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19190955 No.19190955 [Reply] [Original]

Cover is the reason Rushia left

They claim she was spreading misinformation that made them look bad. If that were the case, what WAS the misinformation?, they should be saying what was wrong to make it correct, right? But no.

She had a problem with them. They censored her opinion. Cowards

Instead of fixing whatever problem there was between the company and her, they just throw her out when she’s already in the absolute worst mental state. That’s disgusting

They could have easily fined her, had her on a suspension, even up to a year. But no. They went right to the worst thing

>> No.19191157

They did the most extreme thing instead of helping someone who was hurting

>> No.19191213

Pretending to ironically be a fancuck is pretty boring bait.

>> No.19191335
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>> No.19191487
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>> No.19191573

I thought this was my tweet for a second

>> No.19191671
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Guys, I found Rushia's new channel!


>> No.19191819
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Rushia is the one that leaked Coco's graduation to Narukami, and additionally told him that Coco was getting bullied by racists at Cover. Can't blame them for unpersoning her.

>> No.19191845

What a retarded piece of shit

>> No.19191851

Proof or rrrat.

>> No.19191888

Did you guys ever get any secret private messages from Rushia or did you not send her enough money?

>> No.19191951

Fucking kek

>> No.19192183
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Rushia was a frequent visitor of the Holohouse, and expressed a lot of gratitude to KanaCoco's hospitality. They were good friends, and Kanata's shock is proof of that.

Coco talked about venting to Holomem, and one of those people is undoubtedly Rushia. Being retarded, Rushia probably took the hysterical rants of her fellow woman as truth, and was outraged at Cover for their treatment of Coco.

In a last ditch attempt to save her good friend, she contacts Narukami to expose Cover, much like she tried to do with her own issues this time.

That explains why she is so trusting of Narukami and Korekore, she was "helped" by them in the past, and she thought they would have her back again.

>> No.19192216

Asked for proof, not your rrat conspiracy theory.

>> No.19192280

Nta, but go to the archives retard

>> No.19192314

The dismissal of everything you don't understand as "conspiracy theory" is one of the worst things brought upon the human race. I would suggest you decolonize you mind from Zionist influences.

>> No.19192387

>literally guessing it's Rushia without evidence
>making up shit even korekore didn't mention anywhere
Fucking rrat.

>> No.19192492

Why would Narukami admit it? He is going to discredit half his ratts if he admits that his source is Rushia. He exposed only what he needs to this time. Stop being a clipwatcher and do your reps.

>> No.19192622

>admits he doesn't have proof and nothing linked to Rushia
Good rrat.

>> No.19192751

Do you also call the earth being round a ratt because no one is willing to fly you up to the moon to see the curvature yourself? Try a little harder you imbecile.

>> No.19193718

>they should be helping her spread rrats
Are you retarded?

>> No.19193835

If true that explains every contact Narukami has in hololive. Also every contact Korekore has. Rushia may have been the sole hole in the ship.

>> No.19194678

Exactly. It explains why Cover wasn't willing to sweep this, what is honestly not a big, under the rug.

>> No.19198702

Will Rushia become the new queen of bilibili if she actually inflicts damage on cover?
Or was her palling around with Coco too much for them?

>> No.19201088

Korekore is basically japanese Sargon.

>> No.19201172

You break NDA, you get fired. She's lucky that she isn't being sued (that we know of, anyway)

>> No.19201380

Hope you're archiving all the times she(rushia) was gushing over her(coco)

>> No.19201382

>Source: My SEA asshole.

>> No.19201504

1 v 30, anon, 1 v 30.

I'll side with the 30 talents that are so done with Rushia.

If you choose to hate Fubuki, Mio, Botan, Flare, Polka, Matsuri, Aqua and the rest of them then feel free to follow your menhera skank and fuck off outta here.

>> No.19201907

Be careful yagoo might shit while you give him that rim job

>> No.19202022

Tell me what second hand yakuza cum tastes like while Rushia lets you have sloppy seconds.

>> No.19202076
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>> No.19202661

Mori said Rushia wasn't blacklisted and is showing Rushia love. That proves to me the deadman switch rrat is lie korekore made up. Korekore was bragging about getting Rushia fired and then started lying through his teeth, presumably with edited screenshots.

>> No.19202917

So the nips just are bitches and just choose not to talk about her then?

>> No.19203130

Third Gen had to beg management just to be allowed to do the little five minute statement they made.

>> No.19203267

Cover is folding to the backlash.

>> No.19203845 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19204092

>Japanese won't tell you things in your face
Holy shit, there are people who still believes Japan society is like in the animes?

>> No.19206875

I was already hating them.

>> No.19206970

Mori is a westerner who tramples over their rules.

>> No.19208416
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>> No.19210677

Mori has one foot out the door, is comically tone deaf and disinterested to the point of ignorance to her employer's office atmosphere. If you're using her as a metric to gauge what the mood behind the scenes is then I've already wasted too much time in this one post arguing with you.

>> No.19210830
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So in summary:
>Rushia fucked up and exposed a message from mafumafu by not hiding discord overlay properly, which combined with prior evidence indicates they were at least cohabitating if not dating
>Goes on multi week break to dodge shotstorm while Cover intervenes to try look into situation
>She blabs to drama youtuber about shit to try clear her name
>Drama youtuber shares way more of their messages than she'd asked him to and gets her in even bigger shit
>She posts multiple tweets and audio showing she's extremely upset, some think she was baiting possible suicide
>She indicates she is now looking for a new place to live, which means mafumafu is keeping their home (regardless of if they were dating)
>Cover fires her after uncovering not only the drama monger leak but also other, much more severe shit to do with nda breaking that happened a while ago
>Top paypigs indicate during this time that she was sending private DM vids to them and post proof, which is apparently a no-no for hololive
>Her friends and co-workers all take this in stride in-character and mostly treat her firing as necessary
>She posts more menhera shit about being miserable on other social media
>Another drama monger says Rushia was telling people in late 2021 she was getting bullied by a senpai and thinking of leaving due to uncertainty over her position, and the dramamonger she went to over mafumafu reveals she said this shit to lots of ecelebs plus possibly more but nobody ran with it because she had 0 evidence of it
>Now mafumafu all but confirms they were dating in a public statement by admitting they broke up in veiled language so that his unicorns can both know he's single and continue to cope and pretend he was never dating her
>Rushia has also indicated in since deleted tweets she is lolking to hire a lawyer, whoch means either her menhera status is going to make her try sue Cover or they are suing her

This dumb broad fucking ruined everything for herself

>> No.19211213


>> No.19211390

She was passing along shit to assholes like KoreKore and Narukami for a long time and when found out decided to go scorched earth and throw not just Cover but all of her coworkers under the bus and is now using MY MENTAL HEALTH as a deflection tool like any good menhera. I think she's proven herself to be a pretty shitty and awful person in all of this and I'm glad she's gone.

She can have fun working as a hostess or in a soapland or whatever yakuza run pseudo-brothel as that's all she'll be able to find employment in.

>> No.19211873

So many words but none of them are worth reading

>> No.19212064

Fancucks are in next level cope mode

>> No.19212141

don't care, sluts should be executed on site

>> No.19212539

For me it's finally starting to sink in

>> No.19213337

Fewer words but still buzzwords with no substance. If I stick a penny up your ass will you regurgitate another line like a good robot?

>> No.19213458


>> No.19213618


>> No.19213673


>> No.19213951


>> No.19214515
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>risks her position at biggest vtuber company so she can prove that she isn't whore milking her audience
If that isn't based then I don't know what is

>> No.19214826

Shame her boyfriend broke up with her to save his career.

>> No.19214848

Thank you cover, very cool. Gfe fags deserve suicidal thoughts

>> No.19215157

it costed everything thou but she wasn't even liked there and she didn't like the people there so I guess it was for the best she left anyway

>> No.19216396

she needs to go to a therapist I cant believe this wasn't a character but how she actually is
I dont think I've ever seen someone this obsessed" with their fanbase to the point of self destruction like that

>> No.19216570

Fuck off she's my actual girlfriend

>> No.19216724

you are actively participating in damaging her mental health

>> No.19217001

You don't care about her mental health. You just want to alienate her fans so you never have to hear about her again. It won't work.

>> No.19217681

Good recap, thanks anon. Kinda sad, but she fucked it up.
