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File: 481 KB, 1757x3118, __uruha_rushia_hololive_drawn_by_yuya_pixiv37335712__3c148ffd934d806f0843e6b85516c647-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19121347 No.19121347 [Reply] [Original]

As soon as she knows she is legally in the clear to do so, she is going to leak SO MUCH private shit about her former "friends" to try and ruin their careers. Pray that your oshi doesn't have any skeletons in her closet.

>> No.19121379

enjoy prison

>> No.19121453

i'd like to see her try

>> No.19121524

So by writing an autobiography and dying immediately after? Sure let's see her try it.

>> No.19121551

better get some dough saved up for the inevitable defamation suit then

>> No.19121567
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>as soon as she knows she's not going to get charged with crimes, she's going to do things that will get her charged with crimes
>tfw can actually see this retarded menhera doing that

>> No.19121596

based, cover will pay for what they did.

>> No.19121676
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anon the only skeleton in my oshi's closet is me

>> No.19121679
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my oshi is yab immune

>> No.19121754

stop posting threads and kill yourself chink

>> No.19121949

I hope so.

>> No.19121995

if anything she should be lucky that Cover's not suing her
her trying to sue Cover would be even more of a suicide move than what she's already done

>> No.19122034

My oshi is yabless I dont fear your whore

>> No.19122316

Sorry anon, but my oshi doesn't use discord and when she does it pretty minimal.
She only uses line frequently and barely any other holomems have that.
Plus, everything about her is pretty known already so nothing new to doxx unless she doxxes her address which is pretty impossible since none of the other holos know where she lives now since all her offline collabs with other holos are never hosted at her house.

>> No.19122336

pls no shion bf please

>> No.19122374

I think what Cover did to Rushia was too extreme. I wouldn't really blame her if she actually go full yandere mode to get revenge. I'm the type who would pick a girl over the world kind of guy so it can't be helped. But I don't think she would really go that far as to ruin her friends or anything. Her beef would have to be with Cover, not other members.

>> No.19122386

That's not how that works. Just because she wouldn't be hit with an NDA violation doesn't mean she couldn't be sued for defamation.

>> No.19122455

She's menhera enough to risk that and come out feeling like she would win because she doesn't think she's done anything wrong.

>> No.19122504
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x847, 12a3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if anything she should be lucky that Cover's not suing her
They are, she's already crying on twitter for donations to get a lawyer.
She already blew all her paypig money.

>> No.19122516

Can she confirm if Pekora is sleeping with Jun?
I want to see Chikin's reaction.

>> No.19122580

>I'm the type who would pick a girl over the world kind of guy so it can't be helped.
We can tell. You're simping hard for an imaginary character some retard used for two years.

>> No.19122587

Shes a yab already

>> No.19122614

>Rushia could go nuclear
>Russia can also go nuclear
Oh yeah it's all coming together

>> No.19122628

Good to hear, she will be blacklisted from any legitimate company and forced to do JAV.

>> No.19122773

it's more likely she's thinking of suing Kore or whoever else leaked what she showed

>> No.19122783

Does anyone have generalized estimates on her career earnings?

>> No.19122815

>tried to net her dream boy at the peak of her career
>ends up alone and getting fucked by fat uggos and delinquent-types
Truly a tragedy

>> No.19123076

>2 years

>> No.19123153

She was already trying to ruin other members behind the scenes before she even got fired.

>> No.19123209

Who will draw the doujin?

>> No.19123232

Yeah the bully’s, fuck them

>> No.19123240

>Does anyone have generalized estimates on her career earnings?
== 4 million US dollars before taxes, youtube and cover's cut

== probably about 1 million dollars

>> No.19123308

Shes gonna do an artia/sio? Shes gonna have the same fate then

>> No.19123382

We use the term bully loosely here. It was likely her being schizo rather than actually bullying.

>> No.19123571

you know? to actually been able to kill yourself there is two conditions that need to be achieved, first the emotional pain is so great that you can't do anything about it, so it becomes real despair, and that's when you lose hope, if you lose that there is no turning back, but the second condition is the more important, and that's to be brave, because in order to really kill yourself you need a huge fuck ton of balls to do it, and i mean not talk about it, just do it, because anybody can go to a highway and wait for a truck or a heavy vehicle and just put your head before the wheel and done, but almost nobody has the balls to do it, they think on glorified death like taking pills or cutting your wrist, and that's just bullshit.

>> No.19123670

I believe in her!

>> No.19123865

>is single
>did not live with BF for years
>was not fucking twink BF while milking gachicos on stream
>having the exact same furniture was just a coincidence
>was absolutely being bullied by the nicest senpais in the industry
>did not talk to Korekore and threaten to dox
other talents if Cover did not do as she says

No one will belebe her. She is already a proven liar over and over again. Soon to be sued into the poor house so much that her SC money will not save her.

>> No.19124016

Depends on if she can regroup her cult after the Mafumafu incident.
If the fandead wedge that are crazy enough to follow her out of the spotlight but not crazy enough to call her out for cheating by so much as being on speaking terms with a popular figure isn't large enough, you will probably see seppuku followed by her deploying every nuclear rrat in her arsenal. Can't sue the dead. Suicide note rrats will be impossible to shake snd we'll see half the talents leaving.

>> No.19124064

It depends on how her contract is written. A lot of NDAs have explicit years mentioned so you're not allowed to talk about stuff for however many years are specified in the contract, after which it becomes open to public discussion.

>> No.19124522

Towa and Watame silence is enough for me to believe that she betrayed her friends

>> No.19124552

Too old for JAV and not attractive enough to capture the MILF market.

>> No.19124744

>No one will belebe her.
JP fans already did, they saw how rushia was willing to sacrifice her career just to proof her innocence and that basically won her fans back. mafumafu also showed his entire DM with rushia and there's nothing. after korekore back her up saying she just want to clear her name but cover blocked her attempt, her fans see cover as the bad guy now and rushia basically is already forgiven.
i mean just look at her new channel, 400k subs already, won't be long before she hit 1 million.

>> No.19124906

That's just what she earned from Superchats. It doesn't include ad revenue from her channel, memberships, her salary from Cover, the cuts she gets from her merchandise, what she was paid for participating in various collaborations or what she gets paid from sponsorship deals.

Trust me, if she manages her money even half-way decently she's set for life.

>> No.19125081

>defending bullies

>> No.19125105

Unless she would start using drugs and other shit to escape.

>> No.19125173
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Anon my Oshi so powerful that even god himself can't doxx her
That's why I love her so much

>> No.19125295

She'll use that money to hire a bunch of lawyers to sue cover

>> No.19125496

>oshi doesn't even stream, weakest of the ID clan
Why do you cut yourself with the knife?

>> No.19125539


That's assuming that that message was about hiring a lawyer for a suit. She could be retaining a lawyer in case Cover sues HER.

>> No.19125603

>is single
>did not live with BF for years
all true, she's beyond autistic and her womb is drier than beef jerky
>was not fucking twink BF while milking gachicos on stream
confirmed that they were just playing apex together
>having the exact same furniture was just a coincidence
they bought a tableware set or whatever from the same manufacturer
>was absolutely being bullied by the nicest senpais in the industry
yes, having shitty coworkers is not shocking, especially when you jump them in terms of profits in a short amount of time
>did not talk to Korekore and threaten to dox other talents if Cover did not do as she says
literally did and no one's denying that

my cute little menhera gf is based and will burn the company to the ground just to be with her fans, every other vtuber wishes they could be as in-character as rushia

>> No.19125619

>Don't get charged
>Immediately do something that would get you in jail
Is this a woman moment?

>> No.19125713

>as soon as she's legally in the clear she's going to do something illegal
I'm not sure you've thought your logic through OP

>> No.19125719

I hope she does. I want her to set off the final yab. I want to watch this entire industry and this board burn.

>> No.19125920

Defaming the corporation she worked for in fucking Japan is a money pit I can't even begin to imagine. She's unironically going to be sucking cock on the street.

>> No.19125995

I will save her as soon as the borders open up

>> No.19126029

Nah, my oshi knows that her fans are sane and all learned not to stick their dicks in crazy, including our virtual dicks, long ago. She will just keep being happy and cheerful while occasionally showing some moments of weakness, and use streaming for us as her way to cope through life.
I'm totally fine with that. She doesn't need to burn bridges and ruined most, if not all of her Holo relationships in the past few years

>> No.19126317

Let it burn then. I'm all in on the Rushia death cult. Your oishi could never. She's not afraid of death or prison. She will get her revenge on the world.

>> No.19126707

I'm going to support Rushia no matter what.

>> No.19126803

Overlapping schedule is not bullying. We don't even know if she is lying or if it was a coincidence.

>> No.19127244

Just a heads up coping Holokeks, Rushia is marrying me and moving to America so she can bring down the entire company without getting sued. We've already signed the papers and my engagement ring is in the mail

>> No.19127295

Who cares? At this point no matter what she says cant be trusted. Like a dying animal theyll do anything. Anything that comes out of her "revelations" can easily be disregarded. You dont trust known liars.

>> No.19127415

Cope. The entire vtuber community has already forgiven her and knows Cover are the ones in the wrong.

>> No.19127660

How is that possible?

>> No.19127752

I’d watch it.

>> No.19127765

She frequents expensive host clubs.

>> No.19127943

You're the one coping lmao. Cry a river of tears for your hag whore.

>> No.19127975

Don't fucking give me hope.

>> No.19128215
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>> No.19128252

Anon, I know you are baiting, but when even her biggest paypigs, i.e our dear Orca-kun, still said that they will keep supporting Hololive (interestingly, and Rushia new channel as well), it's a bit hard to believe your arguments. Or are the "entire vtuber community" of yours even closer to Rushia than her fans?

>> No.19129010

Anon, Korekore and Narukami both confirmed that she peddled them rrat on the company and other talents way back because of some workplace bullshit. This is more than just some workplace disputes, she may actually go nuclear

>> No.19129046

I hope she goes nuclear so everyone can see how insane she is.

>> No.19129226

It could actually end up even worse for her own being, ironically enough.

After all the 50~70% of hololive's fanbase is practically living at her next door.

>> No.19129369

yes i also want to see rusia going nuclear.

>> No.19129406

Us wouldn't stand a chance

>> No.19129441
File: 174 KB, 1057x1057, 1637566505555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi is yabless rushia won't d--

>> No.19129521

Less gooooooooo lets seee it

>> No.19129943

Please let her do it. I want to watch it burn. I want it so bad. I want all these autistic fucks who think their oshi is perfect to see the truth.

>> No.19130417

You really don't think the "I was Rushia once, you know..." aspect wouldn't be enough of a gimmick?

>> No.19130571

Write a New York Times Best-seller™ book and wait for an inevitable Hollywood movie adaptation?

>> No.19130690

Memoirs of a Chuuba?

>> No.19131045

>Pray that your oshi doesn't have any skeletons in her closet.
sasuga necromancer

>> No.19131209

Sorry anon, but it's me
Boku desu

>> No.19131294

>I'm the type who would pick a girl over the world kind of guy
Wait, you would pick RUSHIA over the world? Hahahahahaha it's amazing how you can't see past your own dick, which itself is surprising for how small it must be. The absolute state of simps...

>> No.19131331

medicate, faggot.

>> No.19131600

Why do you type like this?

>> No.19132870

>Cover being Theranos'd

>> No.19133999

Why didn't mafumafu do that way before she went crazy wtf

>> No.19134112

We have already learned she isn't careful or strategic at all, shes too much of a menhera. If she tries to leak any more she will fuck up and end up in jail somehow. Not that it would be my problem.

>> No.19136357

Not really and Jun is just baiting pekora's fans for their reactions.

>> No.19136823
File: 1.25 MB, 1170x2532, 01380D77-388E-4766-8B7B-36AA64735331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi is yab incarnate, therefore no other yab can hurt her.
Holy shit Godchaama is real? Haatons I kneel.

>> No.19136963

If Rushia pulls a Jose Canseco on Hololive I will kill myself

>> No.19137644

Assuming they actually shared anything so personal with her. And that is a HUGE assumption.

>> No.19138293

If they didn’t know she was crazy after her suicide baiting or the fact that Cover wrote in plain English that they have proof that she leaked company info and spread falsehoods multiple times to many third parties, the EOPs won’t learn.
They’ll just think of her as pettan boing boing lady that got wrongfully sacked.

>> No.19138599

And the also confirmed she had no proof of any of it.

>> No.19140527


>> No.19141542
File: 98 KB, 243x346, 1628554635568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see her try.

>> No.19141983

>and forced to do JAV
God I wish. You have no idea how much I'd fap to that. Even better if they make her play a character similar to Rushia.

>> No.19142249

No she won't. Go outside

>> No.19144084

if she does then as an ntr lover im gonna jerk off to it

>> No.19144223

>All the cover shills in this thread panicking
It's happening.

>> No.19144434

She will do it and Cover won't sue because they're incompetent

She has our utmost blessing.

>> No.19144470

With the strong exception of a few, most of JP betrayed her. So they deserve whatever karma comes their way now.

>> No.19144679

Funniest part is that when he started getting shit for essentially slandering her he got upset that he was actually getting shat on for it kek.
I don't think he has mentioned Pekora since. Also wouldn't be surprised if Cover threatened to sue him for defamation because he had been doing that kind of shit for a long time.

>> No.19144750

Cover made her go insane because she couldn't make a statement and decided to go to drama channels with evidence proving she's not at fault.
This all could be prevented if Cover let her speak immediately.
Cover should expect this knowing they are dealing mostly with deranged women.

>> No.19144861

Think you got her confused for Matsuri

>> No.19147463

The English audience is still fully convinced that Cover just fired their most profitable employee for having a boyfriend even though they already alienated the people who were upset by that with their "We don't care if she has a boyfriend and anyone who does should fuck off" statement.

>> No.19147974

All it did was expose that she had been leaking info to those drama channels for a very long time. If it wasn't this time that she pushed it too far where Cover couldn't ignore it anymore it would have been the next one.

>> No.19148463

Management was literally that bad she would rather vent her company frustrations to Jap Keemstar instead lmao

>> No.19149035

*management refused to doxx other girls for "bullying" her by streaming in her timeslot, so she went begging Japanese Keemstar to do it

>> No.19149231

Hololive final yab is actually Nuclear war and Kiara will sing 99 luftballon untill nuke hit her.

>> No.19149351

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.19149446

>Cover made her go insane
Pretty sure from the "I'm going to kill myself because someone keeps playing Apex at the same time as me and preemptively get someone to say that it was Cover's fault" thing she's been insane for a while.

>> No.19149812

She gave no proof of being bullied , and only said it was someone who streamed in her time slot to steal her viewers.

>> No.19150262

if it's happen, It's not gonna be soon. Most NDA takes years to expire, some are up to 10 years.

>> No.19150370

Source on this? I fully believe someone like her would get bullied

>> No.19150603

So I've come across the new korekore video. If even half of what he said is true, then it doesn't really look good for her.

>> No.19151222

Kiara will make the third Reich rise back from the dead like a phoenix and finally put an end to the riajuu question

>> No.19151242

she allegedly leaked info yet nobody knows what it is nor came forward to corroborate it with Cover so was it ever really ''leaked''

>> No.19151668

She'd probably have 15 minutes or less if she's near a primary target and it's a depressed angle launch of a SLBM. Thankfully (to our knowledge) the Russians haven't made a nuclear version of Iskander yet in response to the US withdrawal from the INF (That's probably be a 5 minute warning if that)

An ALCM strike probably would be longer but also less warning.

>> No.19151695

Holy assfucking shit how many tourists did this mess pull in?

>> No.19157151

Yeah. She was just a petty bitch who suicidebaited dramachannels for the SOLE purpose that those dramachannels would leak the bogus shit without namedropping Rushia. But now that she got axed, the dramachannels just went and said that Rushia tried to feed such bullshit to her.
It's the fucking stream that caused this. She just went to a drama channel saying "Oh nyooo I'm being bullied so bad by a senpai who keeps overlapping me, that if I kill myself please tell about it to the world"
No fucking senpai would be bullying the top SCer and 3rd gen darling to suicide without the other talents standing up.

>> No.19157256

too old and busted. No-one wants to see this roastie

>> No.19157489


>> No.19163981

He's talking about Anya though, not Iofi.

>> No.19164256

She will never be legally in the clear anon

>> No.19164850

You can blame dramatubers like Optimus for that.

>> No.19165553

ITT: Fandead proving they are as menhera as the streamer they watch.

>> No.19165795

>threatens to bring everyone down if shes gone
>fandeads turning a blind eye
do fandeads really

>> No.19165874

no, people don't go to prison for saying x has a boyfriend

>> No.19166230

Does that even count as bullying. Maybe if it was intentional.

>> No.19167540

corporate espionage, now that's entertainment.

>> No.19167667

The smart thing for her to do is just spread a bunch of vague FUD. Specific enough to cause a stir but vague enough to not get her in legal trouble. Just look at how the vague mention of bullying made everyone on here sperg out. She could damage hololive even without litigation (which she probably wouldn't win anyways).

>> No.19167678

Filters cant hide the hagness.

>> No.19168149

>too extreme
underage or NEET
she was FIRED for breaking NDA. shes lucky. if it were american jews, she would be facing lifetime solitary confinement.

>> No.19168246

>I'm the type who would pick a girl over the world kind of guy so it can't be helped
ah underage i see

>> No.19168305

Or you know Kore's bullshit will remain bullshit.

>> No.19168375

You know this isn't going to happen, but it actually is pretty scare how much "dirt" each of these girls have on each other. Not only do they have to keep things cordial with everyone at the very least, but every new member/employee is also someone who could fuck them over.

>> No.19168386

what a fucking schizo

>> No.19168562

>implying faggots doesn't know that

>> No.19168595

What did artia do?

>> No.19168677

> legally in the clear to do so
thats not how it works anon

>> No.19168739

leaking someone's private address is up to the victim to sue the leaker so whether the NDA expires or not, she'll still ends up in jail

>> No.19168808

You know slander and libel are illegal, right?

>> No.19168829

holy shit godchaama is real

>> No.19168892

you don't have to leak an address or company secrets. just mention petty shit about people. Say they have a bf, claim they actually hate their fans off stream, etc.

>> No.19168895

I hope my oshi isn't on the list..

>> No.19168932

>implying rushia leaking the other mem's privacy is not extreme.
kek. anon, send resume to clown agency

>> No.19168999

>ust mention petty shit about people. Say they have a bf, claim they actually hate their fans off stream, etc.
You must be a 3rd world nigger (or American) to not know how the law works.

>Defamation (also known as calumny, vilification, libel, slander, or traducement) is the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime.[1]

>> No.19169098

>false statement

>> No.19169188

thanks for backing up >>19168892 kek

>> No.19169253

What'd she say in the untranslated portion?

"What are you guys gonna do if I ended up committing suicide from one of you guys' comments?" "I will *more gook speak* (something about recording your comments and dying)"

>> No.19169305

Holy crap shes gone on the deepend full anti

>> No.19169387

Are you retarded?
Unless you are USA or 3rd world shitter, talking shit about people to damage their reputation is illegal.

>> No.19169550

I'm just angry this fucking whore leaked Subaru's real name.
It's just no fair. She took real good care of her opsec so far just to get fucked over by someone who is completely unhinged

>> No.19169619


>> No.19169642

>Why am I not allowed to break NDA without any consequences?

>> No.19169706

>without any consequences?
Why are you putting words into people's mouths?

>> No.19169712

>Unless you are USA or 3rd world shitter, talking shit about people to damage their reputation is illegal.
>talking shit about people to damage their reputation is illegal.
>claim they actually hate their fans off stream, etc.
so this doesn't look like a defamation to you? i understand that you're a stupid ESL so you're probably not aware that you're literally contradicting yourself. now go back to zhang's shithole and study moar engurish

>> No.19169835

How is firing someone for the worst possible offense you could commit as an employee short of literally stealing money from your company too harsh?
and before you say
>When did I say it was too harsh
>but that wasn't me
If that wasn't you next time don't insert yourself in conversations you weren't part of

>> No.19169839

>uses line frequently and barely any other holomems have that.
Anon, you are retarded

>> No.19169868

forgot to add
>Unless you are USA or 3rd world shitter
so you're implying that only second world countries can file a defamation? well great, japan is a second world country
congratz. you're now a clown

>> No.19169895

if kore can escape defamation for saying there's bullying at cover by saying rushia told him so but didn't specify who, is she not also able to do the same by not naming anyone specific? what if she claimed she was told something in person, thus there is no evidence? it would be a he said she said.

besides it's not false if she were to say that some of them have been married.

>> No.19169925

>Say they have a bf, claim they actually hate their fans off stream, etc.
This is straight-up defemation.

'2. On Defamation:
· “The defamation caused by the defendants Hataya and Kiguchi are valid since the defendants, Hataya and Kiguchi, gave impressions to ZNTIR members through the actions of publicizing the embezzlement and dereliction of duty as reasons for the expulsion of the plaintiffs. The court decided that the actions taken by the defendants were unlawful. Therefore, the court has directed that the defendants, Hataya and Kiguchi, to pay consolation money to the plaintiffs”'.

>> No.19169981

Let me guess....ESL? The post you replied to only said "too extreme" and not that they shouldn't punish her or that she shouldn't face any consequences.

>> No.19169985

Okay, I was on the fence about Rushia but I'm not anymore.
She's crazy and needs to be silenced.

>> No.19169988

>I think what Cover did to Rushia was too extreme.
>I'm the type who would pick a girl over the world kind of guy

You come here and tell us Cover is too extreme, only to display extreme simping two seconds later.

You're either underage or retarded, probably both.

>> No.19169995

not that anon but
how is it even possible to have such a reading comprehension?
he said 3rd world countries or the US as an exception
That leaves every other 1st world country. There is no "2nd world countries" anymore after 1991. Unless Russia or China decide to re-establish some sort of Neo-SovietChinese Union

>> No.19170026

so what you're saying is rushia has a chance to file a suit?

>> No.19170053

>Let me guess....ESL?
Are you?
Because what cover did was fire her.
So I will ask again
How is firing someone for the worst possible offense you could commit as an employee short of literally stealing money from your company too harsh/extreme?

>> No.19170057

>mafumafu also showed his entire DM
He didn't, that's the thing. They definitely knew each other before 2018

>> No.19170064

ok ok i'm that anon. i fucked up im retarded i lost braincell reading his understanding of defamation

>> No.19170110
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towa-sama please be safe

>> No.19170112

Are you retarded?

The 'defendants' are being sued for defemation. The 'plaintiffs' are suing them for defemation. The judge said the defendants DID cause defemation and must pay a fine.

In this case, Rushia would be the defendant being sued for defemation and the plaintiffs would be anybody she shit talked.
You absolute fucking retard.

>> No.19170234

You're moving the goalpost from "without any consequences" to facing the worst consequence (getting fired) that's short of getting jailed.

To amuse you, the worst offense is murder. The second would be embezzlement, and the third would be violating NDA.

>> No.19170287

Kek, it's the fucking opposite. More more shit got digged up about her













>> No.19170359
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The only things that are clear from this thread are:
>cover did nothing wrong (in this case)
>rushia is either a pathological liar or really menhera
>the apex bullying is nonexistant
>there might be a senpai "abusing her", but considering no one follows her this is another lie or a gigantic exaggeration
>her fans are literally retards and underage simps who don't know how the real world works and completely delusional for taking her side

>> No.19170402

>reposting rrat that he already reposted in the sticky

>> No.19170442

your post says
>the defendants Hataya and Kiguchi are valid since the defendants gave impressions to ZNTIR members through the actions of publicizing the embezzlement and dereliction of duty as reasons for the expulsion of the plaintiffs.
is that not implying that the reason for expulsion wasn't what was actually claimed?

>> No.19170468

>Cover finds out she leaked info to korekore and narukami
>told them to not post it or they will be sued to hell
>they do as told cause they're not stupid enough to expose Cover just to go down with them
Maybe process a thought for more than 3 seconds

>> No.19170526

>Under Article 230-1 of the Criminal Code of Japan: “(1) A person who defames another by alleging facts in public shall, regardless of whether such facts are true or false, be punished by imprisonment with or without work for not more than three (3) years or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen.”
filing defamation in japan is also a thing anon

>> No.19170622

that sounds like someone could sue for anything so long as it "defamed" them and was public. since veracity doesn't matter...

>> No.19170865

Correct, and it happens

>> No.19170875

Old news by now but Mfmf didn't show the full thing and his lies sparked her suicide bait twitcast.

>> No.19170898

She leaked info to Kore and Mafu, and probably Narukami.
That's enough of a reason to get her excomunicated. Doesn't matter if it reaches the public or not, that's against NDA and it's dangerous to keep anyone who leaks info about your talents private life to drama channels and their friends.
>b-b-b-but we need PROOF that she leaked info!
The proof is the reaction of her coworkers you massive mongoloid. If it wasn't true they would've stirred some shit, but they decided to obediently follow the script because she fucking doxxed more than one of them to save face.

>> No.19170899

Get 'em, Rushia-chan!

>> No.19170922

so that would actually mean she could file a suit just based off the info in the termination notice "defaming" her

>> No.19170970

>she is going to leak SO MUCH
Only thing this menehera will leak is the blood from her wrists in a bathtub anon.

>> No.19170977

That cult/god ending in NSO is unironically a Haachama reference

>> No.19170979

The only girl you should pick over the world is your wife not some eceleb you absolute disgrace of a human being.

>> No.19171012

no one told her stupid dumbass to have discord notifs open. She has no one to blame for this shitstorm except for her 0 IQ ass.

>> No.19171065

Yes, you can do that.
And if you lose, you'll get absolutely fucked by the legal system for lying, defaming another party (yes, false defamation suits fail under defamation in most legal systems), and wasting the time of the public officials.
Not worth risking that over a temper tantrum, even for a menhera.

>> No.19171134

joke's on you, when she has nothing left she will become his wife

>> No.19171246

but under the definition listed above, all it has to do is be public and defame her, accuracy be damned. how could filing the suit for that be claimed to be "lying" or "defaming" the ones that made the statement? Again, accuracy be damned. if it's resulted in her being blacklisted, wouldn't that count as "defaming" her?

>> No.19171269


>> No.19171281

yes, and if proven false then cover will file libel againts her.
basically she's fucked

>> No.19171337

how would it be proven false though?

>> No.19171375

Yeah, the more info gets dug up, the more you realize how much of a piece of shit menhera Rushia was/is.

>> No.19171416

The counter is the statement only mentions Uruha Rushia - a fictional character owned by Cover. It doesn't identify who the person behind it, therefore defamation/slander would be a tough case to win.

The fact after the termination she decided to out herself also makes it extremely difficult to win.

>> No.19171432

the court will do that. that's why court hearing happens.

>> No.19171558

well technically people have known who she was even before the termination. claiming the character rather than the person is a technicality; everyone that knows she was Rushia - and the voice will give it away - would treat her a certain way after the termination notice

>> No.19171623

Rushia did violate her NDA though. She has no grounds to sue.

>> No.19171660

i can easily see a cycle where everyone ostracizes her for being menhera and that fueling everything that comes after

>> No.19171685

How does Cover defame a 2d character they own? The statement never mentions the menhera voice by name in the statement. They only refer to Uruha Rushia a fictional character they own.

>> No.19171725

Are you retarded?
How the hell am I saying it's not?
Seriously, I do not understand.

If Rushia says shit about other Holomembers, SHE is the one CAUSING DEFEMATION.
RUSHIA WILL BE SUED, not vice-versa.

>> No.19171778

But that statement doesn't implying that "embezzlement and dereliction of duty" didn't take place, simply that those being given as the reasons for expulsion was incorrect; they were expelled for something else. Not that she could ever prove it, but if they terminated for anything other than what was stated in the notice would be the same situation, no?

>> No.19171879

>Again, accuracy be damned
You dumb faggot, suing for defamation=/=instawin in court

>> No.19171888

>Again, accuracy be damned. if it's resulted in her being blacklisted, wouldn't that count as "defaming" her?
This would mean nobody could get fired at all, since any firing is viewed as a bad thing in Japan.
Which is clearly not the case, as you can get fired.

>> No.19171925

Did Cover ever name her ever? Not to my knowledge. If they did she'd have a chance.

That's a tough case to even have a chance of winning.

>> No.19171999

I'll post the whole thing:

'July 26 2016, Tokyo Japan. Japanese Civil Court concludes that defamation and slander was conducted by Mitsuo Hataya (Current President of ZNTIR) and one of his highest Senseis, Kiyoshi Kiguchi, in a case brought forth by the defendants, Mukai (the former Vice President of ZNTIR) and Sando (The former General Affairs Officer). The Meiyokison 名誉毀損 was filed by the defendants in late 2015 when Hataya and Kiguchi accused Mukai and Sando of embezzlement in order to remove them from the Non Public Organization (NPO) Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iaido Renmei (ZNTIR). This embezzlement was stated to be caused by unauthorized removal of tatami for tamishigeri and failure to pay for such tatami. An accusation with NPO origins from a difference in Promotional Standards, where Mukai, a retired Police Superintendent, wanted to maintain strict adherence to quality standards and Hataya wanted sole decision in promotion and loosen written standard.
Mitsuo Hataya also filed a counter suit for damages and restriction of teaching Toyama Ryu. Both cases were held in parallel.
Examination of witnesses was conducted in March 2016 and final arguments conducted in May 2016. The Japanese District Court found/ordered in short that:
1. On Expulsion:
· “the court has evaluated the reasons of the expulsion and concluded that the reasons and conclusions of expulsion itself had been missing considerable rationality”
2. On Defamation:
· “The defamation caused by the defendants Hataya and Kiguchi are valid since the defendants, Hataya and Kiguchi, gave impressions to ZNTIR members through the actions of publicizing the embezzlement and dereliction of duty as reasons for the expulsion of the plaintiffs. The court decided that the actions taken by the defendants were unlawful. Therefore, the court has directed that the defendants, Hataya and Kiguchi, to pay consolation money to the plaintiffs”.
· “The Board and Secretary meeting on February 1st 2015, was held under very chaotic and disordered environment with abuses and slander coming from all around the room. The meeting was controlled by the defendants, Hataya and Kiguchi, as they pre-planned the conclusion and pressured the votes from members in order to purge the plaintiffs from ZNTIR”.
3. On Retraction and Apology:
· “the full retraction and apology would not be necessary since consolation money will be recovered from the plaintiffs as damages”
4. The countersuit and claim of damages raised by ZNTIR, Hataya and Kiguchi:
· “Mukai and Sando to remunerate fees for the tatami but that no embezzlement or negligence had occurred because fees were traditionally paid after tatami usage.
5. Authorization of Teaching TOYAMARYU
· “Since TOYAMARYU has never had a SOKE structure due to its origin, any person can teach TOYAMARYU as long as the individual has the educational competence and skill set”'

>> No.19172247

Hopefully Takotsuboya so he makes it extra edgy and half manifesto for no reason or Asanagi for the good art and the brutal abuse.

>> No.19172795

I might have gotten plaintiffs and defendants mixed-up in my earlier posts. Forgiveness please.
I'm still getting over Kizuna's last live.

>> No.19173126

>rushia is either a pathological liar or really menhera

The answer is both. She is anything but mentally stable.


>> No.19173182

>As soon as she knows she is legally in the clear to do so
So never? lmao

>> No.19173869

My oshi is 100% skeleton

>> No.19173939

Even men have comebacks and she is a woman

>> No.19173977

isn't that usually years later though? like Mel Gibson

>> No.19175523

jesus she looks wasted
no wonder the girls are happy she's gone

>> No.19175650

I can save her...

>> No.19175693

what the fuck is wrong with women thinking viewers are the reason they are miserable? first pokimane now rushia wtf ? bitch you are responsible for your own hapiness! not chat! fucking pathetic

>> No.19175885

How many are falling to it? Why even do this? They don't even need to manipulate shit just to make her look bad. Just the Korekore and otoriza rrats should be enough for that.

>> No.19176013

>legally in the clear to
>leak private shit
anon? You're never in the clear to do that

>> No.19176059

you are if you're a ghost

>> No.19177496

It's not hard once you find the hospital name, anons.

>> No.19178561

Now everyone knows her name is Donald.

>> No.19178959
File: 716 KB, 1089x1080, 7ecb7b0f-35b6-4a94-a48a-7a889a054d29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this lying witch burns itself while trying to burn everyone around her. what a cunt.

>> No.19179587

cmon rushia lets go, do not listen to reason, lawyers or anything like that.

you know you got wronged by them so bring out all the dirty laundry on them all no matter what.

you know in your heart that no matter what that you and only you are right and thats why in the end you will be totally forgiven once they see all your leaks and that you were right all along and the hero fo this story,

>> No.19179662

The Discord notification thing was on purpose because she knew Cover was already investigating her behavior and wanted an out that would make them look like the bad guys when she got axed. You think Rushia was just a retard, but she's playing everybody.

>> No.19179860

That’s pretty stupid since 92% of people are on Cover’s side now that the truth is getting out there.

>> No.19180236

Do the other girls send out private JOI vids to their paypigs like Rushia did? Will she leak those?

>> No.19180354

Nobody know what it was or is but the rrat is she doxxed genmates and targeted Flare with leaking her address, source dude trust me

>> No.19180631

"I'll write in note (nip blog site) that I died because of your comments. That makes you criminals."

>> No.19180640

Holy Kek I was waiting for that pic
How the fuck is her face so different?
Plastic surgery?

>> No.19180812

She claimed the exact same thing back in Otoriza. In her mind she's entitled to a timeslot of her own and anybody who streams at the same time is doing it to fuck with her.

>> No.19180815

'Legally in the clear to do so' So basically never?

>> No.19183227


>> No.19183408

Follow Rushia's example and contemplate suicide.

>> No.19183604

What the fuck is that abomination

>> No.19183612
File: 126 KB, 830x974, 1645806622934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this big of a fancuck

>> No.19183622
File: 380 KB, 640x637, 1645729118922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi is not only the most seiso, but she is a hag and doesn't have any skeletons so it's a win win for me.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.19184412

that's not how NDAs work retard

>> No.19184625

if she can't back it up with evidence, its a false statement legally.

>> No.19184857

The rushia aspect would work as a gimmick for a 1 off at least.

>> No.19185233

I'd love to see her do it just so a rabid fan can stick a knife in her.

>> No.19185517
File: 1.51 MB, 1168x1664, 6f6136b6-3a82-483d-8133-a5c620eb64e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think it is?
its a menhara witch

>> No.19185636

its all filters

>> No.19185770

Bad camera angle.
Her face on her niconico livestreams is normal and every other official public appearance after is normal. Hence why people aren't posting them.

>> No.19186325

Her or Mori ?
Choose anons.
