ?

>> No.19347792

Why does nene amano fake her voice?

>> No.19347847

does she ? I guess its not as obvious cause she isnt doing a pedo voice

>> No.19347913

>and there is no confirmation there might be a graduation at all
Charzu you were not supposed to say that...

>> No.19347917

also sex

>> No.19348004

because when she slips into her real voice and calls me a good boy it makes my heart go doki doki

>> No.19349608

uhh what does that mean?

>> No.19349663

Naked apron might have been aruru's last hallelujah...

>> No.19350151

seems she just wasn't as invested in kawaii as the others girls? She just went MIA 3 weeks ago, and wouldn't be surprised if she just ditched kawaii altogether and they can't get hold of her?

>> No.19350600

Is Aruru dead? She can't put out a single tweet?

>> No.19351182

Man Charzu really likes Usagi

>> No.19351454

It likely means that Aruru won't ever stream again. So there won't be a graduation (stream)

>> No.19351745

Couldve had her shit stolen or pawned by family and didnt have the patience or money to recoup for a single stream

>> No.19351856

That sounds scary. Is she from a rough and tumble neighborhood?

>> No.19352115

Dunno, just thinking its one of the likelier scenarios that would play out that isnt dark as shit.

>> No.19352447

Lol no, she has been seen playing apex.

>> No.19352501

Aruru mentally checked out, and just doesn't care about kawaii anymore
>Didn't bother to learn twitter, one of only two ways to communicate with fans
>Missed a collab
>Missed her own stream
>Didn't inform management. Fans asked Shee, who asked management, who contacted Aruru, to find out if she was even alive. Somehow she was able to answer management's call, but didn't bother to call-in sick or whatever, ahead of time.

>> No.19352570

Reina is trying to seduce me away from my wife Lua.

>> No.19352789

Imagine fucking Lua and spurting a little bit inside her and then taking your dick out and finishing the rest in Reina

>> No.19352804

anyone else find Reina's naked model.. flat? like no shading or anything? why does she do this so much now? I miss her outfit.

>> No.19353024

I dont think she ever cared? She just wasn't as engaging as everyone else. Hardly thanked ppl for their fanarts, ignored chat half the time. seemed like she just wanted to see if she could get somewhere fast? and since nope she dipped?

>> No.19353160

Usage might have been the first person to show Charzu respect.

>> No.19353243

>Lua can't purr
>Reina can
Bye Lua...

>> No.19353481

It's cute how focused Charzu is while drawing!

>> No.19353610


>> No.19354113

She's still streaming

>> No.19354181

oh, so this stream was the first time she did it?

>> No.19355196

>fucking Lua and spurting a little bit inside her
>getting grabbed by the balls by reina, forcing you to cum inside her.
more like this.

>> No.19355253

Passionate sex with Dark Lua while cuckqueen Lua watches!

>> No.19357322
File: 649 KB, 730x630, 68786868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lua will do maros later this week, be sure to send her more, since she loves them. LUA LOVE!

>> No.19358022

Nice I have to send her one before then

>> No.19358298

Gonna ask if we can put our butts together and she can poop into my butthole and I'll poop it back into her butthole and we'll keep doing it with the same poop, just pooping back and forth forever! LUA LOVE!

>> No.19358700

It kinda does seem that way...maybe she just wanted some extra cash and figured this was better than picking up a second job that may interfere with the apprenticeship.
Have run into people like that before who have a second job that eventually starts bleeding into the first one so they have to make a decision on which they want to keep.
Nothing you can do I guess. Still wonder just who 'the witch' was to her, all we had to go on was a husband/wife situation with Aru as the husband and witch the wife which kind of makes it sound like Aru was the main breadwinner.

>> No.19361074

Dark Lua wrote this
