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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18892025 No.18892025 [Reply] [Original]

I know, it's not Nijisanji EN fault. They just do their job. But, because of the recent ID / KR news, I can't be truly happy when I knew there's a new wave from EN (especially when I remembered seventh ID wave audition cancelled). Well, ye, it's probably only me, because people will say EN is better than ID / KR.

>> No.18892203

What happened to Niji ID and KR?

>> No.18892294

I don't watch KR/ID unless they're speaking English or Japanese and I feel bad for you guys. The favoritism is real. It's why I think JP has been including them more in events or collabs. Or else they'd just graduate because who is going to care about them when they're losing their cohesiveness.

>> No.18892371

Niji ID and KR will be merged with NIJISANJI (JP) by April 2022. There will be no more ID and KR, only Nijisanji, Niji EN, and VirtuaReal

>> No.18893635

Used as tribute to accel summon noxdicks.

>> No.18896371

Only the strong survive in Niji.

>> No.18896644


True. Survive or graduate.

>> No.18896750

They are being merged under general Nijisanji.

>> No.18896824

I know everybody was already expecting a new EN wave but announcing it right after the ID+KR merge with JP (and ID wave 7 auditions cancellation) just feels like a slap in the face

>> No.18896865

"Disbanded" as a branch and now they're accommodated to the same branch as the JPs.
This means they have no obligation to stream in their own language but at the same time this generated a ton of backlash from the indogs and some Koreans who followed the talents since the 1st wave.

Additionally, because they're not obligated to talk in Indonesian or Korean anymore, this means they have to try their best to speak in the mainstream languages (japanese, English, bugman), something not every talent is accustomed to, and will probably either keep streaming in their language and further drown into irrelevancy, or give up and graduate in good terms while you still can, like Siu lee AKA Korean Fubuki and Ko Yami just did.

>> No.18897039

This. It just doesn't feel... Right

>> No.18897133

I think they'll still use their own language. But yeah, maybe they'll use english / japanese more often

>> No.18897166

i hate nijisanji so much...

>> No.18897302

>7th ID wave
Jesus christ.

>> No.18897343

Will never happen. Sigh.. I like the bird boi so much

>> No.18899812
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ID 7th wave haha

>> No.18900234

thank god they didn't use these models for new EN wave, otherwise i would seethe so hard. it would be okay if they use them for future waves

>> No.18903946

So that's why they graduated?

>> No.18904166 [DELETED] 
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One step closer, It's a shame you could've saved her OP

>> No.18904330

Why wouldn't they? it's smart it's a good way to get everyone from staying on something negative and distracting them with something new and positive.

>> No.18911050

They both haven't given a direct an explanation as to why they graduated, but its a possibility because:

1. They both announced their graduation simultaneously, and weeks before Anycolor properly announced the merging, which gives a time period in where the talents were informed about the situation of the branch and how would they work from there.

2. I can't speak for Yami in this scenario, but I know from some streams I've seen of Siu that she never encouraged, or rather, she directly dismissed the usage of neither Japanese or English in her streams, she was only interested in having a Korean audience and not much else. Combine this with the fact Vtubers never blew up in popularity in Korea because of the usual contrarían activity against Japan and... Well, either you rush B in your language skills or graduate, because there's not much else to be done.

Also, I hope there's at least one anon making an archive magnet or something of these two, because with Niji the odds of keeping the content of their graduated talents for more than 3 or 6 months is non-existent.

>> No.18911144

>because people will say EN is better than ID / KR
Nah, they're just uhhh more exotic to hear, a lot of indogs are now luxfags because they love how they sounds like, I mean Bobon aside, I doubt luxfag indogs would branch out to ID bois

>> No.18911579

I'm pretty upset, even as an EN fag. I never got deep into ID (on account of not speaking Indonesian lol), but I've been occasionally following them since before most of the posters on this board cared about vtubers at all.
I just don't know why they had to do it like this. I can see them consolidating management, that makes sense, but why do it like this? Why erase (or make it seem like you're erasing) the possibility of future waves? Why not make a "Nijisanji World" company instead and put all the foreign branches under it or something?
I'm glad they're not all graduating, I guess, but that barely means anything.

>> No.18916519

You have a point

>> No.18916584

that's just how anycolor works OP. they'll spray and pray anything to the wall until something stick and when shit hit the fan they quickly buried it alive with another "hype" without giving full explanation. (yumegra, IN branch)

just enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.18916700

Because these models dont suit en vibes? Or not good enough?

>> No.18916949
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Your image is literal shit but I feel you. I don't give a rats ass about ID and KR was never something I cared about outside of Nagi and vaguely Bora, but even I can't help but feel bad for the people there who are getting fucked over while EN profits. KR makes a lot of sense because apparently it was rotten to its core management-wise and sometimes vtuber-wise, so I can get them cutting them off and bringing them into the main branch because nobody would want to apply to them anyways. It's nice to keep the people there who want to keep going to have the ability to keep going without reincarnating.

But why ID? I know literally nothing about them and as far as I know they're doing okay enough in the drama department, and it's not like there's any shortage of malay's and pinoys and whatever else who want to be vtubers. Killing them off and bringing them in proper just makes no sense to me unless there's some key big shit going on that I'm totally missing.

>> No.18916991

Haha that's true. In the end company only wants money. I do understand but it irks me a little bit

>> No.18917632

NTA but if they used it for EN, it would be spit on face to niji id fans. those model are teased way back from niji id 2nd anniversary & designed by locals, there chance it'll designed by niji id fanartist cause i've seen several of them become vtuber mama recently.

>> No.18918173

Not only you. I went from Niji worshipper to become Niji anti just from that one announcement.

Just because EN seems fine now doesn't mean that the same thing won't happen with them someday, ID looks fine and they used to be the king in ID, graduation is something unthinkable yet here we are.

>> No.18918751

indog here, for me the problem isn't really about the language, but the disbanding of the ID brand means that they leave the ID scene and lump the market together with EN.

Some self hating indogs here might say that indogs could speak English anyway, but that's wrong, they live in a bubble. The overwhelming majority of Indonesian can't speak English, and by forcing the talents to speak English or Japanese they are shitting on that potential and dooming the talents to irrelevancy.

EN viewers will flock to them first, but they will leave them for the real native EN vtubers that they can relate more.

JP is oversaturated, they could find endless supply of native Japanese vtubers instead of foreigners speaking Japanese. Only a handful of people wants to watch foreigners speaks broken Japanese.

If they still want to pander to the ID fans, it's impossible for them to compete with the local ID vtubers with local brand and full support from their management to hold locally themed contents.

So for me, my problem isn't that they can't speak ID anymore, but more like I hate the fact that Anycolor are condemning them to a slow death. I pity them, such a hardworking bunch got stuck in a shitty business practice.

>> No.18919267

The livers are free to speak whatever they want. They're also free to keep branding themselves the unofficial NIJIID.
>EN viewers will flock to them first, but they will leave them for the real native EN vtubers that they can relate more.
The number of foreign fans of HoloJP says that's not true.

>> No.18919391

>The number of foreign fans of HoloJP says that's not true.
That's an exception, not the norm, also Niji never had that same brand power holo enjoys today

>> No.18919730

It's not the norm because most never had huge foreign fan bases to begin with. The ones that do still have them.
Uto for example speaks Japanese but the chat is >95% English. She was around 2k CCV the last time she streamed. That's a lot less than the 5k she was getting before NijiEN and Council debuted, but she also took many month-long breaks in between.

>> No.18920413

What Really When I first heard about it I thought the whole branches were being chopped out and graduated, like what happened to competing agency's CN branch
Why are indogs and nijitardos so entitled Get the fuck over yourselves and appreciate the fact your oshi has more language options now

>> No.18920554
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Currently rebranded into Nijisanji general.
Soon they'll be axed. Just like Nijisanji India. First they renamed NijiIN to NijiEN, then they axed it.
The second a branch of Nijisanji doesn't bring enough profits, it gets removed.

>> No.18920709
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Hana , Nara , zea , cia , Mika
Come here , Holo ID will Never abandon you

>> No.18920752
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Miyu and Siska are doing fine despite feeling insecure speaking in english
Hyona should stop insisting herself with her ESL accent

>> No.18920907

You can't compare chuubas that speak JP to chuubas that speak ID. A huge amount of western fans are weebs who are obsessed with everything Japanese and want to larp as being Japanese themselves
ID doesn't fulfill that fantasy at all and also it sounds ugly to anyone who doesn't speak it.

>> No.18920990
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>mika, Hada, and bonbon become unofficial EN


>> No.18921166

Because it feels like them trying to sweep the problem under the rug

>> No.18921218

>Combine this with the fact Vtubers never blew up in popularity in Korea
This is wrong, Korean vtubers are extremely popular in Korea right now. Isegye idol is getting 6-10k viewers on twitch whenever they stream, just to name an example. It's just that for some reason they just don't like nijiKR

>> No.18921307

The current rrat is that they are really short on money right now and can't afford to keep the ID management on salary, which is why they are letting them go and assigning the IDs to already existing managers in Jp. Don't know how much legs that has but given the alternative explanations it's probably one of the best reasons for why they are doing this.

>> No.18921408

>Doesn't bring enough profits
Clear bait but I got to point out how bullshit this is simply by mentioning how popular Hana is. Her numbers are far from not profitable.

>> No.18921475

There's a diffence between "profitable" and "bringing in enough profits". They make enough to live off on, but do they make enough to keep the entire branch afloat? Evidently not

>> No.18921520

There are some bits of info that are real and some that are assumptions
Deron said that the financial situation at Nijisanji was 'serious'. This is likely due to the cancelled concert so all the ticket sales need to be refunded, all the merch is a sunk cost alongside the venue rental fees and staff hours that went into the 2day affair.
2020 report for finances indicated that Anycolor didn't hold a los of liquid cash reserves, likely because they were investing it back into their AR and stuff

Combine the two points, and you end up with a bad quarter that may have accelerated plans to merge KR+ID into the main branch that were already in progress for BAD MANAGEMENT (kR) and profitability (ID).
Thing is though, we'll likely never know for sure if it was monetary reasons because there is no way Anycolor would say anything publicly about it.

>> No.18922331

The thing is that if it wasn't monetary reasons, then what other reasons could there be? From all accounts nijiID management is decent at their jobs, some would say great, even, and in terms of local penetration they were doing pretty well, getting local sponsors and the like. There's just no other reason to can them other than financial, that is unless you want to start speculating about malicious jp leadership and the like

>> No.18922890

Could be that they planned on absorbing every branch for whatever reason, then decided EN was too profitable for them to lose the branding. Or they they were absorbing KR because of the management shit and decided that would look weird, so they'd fold ID in too.
Money stuff does seem the most likely though.

>> No.18923172


They probably want to turn Nijisanji proper into global brands. While En become English focused vtuber, main branch will become branch for localized vtubers without adding any cost. That is why ID was absorbed to main branch instead of En.

>> No.18923489

I remember there was that guy who told me that 7th Gen ID was "in the works" when I said in a thread that NijiID was dead before the merger happened. Wonder how he's doing now lmfao

>> No.18923542

Reminder that Anykara is legitimately a black company and its "fans" hate members more than any anti ever could. There's no other way to explain how they support them working under these conditions. They'll probably laugh when the IDs and KRs start graduating.

>> No.18923578

>used to be the king in ID
Nijicope lmao, these threads are a riot to read.

>> No.18923765

Am I the only person not freaking out about this?

>> No.18924487

>Deron said that the financial situation at Nijisanji was 'serious'. This is likely due to the cancelled concert so all the ticket sales need to be refunded, all the merch is a sunk cost alongside the venue rental fees and staff hours that went into the 2day affair.
JP went all out on cost draining events since that 2020 nijifes which is already a big lost and now fantasia, A decision far more retarded than how Cover reacted on bloom and now their next expo + 3rd fes, Idk why the nips decided to went full retards knowing how bad the coof numbers there

>> No.18924521

*2021 nijifes aeugh

>> No.18924597

Hey at least it's true. Until hana shot herself in the leg

>> No.18924764

At least cover didn't have to cancel, unlike nijisanji
Maha5 was the king in ID before holoID blew up, you just know about Hana because she speaks English

>> No.18925015

I thought the king (queen) was maya putri

>> No.18925045

Cover better hope the coof numbers go down before their event.

>> No.18925139

All of Setsuna and Kasumi's archives are still up

>> No.18925204

They're already trending downward. It peaked on the 9th and has been doing down since. You can check via Google searching COVID-19 Japanese cases.
The issue also, was that their staff + talents caught it right before the concert, so ther was no way for Nijisanji to plow ahead despite the case-count, whereas Cover has made sure to minimize contact where possible such that Kanata was the only one in HoloJP who caught it and didn't spread it to anyone else.

>> No.18925237

nijiKR absorbed a black company on its formation iirc, which has been a source of many of the problems plaguing the branch since the start.

>> No.18925526

Let's be real anon, even when they speak Indonesian for those two years, how much each members get support from their main audience? I watch both HoloID and NijiID and believe me, sometimes when i see their livechat is 80% full of greynames, i feel sorry for them, their talents are great and their staffs are far more competent than HoloID, but the amount of supports from fans are not equal to contents they shit out. Nara had to do subathon to treat her knees, you won't ever hear it from any HoloID even from the poorest one.

>> No.18926016

>their talents are great and their staffs are far more competent than HoloID
Competent my ass when they don't even want to expand their horizons to insta and tiktok, holoID did that alongside other local players and winning big time from the growing ID industry

>> No.18926043

Nobody cares about those nobodies retard

>> No.18926121

Please understand, ever since they heard about the merger nijiniggers have decided to start rewriting history and acting like NijiID was some booming branching that was dominating and deserved to be treated like EN.

>> No.18930678
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>> No.18930859

So, there's no way an Indog or Korean could get into Niji this time right?

>> No.18931080

They can if they speak English. Theoretically the current KR and ID being integrated into Njisanji proper means that they could also join main branch if they speak JP but I somehow doubt that.

>> No.18931195

I can see plans for concerts and big events and stuff getting shitcanned because a cause for concern monetarily, but flipping that on its head all they have to do is have more event streams they can reasonably get off the ground and make fucktons of money back. And 2020 Ichikara is different from 2021 Ichikara in terms of fiscals for obvious reasons.

>> No.18931299

Theoretically yes, but practically unless they speak JP or EN, no. KR market is 100% dead for Nijisanji and I can't speak for ID because I've only watched Hana back when she was getting collabs and kirinukis on niconico.

>> No.18931735

>english speaker
There's an EN branch., Japanese speakers might get in, but the chance is low considering there are plenty of Japanese with big PL that will audition in the main branch.

>> No.18933264

I think so. If nijisanji wants to make a new wave, they'll prioritize jp talent, maybe. If there's kr / id that can speak en, they'll go to nijisanji en instead.

>> No.18933847

>Why not make a "Nijisanji World" company
ah ha. haha. haahaahaaahahahaha! HAHAHA
"Nijisanji a world without borders"
The writing was on the wall for years and none of you saw it. This same shit was happening a year ago. I miss you Aadya.

>> No.18936778

>I miss you Aadya
IN was the chillest chaos out there, damn I miss them

>> No.18939099

KR got sued into the dirt because Koreans are incompetent retards.

>> No.18939999

Oh shoot i forgot about them. RIP

>> No.18944934

after the EN debuts this weekend, more EN members will have debuted over the last 8 months than ID members over the last two and a half years or KR (ignoring the transfers) over the last two years

>> No.18946407

considering Yami said graduation was something she had been thinking of for months and her PLs new Twitter account dates to a month before they were told about the merger... her PL's CCV on Twitch have been significantly higher than she was doing as Yami anyways
>she was only interested in having a Korean audience and not much else
that's blatantly wrong. Siu's problem has never been that "she was only interested in having a Korean audience", it's that she was never confident in any other language. the fact that she lived overseas in a pretty heavily English speaking country for a period of her childhood and learned to read it but not speak it has at times been a bit of a sore point but she's tried, even going back to her debut. she's also worked hard last year to learn basic Japanese specifically to better communicate with JOP Shushu

>> No.18947751

No, it isn't. The situation isn't remotely similar because IN just rebranded while with ID and KR they are literally merging into JP.

>> No.18947844

It doesn't, because those are literally different markets

>> No.18948684

you don't know what a black company is

>> No.18948914


>> No.18949040

Since even Oliver design was debuted even through is old as 2019, this is gerat that those cool designs probably gonna be used in a chuuba that will probably get an audience

>> No.18949259

Nah man, they're gonna graduate all the ID and KR members just like they graduated all the SEEDs and Gamers.
