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18984601 No.18984601 [Reply] [Original]

I'm legitimately too scared of finding out that this guy offed himself after that news. That's what matters the most to me. Fuck Rushia, we need to save Orca.

>> No.18984686

>save King Midas
He's rich enough to save himself.

>> No.18984815

my concern is there's going to be another KyoAni
I hope the holo office gets put on skeleton crew for a few days/weeks

>> No.18984878

He's the one she leaked everything to.
She hoped to earn back his trust and akasupas, but he was a Cover double agent all along.

>> No.18984920


>> No.18984931

you realize all the jap fandeads will just immediately move on to supporting her roommate right?

>> No.18985029

How many loads do you think he's spilled to Rushia?

>> No.18985035

this but unironically

>> No.18985093

Are you retarded? She’s going to kill herself before that happens

>> No.18985100

KyoAmi happened because the President of KyoAni was a stingy old fashioned boss who kept tons of old flammable material in the company and blocked all fire exits. Cover Corp has security and is located in a new building with fire protection

>> No.18985133

you'd hope so, but we're talking about people who drop thousands on anime girls

>> No.18985161

35k$ worth of superstar+ certainly most if not every merch related to her i believe? I have the file on my phone but too lazy to search for it.

>> No.18985320

he's been tweeting seems pretty sad

>> No.18985396

He already made 4 tweets after finding about her firing:
> Lie ... I'm about to cry. ° (´ ฅ ω ฅ `) °.
>Absent-minded ... I don't know how to spend it ...
>Is ASMR at Rushia KU100 a phantom ... I'm really sorry I was looking forward to it ... ° (´ ฅ ω ฅ `) °.
>It's sad that both Twitter and YouTube channels disappear in a month ... It's hard to lose memories ...

>> No.18985710

And probably with no cuts taken by Cover.

>> No.18985760

Orca-bro... Seems to be fine then, that's not to the point of him killing himself for now.

>> No.18986068


>> No.18986186

>Fuck Rushia, we need to save Orca.
They're both rich. They will be alright.

>> No.18986237

Rushia could just message this guy then live her best life.

>> No.18986296


>> No.18986299
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Orca-kun come home
real talk though, I feel sorry for the guy, he has money and found a way to grab some little happiness in this world. Which was just taken from him

>> No.18986385

This. Breaking NDA is a serious bussiness and it'll hard for her moving forward aside from being non affiliated. Just find this dude and marry him

>> No.18986610

If she she actually starts streaming again, sure. She might be too technically incompetent to become an indie, though.

>> No.18986772

If there's one person in the world who deserves to have sex with Rushia on livestream, its him

>> No.18986804

>dumped by mafu
>fired from hololive
this is the moment orca can make his move

>> No.18986810

Too much NTR in Rushia's life already, she's sticking with Mafu

>> No.18987983 [DELETED] 

How much money has he given her?

>> No.18988650


>> No.18988794

that bitch keeps joking about self harm, she can deal with an ugly bastard, I say they should marry (forced marriage against Rushia will)

>> No.18989454

doesn't matter, they watch her livestreams

>> No.18989816 [DELETED] 

oh? he matters to you? damn now i really hope he does kill himself lmfao both of you faggots are so retarded you should go join him

>> No.18990581


>> No.18990719
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How long will it take before a 2view tries to poach him?

>> No.18990785

Why the fuck would Rushia fans watch Mafufu, I'm not fucking gay

>> No.18990873

0 seconds, already happened the very first day of the drama

>> No.18990943

She might pull a Snoop Dogg on one of her streams kek.

>> No.18991009

I know, but now it's officially open season on him. So, I should've wrote, "From now, how long will it take before a 2view tries to poach him?"

>> No.18991065

How fucking new are you.

>> No.18991136

Roommate= personal account aka Mikeneko you fucking tourist.

>> No.18991272

Is there a reason why he won't just follow Rushia's roommate if she decides to continue?

>> No.18991326

Stop spoonfeeding the retards you fucking tourist.

>> No.18991334
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why would you ever pity this lousy faggot? he could have helped the homeless or orphans but instead he gave his money to a suicidal menhera grifter. he should join her in hell.

>> No.18991391

>idiots taking a gay joke so seriously
God, this site is full of retards.

>> No.18991393

is it really that hard to comprehend

>> No.18991462

>h-haha its jork
get a rope, learn knot and hang self

>> No.18991544

Would you laugh at the special bus? its punching down and distasteful.
Me too. Though part of me wished he'd snap and call Rushia a giga bitch and used him.

>> No.18991646

I am diagnosing you with autism.

>> No.18991677

Yes, retards are funny.

>> No.18991719

>ywn have anime girls fighting for the right of your wallet
Basically this. Just marry this sad fuck.

>> No.18991778

Unironically this. But this whole situation suggests that Rushia might actually be a bitch on top of being unstable. I'm not sure picking a 30+ woman with such baggage is worth the trouble, and is certainly not worth your wallet.

>> No.18991832

Alright autist. They'd throw you in there too if they could.
He's eating McDonalds. Its hitting him hard.

>> No.18991974

Why the fuck is an oil baron eating McDonalds?

>> No.18991980

Morning Mac is common for-everyone place in japan, not a nigger hellhole like USA, hes doing fine

>> No.18992000

I'm not even the one that made the joke, I'm just not dumb enough for it to fly over my head.

>> No.18992040

What does that mean? She's gonna smoke weed?

>> No.18992081

What if she uses a Live2D model, though? She hasn't uploaded a video with her face on her new channel yet, so she might use one.

>> No.18992340

Why tf he need to help the homeless or orphans lmao, can they offer something he needs?

>> No.18993195

>tfw ywn do gfe for oruka-san
>you will never replace Lushya
why even live bros

>> No.18993792
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Oruka kun... gomenasai... I could do nothing to stop it...

>> No.18994097

kyoani happened because of an insane fan that felt slighted. Guess what there are now endless amounts of?

>> No.18994283

How long has this dude been supporting Rushia?

>> No.18994323

That's the thing, she could commission a model, start streaming and instantly become one of the top five best paid indies in the world or something. But she wouldn't know how to manage her career by herself. She might not even know how to set up her software for streaming. The entire drama happened in the first place because she didn't know to maintain separate accounts for work and personal use and also didn't know how to set up OBS to capture just the game window instead of her entire screen with notifications and everything.

>> No.18994398

Do your reps

>> No.18994810

He's fine look at the commentes, he's just gonna donate even more to her roommate :

>> No.18994931
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he's gonna be just fine.

>> No.18995077

All of the fire safety features were grossly neglected, though. Even really basic stuff like the Fire Exits.

>> No.18995089
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bros... they're laughing at him....

>> No.18995122

>I don't know how to spend it
Buy all the Rushia merch off second hand selling websites in Japan. Im sure some of them are getting rid of their merch

>> No.18995492

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.18995656


>> No.18996353

Bruh, his name is Orca, just come home and start simping for Chloe.

>> No.18996385

He doesn't need to kill everyone. He only need to aim at the pillars of Cover

>> No.18996485
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I realized I have more sympathy for a fellow unicorn than his chubba

>> No.18996583

Given what Rushia has put him through and all the love and support hes shown for her and she should at least take his virginity, especially since it looks like hes goin to follow her to her next " life ". I mean come on.

>> No.18996618

This post didn't age well

>> No.18997043

Nice to know, subie.

>> No.18997125

Did he really start supporting her roommate?

>> No.18997137

Probably something like emerge as a meme accidentally. Snoop livestreamed a ragequit and it became a minor meme.

>> No.18997425

He can't watch Rushia's roommate in jail.

>> No.18998179

Oshis are for life, anon.

>> No.18998230

Yes and also the glass window of Cover corp has been demonstrated to easily break in case of emergency.

>> No.18998995
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>> No.18999141

Yes. Kyoani was killed for that official reason and no other possible reason could ever be involved in a highly publicized incident regarding a massive multimedia company that produces wholesome content.

>> No.18999271

° (´ ฅ ω ฅ `) °

>> No.18999312
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based, save our gachi friends

>> No.18999595

Antis are insane. I've gotten called a BAB by a nip once for posting supportive tweets at Rushia
What the fuck even is a BAB?
I still don't know...

>> No.18999641


>> No.18999727


>> No.18999879
File: 157 KB, 288x327, 1633891183224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they retarded?
Orca is in prime position now that everythings gone horribly wrong for Rushia and Mafu probably dumped her.
He could easily catch her on the rebound.

>> No.19000178

Can someone link me the other fandead's twitter, the one with shitload of Rushia merch in his room? I want to see how he's coping.

>> No.19000191

>Rushia goes solo
>ORCA-CHAD is there to give her thousands and thousands more in superchats
Just marry him Rushia

>> No.19000294
File: 361 KB, 1080x1239, 1645700206973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Orca also get a private message and a private video?
>Hazuki-kun, thank you, really... don't push yourself so much, okay?!!!
>May I send you a thank-you video in return? This is coming from the heart...
>I'm acting on my own here, so please keep this a secret

>Thank you, I will work hard to make everyone comfortable
>I am not supposed to be responding to people like this, but I trust you not to tell anyone :)
>Thank you for your message!

>> No.19000316


Her company fired her, her co-workers gave cold uncaring responses, Korekore stabbed her in the back, and mafumafu threw her under the bus while rejecting her.

However, do you know who never stopped believing? Never stopped being loyal? Never stopped loving her? ORCA-CHAD!!

Marry him Rushia

>> No.19000344

Smell like fake. He would leak it LONG time ago.

>> No.19000370

Orca's her top paypig. He definitely got a bunch of "thank you" videos where she goes nude and poses for his pleasure.

>> No.19000517
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Crying over a dead holo is grounds for immediate termination.

>> No.19000742

That was his money, not yours. Do charity yourself faggot

>> No.19000789

You severely misunderstand the concept of sitting on valuable intel and use it to capitalize at the proper time. Randomly leaking shit will just make you look like a schizo

>> No.19000935

Rushia, go marry your orca, you can't find anyone love you more than him

>> No.19001048
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>> No.19001104

Don't waste your life on people who hate you Rushia, spend yours together with orca and you'll find happiness

>> No.19001176

Orca and other 10 people who she don't feel in any way attracted to. If you do'nt think she'll start sleeping around with all these people she would have before but couldn't due to her job you're delusional

>> No.19001210

Stop shilling your own Twitter, faggot.

>> No.19001229

I have a feeling that love is going to bloom on the battlefield of yabs. Rushia and Orca are going to marry and have beautiful children that will be rich as fuck.

>> No.19001265

She's the same person.

>> No.19001285

Orca was the top john though. He will get special privileges.

>> No.19001352

He is mostly an innocent victim, at most he committed the crime of being a simp, so yes, your sympathy should lie with him instead

>> No.19001393
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>> No.19001515

What kind of video do you think Orca got?

>> No.19001870

He's such a paypig cuck, I doubt she'd even bother with him.

>> No.19001873


>> No.19004483

