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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19001922 No.19001922 [Reply] [Original]

> "i think it will be nice if i can give some obscure game more love instead of something that so many people are already playing"
> "if i can just have one person think "Hey i loved that game as a kid!" then i will be more than happy"

Onolumi wants you to come hang out with her and share the love and nostalgia you have for these games you grew up with, while she explores them for the first time

She's currently streaming Civilization 3

>> No.19002089

>another chat shitter gets told to stfu
based lumi

>> No.19002351

almost missed the stream, started almost 30 mins early...

>> No.19002389

she said she finished chores early so started early

>> No.19002418

Cool thing about Lumi is that she remembers which stream you joined on. You could pop in once during a stream that happened a whole 3 weeks ago and she'd mention that it's been a while since that stream and that she wants to see you again when you interact with her on community posts.

>> No.19002499

it seems to be something to look out for on her late afternoon streams

>> No.19002725

do you guys think she keeps a spreadsheet on us?

>> No.19002805

borderline menhera but i'd appreciate the effort even more lmao

>> No.19002806

It's probably a part of her chat tooling

>> No.19002845

Oh, good. I was thinking against creating a thread, because it will be hard to keep it afloat today

>> No.19002968

>whole chat is green names
>that faggot Sega is back as the only grayname
Of course.

>> No.19003004

I think it's worth it even if it's just for the stream

>> No.19003230

Tell me about your chuuba. She showed up in my recommended.
She play retro games i see. That's pretty cool.

>> No.19003304

Uncle Quadra... go back to whence you came

>> No.19003339

The game screen is so fucking tiny, that I've lost all hope at trying to understand it and just chat away

>> No.19003340

Cute eigo jouzo android catgirl who plays retro games and has dangerously based lewd tastes.
Her chat becomes little androids that hop around the screen.

>> No.19003368

yeah that's pretty much it, it's the "your oneechan who doesn't know shit about videogames tries the games you grew up with" experience

>> No.19003561

Hey queen lumi it’s out of touch Thursday

>> No.19003570

she's a complete noob playing old PC games.

encourages backseating cos she wants nostalgiafags to share their memories and love for these old games.

big scaredy cat, panicks and screams while playing Doom 1.

opened membership with $1 pricetag to let as many people as possible play with emotes.

adopted an old 10+ y/o chihuahua.
didn't want the dog to be lonely and adopted another 10+ y/o chihuahua.
got herself tested later and found that she's allergic to dogs.

works full time but streams at least 1 time per day.
(apparently works from home as she sometimes streams during work hours "i'm not taking the day off guys i'm just slacking")

>> No.19003612

what did he mean by this?

>> No.19003658

btw the 2 dogs ended up hating each other and don't get along at all kek

>> No.19003659

What did he mean by this?

>> No.19003680

She's allergic to dogs? lol, is she going to put them up for adoption?

>> No.19003698

What DID he mean by this?

>> No.19003711

No. Just suffer.

>> No.19003788

no she loves them

>> No.19003811

she said she could search on youtube where you commented the first time or last time

>> No.19003837

ok who of us is gonna take a step and offer lumi to mod her chat just to get rid of sega?

>> No.19003884
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i see she finally got her horsemen

>> No.19003885

i hope he fucking dies a horrible death

>> No.19003892

| see the little robots. That's a kind of cool feature.
That all sounds really great. Is that why she has a blocked nose, the dog?
I think I'll just quietly watch and enjoy. I don't really like chatting unless i'm a member of the chuuba.
I like her l2d

>> No.19003944

I think that's just what she sounds like when speaking english, she sounds less nasal in japanese

>> No.19004007

many has stepped up and asked to be a mod. she doesnt want one.

>> No.19004161

You guys think she'll grow faster if she streamed on Twitch?

>> No.19004172

did anyone really play civ3 as a kid? i played total war because it was cooler...

>> No.19004183

It is probably Youtube and her overlay. You can go look at your own history of likes, comments, chat ect so I'm sure they can see it on their side.

I'm glad she shut down the, you know, talk right away.

Depending on the dog and allergy is it tolerable with medicine. I have a friend through dog rescue that is allergic but she loves dogs so much she just munches antihistamines and keeps fostering.

>> No.19004193

No, and she doesn't know how to use twitch.

>> No.19004251
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you should shut the fuck up and go kill yourself

>> No.19004262

Not really

>> No.19004279

i remember skipping classes to play civ3

it started with "it's another hour until class maybe i'll start a game" and became "oh i'm already 15 minutes late may as well skip it"

>> No.19004361

I mean, the end credits are literally datamining the chatters...

>> No.19004372

always such a cozy stream

>> No.19004390

Oh so that's why she wants us to stay

>> No.19004411
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Maybe but I'm not sure that is really her goal. Twitch seems to be used pretty rarely in the space.

The fact that she is comfortable enough to post stuff like this on twitter is hot

>> No.19004598

her twitter is literally just:
- tweet before stream starts
- tweet after stream ends
- for the rest of the day, retweet lewds

>> No.19004708
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It's always the greynames shitting up chat.
'ate seanigs
'ate children
luv Lumi
luv me fellow robots.
simple as.

>> No.19004924

Is she going to cancel her Red Alert streams or double down on them?

>> No.19005015

i guess after she finishes the Yuri's Revenge campaign she'll move on to some other RTS?

she never tells us what she'll play next until she starts them

>> No.19005052
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I don't know but at this point I totally trust he judgement. She might not continue it as much but she is incredibly good at dealing with unruly chat such that I don't worry about anymore. Usually 2views that is the problem Kiki, chat being weird, but she just rolled over it.

>> No.19005196

She stated she doesn't want to learn to use Twitch so there's no point in a debate.

>> No.19005363

If you mean because of the war, I don't think she'll care. She'll just tell you to shut up about politics.

>> No.19005562

How long have you anons been watching Onolumi? How long has Onolumi been a chuuba for?

>> No.19005604

Oh I think this is only my 2nd week of watching her. Been enjoying my time tho

>> No.19005607

Does she plan on playing any old jrpg?

>> No.19005615

I've only been watching for a few days.
I think she said earlier in the stream she started like four/five months ago.

>> No.19005690

>/vr/ vtuber
i will now watch your chubba

>> No.19005728

Like two weeks, back in that one thread

>> No.19005774

since like the third or fourth doom stream

>> No.19005798

A couple of days ago, really excited for her Diablo 2 playthrough.

>> No.19005832

Her oldest stream available is from 3 months ago. Does she have older deleted stuff?

>> No.19005843

Since Feb14. She started somewhere around October last year.
Only if it's on PC

>> No.19005896

The fuck is going on in chat about talking dog movies?

>> No.19005903

Hell yeah D2 is great

>> No.19005909

Maybe few weeks? I hopped on one of the planescape streams for shits and gigs.
She's been streaming for about three months.

>> No.19005929

she only deleted her very first stream which was a chat stream with no viewers lol

>> No.19005958

>How long have you anons been watching Onolumi?
one month
this wasn't my first stream but it was my first attempt at shilling >>17361804

>> No.19005986

her very first stream was playing Doom on october 31st.
seeing that the chat was completely empty that seems to be the actual first video

>> No.19006027

Fuck imagining that just kills my soul fuck you for this forbidden knowledge.

>> No.19006063


>> No.19006088

anyone has an archive?

>> No.19006124

If there were zero people watching I doubt it anon.

>> No.19006154

Same anon

>> No.19006194

Isn't that kind of expected tho?

>> No.19006334

yeah she told us about it and as you can see we persuaded her to have a chit chat stream again and we promised her we would come. so we did. you can find her chit chat streams whenever theres a holoen event

>> No.19006423

no lol she started the stream, saw noone, immediately stops stream, deletes that, starts streaming doom.

>> No.19006438

Only couple of weeks. I like that she doesn't try to pander to every schizo esl in the chat and is genuinely happy when people just come and watch her.

>> No.19007136

but then how do you know this? she talked about it later? I wonder if she even spoke at all during that stream or just sat there looking at the empty chat...

>> No.19007278

we were talking about when we first came to watch her and why. then it went to that direction and she seemed really down and embarrassed about having an empty chit chat first stream lol

>> No.19007486

if anything i think that helped manage her expectations. her first couple streams also had 0 viewers based on the empty chat but she soldiered through them and kept streaming every day from that point

>> No.19010124

Watching lumi get mods instslled!

>> No.19010562

Suddenly chink stream.

>> No.19010701

Oo she's trilingual

>> No.19010903

i remember she can speak more than three languages i cant remember what they are tho

>> No.19011016

Lumi is based.

>> No.19012378

homework time again

>> No.19012687

This chuuba

>> No.19013038
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>> No.19013178

Good stream, your chuuba is fun and chill. I'll watch her again.

>> No.19013413

cant wait till you join in on the scary games

>> No.19013472
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>> No.19013668

woah wtf is going on, is that faggot that told her to check twitter on her dms? has she been groomed already?

>> No.19013769

No, anyone can tag her on twitter and she will check it. That way chat can share links with her.

>> No.19013799

no he sent her vtuber bath assets. lumi's dms are closed.

>> No.19014026
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>> No.19014314

There are some nice moans and ...suggestive talk during this stream that can be isolated and put together for a prime fap material.

>> No.19014430
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>> No.19014552

Onolumi? More like Fourolumi.

>> No.19014578

is she gonna short circuit

>> No.19014599

I'm trying really hard not to fall too hard lads.
I usually keep a degree of separation with chuubas and it's difficult when the community is so small.

I WILL take my meds. I WILL continue to just enjoy this stupid cute android girl as entertainment. FUCK.

>> No.19014661

her color choice is just...

first the yellow "soda",
now this

>> No.19014748

I know bro, I have never quite felt the call of the Gosling as much as I have watching Lumi.

>> No.19014780

Alpha Centauri please
Please Alpha Centauri
Alpha please Centauri

>> No.19014787

>first the yellow "soda",
petrol pls andastan

>> No.19014827

be strong bros, just look at the state of the board right now to see the dark side of such path

>> No.19014935

I just want her to be happy and successful and have everything she wants in life and for me to be able to not sperg out and become too invested beyond having fun with it.

I now understand how Goslings feel.

Yeah, this is very true. I doubt I'll ever get to that level but shit.

>> No.19014952
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>> No.19015164
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Today was a very relaxing Civ3 stream with some quality post-gaming chat.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jw1FdQw5MA – next is MTG Arena stream in ~21 hours at 9 PM JST tomorrow. Don't forget that she can start it earlier.

Artists that Lumi shared today:

>> No.19016107
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>Check the twitter links
>Massive tatas
dangerously based

>> No.19017733
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>> No.19018080

whose hands are those supposed to be?

>> No.19018135


>> No.19018305
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Lumi telling me that I can do whatever I want to her because she doesn't feel anything anyways.

>> No.19018713

I’ve been following her for awhile but she’s streams so early. Are her streams comfy?

>> No.19018795


>> No.19019611

check her schedule, she streams twice a day whenever possible, I guess, when she wakes up and before sleeping

>> No.19019928

Oh shit so she’s does, I’ve only seen her early streams. Thanks anon, I’ll try to catch it

>> No.19020399

I won't gosling
I won't fall for it again
I won't...

>> No.19020990

Goslings begone!

>> No.19022689

I'm not a gosling, I just want to impregnate this android.

>> No.19022810

>Nice if I can give some obscure game more love
>Civ 3
I don't know her, but her decision was bad because Civ3 is bad.
Play Civ2, 4 & 5.
That's it, all the others are pretty bad.

Especially 3

>> No.19027155

