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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.42 MB, 1804x2446, 0137c5988fbebcf265eb02636783ec6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19163287 No.19163287 [Reply] [Original]

All song covers:

【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス】(Graduated)

【Neena Makurano 】

【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

▼Kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsun/
CyberLive >>>/vt/clg/
Reiny - https://twitter.com/Reiny_ENVT
Yuuka - https://twitter.com/YuukaBear1
Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi

Previous thread: >>19041654

>> No.19164337


>> No.19164534

Neena will never sit on my face since she has a comfy herman miller chair, fuck this cruel world

>> No.19164714

>nene fanbox stream in an hour
Im too sad after that kizuna concert to watch….

>> No.19165074

>>nene fanbox stream in an hour
I don't know if I should join the fanbox now just for the stream or if I should wait until march.

>> No.19165121

Its a vrchat stream. If you join now and want you can join vrchat and talk to her

>> No.19165149

>getting double charged for a VR chat stream

>> No.19165236

Nerd you fucking idiot

>> No.19165466

You twat. Read the fanbox message again.

>> No.19165482

What happened?

>> No.19165551

Is it just gonna be like her VRchat sctream but with less people?

>> No.19165604


>> No.19165680

Im at work I cant. I am only repeating what she said about it I last heard

>> No.19165761

JP translator anon, it's your time to shine during the collab with Prism. You offered your service the other day.

>> No.19165834

I forgot Nene was making a collab with Yura tomorrow, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.19165925
File: 66 KB, 828x221, B96BDF97-8414-441B-A0D6-ABE81DB60A3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to remember my pass and it says what I said right here….

>> No.19166324

I don't know if I would be able to even say hi.

>> No.19166601

She took the teasing the wrong way and it sounded bad, she got mad. I tried to say it wasn't bad and I wasn't upset, and I didn't actually mind it but she still took it the wrong way because I'm apparently a retard with words. It's obvious that she took it wrong because of the strike earlier.
I've been considering nuking everything for a week now after the cringe and now I just pulled the plug. I'm fucking done. I'm shutting the fuck up. Fuck everything.

My obsession with Shee has been unhealthy for me and my life anyways. Right now I'm more stressed than I've been in years over other things and this fucking hurt. I already had this weird fucking anxiety in my chest whenever I tuned in. I know there's no return to status quo, probably floating on false hope for a week. Her responses and attitude had also already changed which I probably noticed more than anyone. I was way more invested than anyone should be, it's just pure retardation on my part. She's just fucking tired of me, surfing on tolerance and there's no way around it.

I won't be quite gone entirely. I'll make another account to purely drop art on later, people will obviously know its me based on style and the pieces I want to finish but I'll just not use it for interactions. Thus the "shutting the fuck up".

I'm tired and I need to get on with my life. Smarter man would have done it earlier.

>> No.19166914

Read the rest of the message, and don't post it...

>> No.19167014


>> No.19167044

Nerd... i thought you were the chosen groomer.

>> No.19167061

What the actual fuck happened?

>> No.19167068

...can't you just apologize to her like a relatively functioning person?

>> No.19167142

Yeah Im sure that one extra person will surely cause chaos and disorder in here stream anon -_-

>> No.19167209

No way. You've actually given up? All you had to do was not be a complete tard and just pull back a little. Well, it'll be interesting to see how Shee reacts when she fully comprehends that you're gone.

>> No.19167263
File: 2.96 MB, 640x484, SmartSelect_20220225-172107_YouTube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Amiya.

>> No.19167313

Please don't nuke things, you'll regret this outburst forever, even if just a bit. You can take a break from posting and drawing for her, for a week or so. Then come back with a cool and clear head. You can stop trying too hard, it's ok to just enjoy the streams, and not force yourself to watch all of them.

>> No.19167316

Time to swoop in and groom Shee now that she will be extra attentive and afraid of being abandoned

>> No.19167349

This is why if I ever make art for my oshi, I'd just post and not actually try to be pals with them lmao. You probably could have been fine, were it not for you spaghetti-ing everything with your attempts at teasing and being a charismatic snarky sitcom character. That shit barely works in real life, and you're doing it on the internet with someone who is only vaguely familiar with you and isn't aware of your actual intentions. It was bound to happen.

>> No.19167370

>Oh, I fucked up? Time for the NUCLEAR OPTION
Why are you like this? Literally just calm down and realize you're making a poor decision in the heat of the moment.

>> No.19167382

Oh no no no no no
Nerdbros, did we get too cocky?

>> No.19167454

If you care about her fucking apologize instead of nuking everything. It's not that big of a deal Nerd, but doing that will make it one and she'll be genuinely hurt instead of a bit annoyed.

>> No.19167460

I'm selling all my NerdCoin.

>> No.19167480

I just bought the tier 3 fanbox even though I'll have to pay again on the 1st, I can't believe I'm actually spending all my dead father's inheritance money on Nene, at least it's a lot.

>> No.19167594

I honestly hope you can return in a better mental state. Best of luck.

>> No.19167602

The world is heading into recession and rather than secure you and your family's future using your father's life savings to invest in secure assets, you're giving it to some FUCKING ANIME GIRL.
Holy shit, I hope I never end up as such a sack of sad shit like you. I can't believe you are spitting on your father's memory like this.
Fucking hopeless.

>> No.19167625

/pkg/ in flames. Today has been quite hectic.

>> No.19167628

I asked him if it was okay and he didn't say anything.

>> No.19167731

Not really. All that happened is that Nerd spilled his spaghetti and tanked all that time he spent grooming/being groomed. Other than that, it's business as usual.

>> No.19167750

Please walk away from the internet for a week and re-evaluate your financial decisions. You might think it's "just a little money here or there", "I've got plenty", "He wouldn't mind". The money will go faster than you realise, and you'll come to the end, look back, and see nothing but regrets.
Honour your father's memory, and what he built for you. Don't waste it on frivolous entertainment.

>> No.19167758

Out of disappointment, likely...

>> No.19167760

>muh footure
I hope a Russian cruise missile strikes your home directly but you survive just long to regret not living in the present.

>> No.19167790


>> No.19167894

Fuck no, people just liked shitposting about it.
I did. Probably around 5 times and said "hey I'm not upset or mad", I told her it's fine, but she just told me essentially told me to shut up and fuck off.
I don't know man. I'm just extremely stressed out irl too so its the worst possible timing I guess. Maybe she'll be sad, probably just relieved.
I deactivated my twitter for now and can get it back. I still have all of the art saved so its not nuclear, nuclear.
My intentions were pure and I wasn't trying to be anything, just having fun anon. If you don't like my personality or humour that's fine. But you're right, I should shut up more.
Because I'm a retard. I need to fucking force myself into a break at least.
Good choice
I did apologise and I'm just so fucking tired man
Me too anon.

>> No.19168040

Honestly that's a part I'm fine with. I enjoyed the time, I don't think it's wasted in any regard. But I do have a "what the fuck now" feel.

>> No.19168134

Hone your craft in private. You should also work on realizing text is a flawed communication medium with no way to read tone and stop trying to “tease” when you’re 0 for 2 on that.

>> No.19168150

Well, when you "... have this weird pain in my chest whenever I tune in," I'd take that as a sign to legit take a break, focus on the IRL shit, and come back with a clear fucking head.

>> No.19168174

Neena is malding

>> No.19168318

>backseater got called dumb cunt
God I wish it was me

>> No.19168366

It was pretty funny when she was coping and thought it was a bug when the 2 bosses attacked at the same time.

>> No.19168403

>If you don't like my personality or humor, that's fine. But you're right, I should shut up more.
Nah, that's not it at all, and I have no issues with you. I'm saying that you should be more aware of what you're saying and how it could potentially be perceived or misinterpreted, especially online, so that you don't blow yourself the fuck out like that lmao. Not saying that you need to walk on eggshells eternally or anything, just be more mindful. If you're doing something like unfollowing your oshi as a joke, because you think being a quirky tsun is an endearing quality in that situation, much like weebs who see characters in anime who are well liked, and mimick their whole personality, thinking it will transfer over to real life popularity and success, maybe reconsider lol.

>> No.19168590

She gets so mad at that shit.

>> No.19168794

She said she absolutely hates being told what to do, so not surprised.

>> No.19168886

Me telling Neena NOT to call me a fucking idiot retard.

>> No.19168922

I get that, but she's still overreacting imo

>> No.19168926

Convict blood.

>> No.19169011


>> No.19169016

No, the first one was just me being a cringy retard, not banter or "tease".
This one was a rough and taken wrong and harsher instead of waved off, because I was a cringy retard earlier.
Exactly, used to be the highlight, what I was excited for during the day. Now I kind of dreaded it, even if it vanished after the first 10 minutes. I obviously need distance and a break.
Literally none of that and the unfollowing thing was followed with "coward" and "cancelled" from her which are running jokes. She wasn't actually upset about that part at all and knew it was a joke. It's the latter part where everything went to shit again.

>> No.19169017

kawaii members reading these threads:

Shee: why is Nerd like this?

Neena: Fucking wankers, suck my fucking dick, what's wrong with being the veibae of kawaii

Nene: laughing all the way to the bank, at tomos tripping over each other to see who can donate the most, entertain her the most, and whos the tallest (its the internet, height doesn't matter, and she's not going to meet a guy who spends his time and money on vtubers when he has tons of guys giving her attention when she walks down the street).

Lua: laughs in her musical voice, maybe gets ideas for her next roleplay scenario

Charzu: ugh...men...disgusting

Isla: too busy playing apex

>> No.19169057

>its the internet, height doesn't matter
Exposed yourself, manlet.

>> No.19169156

>height doesn't matter,
Feels good being 185 cm chad

>> No.19169184

I don't read posts from people who order off the kid's menu

>> No.19169260

>Shee: why is Nerd like this?
Overthinking myself into oblivion. That's what.

>> No.19169266

She's Strayan.

>> No.19169466


>> No.19169669

>too embarrassed to say a word to Nene
it's fine when it's text but actually talking to her is too much

>> No.19169688
File: 253 KB, 2634x1628, 1645884560779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always gets left out, not to the extent of Reina, but maybe she's glad we don't say much about her other than, "Uwaaaaa, Nami sex!!", and scheming of ways to get her to sell us her sweat.

>> No.19169752

>didnt say retard
what a pussy
neena hate

>> No.19169751


>> No.19170355

You guys think I would get banned if I superchatted saying magic is easy mode and doesn't count?

>> No.19170469

Imagine being unable to cum and Neena starts malding about it
Cant superchat on elden ring streams

>> No.19170533

I could use my member message.

>> No.19170542

I am taking a brief break from gaming to once again inform you that Nene is a whore

>> No.19170551

I hope Charzu reads these threads and knows I love her and will get the million she needs!

>> No.19170559

Yes she is my whore

>> No.19170561

I know at least one of you is in Nene's VRchat room

>> No.19170584

What game?

>> No.19170641

As long as you acknowledge it, I am returning to gaming now, have a fine day

>> No.19170680

How do you know I'm not undercover?

>> No.19170721

neena sounds like a typical twitch whore and looks like mori, what's not to hate about her

>> No.19171385

Should've just listened to Lost Kitten.

>> No.19171641

She's based and takes no shit from anyone. Management has probably given her a warning or two at some point and she told them "fuck off, dumb cunts".

>> No.19171646

all cloudtomos sound the same, what the fuck

>> No.19172093
File: 2.84 MB, 1200x1600, Namiji by 1a1aCthulhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nami is continuing more Chao Garden 2: Battle

>> No.19172160

Jesus Christ Nerd. What's the point of having your edgy online facade if you just gonna have a breakdown on twitter//vt/ as bad as alcoholic cloudtomo anon. Well, you can join him in the Gosling rehab. See ya

>> No.19172476

She has a herman miller chair which makes her by definition based
If your oshi sits in a gaymer chair she is cringe ngl

>> No.19172767

How was Lua's stream yesterday?

>> No.19172923

Do spill the tea.
How do they sound like?

>> No.19173259

I have no idea anon.

>> No.19173310

Yeah it was way too soon after last time to be pulling that shit. Should've waited a couple weeks at least. Still it could've gone the way you probably intended if you had changed the topic or otherwise cut it short at the right time, but you overcommitted to the point there wasn't really anywhere left to go but cringe. Lesson learned I guess?

Didn't he start drinking again?

>> No.19173778

I think I know why. You wanted to express these sappy feelings for her about the situation but you are self aware to know they are cringe. Therefore, in your mental turbulence logic, you post this shit here on /vt/ while knowing very well that couple of the girls are /here/. You secretly wanted these stuffs to somehow get to shee and things just quietly and magically worked out for you. That won't happen because it would be same amount of cringe whether your message goes through here or goes through her directly. Taking a bit time off is a probably a good idea for you.
Well good luck for you.

>> No.19174424

Maybe, poor judgment all around on my part. Time machine would be lovely.
It's definitely overinvestment on my part. I did mention a smarter man would have quit way earlier. I don't even know anymore. The only thing that's obvious is I need to break this shit off.

>> No.19174505 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 334x512, Lua suck[sound=pomf2.lain.la%2Ff%2Fxmczn5je.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19174569
File: 1.92 MB, 632x864, Aruru...[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx1wcii.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19174645

Take a good rest Nerd. Leaving all the gosling and grooming jokes aside, feeling pressured and with anxiety over watching some anime girl streaming is unhealty as fuck. If after that break you still want to watch her i would recommend stepping back tacking your pills and just enjoy being another pfp in the chat.

>> No.19174808

What the fuck happened on Shee's stream?

>> No.19175015

I jizzed in her whilst nerd watched. She made him lick up my jizz

>> No.19175283

Which girls do you think have a complete 180 in their personality once the stream turns off? I guarantee Nene does at least. Saviorfags always have a second agenda

>> No.19175342

It feels wrong and gives me some anxiety either way right now and I can recognise that's unhealthy as as fuck. I hope it will be clear enough soon for me and I can just forget any of this ever even happened.
I'll miss the feels Shee gives me but clearly they were fucking me over hard in every way possible.

>> No.19175446

Not much, just another miscommunication and it hit too hard.

>> No.19175875

She knows we LUST over her and we find her to be entertaining, that's enough

>> No.19175926

Lua, not in a bad way but we knows she doesn't say as much degenerate shit as she does off stream

>> No.19176086

Nene is literally an actress, so obviously yes.

At least 1 genmate and 1 kohai has has described Charzu as reliable, helping them prepare / set things up. So I think she plays up her malding a bit on stream, and is mostly level-headed off stream (she probably still hates men though)

>> No.19176308

>overcommitted to the point there wasn't really anywhere left to go but cringe
Also thats not quite it. The jokes were fine but after she asked if I was serious and I said not really, but confused about some things she twisted it to me being upset and mad. Even after I apologised for the miscommunication and insisted otherwise saying its fine. There's not much to do there really when her mind was clearly set. It's really just a straw breaking the camels back I guess.

I'm tired of it all, if she expresses otherwise towards me somehow I'll probably come crawling back like a retard but I doubt it and that's probably for the best.

>> No.19176558

>I'm tired and I need to get on with my life. Smarter man would have done it earlier.
I dropped vtubers weeks ago but i cant leave this site. Even though I was a prismcuck, I secretly concernedfagged over you not sleeping and wondered when shit would hit the fan with you. Take a break friend and if you want, take the normie pill. I did and I feel a lot better hanging with friends and dating women. You don't have to do that exactly but I think you should involve yourself in more normie activities.

>> No.19176573

Can Nene's personalized voice message be anything as long as it's SFW? Even if it's really fucking cringe?

>> No.19176863

>assuming that all the other voice request are not cringe.
Come on cucktomo.

>> No.19177105

Neena wants paypigs get bragging rights in the chat

>> No.19177239

Yeah, I've been enabled into this by working and studying from home I hope I can return to normie life more during the summer. I might just do what you did anon.

>> No.19177575

You're right, she says much more degen things off stream.

>> No.19177755

I was thinking about asking her to read a bit of the 2002 Sam Raimi Spider-Man script each month until I could piece together an entire scene.

>> No.19178293

>pink hair
>looks like Mori
Is this the new "cat vtuber is nyanners"?

>> No.19178485

I'm just afraid of asking her to say something too cringe and she thinks I'm a creep.
But then again, I'm paying her 50 bucks, I don't think she'll think much about it either way.

>> No.19178671

Lol schizos never change

>> No.19178726

Yup, I went too fucking deep.

>> No.19178766


>> No.19178924

Like desperate old tryhards

>> No.19178984
File: 382 KB, 1317x803, 1637204699385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure love it when threads talk more about a thread e-celeb than actual streams

>> No.19179041

why did Nene stop using her old model? does it lack the expressions the new one has?

>> No.19179127

we /pcg/ now

>> No.19179162

Rigging isn’t quite as good on the first outfit iirc

>> No.19179394


>> No.19179877

when she says dont backseat and you do. she has every right to get mad really... let her attempt and fail and attempt again.

>> No.19180336

I just think she’s exaggerating a bit, she scolded the chat just because they said a boss had 3 phases when it only had 1

>> No.19180901

Sure. Not wrong, but it's also a souls game. Malding is expected. No Doubt Nami won't be laughing her way in her playthrough after she's dies a lot too. I've been playing along side Neena and she's surpassed me a few times then id catch up. I got triggered myself so I can't blame her to much.

>> No.19181486

I miss Nene's old outfit. I am not a fan of the nun one.

>> No.19181705

old model was not slutty enough

>> No.19182089

If they were on equal footing in terms of rigging and expressions I'm not sure which I'd like more.

>> No.19183130


>> No.19183529
File: 395 KB, 334x512, Lua suck[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Faosrgt.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19183567
File: 1021 KB, 1266x1080, 1638289468856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God imagine Nami's pits right now

>> No.19183686

I am too busy imagining holding Charzu's hand
Going on dates with Charzu
Having fun with Charzu
Getting married to Charzu
Growing old with Charzu
Dying with Charzu

>> No.19183707

Raping Charzu!

>> No.19183927

My cute birb wife!

>> No.19183936

Did you pay the $1m toll first?

>> No.19184066

Okay, she's just making it easier for me with that thumbnail.

>> No.19184109

Shee with an ASMR mic is dangerous, even if her kisses sound like little pop guns.

>> No.19184192

Nami please sell your bottled pit sweat...

>> No.19184200

and now that I finished that VOD I seen that she's doing a chatting stream. This cute streaming addicted girl...

>> No.19184364

Do this
>Get $1M in assets
>Show her your bank account
>Show her the big house and fancy cars
>Don't show her the mortgage or debt
>Marry her
>Convert all your assets into crypto and off-shore accounts, don't tell her
>She divorces you, trying to take half
>Yeet off to the caribbean or moldova
>Leave her with the crippling debt
>Laugh when she malds on stream about how evil men are

>> No.19184478

Final Rush is making Nami suffer

>> No.19184592

>How to get girls
>Say she has a nice ass and if she doesn't get it slap it

>> No.19184697

I want to try this on all of the Kawaiis.

>> No.19184750
File: 2.43 MB, 2114x1194, 1615222078321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please nobody watch Shee, make her learn personal space first

>> No.19184767

Can't forget staring right at her for 10 seconds without saying anything before doing that. Gotta build up the intrigue.

>> No.19185528

Is she trying to get us jailed or is that how zoomers do it nowadays?

>> No.19186245

Nami hates ugly chao's lets gooooo

>> No.19186471

Don't go to 1:49 of Neena's newest stream


>> No.19186812

I regret not

>> No.19187314

Nami is my wife

>> No.19187526

I wrote this

>> No.19187708

Nami had to end stream due to how sweaty her armpits are!

>> No.19188199

Is she dumb?

>> No.19189702


>> No.19190098


>> No.19190251

I've had some time to cool off now and I feel a lot better in my choice anons. My recent life has been really unhealthy. I enjoyed it in a wrong way too. I'll take a break of all chuubas for a moment and then stave off anything serious in the future. It's just for the best for all parties and I can focus on myself and my normal life.

I'll just press reset on art for a moment, do reps, change up stuff and my style and make a new account later to avoid as much drama as I can with the renewal, less people that recognise it the better. I'll probably draw some chuubas but keep it focused on as much variety as possible.
I'll drop some pieces I want to finish here later and just let people do what they want with them.

Arc over, thanks for the shitposts.

>> No.19190371

you're being too dramatic man, did you really delete your account? just smoke some weed or something. someone asked about you in shee's stream and she didn't want to talk about it, even threatened to delete their comments

>> No.19190607


>> No.19190693

I'll miss the art, but better for you to come outta this fresh than just repeating the same shit over and over again & hoping that something would change

>> No.19191344

Deactivated. Its still recoverable. I might even later decide to just use it instead after a break but I doubt it. It's way less about drama for me and just forcing myself off of it all so I can regain healthy habits. Can't be obsessive if I have no route to do it.
As for someone asking about me and her not wanting to talk just seems par for the course.
Yeah, live and learn, I know I'll be in a better state later and can avoid going full retard.

>> No.19191855

I don't like rap but I like Nene's covers

>> No.19192364

Cannot believe someone actually achieved the 2view grooming meme and then fucked it all up through a combination of anxiety and retardation.

>> No.19192673

I never achieved jack shit anon. It's just a bunch of memeing from people.

>> No.19193479

>she's not going to meet a guy who spends his time and money on vtubers
But our marriage..... she promised.....

>> No.19194185

Is this shit just about you negging her at the end of the asmr stream? I really don't think she cares.

>> No.19194797

No anon, it's a combination of multiple factors and earlier she really thought I was mad. It's not like I can be arsed now either, I was already just fucking up my sleep, mental and physical health too much. I need to cut it off.

>> No.19195071
File: 146 KB, 1200x708, FKpu5pvVEAAC_J9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to use Lua and Nene's ASMR collab to help me take a nap
>Hearing Lua trying to be cutesy gets me hard
>Can't nap
Its a special type of pain LUA SEX AAAAAAAAAA

>> No.19197434
File: 2.89 MB, 613x480, 20220225_174212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19197540 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 740x1045, kawaii オーディションキャラクター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will my wife debut?

>> No.19198047

when is gen 3 coming anyway

>> No.19198376

Probably May/June. I expect auditions to open once Aruru graduates. But they might just skip open auditions this time if they can scout enough people.

>> No.19198550

Going nuclear and deleting everything is just going to make her feel sad over losing what was once a loyal viewer.
All you needed to do is apologise for the teasing, and just fade into the background for a week or two. If you really did care for Shee, you'd swallow your pride, take a breather to gather your thoughts, and come back a better person.

Fuck, I've been at that point where I was getting too gachikoi for Pomu than was healthy, so I did a few weeks of Pomu detox and am in a much better state of mind because of it.

>> No.19198837


>> No.19201490

A full hour of Charzu valley girl voice tonight followed by Lua unarchived karaoke. Damn this should be great.

>> No.19204965

Nene is in this. It's a japanese only stream.

>> No.19205889


>> No.19208483
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, charzu valley girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu's valley girl ASMR is starting soon.

>> No.19208532

Nene isn’t that fun in collabs

>> No.19208654

it’s a 5 person zatsudan, it’s too many people to really be good

>> No.19210032

She's way too good at this voice. It's nuts.

>> No.19210237

Lotte LOVE

>> No.19210752

Maybe.... Just maybe...... You know..... She fakes her voice??? Yeah it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.......

>> No.19211292

Why do you type like this ESL-chama?

>> No.19212023

Why does me telling you she fakes her voice rattle your baby bottle so much? Is it hard to face such a truth?

>> No.19212292

Lotte confirmed (probably not the first time) that management told them to not talk about their type (i.e. "I like tall guys"). A few threads ago someone was asking about this. Probably related to Nene and Lua saying they like tall guys.

>> No.19213376

A bit late for that. Not that anyone should be surprised women don't want manlets, as no one does.

>> No.19213800

I bet this is her real voice.

>> No.19214232

They all do ESL-chama.

>> No.19214742

Lua started

>> No.19214766

I feel like such a dumb ass. It took me this long to realize "Lotte" is just the end of Charlotte and not just a play on latte, the coffee drink.

>> No.19214985

Whatever helps you cope at night

>> No.19215332

>H-how is she doing this voice for so long?
>W-why does it ssound so good?!
She fakes her uwu voice retards

>> No.19215667

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.19215710

Are you? This isn't a good look for you...

>> No.19215814

Do you think wrestling is real too?

>> No.19215898

Don't project your idiotic nonsense onto me...

>> No.19215904

I don’t even know what a valley girl is, is it the English equivalent of gyaru?

>> No.19216007

Pretty much.

>> No.19216077

Eh, close enough. It's another way of saying a girl sounds like an airhead, and it can have negative or positive connotations depending on context. The current context would obviously be positive.

>> No.19216076

Its a 1980's California subculture that was never really as popular as people seem to think.

>> No.19216083

Why did people rage at this so much? It's not like they said they only fuck tall guys.

>> No.19216121

I admit it, Charzu is actually good. I thought she was a cunt but I'm starting to really like her. She's turning into my favorite Kawaii girl.

>> No.19216200

You mean they don't want some 5'7 pot bellied Indian guy? This is shocking.

>> No.19216258

Trust me when I say the Indian could be 7'0 and he'd still be unwanted.

>> No.19216565

Some made up new trend vtubers are on now

>> No.19216604

The enduring bizarre popularity of Clueless says otherwise.

>> No.19216612

This is not the band from the Lain OP.

>> No.19216650


>> No.19216715

I love my wife Lua who forgot to update the song list

>> No.19216865

I'm saying the actual original valley girl trend was largely concentrated to the LA area then Hollywood started putting the lingo and look into movies in the 80s/90s and it made people think it was some coast to coast phenomenon that happened before they were born.

>> No.19217011

>I'm saying the actual original valley girl trend was largely concentrated to the LA
It was never a trend. Stop making things up....

>> No.19217546

Didn't Lua say it was going to be a sad song karaoke?

>> No.19217891

>Ipod nano

>> No.19218310

Can't believe I saved up over $200 for like 2gb of music.

>> No.19219004

Someone archiving lua?

>> No.19219299

>fap before bed last night
>fap earlier today
>all of a sudden no interest in watching Lua

Birbbros.. I think I dun goofed..

>> No.19219696

I don't know any of this zoomer music.

>> No.19220181

You're free bro

>> No.19220304
File: 63 KB, 493x679, FIeKDaYaIAcXmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having coffee in the morning with my wife Lua!

>> No.19220497

Hagbirb wants to feel young again...

>> No.19220568

>his prostate doesn't spontaneously generate more seminal fluid in response to his auditory nerves transmitting lua's voice to his brain

>> No.19220786

Lua doesn't like premature ejaculators............................

>> No.19220941

Damn hey Ashwin, didn't know you came here

>> No.19221234

>No midgets
>No 2 pump chumps
Bros.... why does she hate us?

>> No.19222235

What's the Neens announcement? https://youtu.be/JpIY2yD_7vA

>> No.19222503


>> No.19222567

>be me
>6' 2''
>rock hard cock through years of endurance training through fapping to anime girls
>love Lua
>love the same foods as Lua like McDonalds breakfast and citrus flavors
>love small girls into fashion like Lua
>separated by an ocean, the Internet and 20k other nerds

This is a pain I've never realized I could experience

>> No.19222750

>and 20k other nerds
It's okay, they'll make a joke that doesn't land and mentally break themselves.

>> No.19223033

better not, I can't lose another OSHI

>> No.19224089

Wow, this meme is so fresh, literally from this thread. I can say I was here.

>> No.19224244


>> No.19224456

I wish I could watch this with Nene but I still haven't watched the first 12 episodes

>> No.19224683


>> No.19224836

Anon...... the context is from this thread, just read.

>> No.19226204

I’m sorry Nene, I’ll never watch Vinland Saga

>> No.19226289


>> No.19226309

But I'm tireeeeeeddddddd

>> No.19226333

I'm nervous about the announcement...

>> No.19226444

it's prob a song cover announcement, desu

>> No.19226594
File: 14 KB, 583x125, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She implied to someone it's not bad news if I'm reading her ESL-like wording correctly.

>> No.19226636

>not bad news
>it's actually Neena announcing the all male gen 3

>> No.19227040

just treat it like a custom scenario voice

>> No.19227057

charzu...menace collab please...

>> No.19228240


>> No.19230506

>male gen 3
Yeah, me.

>> No.19230932

Thanks king, I'll supacha Lua in your honor

>> No.19231674

>Make sure you don't get off early

>> No.19232384

Charzu needs to stop faking her voice…

>> No.19232457


>> No.19233521

Stop being retarded I already watched her streams on her cosplay account and her voice was the exact same. Charzu on the other ha d really loves to ham up her fake pedo voice

>> No.19233746

That might work but I'm not certain I even wish to come back anon. I'll consider it but the lifestyle this lead to is awful.

>> No.19234707


>> No.19235477

It's too early to tell. Anyway, good luck with getting your life back in shape. I'm also working on it after being shown that I don't matter.

>> No.19235659

YMMV but a couple weeks apart really did help clear my head and help me re-evaluate how deep into the gachikoi mindset I was, and that was without me getting anywhere near as much attention from Pomu as Shee was giving you.

I'd suggest sending her an apology through her marshmallow, and let her know you don't hate her, just that you'll need to take a break for a few weeks. Given the smaller fanbase, she's probably really torn up about thinking she's lost a viewer because of some misunderstandings.

Best of luck, Nerd, even though we never really interacted that much

>> No.19235903

I literally just started reading this thread and you were one of the first I saw. What I have right now is that I was at work and half listening, but hearing something that can be roughly translated as the girls being like "omg your japanese is so good even though your parents don't speak japanese at all" which could point to a somewhat yab that no one involved would think could get heard. Like, I'm enough in the know to not give a shit about all that, and am a major nene fan, however I thought about this all day. I was there the entire collab, and will check the archive within the next couple days to confirm what I heard that both Nene's parents do not at all speak japanese, which could leak for you folks to speculate upon shit. Apologies, am merely talented alcoholic, gimme some time. This place is bad for my mental health sometimes, but I entirely desire to deliver my findings through my obsession.

>> No.19235934

love her like you wouldn't believe

>> No.19236162

We really don't in the end, godspeed anon
>id suggest sending her an apology through her marshmallow, and let her know you don't hate her, just that you'll need to take a break for a few weeks.
That seems sensible

>> No.19236313

Drunky here. Go fuck yourself. If you want her badly enough, you'd become successful, bilingual, and establish yourself in this world and obtain that woman. Nothing is impossible. Just fucking do what you need to do and go get her. If you doubt yourself, she'll pick up on it and do it to you to.

>> No.19236465

You're late, we know all the things you said you hope to unearth. And you don't know about the archives that were purged, and the things in the middle of ones that will be purged now. And the yabs that she edited out.
It all confirms that she never lied to us, as impossible as that may sound.
That schizo doesn't know them either, he just keeps yapping nonsense, hoping that someone posts more spice here.

>> No.19236492

Again apologize for not being there when the time was right, but everything I heard in the collab stream was genuinely benign ass shit until there was a segment about how nene learned her japanese. Will check archive again next time I have some free time. I'm drunk as shit, and am like 10 episodes deep into the vinland saga stream. See you guys soon probably with a translation of what triggered my obsessive schizo ass into thinking about this all day.

>> No.19236588

It's not like I'm not going to try to find the segment again when I wake up to confirm what I heard. It was archived immediately and I legitimately believe these people don't think there are people around here as autistic as I am. Well, so long as they don't read this. Granted, I don't think those girls obsess over /pkg/ although I could be wrong.

>> No.19236592

>just be yourself bro!
Ask me how I know you're a retarded underage

>> No.19236709

>I don't think those girls obsess over /pkg/

>> No.19236826

Ahhh what a pain. It could be nothing, but I'm done watching vinland anyway. Reviewing the archive of the collab. You people really have a way of getting what you want.

>> No.19236897

I wouldn't say obsessed but Neena and Nami are definitely /here/.

>> No.19236941

>le secret archives
Stop making stuff up…
At least you finally agree with me…

>> No.19237095
File: 334 KB, 480x480, 1645908150188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nami reads all those hornyposts in detail

>> No.19237223

and Lua sometimes

>> No.19237597

I saw that a bunch of others certainly do matter, which is why I'm a bit upset about it.

>> No.19238235

When did Lua expose herself as being here?

>> No.19239384

Why wont charzu stop faking her disgusting child voice?

>> No.19239469

because it makes me hard, please understan

>> No.19241276


>> No.19243065

Oh, I wouldn't be so certain of that, every viewer is replacable for these girls.

>> No.19243188

>Yura asking if Nene has a type

>> No.19243352

You're right, especially in the long term.

>> No.19243430

>confidence (dislikes people who are constantly self-negative)
>assertiveness (wants to be kabedon'd)
>don't be a manlet (we already knew this)
aka what every woman wants, if you can't fit these three basic criteria just as a starting point, you're fucked

>> No.19243444


>> No.19243472
File: 317 KB, 753x434, 1627105767402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't be a manlet

>> No.19243490

What if i'm confidently self-deprecating?

>> No.19243536

If Yura gets Nene into Ark I will firebomb prism.

>> No.19243595

>open thread and scroll down
Oh, so the Prism thread is where the schizo comes from. Yeah, that makes sense.

>> No.19243700

She only said generic shit because she's trying really hard not to trigger anyone.
Yura started hitting on her as a joke and Nene gently asked her to stop.

>> No.19243875

>Don't be a manlet
>Appearances matter less
Quit projecting your insecurities

>> No.19244797

>My waifu is Nero from Fate Extra

>> No.19244829 [DELETED] 

We already know shes not a Jap her fanbox says shes 25% Dutch and 75% Italian. Here are two threads, remove the spaces
https: //archive.wakarimasen.moe/vt/thread/17761496/
https: //archive.wakarimasen.moe/vt/thread/17891354/

>> No.19245007
File: 3.33 MB, 1849x2762, isla coleman by ofgwr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isla-sama is playing house flipper.

>> No.19245041 [DELETED] 

>>19244829 (me)
Also some of the info in these threads confirms it

>> No.19245311

Cucktomos really are hopeless

>> No.19246432

I cant click that… stop making stuff up…

>> No.19246545

Basic bitch tastes

Women always say they like confident and assertive guys, but in reality that is not true. If you are tall / wealthy / handsome, they will like you, even if you are shy / lack self confidence.

But it's the internet, you can lie about your height, but can't lie about SC or your fliting skills, so Nene likes cloudtomos who give lots of money and keep her entertained with their flirting.

>> No.19246558

Charzu needs to dtop faking her voicep

>> No.19246624

>If you are tall / wealthy / handsome, they will like you, even if you are shy / lack self confidence.
Well yeah, no shit. When the pros outweigh the cons, obviously people are going to lean towards that option.

>> No.19246648

> Women always say they like confident and assertive guys, but in reality that is not true. If you are tall / wealthy / handsome, they will like you, even if you are shy / lack self confidence
Stop pretending like you know anything bout woman…

>> No.19246721

Reminder that Yura used to do drugs and go to parties frequently, a fitting whore.

>> No.19246768

Stop making things up…

>> No.19246773

She still sleeps with her plushies anon

>> No.19246837

Sto pretending like you know too…

>> No.19246861

That's cute.

>> No.19246885

He made that up…

>> No.19246921

Didn't ask.
Don't care.

>> No.19246952

don't forget she's a personal fitness trainer
and got really drunk and threw up on stream a few times

>> No.19247038

This was her frustrated breakdown response to people on ppg calling her a slut after she said she partied in college
Also hasn't dated in 6 years and it is an obvious truth if you watch her super seducer stream
>Women test?
t. Yuragumi

>> No.19247401

Islachama saving us from all these whores

>> No.19247602

Kek she does sound like a borderline femcel when she discussed the dating reality show

>> No.19247728

>If you are tall / wealthy / handsome, they will like you, even if you are shy / lack self confidence
you make it sound as if most men aren't the same

>> No.19248103

what the fuck are you talking about? timestamp??

>> No.19248137

>and threw up on stream a few times
really? hot

>> No.19248703

what did he do? I need to see it.

>> No.19248717

>Nene allowed her chat to subscribe to Yura
soooooo threesome is fair game?

>> No.19248745

>Nene likes cloudtomos who give lots of money and keep her entertained with their flirting
I don't give a lot of money and my flirting is amateur, I can only assume she finds my tripping over myself to impress her endearing.

>> No.19248831

Some women are into that.

>> No.19248999

It always was. OnlyNene is a meme. If you delude yourself into focusing only on her, she considers you not worth the effort anymore. She showers her whoretomos with love, the rest are pet rocks.

>> No.19249046

this, always leave your oshi feeling a little jealous by reminding her that you have options, it makes them cling harder

>> No.19249122

Men aren't
Shy femcel girls that lack confidence are the perfect basis for gas lighting into your perfect woman
Women aren't going to take the effort to gaslight an incel into their perfect man. Something something waiting at the finish line

>> No.19249212

watch her Poppy Playtime stream she vomited like three times. In the last chase sequence, she vomits and I guess her door was open and you could hear it.

>> No.19249501

what's the fucking context?

>> No.19249903

The context is: I was a cringy retard, now had another misunderstanding and fucked up twice too close to each other and she essentially told me to shut up or fuck off, I'm tired and just want to forget about it now.

Is it something I could recover from with time? Definitely. Do I want to continue? As of now, not really. I might come back, I might not.
The one thing that I'm 100% sure is I need time to clear my head.

>> No.19250198

but did she tell you off on stream or was it on twitter or what? I want to see what she said

>> No.19250215

he spilled his spaghetti on twitter

>> No.19250279

ah shit and since he soft nuked his acc it got hidden? no screenshots? man, having slower splits suck because it lacks the commodities some bigger ones has.

>> No.19250311

his part is gone but shee's is probably still there

>> No.19250417

Yeah, as anon said earlier text is harder to get meaning through so she probably thought I was being dismissive. The one disappointing thing is that she didn't believe me after I said its fine and it's not something that actually matters to me and had just mind set on me being mad or upset.

>> No.19250548

>Get fucked nerd
Oh, I've seen him on the comments of Lua and I'm pretty sure he uploaded something for a stream.
Menhera is only cute on girls, buddy

>> No.19250584


>> No.19250691

btw, is there a way you can get the twits you did without activating your account? I want to see... also for archiving purposes

>> No.19250728

Shes retarded also why does charzu fake her voice?

>> No.19250736

Dammit Nerd, I told you like two weeks you were giving me second hand cringe for reminding me of my younger self.

>> No.19250812

It was just frustrating enough on top of everything to make me quit. Its obvious that I was just being tolerated
Yeah, I remember, I'm sorry I disappointed you too anon.

>> No.19251196

Nerd did Lost Kitten do this to you?

...Were the Shee versions of those pics among the 16 wips you had?

>> No.19251339

>I was just being tolerated
see? you are being menhera still. Deep breaths, think that you are a complex individual and that even when the girls don't get to see past a very shallow layer of you they might still distinguish one or two traits that they dislike or like about you, get what I mean? you have to be the worst of spergs for a girl to not like you but be nice enough to "tolerate you" So even when one of them might not like X thing you do maybe they still enjoy Y which makes it so that most viewers are past the "bearable" threshold and into the likeable table, just, you know, there are viewers the girls like more than others.

>> No.19251745

The longer you stay here and the more people you reply to everyone the deeper you dig this hole. Take a break from this place and from vtubers or be branded a schizo just looking for attention.

>> No.19252015

...I actually counted that as only one.
I know you're right about that. But doesn't change too much. She's still obviously fed up even if it was a misunderstanding. I can't do too much to change that besides taking distance.
You're also right. I won't post beyond this thread.

>> No.19252677

When will charzu stop being a faky?

>> No.19252733

Sleep a lot. Shower/shave/groom, clean your room, grab a game and force yourself to focus on it. Horizon2 and EldenRing are really good. Anything to take your mind off things, without much alcohol. Give yourself a treat, you deserve it. Make yourself your #1 priority again.
I think it's fine to peek here.

>> No.19252760

You mistake being upset with someone at the moment with being permanently done with them. You're being stupid.

>> No.19252931

You'll be fine. You have enough self-awareness and critical thinking ability. Unlike most hopeless cloudtomo here.

>> No.19253007

