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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 37 KB, 794x758, CoverBlackCompany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19109319 No.19109319 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone's focused on Rushia's fault, but let's instead discuss how Cover Corp themselves fucked up terribly in the Mafumafu situation. Cover still shot themselves in the foot with how they handled the Mafumafu situation and Rushia's management in general. Cover in the end still bears fault for it's own mistakes.
For the Mafumafu incident
>Did not allow Rushia to deny or apologize at all within the first day, despite it being demonstrably false and denied by every other source including Mafumafu.
>Forced her to shut up completely for two weeks, when it could've just been she lost a few gachikois and her go back to streaming if she apologized immediately.
>Did not deny the relationship ever, despite all other sources including Mafumafu doing so and it being factually false. Instead said "they don't interfere with the talents personal lives" implying it's real.
>Did nothing to protect Rushia besides a vague PR statement a few days later despite being in the greatest Vtuber 炎上 of all time.

In general how Cover fucked up to this point
>Let her speak with Mafumafu on the Company Discord account for over half a year despite it being a liability and pointed out by 5ch and matome articles last summer.
>Knew she was depressed, suicidal, hated her work and management as she constantly talked about it on both as Rushia and on her roommate's twitter account. Management were confirmed to monitor things she publicly did on her roommate account, yet did absolutely nothing to address her mental health despite it being a direct liability to the company.
>Failed to assign the menhera competent management, despite her being the largest risk to the company if left to her own actions because of management fucking up.
>Most likely knew she thought she was being bullied by a hololive member and did nothing.
>Knew she was about to either quit or commit suicide and Cover did absolutely nothing, despite both results being a severe liability for Cover's revenue and reputation

Only somewhat related to the Mafumafu incident was her being fired.
>3 days before the 10th/11th and Mafumafu incident, she had talked to Narukami first about having been in dispute and conflict (or as everyone /here/ puts it bullied) with a Hololive Senpai mistreating her. Rushia had stayed silent to this point despite it being a continual conflict against her. This is the actual cause of her being fired.
>As this was 3 days before the Mafumafu incident, it could've caused Rushia to be suspended or found out at some point. It only leaked from Narukami's mouth so soon on the day after the Mafumafu DM because of that incident. Korekore being given the same information in writing in DMs later was only because Cover refused to let Rushia speak and clear her name.
>Narukami would've stayed quiet as he was asked not to speak, it was verbal without evidence, and the rrat could've died without anyone knowing and without her being terminated. Only came into full play because of Cover's incompetence at handling the Mafumafu incident pissing Rushia off.

However, Cover still fucked up by terminating her.
>Fired her in the middle of this instead of suspending her. If they suspended her, the being bullied rrat could be covered up and they get her to officially deny it to preserve the image of a family while keep their top revenue superchatter, assuming she was just being menhera that week. She had kept it quiet the whole of last year up til now so it's reasonably assumable they could get her to calm down and deny it.
>Instead she's fired at the drop of the dime signalling no Hololive members are safe from suddenly being terminated, that Hololive isn't a family, lost their top superchat owner, Shion's on the verge of graduating from disgust at Cover's response as well, and that Rushia having been bullied will tear apart the remaining Hololive members who were friends.

Cover as a corporation is incompetent.

>> No.19109403 [DELETED] 
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>Everyone's focused on Rushia's fault, but let's instead discuss how Cover Corp themselves fucked up terribly in the Mafumafu situation. Cover still shot themselves in the foot with how they handled the Mafumafu situation and Rushia's management in general. Cover in the end still bears fault for it's own mistakes.
>For the Mafumafu incident
>Did not allow Rushia to deny or apologize at all within the first day, despite it being demonstrably false and denied by every other source including Mafumafu.
>Forced her to shut up completely for two weeks, when it could've just been she lost a few gachikois and her go back to streaming if she apologized immediately.
>Did not deny the relationship ever, despite all other sources including Mafumafu doing so and it being factually false. Instead said "they don't interfere with the talents personal lives" implying it's real.
>Did nothing to protect Rushia besides a vague PR statement a few days later despite being in the greatest Vtuber 炎上 of all time.
>In general how Cover fucked up to this point
>Let her speak with Mafumafu on the Company Discord account for over half a year despite it being a liability and pointed out by 5ch and matome articles last summer.
>Knew she was depressed, suicidal, hated her work and management as she constantly talked about it on both as Rushia and on her roommate's twitter account. Management were confirmed to monitor things she publicly did on her roommate account, yet did absolutely nothing to address her mental health despite it being a direct liability to the company.
>Failed to assign the menhera competent management, despite her being the largest risk to the company if left to her own actions because of management fucking up.
>Most likely knew she thought she was being bullied by a hololive member and did nothing.
>Knew she was about to either quit or commit suicide and Cover did absolutely nothing, despite both results being a severe liability for Cover's revenue and reputation
>Only somewhat related to the Mafumafu incident was her being fired.
>3 days before the 10th/11th and Mafumafu incident, she had talked to Narukami first about having been in dispute and conflict (or as everyone /here/ puts it bullied) with a Hololive Senpai mistreating her. Rushia had stayed silent to this point despite it being a continual conflict against her. This is the actual cause of her being fired.
>As this was 3 days before the Mafumafu incident, it could've caused Rushia to be suspended or found out at some point. It only leaked from Narukami's mouth so soon on the day after the Mafumafu DM because of that incident. Korekore being given the same information in writing in DMs later was only because Cover refused to let Rushia speak and clear her name.
>Narukami would've stayed quiet as he was asked not to speak, it was verbal without evidence, and the rrat could've died without anyone knowing and without her being terminated. Only came into full play because of Cover's incompetence at handling the Mafumafu incident pissing Rushia off.
>However, Cover still fucked up by terminating her.
>Fired her in the middle of this instead of suspending her. If they suspended her, the being bullied rrat could be covered up and they get her to officially deny it to preserve the image of a family while keep their top revenue superchatter, assuming she was just being menhera that week. She had kept it quiet the whole of last year up til now so it's reasonably assumable they could get her to calm down and deny it.
>Instead she's fired at the drop of the dime signalling no Hololive members are safe from suddenly being terminated, that Hololive isn't a family, lost their top superchat owner, Shion's on the verge of graduating from disgust at Cover's response as well, and that Rushia having been bullied will tear apart the remaining Hololive members who were friends.
>Cover as a corporation is incompetent.

>> No.19109449

Didn't read lol.

>> No.19109461

tl;dr: Hiring Mori Calliope.

>> No.19109482


>> No.19109491
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I'm going to make rice

>> No.19109499 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19109500

SEA drones.

>> No.19109518

Cover just needs to contract a PR firm now. It's now blatantly obvious they can't deal with drama.

>> No.19109550

holy blogpost, schizo!

>> No.19109556 [DELETED] 
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>Cover just needs to contract a PR firm now. It's now blatantly obvious they can't deal with drama.
>SEA drones.

>> No.19109562

I ain't reading all that
i'm happy for you though
or sorry that happened


>> No.19109598

Who is that?

>> No.19109610

Mucho texto. All of that to defend a crazy menhera.

>> No.19109618

I don't know. Companies don't usually deal with personal issues between employees if not reported.

>> No.19109634

I 100% agree, good read.

>> No.19109647

nice selfie

>> No.19109649

wow cool, but I don't read that,
and yet Rushia still have herself to blame.

>> No.19109683

not too much i hope

>> No.19109705

Cuckdead melting, not reading that.

>> No.19109741
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>demonstrably false

>> No.19109770 [DELETED] 
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>nice selfie

>> No.19109771


Cover should not allow idols to date. In fact, that should be grounds for immediate termination and a financial penalty.

>> No.19109810
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>> No.19109814


>> No.19109852

They can't legally do that

>> No.19109860 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19109876
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don't care
don't ask
don't read
and Rushia is still a Bitch

>> No.19109901 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 567x541, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can't legally do that

>> No.19109922

Interesting points

>> No.19109924

Risu Noooooo

>> No.19109999

toasting in an epic bread

>> No.19110047
File: 176 KB, 314x292, 1618342544405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hose is a bit too far up her ass...

>> No.19110217

>Shion's on the verge of graduating from disgust at Cover's response as well

>> No.19110292
File: 87 KB, 900x675, EAVibxOU0AE7Yrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, can't hear you over my brain washing. Cover does everything right, all the time.

>> No.19110301

But I'm dating IRyS should they terminate her contract?

>> No.19110333

You know what? You're right.
Rushia acted in an amateurish way, and Cover responded incompetently.
It's a total shitshow from every involved party, and this is going to hang over the company for some time

>> No.19110340

It was only 16 hours ago, do your reps.

>> No.19110374

>Companies can never not be wrong
The necromancer digged her own grave, that is just the fact of it all, went to the drama channel in less than 24h after the incident, wanted to post her "proof" in the main account and was later revealed to be in contact with the drama channel for a long as well as others.

>> No.19110410

Hired a mentally ill whore. Every yab traces back to this. If they spent a million dollars for the vetting process of every talent they'd save money.

>> No.19110459

If all the shit you said is true, there is no way Cover could have allowed Rushia to continue her activities. The bullying incident alone would have required a workplace investigation into employ misconduct and likely would have lead to terminations/graduations anyway. Breaking an NDA is not a slight offense in any company in any country on earth, once this had been revealed to Cover she was more than toast. This whole post is just cope.

>> No.19110463

Ru-san and Mafu-sama have weird kinks!

>> No.19110502
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This, it went downhill from there.

>> No.19110556

mucho texto, Rushia was a histrionic woman who fucked the pooch by being a gossiping whore. Get cucked

>> No.19110582

Do you negroes even know that most of jap companies operate like this? They would rather burry toxic shit and not talk about it than "disrupt the harmony" of the workplace. Truly a nation of autists.

>> No.19110620 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 480x640, 1626291647864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you negroes even know that most of jap companies operate like this? They would rather burry toxic shit and not talk about it than "disrupt the harmony" of the workplace. Truly a nation of autists.

>> No.19110637

Mel broke NDA when she went to Narukami and leaked the abuse and stalker harrasment she was facing was from company management. She's still a part of the company.
Of course, Mel also had a legal case against them. However breaking NDA did not result in her termination. It is entirely plausible that Hololive would've only suspended Rushia if it was kept as her simply verbally complaining to Narukami without him reporting on it.

>> No.19110640

take some meds

>> No.19110644

mucho 3ermundista defendiendo a Cover, tremenda cama le hicieron

>> No.19110655
File: 36 KB, 125x125, 1638408869043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even waste energy writing and posting that?
You are no better than any poster in this board.

>> No.19110658

their only mistake was maybe not providing mental health counseling and help to her, because this is what rushia needed the most, a fucking doctor, she's fucked up in the head

or yeah, better talent vetting, that could work as well

>> No.19110668
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, P3yadVEV-f4@00-20-54 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to the drama channel in less than 24h after the incident
In fact she went there 2 hours after her stream ended, and she had been told to not talk to this guy just a month ago.

>> No.19110710

I made it up.

>> No.19110728

Instead of shitposting here you should write COVER a professional e-mail about this. If enough people do that without going full sperg they might change their mind. Some chuubas and some English managers might come here occasionally but upper management and executive level decision-makers do not.

>> No.19110795
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You are naive and stupid.

>> No.19110796 [DELETED] 
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>Mel broke NDA when she went to Narukami and leaked the abuse and stalker harrasment she was facing was from company management. She's still a part of the company.
>Of course, Mel also had a legal case against them. However breaking NDA did not result in her termination. It is entirely plausible that Hololive would've only suspended Rushia if it was kept as her simply verbally complaining to Narukami without him reporting on it.
>Instead of shitposting here you should write COVER a professional e-mail about this. If enough people do that without going full sperg they might change their mind. Some chuubas and some English managers might come here occasionally but upper management and executive level decision-makers do not.

>> No.19110814

It's more fun to post in on 4chan, see Cover continue to fuck up with the upcoming graduations the next weeks, and watch the biggest Vtuber company collapse apart because of a single DM.

>> No.19110819

Pretty much what I was thinking, if it was one case, if Rushia hadn't sent so much, if she hadn't contacted multiple channels, if she hadn't been in contact with Korekore for months or more, maybe this could have ended differently, but all of those factors together start to weight too much.

>> No.19110820

You are defeatist.

>> No.19110864

>>3 days before the 10th/11th and Mafumafu incident, she had talked to Narukami first about having been in dispute and conflict (or as everyone /here/ puts it bullied) with a Hololive Senpai mistreating her. Rushia had stayed silent to this point despite it being a continual conflict

Gotta name for that senpai?

>> No.19110880

No, cover will be fine, they don't need gaijins to tell them how to run their business, retard.

>> No.19110888

2 fucking hours?
Jesus. This meant that even if the management had made the answer she wanted with her proof she still would have been fucked anyway. No way Korekore would have withheld what she gave him considering how much of a cunt he is.

>> No.19110971

She was on call with management immdeiately after the stream before she went to korekore. It was already decided by that point that Cover wasn't going to let her immediately apologize.

No-one knows yet.

>> No.19111106

There is none, it's based on a fake screencap from her now deleted roommate fanbox. Shion is feeling normal.
t. Shiokko

>> No.19111172

>She was on call with management immediately after the stream before she went to korekore.
Where's the source for this? Also if she was going to act out of line out of some "necessity" she could have still just posted on her other account.

>> No.19111320

Take with a grain of salt but with the vague hints that Rushia dropped, the 'bullying senpai' is either Matsuri or Aqua.

>> No.19111443

Good post anon but Cover shills get paid

>> No.19111594

This is pretty nailed on. And I think it's why after holofes we will see some others leave. Not because they think Rushia is right, but because the way it was handled was just another example of how useless Cover is. If you're one of the bigger fish there, you are better off just going indie and hiring your own manager. I also think as bad as JP management is, EN management is ten times worse, and that's why everyone seems to hate everyone over there.

>> No.19111707

The best course of action was to literally listen to her manager and wait it out.

>> No.19111756

The best course of action was to just deny it in a tweet and never mention it again, the way Mafumafu attempted to do.

>> No.19111974

> The bullying incident alone would have required a workplace investigation into employ misconduct and likely would have lead to terminations/graduations anyway.
Or, they could have done what a competent organization or decent human being would do and mediate it. I guess I wouldn't expect someone on /vt/ to realize you can resolve conflicts through anything short of the death penalty, though.

>> No.19112019

That's also a sensible option which begs the question of wtf was she expecting giving info to a drama tubers instead of just saying to do that with her manager.

>> No.19112264

The retarded cover shills under estimated the situation when general public concensus was
>Rushia was getting attacked by mafu drones on twtitter
>EOPs where still insisting on the relatioship even.though madu already dinied it
>Her gachis were leaving in droves and the ones who stayed were getting bullied by the public
>Krkr made her look like a creepy stalker
>the #iloverushia only made her antis more mad
All this happened on the same fucking day btw

>> No.19112473

that's a lot of texto

>> No.19113096

I 100% agree Cover should sue Rushia for the monetary loss of hundreds of thousands worth of damages from her planned merch, sponsorships, Holofes appearance, graduation event etc. all ruined by her breach of contract.

>> No.19114347

No one person can be blamed for this, but cover certainly has a major piece of the pie for sure. Literally if they had just told her to resign and let her have a stream to announce this and explain it in the frame of "i fucked up and I'm taking responsibility for it" a lot of this would be easier to swallow

>> No.19114545 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 600x1091, 1626342908806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is pretty nailed on. And I think it's why after holofes we will see some others leave. Not because they think Rushia is right, but because the way it was handled was just another example of how useless Cover is. If you're one of the bigger fish there, you are better off just going indie and hiring your own manager. I also think as bad as JP management is, EN management is ten times worse, and that's why everyone seems to hate everyone over there
>The retarded cover shills under estimated the situation when general public concensus was
>Rushia was getting attacked by mafu drones on twtitter
>EOPs where still insisting on the relatioship even.though madu already dinied it
>Her gachis were leaving in droves and the ones who stayed were getting bullied by the public
>Krkr made her look like a creepy stalker
>the #iloverushia only made her antis more mad
>All this happened on the same fucking day btw

>> No.19114693 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 572x513, 16553673903249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one person can be blamed for this, but cover certainly has a major piece of the pie for sure. Literally if they had just told her to resign and let her have a stream to announce this and explain it in the frame of "i fucked up and I'm taking responsibility for it" a lot of this would be easier to swallow

>> No.19114717

So 3rd gen can give out a statement on a whim like that but apperently rushia cant ? Really makes you think huh

>> No.19120309

Kek, it was vacation for the higher-ups, so the manager couldn't give Rushia the permission to apologize without the approval of her boss (typical Japanese work behavior).

>> No.19120550

even if she did, no one gonna believe woman who went to dramatuber and feeds them rrats

>> No.19120683

Cover did everything right. They told Rushia not to fucking say anything, they deleted her Suicide baiting tweet, and then Rushia went to fucking JP keemstar on the same day the discord message happened

You're putting any blame at all on Cover is a fucking self own

>> No.19121260

not to mention she has mental health issues, all of that shit adding up to an insane outburst.

>> No.19121543

That was literally her fault. She went to korekore first dumbass

>> No.19121605


>> No.19121804

The bullying rrat is some garbage Rushia made up to further her emotional manipulation. It never happened or was all in her head

>> No.19121822

They’re not a black company they’re just fucking incompetent

>> No.19121873

>>Did not allow Rushia to deny or apologize at all within the first day, despite it being demonstrably false and denied by every other source including Mafumafu.
>>Forced her to shut up completely for two weeks, when it could've just been she lost a few gachikois and her go back to streaming if she apologized immediately.
this is what killed the rushia, if she was to deny instantly everything would be ok by now

>> No.19121876

God you're stupid. Cover handled this shit fine, OP is retarded and so are you. They told her to say nothing and she didn't do it, that's all that matters

>> No.19121952

Stop trying to bargain for your oshi's innocence back. Rushia was always a rotten bitch, just accept it

>> No.19122031

No, if Rushia had fucking actually did what she was supposed to and stayed silent it would have been fine. The problem was because she did talk not because she didn't. Stop trying to revise history, what killed Rushia was her own retardation.

>> No.19122071

Fuck you

>> No.19122421
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>What Cover Did Wrong
Hired a retarded psycho.

>> No.19122422

Too long
Too green
You're either a nijinigger or a twitter tranny and therefore you should kys.

>> No.19122584

the only mistake Cover made was "they didn't assign a handler or two to Rushia to watch her 24/7".

>> No.19123145

that's what they're saying, if cover let her just publicly deny it she wouldn't have felt the need to go to the dramatubers to clear her name
but because they told her to shut up while she still was in a panic to clear her name she did some retard shit

>> No.19124712

That's big buzzword for a little boy such as yourself. Can't even take the time to read a couple sentences. What's the matter little child? No education?

>> No.19124909

>Where's the source for this?
My ass

>> No.19125429

Cover did everything wrong that they possibly could have done wrong in this situation. This is the end of them as a company, I don't see them coming back from this.

>> No.19125462

And then they would cry about Cover being a black company.

>> No.19125510

An actual good take desu.

Artists are artists, management needs to be the brains. Cover is incompetent.

>> No.19125588

>t. Mizuryu Kei

>> No.19125600

people who write wall text is either schizo or tourist
which one are you OP?

>> No.19125795

You're retarded and can't read, COVER clearly fucked up but keep shilling lmao

>> No.19127268

Schizo. I used to think I was sane but I've been told to take my meds too many times on posts I thought were 100% logical, that I just realized over time thst I'm just a schizo.

>> No.19127666

So it's all Rushia's fault then. Because Rushia didn't fucking do what she was fucking told.

>> No.19127713

Thank you. Rushia fucked up her NDA but that's all every faggot wants to talk about.

Cover's hands are equally covered in shit over this but "Oh no corpo friend! They'd never lie!"

>> No.19127817

>>Did not deny the relationship ever, despite all other sources including Mafumafu doing so and it being factually false. Instead said "they don't interfere with the talents personal lives" implying it's real

This makes the bullying rrat seem true. It's almost like they didn't want Rushia to recover from this yab at all

>> No.19128221

>Shion's on the verge of graduating from disgust at Cover's response as well
what? source?
please don't just tell me to do reps

>> No.19128299

It's fake, don't worry, some crazy anti made an imposter of her fanbox

>> No.19128715

No, it's because it is real. Mafu is just lying his ass off, and Rushia is a whore. Her company wasn't going to lie for her

>> No.19128877

Covers hands are clean because they did everything they were supposed to do.

What the fuck do you think Cover could have done, lock her in a room with no internet access for 2 weeks to keep her from talking to anyone? It's not their fault for not approving Rushia ruin her career. She chose to go against the corporates dictate, and it ended up fucking her over.

This situation is entirely Rushia's fault and she deserves everything that happens to her from now on.

>> No.19128957

>Shion's on the verge of graduating from disgust at Cover's response as well,
kuroa has said no such thing. there was a fake account claiming to be her that she found out about yesterday

>> No.19129126

They should've killed her and secretly replace the VA desu. There this one girl in Mea's group that literally sound the same as her. Nobody would notice~

>> No.19129128

True, I got one free fuck with migo

>> No.19129252

>"Deny it"
What does denying ever do? People will just call her a lying whore. It's always better to sweep shit like this under the rug. I can't remember a time when saying "I didn't do the thing" ever amounted to anything good.

>> No.19129707

No, he's right you clearly have never worked. Jesus christ you're dumb go get a fucking job you useless parasite then maybe you'll begin to understand.

>> No.19129792

t. nijinigger

>> No.19129887

>couple sentences
NTA but you wrote a fucking essay. I wish I had as much free time as you.

>> No.19129935

Do people actually believe her? After the leaks I'm not so sure.

>> No.19130001


>> No.19130140
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Talking about this in particular (see the deleted posts). This seems like something entirely different.

>> No.19130187

Anon that's not legal, also some of the talents are literally married.

>> No.19130275


Exactly. But Holo sheep will still defend them.

>> No.19130604

You might have a case if you were talking about Coco or Aloe but in this case Cover is right. They tells her to shut up for 2 weeks which is the best options in these drama but she didn't listen. Furthermore, she went to Korekore of all people and expected him to keep his mouth shut. NDA are serious in Japan , Jitomi was terminated for much less.

>> No.19130878

>1 post
>in 6k+ posts thread
>with no source whatsoever

>> No.19131584

>There this one girl in Mea's group that literally sound the same as her

>> No.19132228

why not? it worked for matsuri

>> No.19133567

>cover shills are 35piss and or hoshiyomis
Who would've know

>> No.19137905

I stopped using /this/ board after Coco graduated. It seemed like 99% of people hated Cover Corp then. Has the tide shifted in the past year or is this board just being astroturfed at the moment?

>> No.19138256

Didn't read

>> No.19138418

>Cover as a corporation is incompetent.
only the newest of newfags believe otherwise.

>> No.19138450

Corporatefags should get the rope.

>> No.19138698

This is the one time Cover actually is in the right

>> No.19139579

>Did not allow Rushia to deny or apologize at all within the first day, despite it being demonstrably false and denied by every other source including Mafumafu.
No. This is what Cover did right, if nothing else. Have you ever worked for a major company before, anon, or at least watch the news? You do NOT rush to get a statement out when it comes to your own scandal if you can help it. Just look at your politicians, your corporations, or even something as "low" as your idol groups. Take some times - ranging from 1 day to a week or more - to see how the situation unfold and to craft your statement properly. Prepare and review your arguments, alibis, proofs, and plans to coordinate with your employees / friends / media contacts properly. You want to at least appear honest, innocent, and sympathizable, with as few possible holes / slipups in your statement as possible. Rushia was NOT bleeding fans. She could stand to wait for a while instead of dumbly ran to a drama streamer on the very first day. Even Mafumafu took a day to publish his statement. She was either a big menhera, or dumb AF, possibly both.
Just look at majority of both nips and EN Holo fans, including fandeads themselves. After Cover's statement and especially after Korekore's stream, they have been pretty much "Cover was in the right, it couldn't be helped". Cover could have done better to keep Rushia in check if they knew she was such a menhera, but in general, they are getting out of this just fine. Well, they are going to lose a lot of money, but it can't be helped - in fact, will they even? Some big Rushia's paypigs have been placing additional order on Rushia's merch for some reasons.

>> No.19139843

The tide kinda shifted after Kson openly stated that she was spending a lot of her own time and money to sue matome sites because they twisted her words to attack Cover. That killed most rrats about how she was having beef with the management

>> No.19142478

>writing up all this shit
Deal with it. Rushia is gone.

>> No.19143210

Not sure about that, but I do believe Cover basically putting Rushia in isolation did not help and made things worse on her mental state, which was fragile and deteriationing. Cover, especially Rushia's manager, should have watched and protected her better, and reassured her she won't be the next Kiryu. She wouldn't have gone to Korekore had they done that. But if they plan on letting her go anyway, they should at least give graduation and do so after holofes.

>> No.19146802

Rushia went nuclear after mafu stopped talking with her. That's why she wanted to deny it fast. She was mentally dependent fangirl and Cover had no way to stop her.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.19146845

Cover did something wrong by employing menheras to milk mentally ill lonely people out of their money. If they are going to hire a snake they should at least hire a mentally stable non-retarded snake.

>> No.19148617

Cover is a technology company pretending to be an idol agency. Except instead of developing idols they push streamers and comedians. Cover needs to provide their talent managers, and publicists, and personal assistants to minimize these big yabs that lose their top earners.

>> No.19149509

It's funny but also sad, /vt/ were angry how Cover handled the Coco situation, rightfully, and then they pretend Cover did nothing wrong when they made the Rushia situation way worse than it needed to be. They isolated her and then made her look guilty instead of treating it like a nothingburger and moving on. What a bunch of fuck ups.

>> No.19149632 [DELETED] 

She reported it to management and they ruled there was no bullying/

>> No.19149705

>talent managers, and publicists, and personal assistants
None of those will help if your menhera talent goes behind their backs and directly talks with external parties rather than using the resources available to them

>> No.19151521

Cover shown have known better to have crisis management to deal with women like this that represents most of their revenue. Who knows who's going to be the next one to suffer from mental breakdowns and get themselves graduated/fired? Is Cover going to sit around and do nothing again?

>> No.19152307

>It's covers fault that rushia cant keep her retarded mouth shut

>> No.19152526

>signalling no Hololive members are safe from suddenly being terminated, that Hololive isn't a family, lost their top superchat owner, Shion's on the verge of graduating from disgust at Cover's response as well, and that Rushia having been bullied will tear apart the remaining Hololive members who were friends.
This is the part that gets me. They managed to kill the kayfabe themselves and it kinda leaves a real sour taste in the mouth. Might be time for me to swallow the indie pill desu

>> No.19155086

Rushia didn't stay she was bullied. That's just a rrat bait.

>> No.19155303

ahh here we go again

>> No.19155764

Rushia wouldn't willingly quit

Cover did right by their employees even if some fans are too dumb to understand

>> No.19155896

Not reading that but they shouldn't have put her on break. She should have just streamed through it like nothing happened.

>> No.19156265

Rushia is a 30 something woman. She was told to shut up and couldn't help herself because she knows Feb14 is a big payday.

She's not the first Holo to have this yab, and yet she's the first to get fired because she's fucking retarded. Cover is her employer, not her babysitter

Call it corporate dick sucking but the blame lies 100% with this dumb bitch. If she just logged off and touch grass for a few days, she'd still be squeezing pay pigs as per usual

>> No.19156967
File: 325 KB, 2268x1556, Yasuyuki-sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% blame
Be reasonable and have a heart.

>> No.19156968

>dude it will go away

Are you people forgetting what happened with the fujoshits with Miko and Marine? That shit didn't go away until Miko and Marine made a statement, and in the end Cover made Miko and Marine the cucks while the fujoshits got away.

They might still have their jobs, but in the end they'll still be known as the cucks that bent to the knee to the fujoshits and demonstrate all you have to do is whine to Cover to get what you want as an anti.

>> No.19157471

corporate espionage, now that's entertainment.

>> No.19157546

Remember when Marine talked about how she felt like quitting when she heard about Coco graduating? Rushia's termination might be the nail on the coffin...

>> No.19157698

Anon I'd have a heart if this was the 1st time. Look at her entire history on NND to this day. It's the same story over and over again.

>> No.19158105

The hololive girls should unionize but jokes aside cover has always been incompetent, everyone has known that for a while also they need to fire rushia's manager immediately if they haven't already

>> No.19158252

It's true tho.

>> No.19158431

Don't know what you're talking about but as far as what Rushia did on the account of her situation and mental breakdown and the mistakes she made, she doesn't deserve all the blame, much less hate.

>> No.19159087

Literally nobody gives a shit about that anymore. Miko and Marine waited a few days, kept their mouth shuts, and gave the corporate-approved statements. This nothingburger only gets brought up by drama niggers like you but it literally had 0 impact on Miko and Marine.

>Fujoshits got away
Nobody cares about these niggers because there will always be shitposters and shitslingers like you. And the author who made the stink in the first place got some schizos his way too, so tit for tat

You're so blinded by the Rushia character that you refuse to accept the person behind it is in all likelihood a terrible person.

>> No.19159182

>all likelihood a terrible person.
You've gone full schizo.

>> No.19159316

spill the beans on this. I aint heard of it til now.

>> No.19159421

It had a huge impact because now it gave power to the antis and we can't have fun collabs anymore since it impact internal management.

>> No.19159696

cuck mad lol

>> No.19159755

>Miko and Marine do an off collab
>Miko plays a prank on Marine by hiding some BL doujin
>fujoshit author goes on a rant on Twitter about it and fujoshits and anti pile on Miko and Marine
>forces Miko and Marine to go into hiding for a while and Cover punishes them for nothing
>Fujoshit author goes dindu nuffin and me me me me and Cover gives "compensation" to the faggot author
>Antis, fujoshits, and faggot author win in the end and we can never have fun collabs again like with Miko and Marine

>> No.19161603

well, didn't they bend the knee on this Rushia situation?

>> No.19161670

>Looks like Rushia did the exact same thing in her previous group













>> No.19162194


>> No.19162476

Cover went on a family picnic, got attacked by bears, gave the child a gun and said "Good luck with that". Then got mad that the child messed up bad, shot itself and everyone else.

>> No.19165522

>>Cover Corp themselves fucked up terribly in the Mafumafu situation
>>Cover still shot themselves in the foot with how they handled the Mafumafu situation and Rushia's management in general.
>> Cover in the end still bears fault for it's own mistakes.

Stopped Reading. Can pretty much guess what you're gonna yap on about. What is cover supposed to do then? Babysit her? My fucking god she is not a child she is in her thirties. Everyone is complicating everything and I'm too stupid for that. I only see one thing, the cause and fact is Rushia being an idiot/menhera. Regardless of whose faults it is doesn't really matter as there are points to support each side anyway.

Idiot, do your reps.

>> No.19169239

Based chammers.

>> No.19169272

quit necrobumping, op

>> No.19169825

They won't, if anything they should have done so after the Aloe incident

>> No.19171487 [DELETED] 

how did it impact internal management?

>> No.19171644

how did it impact internal management?
