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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 605 KB, 2381x3472, Shondo 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19110383 No.19110383 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for everyone's favorite imouto-daughter-wife Shadow, and all goings related to her cuteness!

Shadow is streaming Spyro: Reignited in an hour!

FallenShadow is an incredibly talented, very hardworking vtuber who specialises in variety gaming, ASMR, voice acting, art, and being >your wife. She's very sweet, loving, sincere and cares very much for her audience and friends. She also has the cutest voice you'll ever hear!

Current stream schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1495845861846396928

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/fallenshadow
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAnNefAhrysfkOQ1BYDS4aA
Gumroad Voicepacks: https://fallenshadow.gumroad.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/shadowchama

Previous thread: >>18937040

>> No.19110467

glad to see shondo wanting to stream today

>> No.19110545

This, glad she’s back at it. I hope she can have fun today and feel a little better!

>> No.19110607

She's playing a cute game today and I am gonna miss it because she's starting at 2am

>> No.19110756

>not planning your sleep schedule and work week around Shadow’s stream schedule every monday


>> No.19111071

I chose to get money so I can keep supporting her. Maybe I won't pass out before she starts the game...

>> No.19111140

I joke but get some rest if you need it anon, Shondo wouldn’t want you being tired just for her sake.

>> No.19111260

I must at least say hello so she doesn't start thinking I died.
It's my responsibility.

>> No.19111555

This is true. If you skip one stream Shadow will assume you are dead.

>> No.19112858

I'm sleepy but I'll stay up for this stream

>> No.19113156

the sub account tweeting melted my heart I'm glad she's appreciating the support

>> No.19113277
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you made me check and its protected

>> No.19113393

She privates it whilst she's been especially menhera sometimes, she went on a ramble last night. Probably she'll delete them and unprivate it in a few hours or a day or two.

>> No.19113511

Yeah, that much I know from when the news broke out
I just don't like using twitter much

>> No.19113586

she posted some worrying level of existential crisis but when she woke up today apologized and was open to people's support in response to her self-doubt
it was pretty cute I'm sure she'll keep that part up

>> No.19113599

Unless anon's talking about the Rushia thing, she was talking about being worried about her viewers and wanting the lurkers to say hello once in a while.

>> No.19113676

That was more cute and endearing too but today's tweets were also cute like I mentioned >>19113586 (although maybe you'd find the simp encouragement a bit nauseating I would understand)

>> No.19113729
File: 89 KB, 612x599, uuuuoooh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo is live, get in here!!!!!

>> No.19114114

males ruining the stream per usual...

>> No.19114756

I want to give my imouto wife a haircut

>> No.19114975

>Not having a twitter account for following artists and alt accounts of your oshi
Ngmi. That said, trying to avoid giving your phone number to them is a headache, but they give up after some time.

>> No.19115075

I was under the impression you needed a phone number to even make a twitter, no more email only bypass.
I almost panicked when my burner couldn't send DMs and got temporarily limited. Figured they'd ask me for a phone number to unlock it.

>> No.19115344

>Figured they'd ask me for a phone number to unlock it
Write a support ticket, insist that you do not have a phone or can't provide a phone number due to work polices. First response will always be a bot, so just reply to it again to get a real outsourced Indian to respond to you. You also may have to repeat that process every few months. It should stop after a year.

>> No.19115665

>You will never feed Shondo all the cake you want

>> No.19115735

Chubby shondo tummy...

>> No.19115967
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By the way , /lig/ caretaker made a koikatsu card for shondo since she is on the team

>> No.19116007

So what happened to her old videos where the viewer always died at the end? The creepy town shit? The chris-chan roleplay?
Why are they gone?

>> No.19116082

I believe its that she did not like making that content and is not very happy with it. If you look around I believe you can find it still.

>> No.19116705
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>> No.19116762

Thanks, anon. I did find a playlist but it doesn't seem to have all of them, which is a shame. I enjoyed her edgy stuff more than the current streams and videos.

>> No.19116923

you can still find them, they're archived and unlisted, someone has a playlist of them
from what I gather she doesn't like the quality of them or her voice acting, and the content can be a bit too morbid - there's one where she literally an-heroes with the viewer

>> No.19117153

>gifting a sub to someone who does content that shondo is about to say she doesn't like/want to do
either bad timing or really dumb

>> No.19117167

I once envied the whales, but now I thank them for their service, hoping it means shondo can stay small but continue to have support

>> No.19117239

ironmouse is her next biggest inspiration after rushia bro

>> No.19117662

>I hate people that have a boyfriend and do GFE
>Has Rushia as an oshi
>Says she never wants to collab with a m*le
>Has Ironmouse as an inspiration
Why is she such a hypocrite?

>> No.19117718


>> No.19117794
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These are shadow's most famous followers.

>> No.19118163

I really wish I knew who the hell porcelainmaid is supposed to be

>> No.19118244
File: 3 KB, 433x73, don't_ask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the playlist but t's missing the non-rp videos like her complaining about her mic being broken and some guy buying one for her. Or the killua and chris-chan meme videos. Reading comments. The old livestreams. The 3k q&a, etc.
Maybe it's too much to ask.

>> No.19118316

Judging by their famous followers, someone within the vshojo circle. I'm guessing he does art for them or something. And yes, he.

>> No.19118375

oh I'm aware he's a babiniku I just don't know where he came from, definitely seems in the girldm general circle

>> No.19118441

that was just lemonleaf with kirin horns

>> No.19118554

can confirm, the voice is great

>> No.19118749

shondo should collab with me
in bed

>> No.19118839


>> No.19118863

i wrote this

>> No.19118890

all me

>> No.19119523

Aren't you supposed to learn hiragana and katakana together?

>> No.19119601

Usually one after the other, but both are step 1.

>> No.19120398

will we break zatsu record?

>> No.19120935

ooo, so close

>> No.19121917

Gently kissing shondo forehead...

>> No.19121938

marley gets to do this and you don't

>> No.19121992

dammo catto!

>> No.19123366

Hi all, tourist from /ppg/. I use skeb a lot and found this. Y'all know her more than me, but I thought I'd share this just in case this means anything significant

>> No.19123585

not sure about "meaning" anything she just buys skebs a lot, but this is very cute

>> No.19123607

Shondo likes to requests skebs of herself a lot. Pretty cute one this time

>> No.19123783

It just looks similar to a lot of graduation art, but maybe I'm just too drunk.

>> No.19123864

I'd say you have it the wrong way around, it's just very loving art, and most graduation art is designed to show how much the chuuba loves her fans so it ends up similar

>> No.19123944

nah there's no worry about that, rough times but she's going strong

>> No.19126241

poor shondo sounds tired, go to sleep dummy!

>> No.19127408 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.91 MB, 2589x3962, 2lz48d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha imagine slowly fattening Shondo up with chocolates. With the extra cushioning you could be even more rough with her that'd be funny I think...

>> No.19129891

Is her discord any good or is just the usual discord shitfest

>> No.19130153

The general channels are all the usual shitfest, and the dedicated channels for shadow are for spamming your heart emotes and other simp behavior. Shadow seldom posts and basically only either to give quick updates or gush for other vtubers. So no, but I'm still there just to get stream alerts.

>> No.19130228


goddamnit anon lmao

>> No.19130232

it's over...

>> No.19130265


>> No.19130314

My heart dropped so hard in my chest I think my brain stopped functioning for a moment.

>> No.19130339

This felt like I got stabbed in the stomach, then she took the knife out but instead of pulling it she just stuck another one in my back which pushed the first one out the front

>> No.19130394

shondo has the funniest tweets hahaha....
definitely didn't almost kms hahaha...

>> No.19130490
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>> No.19130491
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>> No.19130580

God, this was the worst timing she could have possibly ended up with
or at least, i fucking hope it is. how could it get much worse?

>> No.19130623
File: 13 KB, 406x106, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damned female brat

>> No.19130902

Thanks Anon, I'll pass on it then

>> No.19130947

don't break containment retard

>> No.19131255

I'm not gonna lie I'm a little emotional. It feels like a real comeback from what she was feeling yesterday. I'm really happy for her.

>> No.19131318

This is both the funniest and most fucked up timing for her to pull this off. She said it was two months in the making (I'm guessing when she had the idea and commissioned the art) but it dropping now is hilarious.

>> No.19131408

I think honestly this is when the impact and the message matters most. Yesterday she was went on a long rant about how nothing lasts forever and today after tugging your heart a bit she wants you to know she's not going anywhere.

>> No.19139747

I miss shondo

>> No.19141308

She’ll be back tomorrow anon, think happy thoughts and have nice Shondo dreams until then!

>> No.19151937

I'm worried Cover will make their offer more lenient now that they're in the market for a replacement yandere loli. Shadow keeps saying she won't graduate, but lemonleaf never graduated either.

>> No.19152145

I don't think it has anything to do with their offer anon, I don't think she can mentally handle the job and she's aware of that

>> No.19155104

How do I get a divorce

>> No.19157175
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>> No.19158037

Why does she measure height in centimetres and temperature in fahrenheit when the UK does the opposite of those things?

>> No.19163328

Thanks for the reassurance, but all the reasons she gave for turning down the offer were because it wasn't good enough. Unless she was putting on airs, she wasn't doubting her own mental capabilities and everything wrong was on Cover's side.

>> No.19164198
File: 383 KB, 893x954, uuuuoooh11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you divorce her anon, you can't leave the forest.

>> No.19165090

Is this graduation thing Shondo poking fun at the Rushia thing?

>> No.19165282

No, she said here >>19130491 that it was planned months in advance. Rushia is also her oshi so I don't think she would make light of that.

>> No.19165476

I don't think she's had an actual offer as in sign this and you're in. It was probably just during the audition process as anyone who gets past the first phase would be made aware in more detail of the role and what was involved.

>> No.19167803

what are you talking about lily just posted something new last month. She's totally still around. Right? Right?

Come on, Mori, don't let this trend end with you.

>> No.19170652

I think she's only doing roommate stuff because her roommate isn't a vtuber, it seems like you're specifically not allowed to maintain your pre-HL vtuber career while you're a Holo.

>> No.19172241

I will give shondo all my love and care even if her prank scared me and my 8am brain

>> No.19176691

I'll give her all my rape

>> No.19176719

Fan of a small corpo with a thread constantly being pushed by all this drama coming to say fuck this shit and fuck any faggots that come in to spread drama & rrats

>> No.19178518

Let’s keep the thread alive until tonight’s stream…

>> No.19179153

Man so many 1am streams she HATES her fellow bongs.

>> No.19179196

it's ASMR so just use it as intended and sleep

>> No.19179339

Oh I got confused by the twitch schedule. I thought she added an extra stream for today but it was actually this morning's stream. Also I'm almost always asleep by 12 and definitely asleep by 1am.

>> No.19179613

why does she sound like shes talking with a mouth half full of mashed potatoes

>> No.19179651

She said she wants to balance US and UK streams a little more and is going to stream in the US timeslot at least once a week. There were 4 normal time slot streams on the schedule and 2 US ones this week including the ASMR, so I don’t think we have to worry too much. I do think it’s sweet that she wants to stream at different times for different fans.

>> No.19179740

It does seem to fit her insomniac/night owl sleep schedule. I think EU will get all the rage games though and NA will get ASMR and chill because you can't risk being loud or raging at 1 to 5 am which is a shame if you want to experience ASMR and chill live or vice versa.

>> No.19179922

Yeah she did talk about this last night actually, she currently can’t be loud at night or do ASMR during the evening. It sucks because it sounds like she really wants to do whatever. Hoping she can save up for her house and that resolves it.

>> No.19179974

How does that resolve it? Surely it's going to be the same house with the same people. It's not like she'll leave and live by herself because lord knows she needs the emotional support.

>> No.19180051

She mentioned converting her garage to a soundproof studio/bedroom for her streams, that would be a resolution considering she shares her current room with siblings.

>> No.19180169

>she shares her current room with siblings
I thought she had her own bedroom. Either way it's gonna be a good few years before NA and EU fans can experience the joys of rage games and ASMR live.

>> No.19180176

This, she’s fine with yelling with her family around and the reason she doesn’t at night is because her siblings are sleeping literally in the same room. I imagine she just doesn’t want to wake them up.
Having her own room would resolve that I figure.

>> No.19180258

She’s beyond hinted on stream that she has no space of her own and she has to leave at 11pm so her kid siblings can come into the bedroom and go to sleep. She used to talk about it in the old discord and old streams as well but she’s pretty cautious with her family’s identities now.

>> No.19180314

Oh right I'm a valentines newfag so I never knew. I just casually listened to some of her ASMR videos sometimes until recently.

>> No.19180427

She refers to the siblings as code names sometimes, “baby bunny” is the loud one who you might here in the back now and again, I assume the youngest. I’m sure either last ASMR stream or the streams around it she said she now has the room to herself about once every 2 weeks and that’s when she streams ASMR now. Im guessing kids staying at dads’ houses, it seems a specific day.

>> No.19180541

So is her Dad still around then? I heard that she implied a relative might have molested her or something when she was young. Or maybe that was just a rrat

>> No.19180622

So what’s the deal with this girl? Is she just popular because she’s a loli?

>> No.19180799

Not her dad no, her siblings all have different dads I assume.

>> No.19180851

She’s gathered a following here because she’s a real diagnosed schizo and also a loli. Outside of this shithole she’s liked because she’s a very competent streamer, pretty funny, very caring with her audience and extremely hardworking, as well as having quite a few good talents.

>> No.19180894

Must be rough.

>> No.19180996

>very caring with her audience
Baiting during a sensitive time for the community sounds like she has zero disregard for any of her fans.
More power to her though, the people that willingly support people like that deserve to be abused.
>it's just a joke
the punchline is that she doesn't care about you.

>> No.19181005

She’s described her mother as being more like a sister and was raised mostly by her grandparents who she has always lived with so I figure she saw her grandfather as a father figure. Unfortunately he got the coof late last year and it got him bad and that’s why she’s been so consistently down. She clearly loves her family a lot. She’s been streaming a lot more since he died so I figure she’s pouring all she has into this now.

>> No.19181049

Imagine not being able to take a joke HAHAHAHA

>> No.19181087

It was planned months ago you retard.

>> No.19181092

do not respond to schizos

>> No.19181172
File: 3.78 MB, 2150x3035, 0655D3F6-B2F7-4469-95C7-0C613BA942B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.19181173

My bad anon.

>> No.19181309

That just makes her look retarded and unable to change in light of circumstances. Can't wait for her to fall into some easily-fixable drama and then completely fuck herself instead because she's too stubborn to just adjust.

>> No.19181419

>her siblings all have different dads I assume
>She’s described her mother as being more like a sister and was raised mostly by her grandparents
she's literally me...

>> No.19181930

Honestly having a whore non-parent mom and possibly being molested by your Dad who left or was outcasted really explains how she got so fucked up emotionally.

>> No.19182473

If she had her at young age I think the way it tends to go is this futile chasing after a young adult life you were denied and desperate attempts at making relationships work that probably shouldn't. It's how my mom was and it's painful to watch at every step.

>> No.19182710

Yeah that does explain the behaviour but it makes me angry that she had shondo and then kept doing that shit over and over again. Essentially forcing kids to be in a fatherless home because she's desparate for her happy ending or whatvever. Worse yet is when those kids like shondo become attached to their Grandparents significantly more than the average person because it makes their death more painful.

>> No.19183206

I’m sure Shondo has said her mom is in her 30s before so yes that would make her pretty young when she had Shondo. That said it does seem like they have a good relationship, just the other day Shadow was a little late for stream because her mother was all over her hugging her. That’s good at least, and it sounds like she’s very close to her grandmother too so I’m glad she has some sort of motherly figure. She said that she’s her grandmother’s favorite child even (and I assume that means out of her biological children too) so I think that says a lot about how close they are.

>> No.19183315

Oh yeah she said her Grandma had drip and played Animal crossing a lot plus she really cares about her. She also described her mom as "cat like". I feel like her mom's cat like behaviour could be her not being able to express the things she wants to say. She probably knows things could have been better. Or maybe I'm just an armchair psychologist who knows.

>> No.19185519

who is funding the earlicking tonight?

>> No.19185587

I'm absolutely sure pantsu will show up so unless she upped the tiers this time we'll unlock everything 10 minutes into it

>> No.19186502

I do hope we get earlicking, it’s great when we max out the menu.

>> No.19186787

You guys do know you can use Google voice, right?

>> No.19186864

>"needs an existing phone number to qualify"
>trusting google
I'll pass.

>> No.19186921
File: 29 KB, 500x750, 1645563275631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, /nina/bro here. Since our oshis are becoming frens, if you don't have any stream to attend how about check nina singing? She's doing love-themed songs today.


>> No.19189211


>> No.19189457

It's perfect. If only shondo could see this.

>> No.19189808

Cringe drawing but I'll check those dubs

>> No.19190173
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>> No.19190271

can I just get preggo shondo without the "she'll die from childbirth" size

>> No.19191055


>> No.19191146

do not make me learn to draw preg there's no coming back from that

>> No.19191640


>> No.19192890
File: 400 KB, 1986x2176, @ur13o E8_VrZhVcAY9rBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our wife will be live to make blowjob noises in only a couple more hours!

>> No.19193559

I hope she's in sex mode today. You know what I mean? Sometimes she's just extra kusogaki and lewd.

>> No.19195937
File: 469 KB, 1676x2048, @yao80_v E4F0O1wVIAUurtX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to hold out a little longer

>> No.19196868
File: 68 KB, 969x969, 20220219_185637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't watched shondo because of Elden Ring
I'm so sorry...

>> No.19198541

Shondo is live.

>> No.19199263
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x1700, 94471776_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I wonder if pantsu will buy 100 subs and make the point of the menu moot again

>> No.19199270

yea, gonna miss todays stream cause of a few games, hope you guys have fun!

>> No.19199523

Shondo feet...

>> No.19199568

Shondo fucking died

>> No.19199582

looks like it
she's not having it tho, lol

>> No.19199603

why does she even bother, just make it 1000 subs for ear licking

>> No.19199807

shoving it down her throat..
>doesn't taste very good

>> No.19199820

Delicate balance of making them low and reasonable, or too high and being accused of milking
Not like that matters when oilers like pantsu would donate half of it right at the start.

>> No.19199943

if you know you have one guy that's spent $1600 on you this month and another that's spent near $1000 I think you need to take it into account at a minimum for the highest tiers

>> No.19200398

Her earlicking is god-tier, still waiting on it, thank the lords for oilers.

>> No.19200476

I will put up with whales getting it out of their system here so they don't derail other streams to get their cock sucked

>> No.19200707

>20 minutes from stream start proper to maxing the menu
Blessed are the whales.

>> No.19201140

jesus christ retard if you want to keep this joke up maybe you shouldn't have sounded like you were gonna off yourself last time

>> No.19201442

i wanna see shondo or bubblybunnana raid eachother

>> No.19201677

not a fan of these money-focused streams. makes us poorfags feel completely left out.

>> No.19201746

it's literally just every time devil is in chat, none of this happens with pantsu because he's not a retard taking advantage of her concern so he gets special attention for half the stream

>> No.19201936

Shondo is doing womb asmr RIGHT NOW!

>> No.19202042

so this is the sound of shondo's womb kissing your dick.....

>> No.19202128

I like the degradation aspect.

>> No.19202180

pantsu getting a billion kisses while we're sitting there listening doesn't feel great either. literal cuckening.

>> No.19202430

I would just cope by imagining they are for you

>> No.19202465

I don't mind, it's my own fault for not having the disposable income to get the same treatment. It only becomes annoying when someone like devil tries to milk it beyond the norm.

>> No.19202570

Just use the chocolate redeems when she turns them back on.

>> No.19202647

just as you say that he's already starting again, I wish she'd catch onto it already
watch he's gonna gift another 10 any minute

>> No.19203065

i guess. just really stressed out and anxious and in the wrong mood for this i suppose. sorry to bring the mood down.

>> No.19203531

It's understandable. It might be more tolerable in a bit when she makes it through the whale dicksucking or just come back for a standard stream.

>> No.19204762

>chat is slow because everyone is sleeping
this sounds willfully ignorant

>> No.19205056

I'm not sure what I would be commenting on right now

>> No.19206281

comment on how erotic shadow is being

>> No.19206335

no anon ASMR isn't erotic trust me quit getting turned on to simulated blowjobs

>> No.19206909

is anyone else uncomfortable with listening to heartbeats? It makes me anxious like my own is out of sync

>> No.19206960

>He doesn't get harder than tungsten listening to her heartbeats, imagining his head resting on her flat chest

>> No.19209708

I wasn't into earlicking asmr before but I like it when shondo does it

>> No.19209813

fucking same, not in that way but fuck, listening to heartbeats skeeves me out.

>> No.19210429

edging to this

>> No.19211193

why boner

>> No.19211929

hi shadow my asmr trigger is the sound masturbation hope you understand

>> No.19214969

I was born ready for this

>> No.19216555

I want to impregnate my 2 year old imouto wife

>> No.19217240

shondo anniversary in about a month if you want to get mogged by pantsu but still make something for her

>> No.19217947

>Shondo stream ends
>Pantsu is now in Lilyhops' chat whaling for her
He's out of control

>> No.19218046

How the fuck does he have so much money to burn? Legit oil baron?

>> No.19218165

Programmer and actual artist who charges like 1k for a commission. Wouldn't be surprised if he was an actual oil baron too, at least he has based taste and he's spending the money on cute girls. If I had that kind of cash I'd do the same.

>> No.19218571

Tuned into her ASMR, her style isn't for me. She's got a good voice and audio setup, but she's too conversational and it becomes distracting, especially when bringing up topical shit like current games and NFTs. When she talks the volume of her voice raises too much from her whisper and this is just a personal preference but I think a break from talking to focus on triggers helps wind down a lot better. I think the lack of ear blowing is a shame too since she's got a very airy and whispy way of speaking. That being said, it's only because her setup is so good that the flaws stuck out to me more than it might an amateur, it's a contrast thing.
Still, glad you guys got that chat engagement if that's what you're there for, but it's definitely more of a soft talk than an ASMR. I hate heartbeats normally, but hers has a good heartrate that you can relax to (if she didn't talk through it). Hopefully she'll do one or two trigger-focused ASMRs in the future where she focuses more on whisper speak.
At least chat isn't completely full of people typing out their orgasms, so give yourselves a pat on the back.

>> No.19219141

how I wish I could be but I'm sandbagging my job and grinding art would've been better when I was still a student

>> No.19219374

As soon as Pantsu draws her something we're all fucked, he's already top of the leaderboard and if he's dropping beyond-skeb tier art on her she's going to unironically mod him and fall in love with him or something. I know I shouldn't be mad like this but I can't help it.

>> No.19219572

he took note of >>19217240 when it was mentioned so you've got a month to take shadow's heart first sorry anon

>> No.19219636

He did? He said he was going to draw her?

>> No.19220165

he didn't commit to anything just something like an "I see" when she mentioned getting her a skeb or drawing for her for anniversary
I think I swore he's already said before that he wants to though

>> No.19223078

So do we let the thread die peacefully now or try to keep it alive for the stream in about 12 hours? Hmm

>> No.19224800

probably let it die

>> No.19225434

Always bump for shondo

>> No.19228595

Hopefully shadow finishes this sketch of Fauna, there's been no sign of unity from Fauna's side and an art retweet would be an easy chance without being obvious

>> No.19231368

>missed another shondo asmr
My sleep is so fucking fucked I hate it, please tell me she didn't delete the vod for some reason again
