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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 199 KB, 1200x1200, ZonBko Cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1907625 No.1907625 [Reply] [Original]

This little ZonB hit 8k and is still growing, she may achieve her dreams soon. I am happy for her.

>> No.1908262

With how numbers focused she seems to be I'm surprised she isn't worried at the amount of people that actually watch her streams.

>> No.1908350

I mean she has a pretty dedicated set of 50+ viewers, and she has crossed into the 100+ range from time to time.

>> No.1909668

i swear if she retires at 10k just to bait us.

>> No.1909704

10k isn't magical I know plenty of chuubas above 10k subs that still make double-digit viewers.
Her APEX is good, MHR recently too, she has a sweet voice. IDK what she needs to promote the channel, maybe collab with other chuubas.

>> No.1909813

The Life is Strange streams were comfy and were a breath of fresh air.
She needs to do more talking/drawing streams. I always tune in for those. She has a sweet voice and draws pretty well too.

>> No.1909833

I think the only way she'd retire is if YAGOO hired her to become a holo at this point.

>> No.1910065

they don't hire underages anymore

>> No.1910087

She's not underage, Japanese kids have school and she streams like 18 hours a day.

>> No.1910096

>you cannot be dropout

>> No.1910114

It's possible but that would be really depressing since it paints a pretty sad life situation if she dropped out of school just to stream 18 hours a day as her only social interaction with the outside world.

>> No.1910120

She lives with her 30 yo bf

>> No.1910128

Don't spread fake news anon. I'm not 30 yet.

>> No.1910156

>that would be really depressing
most holo chuubas, for example, have depressing life circumstances
happy people are a minority
we live in a society
juice are the enemy

>> No.1910198

To my knowledge the only Holo that dropped out of school is Shion, and it was because of bullying.

Most of them may have depressing situations but it's not an all-or-nothing thing like what ZonBko is supposedly doing trying to turn vtubing into a career without any backup plan.

>> No.1910211

I don't like this rrat because if she did then I'd be sad that he doesn't even play vidya with her.

>> No.1910255

High School isn't a requirement in Japan, so she can be an underage dropout Neet that is supported by her parents.

>> No.1910285

He's probably at work all day. Maybe that's why she enjoys streaming, it helps her feel less lonely.

>> No.1910292

Anon that's true in pretty much every country. You can drop out if you want to but your life prospects will be nonexistent unless you find a provider or get extremely lucky.

t. dropped out of high school after meeting proficiency requirements 3 years early and have been a NEET for 15 years.

>> No.1910334

>yfw you're a beta orbiter parasocial napkin for a chuuba
>because her chad BF cannot be assed to give her attention
>only the dick
It's bullshit but I believe it. It's why she's quiet when streaming at night. Don't wanna wake the bull.
Do japs have professional colleges that give you profession like electrician, cook or farmer after middle school? We have those 4 years-long ones that people often choose instead of high school. You can still go to uni after, in fact there are some programs to enter one without exams if you decide to continue education in your field.

>> No.1910376

She's quiet because she lives with her parents and they probably give her hell for being a NEET so she tries to be unseen and unheard to avoid getting bullied.

>> No.1910406

Go away, ZonB, not giving you another red superchat.

>> No.1910427
File: 389 KB, 220x220, 1592001468477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1910444

That's the reality all NEETs live in. Especially if she dropped out of school her parents probably treat her like a nuisance or a failed child they wish they could get rid of.

>> No.1910488

She's way too groomable.

>> No.1910516

She has a decent PC so her family is relatively well-off, or she used to have a job and saved up or the rrat is true.

>> No.1910559

Worth a shot, you're only competing with like 50 other simps in her chat, and most of them don't even donate. Indie chuubas are potentially the new mail order brides, most of them are too naive and earnest towards their big donors. Especially Zonbko with how she freaks out over any donations, it's so adorable.

Getting a decent PC is pretty easy when it's the only thing you've bought in years. I bought a decent PC with a GTX 1080 using my last $1800 like 5 years ago and have been using it ever since. The only other things I've spent money on since then is like $100 for a gacha game. I might upgrade using Covidbux when prices go down. Just saying, having a good PC isn't a sign of wealth if your parents cover all your other expenses.

>> No.1910622


>> No.1910729

>Indie chuubas are potentially the new mail order brides
discordchama, puriz!

>> No.1910856

Does she have a Discord? Asking for a friend...

>> No.1910874

yes but you're already late
discord gestapo already took the best spots, groomerchama

>> No.1910907
File: 236 KB, 464x640, hiyostep_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess ill have to move on to grooming some other indie...i hear hiyo's desperate for viewers these days...

>> No.1910944

She gets 70-100 active viewers per stream, is at 16k subs, has dedicated fans, and knows many people within the industry. You ain't touching her.

>> No.1910990

I've been watching her for months anon. She's been at the same viewership for that entire time since debuting her new model. And that was when she was still at like 6k subs. She hasn't grown in viewership at all since then and is desperately pandering to spanish speakers to grow. I really feel for her and think she's great and cute and funny but her situation sucks. At best she can leverage her connections to corporate chuubas to get into Hololive or Nijisanji(though she has much more connections with Holo talents and is a huge fan of them).

ZonBko will probably end up like her if this marathon to 10k succeeds. She hasn't really grown her viewers at all even with all the new subs because they're pity subs. I hope I'm wrong about both of them but Hiyo is at least a full grown adult christmas cake who is immune to grooming while ZonBko might get desperate...

>> No.1911004

Nigga some chuubas struggle with double digits FOR FIVE YEARS
some just NGMI

>> No.1911057

The market has been becoming more and more saturated and even monopolized. Unless the algorithm randomly blesses her, Zonbko's only chance is if she joins an org if she wants to stream full time.

>> No.1911070

Hiyo hasn't been around for months, her channel is from mid-2019, she's almost 2 years old now. I just want her to succeed because her model is cute and her voice is cute and lolichuubas are underappreciated. Obviously the reality is the market is oversaturated and both hiyo and zonbko are unlikely to make it. But I'd rather believe in hard work paying off than the cold truth that you're better off restarting your channel a dozen times using a dozen different models until one of them goes viral.

>> No.1911073

It's stupid because spanish/BR's pump and dumb far faster than anyone unless you're in a constant state of catering to them. I've been watching all of Hiyo's stuff for several months now. I just can't back it to streams because of time zones obviously, yet I'm still watching the vods.

>> No.1911088

>unlikely to make it.
Stop fucking comparing to hololive and nijisanji. As indies do you have any clue how better off they are compared to the vast sea of indies there are?

>> No.1911098

he's not wrong
double digits for years is "not making it"
you don't need to put large corpos side by side to make that statement

>> No.1911209

I mean...by what metric exactly? You can look up their superchat numbers, it's not really anything amazing. Being an indie vtuber is a pretty binary scenario of "making enough to get by" or "making virtually nothing." Hiyo averages like $50 per day and has only had monetization on for a few months after streaming for 2 years. Zonbko doesn't have any numbers on playboard but I bet her numbers are even worse. That's maybe enough to pay for the games they buy for their streams, if even that.

If I was a musician for 2 years and my music only sold $300 a week I'd probably consider it a hobby at best. It's not like they can't be vtubers if they enjoy it but I hope they're aware of the reality that "making it" vs "not making it" is a huge gap that incremental growth won't be enough for. The smallest indies I'd consider successful are like, Ririsya level. That's like the top 0.1% of indies where it'd be easier to join Hololive than to get that far as an indie.

The best an indie can typically aspire towards is Amatsuka Uto or Shigure Ui or Kana Kamiko or Pochimaru's levels of success. It's no coincidence that 2/4 of those girls are insanely successful professionals who only do vtubing as a hobby to flex their talents. Being an indie vtuber is incredibly hard if you're not some super-savant that was blessed by the world at birth.

>> No.1911239

>Amatsuka Uto
didn't start as indie kek

>> No.1911256

And Ui piggybacked off of Hololive and Kana was a corporate chuuba until like a month or two ago. That's the reality of indie vtubers I guess.

>> No.1911295

Pretty much this.
It can be a self-sustaining hobby for them, perhaps even make some extra cash out of it at best but it's clear that's not what Zonbko's aiming for with her 16 hour daily streams.

>> No.1911308

Point is you either need a dedicated and organized autism force willing to pour energy and resources into you, or you need to be a corpo.

Benefits of corpo is that you have colleagues to bounce off each other and reveal more of your character as an obvious benefit of social collabs and multiplayer games.

What I mean by dedicated autismo force is literally shultzstaffe of clippers, twittards, drawfags etc.

I do not know if that ever happened to any indie chuuba, but obvious drawback would be that bunch of autists working essentially FOR FREE, would always devolve into shitflinging circlejerk and demanding attention from chuuba.

TL;DR: What needs to be done to make chuuba popular, cannot realistically be done for free, enter the corpos.

>> No.1911313

but she did.

>> No.1911318

literally her pinned tweet
pre-vtubing roommate doesn't count

>> No.1911338

>TL;DR: What needs to be done to make chuuba popular, cannot realistically be done for free, enter the corpos.
If I wasn't a retard I'd put in the effort to develop a website similar to Holotools/Holodex primarily for indie vtubers with discoverability and clipping features and other methods to give them exposure and categorize them.

It's still pretty untapped and in my eyes it's worth doing anything to help indies remain independent and prevent corporate monopolies from overtaking vtubing.

>> No.1911353

pre live2d

>> No.1911365

doesn't count, it wasn't vtubing
I don't know how Holotools work but indie chuubas sometime come up on "other" tab of streaming. I found several indies that way.

Perhaps holotools devs themselves could work in that direction.

>> No.1911460

The problem with Holotools is those indie chuubas have to be added manually and there's literal thousands of them. There're only like 10-20 indies that are actually visible in the "Other" tab since adding more would not only be too much effort but slow down the website. The way it works seems to ping Youtube's servers every time you change the tab checking every channel in that category. This is why it lags/stops working during peak JP hours when Hololive and Nijisanji each have like 10-20 people streaming at once.

Ideally someone needs to create a site where anyone can add indie vtubers, create clips of them, add fanart, etc. Similar to a Wiki except with a front page similar to Holotools/Nijimado that highlights the ones that you're subbed to when they're live. That way you can just visit a single site to catch them and watch multiple streams at once to boost their viewership but without getting baited into staying in the Hololive/Niji tab 99% of the time like with Holotools. There's just a real psychological effect there that prevents indies from getting noticed when there's always one or two Holos streaming, as much as I like Holos.

If the Holotools dev would get on it and just add user-submitted channels then that'd be a solution too, but I doubt he's going to since the site primarily exists to promote Hololive streams.

>> No.1911491

>Ideally someone needs to create a site where anyone can add indie vtubers
You can easily see how doing that for free would turn into gestapo-moderated shithole where minority of oldfags would decide what chuuba to add and eventually how to sanction who.

Maybe I'm old and cynical but I don't see anything "free" succeeding in the long run.

Also, Susan fucking hates re-streaming\multi-tab sites like Holotools and they might not even be giving a view to stream.

>> No.1911619

Both true points. No idea how to create a decentralized moderation system that doesn't rely on power-hungry mods or mob rule. The easiest system might be a public log of moderator actions with a comment section so they can be held accountable by the community, but that still relies on trusting the admins to not be cunts. Alternatively a system that lets users overturn moderator actions through clicking a dislike button 100 times or something but that would be open to abuse. Who knows really, I'm not a web dev and every Discord I've admined has only like 10 active users so I'm not qualified to give solutions.

I've suspected the same thing about Youtube not counting restreams as views but I don't think it's true, at least for indies. It might be an anti-spam feature for larger channels or something to filter out people using adblock.

>> No.1915227

Zonbko streaming Monster Hunter (party with viewers) if anyone's interested:

>> No.1919954

It's always fun when she plays with viewers. One of the advantage of indies.

>> No.1920148

Kind of why I like indies over bigger vtubers. You get that sort of interaction with the fans. Especially when they have a smaller fandom

>> No.1922097

>new mail order brides
Has any vtuber marry a simp yet? Vtubers dont even meet their fans irl, i don't see how they marry their paypigs. It could happen one day, who knows.

>> No.1922406

>i don't see how they marry their paypigs

>simp frequents chubba's stream/chat
>chuuba starts recognizing them by name
>they slowly become friends
>chuuba become's comfortable enough to add the guy on discord
>they keep chatting and becoming closer while simp keeps red superchatting her
>chuuba may or may not start seeing simp as a close friend
>reveals her identity to him
>simp goes to Japan
>wild sex ensues

>> No.1924551

she's such a numberfag it's disgusting.

>> No.1924661

You can go back to /jp/ now and cry over there.
