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File: 7 KB, 225x225, rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18982977 No.18982977 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard for people to understand why she had to be fired? Hololive says that she was "leaking information." Do you understand how dangerous leaking is in the idol industry? If Rushia is telling random people about the other idols secrets (something like for example "Marine said she hates the overseas fans") this can completely ruin their careers. Leaking represents an extreme danger to idols, who have to keep up an aura of perfection and if she was leaking inside info she had to go, period.

>> No.18983054

Reading is hard, spreading rrats is easier

>> No.18983186

>work for Apple
>fuck up bad
>leak company information to Keemstar to clear your name
>get shitcanned

>> No.18983209

Again with this idol perfection bullshit, I thought they were le entertainment company

>> No.18983222

I assumed it was Japanese legal speak because I saw cover post a similar "spreading false information" claim a week ago about some random people

>> No.18983237

Keemstar? Which episode?

>> No.18983505

>pee pee poopoo
your braincells right now
no company wants their secrets out your westerb corporate jews will put you in a lifetime solitary confinement for leaking secrets of next bing bing bing wahoo or itoddler toyphones.
westoid hypocrisy is obvious, cultural colonialism at its finest. whities never change its just a different mask

>> No.18984010

I literally don't give a shit. Fuck corporate bullshit.

Cover deserves to go down.

>> No.18985089
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emotionally driven people, not willing to accept the truth or just in denial.
A cash cow doesn't mean she's immune to punishment, especially when it's a japan company. They always strict to the rule

>> No.18985131

touch grass gachikoi

>> No.18985184
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>Hololive says that she was "leaking information."
Bigger rrat than anything posted here, and you believe it.

>> No.18985338

>lack the critical info

>> No.18985440

She didn't have to be fired. Cover could have negotiated NDAs with the people Rushia was leaking to and keep her on board.

>> No.18985597

Cover should stop acting like jews then.

>> No.18985673

You have no information faggot.

>> No.18985681

what information do we have other than her roommate's channel, korekorefaggot streams, posts in twitter?
we can't verify any shit
but for them to put "leaking information" is very damning to that employee

>> No.18985755

>Asking to be spoonfed
No. Go and do your archive reps

>> No.18985885

That costs money and sets a bad example for other talents. You pull this shit in any job and your ass is on the street. Doing lines of coke in the toilet? Sexual harrassment all that shit can be swept under the rug. Internal matters. You start leaking info in an industry where privacy is is a big deal you are out on your ass.

>> No.18985920

The leaker chooses what info slips out, and therefore controls how it affects the reputation of both the company and the talents. Idol culture autism aside, that’s inherently dangerous to any entertainment company because it can paint them in a bad light without telling the whole story.

>> No.18985973

That's enough grounds for termination. Imagine leaking info to eceleb dramawhores like korekore and narukami

>> No.18986008

>leaking information
what type of information and for how long. you are assuming the worst.

>> No.18986124

Yes, the NDAs would cost money, but I can't imagine they would cost more than the money Rushia generated for cover. As for setting a bad example, I don't see why they couldn't have just let this one instance slide and then later double down on their internal policy regarding trade secret disclosure.

>> No.18986244

Can someone spoonfeed me on what she leaked like a retard

>> No.18986280
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Spoonfeed me anonchama.

>> No.18986310

It's probably either an extremely serious leak, or just a serious one and they want to send a message. Basically, do not be the next Rushia.

>> No.18986334

“I don’t believe cover unless they tell us what info Rushia leaked.”

Are you perhaps retarded anon?

>> No.18986400

These niggers don't read. Cover wouldn't have fired her if she shared her information to close relatives, but leaking your information to a social media account with a big reach is asking for it. Rushia is an utter fucking retard to think nothing would happen to her if she doxxed herself to the jap keemstar. It's even dumber when her manager and the company most definitely told her to shut her mouth before they take care of the situation. She's such a stupid fuck it's tragic.

>> No.18986858

I wish cover would would be more transparent about the nature of the info that Rushia leaked. I can't help but feel that leak was minor, and just an excuse to dump Rushia over the boyfriend drama

>> No.18986955

She leaked mafumafu's cum.
Impregnation services come with a complete "no-spill" policy..

>> No.18986977
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She is gonna keep leaking stuff lmao. People think it's over but they are understimating the power levels of a true menhera.

>> No.18987545

You should be glad Cover is not always thought about money faggot. If that's the case you would see the injustice they do to the other talents and that's the end for them.
Goddamn, Retard

>> No.18987680

Who knows, maybe the things she leaked will be put out by Korekore or whoever she leaked to.

>> No.18987887

Fuck off drones. Cover fucked up again and you absolute retards still defend them.

>> No.18988489

As much as I would like that, she can’t until her NDA expires. They’ll sue her ass. That’s why Kson and Delta haven’t said anything since leaving Hololive.

>> No.18988588

Here's the problem, little schizo.
If you knew what happened you'd happily shove it on my face just to spite Rushia. I know this because you're a helpless creature who can't avoid winning "internet arguments".

That you haven't is surefire proof its a nothingburger.

>> No.18988666

I would just spill the beans now if I was Rushia. Write a tell all book about Hololive, Cover, and all it's members and take them down. Rushia has nothing to lose now, burn it all down, Rushia.

>> No.18988673

desu i dont delta will say anything even when it expires

>> No.18988750

We either dont know, or it was stuff like her discord to mafu, or how she talked to korekore about the incident

>> No.18988778

The one on Korekore's channel where he talked about Rushia giving him the private information of other Hololive talents that was so sensitive that even he couldn't show it.

>> No.18988810

If she feels really desperate, she might do just that out of spite, despite the consequences to her. I hope she doesn't, for her own wellbeing, but it is a possibility.

>> No.18988913

If Cover was lying when they said that in the announcement they opened themselves up to a huge libel case that they can't win.

>> No.18988973
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Bitch what?? Read again to understand the context, geez. What I'm saying is we don't have any information but Cover is probably right in this situation since they added clues such as "leaked information".

>> No.18989077

>tries to expose Cover as a black company
Knowing her track record whatever she'd leak before she kills herself for real would be nothing. The best she got for korekore was room pictures and manager discussions saying shes fucking Mafu.

>> No.18989168

Then they open themselves up to a lawsuit and even more shit tier PR. Any 1/2 decent corporate legal team will be advising to nip the problem in the bud. The biggest problem is the issue could've been handled internally and then she decided to bring external 3rd parties into it. External 3rd parties that cannot be controlled and have no contractual obligations. There is no letting it slide. HAd she shut her mouth and just lay low what's the worst that could've happenned. She might cop some heat and laughed at for a month but after a while somebody else will fuck up and they'll be the next target. What you are asking for the impossible for any corporation.

>> No.18989169

Cover has enemies that cling to anything and ignore facts. They will spin the narrative to them being a corporate that ignores talents wellbeing, while ignoring them protecting the image of every other talent in jp.
Rushia messed up big time

>> No.18989223

she probably would do it anyway and then kill herself if she hasn't already

>> No.18989246

>assuming JP has the same type of libel laws as NA or EU

>> No.18989255
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You just know it's gotta be bad when not even Fubuki is covering your sorry ass.

>> No.18989326

because it happened so close to the DM yab so most normal fags are going to take this her getting the boot because of it you can actually see it now

>> No.18989344

No, I'm talking as someone who has done publishing work in Japan. Their libel laws are stricter than in the west.

>> No.18989456

The closest thing we're getting for any support for her are non-JP girls vague tweeting. It's bad.

>> No.18989477

>Not always thinking about money
LMAO even holy shit

>> No.18989497

so nobody actually knows what happened at all, right? im sick and tired of trying to pull any information from the sticky, retardation on twitter and the curated subreddit.

>> No.18989513

Apparently the only thing flatter than her chest is the surface of her brain.

>> No.18989580

>non-JP girls
i mean she didn't have yab shit from them lol

>> No.18989640

She got literally unpersoned. No holomem's tweet regarding this matter named Rushia.

>> No.18989694

She told Narukami the name of Mio's husband and son. She deserves it.

>> No.18989702

jew lawyer hyperbole talk, she probably just sent a few harmless dms on discord or something

>> No.18989758

You can even find it on this thread you lazy fuck.

>> No.18989961

Because of the mafumafu incident I bet you anything Cover combed over every single "Rushia" medium she used to communicate.

That means that she did some of the following:
>Talked to mafu about hololive under her Rushia account
>Talked to Kore about stuff on the Rushia account as well
>Talked to her friends about hololive using Rushia

She didn't separate the character from the person, the one thing seemingly everybody expects us to do on the viewer's end.

>> No.18989978
File: 65 KB, 1073x732, Screenshot_20220224-032936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Tamaki has something to say in this but it's members only

>> No.18990128

If we're including non-Holomem then there's been a little bit of support, but all of it reads like the people haven't even looked at Korekore.

>> No.18990134

if true, how could she be this retarded?

>> No.18990187

Yeah that was bad

>> No.18990287

You watch vtubers, the fact that a subhuman loser like you think you can look down on others is just embarrassing.

>> No.18990383

And you duel like a cow.

>> No.18990389
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 16cfcf182724b01737a5ee31e1e965703ff58b6dba9091a7812f1f1438545c99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can find it in this thread
>Thread has been a nothingburger
I am right

>> No.18990874

I guess Rushia probably overshare too much to Tamaki as well

>> No.18991005

Goddamn retard, how do you explain the reason they axed their top earner then faggot?
Yes, the company's main objective is getting profit but they still have work ethics. She breaks the contract, they fired her. There must be some negotiation in the background and this is the conclusion they give.
Or do you want them to make her special and break the whole company from the inside? Think faggot, think.

>> No.18991018

>expects US to do
Mori, be happy with your current fame and stop seething.

>> No.18991426

>so nobody actually knows what happened at all, right?
"archive reps" is code for "i regret that i don't know either, my friend"
>Apparently the only thing flatter than her chest is the surface of her brain.

>> No.18992172

That's all fine a dandy until the information leaked leads to a fanatic raping and killing one of the talents and Cover ends up with the public mad at them for not taking a hard stance on information leaking...

>> No.18993561

What lawsuit? Court battles are won by throwing money at lawyers. Rushia may be pretty rich, but she sure as hell aren't richer than Cover. Even if she has evidence that Cover bullshitting everyone she realistically can't do anything with that; Cover knows that too.

>> No.18994026

I am honestly surprised that Cover didn't allowed a graduation stream to milk money with her one last time.

>> No.18994360

>rushia was disclosing private information with korekore
>according to him, she shared info that even he can't show publicly
>rushia gets terminated for violating NDA by leaking company info
>almost every JP holomem, including FBK, WTM, and Flare who are known to be massive crybaby unityfags, were apathetic to rushia
>retards still can't piece two and two together
fucking go back to twitter you retards

>> No.18994512
File: 835 KB, 800x1130, rushiasnothingburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy this nothingburger sure is big and juicy

>> No.18994786

Kind of telling how bad it must really be.

>> No.18995061
File: 2.71 MB, 2894x4093, 1645685385952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm going to miss milking you all - i mean, miss you all

>> No.18996350

Because, unlike Coco who leaves with her own volition, Rushia breaches her contract and is a snake.

>> No.18996482

Really this should be a lesson: if your oshi could actually be a massive cunt irl.

>> No.18996620
File: 371 KB, 685x624, things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's stopping her leaking the information now when she's not tied by the contract?

>> No.18996736

NDAs can still apply after the employment contract ends.

>> No.18996818

The difference between "firing" and "being sued"

>> No.18997251
File: 25 KB, 720x405, 1644814032743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much what I ended up concluding too. God, the sheer magnitude of her fuck up that not even Bakatare is sticking up for her... if this shit ends up biting the other members down the line then we'll know who to blame. Fandeads will probably get a kick out of it too...

>> No.18997294

More like the difference between "firing" and "firing squad"

>> No.18997337

Did he swoved any evidence?

>> No.18997646

cover corp are one of the most incompetent organisations available, anon. they don't give a shit about any of their talents, they just lucked into a vtuber craze.

>> No.18997754

>the idol industry
>that she was never part of
What did he mean by this

>> No.18998185

fubuki is always going to protect cover, retard. you have to realise most of these girls don't have particularly strong relations with each other. they have relations with 1 or 2 other gen mates usually.
cover never backed aloe

>> No.18998405

Well, Aloe pretty self-destructed so I doubt Cover could've done much for her. Still, that doesn't change the fact that she outright got fired instead of just taking a month's suspension or something mild for that discord screw up. And it definitely has to have been something that would've damaged the other talents as well so I can understand why the JP girls have been so apathetic about this whole thing.

>> No.18998409

xir please cry over at twitter

>> No.18998512


>> No.18998576

>Rushia giving him the private information of other Hololive talents that was so sensitive that even he couldn't show it.
You dumb?

>> No.18998626

In an effort to defend herself (or during a neurotic episode) she leaked a ton of confidential information, including holomember real names, manager and staff names, at least 2 people's addresses, and conversations with holomembers that pretty much substantiate that they have boyfriends, that they brainstorm their "personas" for akasupas, and give each other tips on how to manipulate fandeads into donating.

She gave korekore her discord because there were already memes of doctored discord DMs and tweets from overseas accounts, and she wanted to prove everything she was saying was real (don't know if she is retarded) and he was able to read through all of her conversations, not just the DMs between her twink boyfriend and her. Lame of him to go through the other convos, but expected, what the fuck was she thinking. You don't give a dramatuber access to your work discord and expect him to hold up his part of the deal and only read through your convos with mafumafu!

Dramatuber contacted his COVER contact to make sure he was not liable to be sued over it. That's how COVER found out.

>> No.18998683
File: 67 KB, 615x748, rushia lawyering up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She has already contacted a lawyer and preparing to sue COVER, mate.

>> No.18998733

Mel literally leaked info to Narukami herself

>> No.18998759

I beleeb it

>> No.18998784

So all we got is his word about this?

>> No.18998794

she deleted it

>> No.18999048

They fired their highest earner, a literal, honest to god cash cow just like it was nothing. You bet your ass I'm assuming the worst. A corporation doesn't kiss off that much money and clout for no reason.

>> No.18999363

Company image > any amount of SC
And Rushia started becoming liability

>> No.18999513 [DELETED] 


>> No.18999538

where's rushia general

>> No.18999543

>want to get rid of a talent because she's become a liability
>no way to do it without looking bad though
>dig up some minor infraction from months or years ago and vaguely imply she's done something very bad and fire her
>tell all her fellow jp talents that they have ko right to comment on the situation beyond "sad that it had to be this way"
>corpo simps will defend your firing until the very end
PR managers at Cover working hard folks

>> No.18999684

She's not gonna win that battle frens i'm scared

>> No.18999815

Remember that Mel personally leaked information about being harassed to Narukami and she wasn't fired. It's up to the discretion of the company and they just decided to set an example

>> No.18999851

so do we know what she actually did?

>> No.18999945

they banned her for streaming for 2 weeks, didn't they? and they never really supported her either.
why do you think coco left hololive?

>> No.19000158

They suspended her for "leaking test videos". And that was made up bullshit.
Same with Coco, for "showing YT data on stream" all other talents did it and it was ok.
That's why im sceptical about this "Rushia leak"

>> No.19000236

it's all bullshit, cover doesn't give a single shit about any of their talents since they're big now.
they were always incompetent, but it doesn't matter because you can introduce a new gen and anyone old will be forgotten.

>> No.19000352
File: 85 KB, 531x336, rushia kore retarded leak - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was too desperate to save her own ass, so leaked shit to dramawhore, without remembering to filter out any messages with other hololive staff and talents

>> No.19000659

delta talked about that, when they found her number and called her house they managed to annoy her abusive step father.
apparently it's because of him she decided to quit, he was angry about all the calls and essentially bullied her into leaving.
with coco not sure what happened, on the one hand she kept streaming for like a year post incident and got an incredible send off, on the other it seems like they really didn't let her collab with a lot of people.
either way, the rushia thing is diffrent, them refunding the goods and deleting her channel is just... something she did clearly crossed a major line, i just wonder what it was.

>> No.19000852

I know about Aloe and Coco that, im talking just about reason for their 2 weeks suspension and made up reason for it.

>> No.19000866

nta but we also got cover word about it by firing rushia.

>> No.19000956

Nijinigger, your time is already over. Get over it.

>> No.19000958

>Why is it so hard for people to understand why she had to be fired?
Because corporations are as trust worthy as modern major news outlets

>> No.19001010

Have you ever worked before?

>> No.19001026

the 2 weeks suspension is made up bullshit but it's there to distance themselves.
basickly take away the object people are angry about and hope they forget about it.
it's just a pr tactic to de escalate the situation.
it's like how everyone in the world is angry about the Ukraine right now, so putin is taking Ukraine away and hopes people forget about it in a couple of weeks.

>> No.19001036

Your oishi was a whore

>> No.19001080

>Cover fires Rushia for "leaking info"
>Now anyone can came out and say that's his doing because Cover announcement is vauge
It's like ISIS claiming responsibility for every terror attack that is happening in world

>> No.19001082
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it's amazing how she just keeps fucking up

>> No.19001110

>Fired Rushia
>Didn't graduate all of the homos
Cover totally cares about money more than anything else right anons? Today we learned that unless you do some extremely fucked up shit you don't get terminated.

>> No.19001127

But reason for it was made up. That why im not trusting any Cover announcment without additional info.

>> No.19001152

bro i like this rrrat, now every time info leaks we can call it rushia's revenge.

>> No.19001169

>"Menhera does a menhera thing and gets fired"
Simple as.

>> No.19001246

Is that related to the stalker case? Because if so Cover would have looked REAL BAD for firing Mel since her Stalker was an employee of theirs

>> No.19001276


>> No.19001375

both of you are retarded.
cover gets maybe a couple hundred thousand from rushia. not very much.

>> No.19001441

does it really matter? it's clear rushia was just trying to clear her name, she barely got any support from cover after all. they banned her for it.

>> No.19001532

Perhaps somewhere out there, the final yab is already stewing...

>> No.19001557

Rushia is proving herself to be a liability repeatedly. It's all adding up and it makes no sense to keep her on board if she leaks shit and causes yabs

>> No.19001653

>Rushia is proving herself to be a liability repeatedly. It's all adding up and it makes no sense to keep her on board if she leaks shit and causes yabs
with this mentality all your chubas are going to graduate

>> No.19001772

None of my oshis spill their guts and business dms to a fucking gossip youtuber retard

>> No.19003349

Hololive are idols. You're confusing them with the shoddy EN knockoff.

>> No.19003372

>None of my oshis spill their guts and business dms to a fucking gossip youtuber retard

>> No.19004583

The necromancer has laid down together with her living corpses

>> No.19004672


>> No.19004807

Even Aloe despite being a retarded autistic menhera isn't leaking shit about Lamy's sexfriends.

>> No.19005010

And what the fuck are they supposed to say on the matter? Unless some third-party releases the information and incurs the legal wrath that comes from it, they can't exactly just walk out and say "Here's the real name of each girl along with their current relationship status".
If Rushia is being wrongly accused, she can settle it in a courtroom for damages and be smart enough to not talk about it until the case is settled.

>> No.19005157

So she managed to prove that they weren't dating, only to make an even bigger fuck up as a result.

>> No.19005466

This entire debacle is a lesson: Loose lips, sink ships.

>> No.19005582

Watch people, WATCH. And if you can't be bothered to watch the proof and look at the discussions leaked, at least have the patience to look at the comments. No other holomem info leaked, just info about herself got leaked by the guy, who said
>I shouldn't discuss this but...
while leaking her information and nothing else about other members. Stop making up your own headcanon. I mean for the rest who are just here to stir up shit you're doing a good job spreading misinformation.

>> No.19005687

Leaking information in this could mean anything as simple as telling someone outside the company that they were getting a new costume or something. It's basically just an excuse to get rid of her

>> No.19005887

I think she's a whore but its obvious that they're lying. They're firing her for the boyfriend yab and using the NDA as an excuse.

>> No.19005886

That is what he has shown, what he has and what he is showing are 2 different things.
It's pretty reasonable to assume he has way more and even he isn't dumb enough to take on an entire corporate legal team and absolutely get assreamed in jp court

>> No.19006020

If that was the case they wouldn't have defended her dating life in a previous statement. That statement where they said they don't control the dating lives of idols, set a strong precedent for what to expect from not just Hololive idols but other virtual idols as well.

>> No.19006075

So when it's a defense of the rumors, time to start making assumptions and believe that it can't be the only thing that happened. But when it's the rrat about how she leaked everyone's info with no proof, time to believe everything that's said without questioning it. Damn I can't with you people

>> No.19006172

Company PR

>> No.19006228

Yes they fucking would have you idiot. If they said "we're firing this dumb whore for not keeping her legs closed" it would make the company look bad. Instead they said they supported her and waited for a minor excuse to fire her.

>> No.19006314

How is that different form Mori talking to trash taste?

>> No.19006361

Ultimately it boils down to whether people believe the company message or not.

If it's true, she deserves it.

That said, I feel we can trust the message this time. There's circumstancial evidence of her behavior and cover has historically not terminated anyone like that.

Even if they were going full black company over this they'd instead try and force her to work even more, not terminate her. She was their biggest cash cow.

>> No.19006368

Fuck I would buy it

>> No.19006427

After Aloe and Coco reasons for suspensions I don't belive in any shit from Cover

>> No.19006520

Don't know how people can still trust cover over the holomems they're screwing over. New I guess

>> No.19006630

No it wouldn't. There is legal precedent for companies firing talents for having boyfriends, and actually being financially compensated by the fired talent. Japan isn't America.

What Cover did is they set the expectation for all current and future idols that they can have a boyfriend.

>> No.19006646

I would say leaking information of Vtubers is even worse than it is for idols

>> No.19006713

You can't be this retarded.

>> No.19006742

For all we know she "leaked" her private messages with that alien.

>> No.19006768


>> No.19006778

>I didn't shoot an innocent person in the chest, I just moved jammed the trigger while having the bad luck to be aiming at that other person chest

>> No.19006805

Those two graduated out of their own and I think I saw somewhere that Coco was bribed by Cover to not leave. The Chinks were 'graduated' and even had their own graduation stream.

>> No.19006809

it was just leaks about the deadweight managers

>> No.19006843

You can't be.


There was no reason to defend her having a boyfriend in the first place if they had this all planned from the start. They could just just done this announcement, and stopped setting the expectation by fans and wannabe idols that they can have a boyfriend.

>> No.19006921

I talking cover lying to people why they got suspended. They lied before so in wary about them.

>> No.19006968

I want you to take 2 seconds to imagine the response if Hololive, a company with a global audience, had said "we are firing this girl for being a fucking whore."

>> No.19007010

>couple hundred
Just so you know, cover and their talent share 50:50 from the super chats alone. Which mean:
Youtube get 30%
Rushia get 35%
Cover get 35%
>couple hundred

>> No.19007046

>Thinking EN fans matter at all.

Do your reps faggot.

>> No.19007073


Notice, too, that this time she was not suspended and cover overtly took her side.
In both cases they quit. Cover may be to blame all you want, it doesn't change the fact that this time around they simply gutted her. It's an entirely different scenario.

If evidence pops up that rushia did nothing wrong i'll review my evaluation.

>> No.19007088

>married holos exist
>since long ago

>> No.19007109

You are an actual fucking retard holy shit

>> No.19007143

Mori didn't talk about things that would break NDA with Trash Taste, unlike Rushia.

>> No.19007177

>Wow just wow just wow

Le reddit moment. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.19007179

My point is that Cover lied a lot before.

>> No.19007237

Not that anon, but why is it so easy to spot you touristchamas?

>> No.19007335

Yes, and my point is that this doesn't change the fact this is a new scenario, and a believable one.

>> No.19007360

What, that time they suspended a girl in order to take the heat off her assuming the chinese online defense force would give up after a bit? And then when china continued to attack their girls they literally killed all buisness relations with china and browbeat susan into giving youtube better protection against chinese spammers? That lie?

>> No.19007402

>this is a new scenario

>> No.19007417

The real touristchamas are the retards like you who think a Japanese company can't or won't just come out and say that dating for their idols isn't allowed... if they actually wanted to say it.

>> No.19007587

cover had to fire her, she was telling the biggest gossip tuber in nipon who of their idols had boyfriends. the other girls would have killed her themselves if the let her stay around after that.

>> No.19007660

>Hololive says that she was "leaking information."
Ohhh, well, if Hololive says it, it must be true!

>> No.19007731

Cover has to set an example. Ccoco was one. Now Rushia. Who knows who else would serve as an example. Haachama

>> No.19007852

Mel was being attacked and wanted her employer to do its damned job. Rushia was being a fuckup while trying to mitigate the consequences of her previous fuckup. The two occurrences are not the same.

>> No.19007955

Indeed, and I brought that up in my first post of this chain. It's a new scenario in relation to the post-2019 boom status quo.

Kaoru and Suzaku were terminated too iirc, but they were considerably friendlier.

Axing Rushia like that is impressive in a lot of ways.

>> No.19008036

Correction, in my first post of a similar chain.
But yes, Chris is the closest scenario to this that we have within hololive.

>> No.19008507

>Suspended for "showing YT data". When all other girls did it before

>> No.19009043

>aura of perfection
Good. Let it burn.

>> No.19009297

>"It's basically just an excuse to get rid of her"
Why would Hololive 'just want to' get rid of their golden goose? She's the most supeorchatted talent they had since Coco.

>> No.19009384

drink the leaking of my dick faggot

>> No.19009406

some of them are married you fucking staple eater. she didn't get fired for being in a relationship

>> No.19009453

It's not only dangerous, it's a crime.
