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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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188893 No.188893 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everybody act as if her singing is God's gift to this Earth? Her best performances are mediocre and her normal performances are straight up beginner. It seems as if her fans are the walking dead trying to get me to compliment her voice.

>> No.188937

Gura is very cute and her voice is too. People get a little carried away by the adorable singing girl, but her singing really is nice.

>> No.189086

As long as they hit the correct notes, I'm deaf when it comes to discerning singing aptitude. I only hear notes. Both Pavarotti and Sinatra sound okay to me, I don't see how one is better or worse than the other, they might both be shit, I don't even know. Gura sounds nice to me.

>> No.189124

That's an understatement, I actually love her singing. But generally, I'm never blown away by any particular singer, they just all sound fine to me, as long as they aren't tone-deaf.

>> No.189333
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I don't get it. What do you all find so remarkable about her singing?

>> No.189357

No one has a different opinion from you, such a thing would be impossible

This is all just a cult out to eat your brains

>> No.189395

That's one guy, me. It sounds cute and nice, she hits the notes, and seems to enjoy singin, I love her voice, even though she has a pretty small range.

>> No.189460

I almost feel like becoming a Vtuber just so I can use it as an excuse to practice metal vocals

>> No.189481

Nah mate. Gura's best songs are Ride on Time, Baka Mitai, Plastic Love, .... Basically city pop shark, as she calls herself. She is also good at English songs with banter, like the oldies, jazzy songs. In those she is unrivaled.

Where Gura falters, is in songs she has not sufficiently practiced, like the senpai songs that she sings (Ahoy, Fanfare) in celebration streams. You can hear how she misses the tempo and lyrics. Still, those faults would not appear, if she ever does studio recordings. But covid really messes things up so she can't use Cover's studios directly like Calli.

>> No.189487

fuck now I want to perform psychosocial as an anime girl (male)

>> No.189489

Hmm, it seems that you enjoy the performance that she puts alongside her singing, correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.189527

I would eat her voice if it was possible

>> No.189546


Let's be honest, they all suck at singing, every single one of them. But that's fine, they aren't suppose to be real singers... except Sora who is one of the worst singers somehow.

>> No.189609

There are west indies which sing just as good or better than Gura

>> No.189616

I wonder what that would look like.
Slow down the tempo a little
Soften the tone
Maybe a reverb pedal
What else?

>> No.189624

She's good in her vocal range and when she isn't nervous as shit. I like her singing because its pleasant to listen to and fits with her overall character (https://streamable.com/xb3k2k).). The best singers in Hololive are Azki and Risu (supposedly, she's never done a real karaoke) so they're there if you just want top tier singing.

>> No.189678
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This. Some people seem to forget so far she only does karaoke, not professional singing.

>> No.189724

That is to be expected though. Imagine slapping the America's got Talent crowd with vtube avatars. Plenty of good singers in the world, and that's before you talk about professional people who will get into vtube soon. Like Nina Saotome which 4chan memed recently. Her vocal is like already better than all of hololive.

>> No.189739

I was just thinking perform it in the same style but with an anime girl avatar. I would sub if an actual chick did that though

>> No.189767

I saw the live thread posted here and I absolutely loved her performance. I wish she'd have more followers/takos but it is what it is. I have the karaoke on repeat desu.

>> No.189950

I'm a graduate of New Delhi School of Music and you can be sure this list of mine is an objectively made singing power ranking.

Red S+

AZKei, Suisei

Tree, Kanata, Watame, Towe, Marine, Okayu

Rrat, Korone, Aki, Botan, Nene, Lamy, Polka, Moona, Haato

Choco, Coco, Cyark, Cturkey


>> No.190061

Whats your opinion on Nina Saotome?


>> No.190151

Sora's optimal range is Vocaloid tier, which is hard for even her to always do, so she’s in that spot where she sounds like she’s holding back until the high parts rolls around.

>> No.190265

They don't, that's why her viewership has absolutely tanked compared to the first few weeks.

>> No.190351

Shit "op*nion" mmediately discarded

>> No.190410

She's by far the best voice in Hololive. I only watch her Karaoke streams.

>> No.190478

ina, stop narrativeposting you fag octocunt

>> No.190561

>Mori S+
Grow a better pair of ears pajeet

>> No.190584

I am classically trained in the arts of African music and noise, which is taught in the New Delhi School of Music. You just have to accept the objective truth.

>> No.190614

shut the FUCK up i am a mongolian basket weaving chad
your SHIT "op*nion" is discarded right into the fucking TRASH

>> No.190675

>Why does everybody act as if her singing is God's gift to this Earth?
They just want to fuck her. That's ultimately what it comes down to. She doesn't have shit on Azki, Suisei, Ritsu, Rikka, or any of the other Holos who can sing things competently that aren't meme songs.

>> No.190925

Do more research before trying to falseflag

>> No.190934

> Mori S+
fucking pajeet

>> No.190940

>can sing
Quality bait
Here's your (you)

>> No.190984

Why question someone of what they like? if you don't get it, go spend your time with what you enjoy.

>> No.190986
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She's popular so they like her singing. If you want to write essays on how she's not a professional singer and other intellectual ramblings then Reddit might be what you're looking for

>> No.191004

you dont have to like it op.
i like when she hums while playing the ukulele.

>> No.191052

>They just want to fuck her
most of youtube viewers are normies who enjoys big tits anon, this argument makes no sense

>> No.191350

>big tits

>> No.191474

It's cute and makes me smile. What else is there to worry about?

Mori is a decent rapper but not a gifted singer...
Suisei should be S+. She's the best singer Holo have by far.

>> No.191583

I don't listen to Mori but I can say that she gets the Red S+

>> No.191632

Exactly what he said. Most people who watch her are normalfags who aren't sexually into lolis. This site's cunnyposters are hardly good representation of any demographic.

>> No.191744

Will they get Mori to do enroll in a Masterclass on singing and actually get her to sing?

>> No.192018

designated anti Gura thread

>> No.192566

Because sometimes it's nice to talk about something honestly after months of being on hlgg where you get beaten down by Gura's fans and UNITY posters calling you an anti

>> No.192696

And yet she has double the views and subs of Mori or Kiara despite half the tits. Normalfag viewers may not be cunnyfags or even know what loli means, but you're fooling yourself if you think it's all about booba.

>> No.192725

Where do you think we are? Go post on fucking reddit if you only want gushing praise and happy good-vibes-only circlejerking.

>> No.194483

Was Ride on Time rediscovered or was it always popular? I remember finding it 3-5 years ago but I was trying to find samples used in Future Funk tracks and this genre seems to be more popular than I thought.

>> No.194498


>> No.197400

The fact that you made yet another Gura anti thread when there's already 3 others up shows how obsessed you are. You deserved to be called one.

>> No.197428

OP sounds like a woman.

>> No.197451
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this thread

>> No.197506

Gura has a stinky pussy

>> No.197601
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I mean I quite enjoyed it, but I follow a lot of other Holo singing too.
It's just that chumbuds are the scum of the earth.

>> No.197671
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>> No.197759

>New Delhi School of Music
opinion discarded

>> No.198142

It's cute. That's all that really matters.

>> No.200284

She's self-taught and doesn't have vocal training, yet she's still quite good. Even if people don't like her or her singing, she clearly has talent, as well as room to expand

>> No.200536

you just dont like her, cope and seethe

>> No.200745

I wish.

>> No.200788

You're not wrong. I had to read sometimes that gura is better than sora, azki and suisei in hololive.

>> No.201871

Nice bait thread, I can't believe you got all these (You)s.

>> No.201962

This argument applies equally to all the people who think any of the chuubas you listed are better than Gura. People want to fuck AZKi, Suisei, etc. so they claim she's amazing when in fact they're pretty mediocre and DEFINITELY worse than Gura.

>> No.202014

She is.

>> No.202312

She's the best singer in HoloEN and probably among EN streamers as it stands right now. I haven't heard her sing any particularly risky or technical songs though. Even a meme singer like Korone has some really good performances.

>> No.202369

>and probably among EN streamers
Nina's better, none of the other ENs really compete with these two.

>> No.202660

City Pop is basically a sub genre of Japanese Funk Music from the 80s.

Not all of them were popular during their time.

They basically got a new wave of rediscovery/popularity during late 2018-2019 when internet DJs/Mixers were using them for samples

>> No.202741

>Her best performances are mediocre and her normal performances are straight up beginner
How can anyone be this delusional. She had professional vocal coaches on youtube talking about how impressive she was back when she was still Senzawa, and she's gotten noticeably BETTER since then after joining hololive. Apart from the fact that anyone who isn't a biased coping retard like you can just hear how good she is for themselves, when she's also getting strong reviews from non-fans who don't watch vtubers and have no bias at all, saying how good her voice was years ago, it might be time for you to just accept your ears are literally fucked.

>> No.202962

She's more than good enough for someone who does karaoke while roleplaying as an anime girl, and her vocal color fits her character very well. Her fans are gonna hype her up a lot because that's what fans do.

>> No.203146

Nina better have applied for VSinger or she's gonna waste her talent on twitch.

>> No.203189

>She had professional vocal coaches on youtube talking about how impressive she was back when she was still Senzawa, and she's gotten noticeably BETTER since then after joining hololive.
Do you have the link? I'm actually curious about the review

>> No.203197

If Nina only started recently, after the VSinger auditions were announced, her entire reason for streaming on twitch may have been just to have the experience for her application, so she probably did.

>> No.203235


>> No.203279
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>> No.203339

The only one who's blown me away is Towa.

>> No.203375

That's not live karaoke man, you can't use that to judge singing ability. When Gura gets a produced song its going to be so fucking insanely good.

>> No.203387

I didn't make this thread I just responded to the guy saying why someone would make one. Sometimes people don't like stuff and want to actually say express that, big whoop.

>> No.203507

Mori is actually a good rapper. She's the Tupac of vtubers. Maybe even better since Tupac died like a bitch.

>> No.203582

Rapping isn't singing, they're slightly related but different skills. No one disputes Mori can rap. She's merely decent at singing though, middle of the pack for the EN girls.

>> No.203627

>anti thread
Do you really?

>> No.203641

Who is better than her at singing besides Gura? I think Mori is the second best singer in EN. Kiara could be better but she sings in her retarded character voice.

>> No.203713

Nah senpai

If their live performances doesn't sound like it was produced in a studio, that means they just suck

>> No.203784

Post yours, bitch.

>> No.203805

Kiara is definitely better, even with her character voice, but most of her early karaoke streams were scuffed because of mic/audio setup issues. Her 700k vid settled it.


That said, you've got Mori able to do shit like this when it comes to rap so

All the ENs got skills.

So... are you shitting on Towa or? I'm confused what point you think you're making.

>> No.203864

Gura's only great within a specific type of songs. Outside that, she's pretty average. She definitely has room to improve with proper vocal training.

>> No.203917

what a silly response

>> No.203918

>Eminem is only good when he's rapping, he sucks ass when he's singing Christmas Jingles

Nice train of logic you got going there

>> No.203950

I prefer Mori's singing but I respect your take.

>> No.204073

Schizo take your meds, he's giving constructive criticism.

>> No.204130

Wake me up, when gura have her recorded song

>> No.204138

Her greatest drawback actually just seems to be nerves. She almost never makes vocal mistakes when singing, but she often makes non-vocal related stumbles like forgetting words or being slightly off on the beat. These can be attributed to nervousness which she's spoken about in her members-only streams, and can be overcome by just practicing the songs more to build her confidence and memorize them better.

As far as technique, of course there's room to improve, everyone has room to improve, but she is already the best relative to other holos at most fundamentals. She needs to work on stamina the most, maybe a little glottal compression, and while her mixed voice range is already pretty good I want to see her push up to insane soprano levels because it would just be mindblowing with her voice.

>> No.204154

better than the chumbuds who blindly claim she's the best holo singer or the antis who claim she sucks shit

>> No.204209

If she's not the best holo singer I'd really like to know who her competition is supposed to be, because I assumed AZKi would be it but nothing I've heard from her yet is on the level of Gura's best. In fact the only one that's impressed me almost as much as Gura has been Moona.

>> No.204240

Kiara did really well when singing with Nene, who's also really underrated. I think Kiara does take a while to warm up during her karaoke streams though

>> No.204291

I don't if it just me or Gura is worse when singing fast-paced songs. Maybe because of her stamina or her breath?

>> No.204308

Even when Towa fucks up it's because she sings songs that are a insanely hard or risky. I don't think you'll see Gura attempting to sing Hearts anytime soon.

>> No.204364

What's with this obsession that singers should be amazing in every genre of music, otherwise they are fucking trash

She sings great in slow/jazz songs. Those fit her voice and style.

>> No.204403

The guy is just saying she has potential to sing a wider range of music than she does and he's right. What's your problem?

>> No.204444

Because those particular songs are piss easy, especially compared to the shit JP has to sing on a regular basis

>> No.204508

That isn't live karaoke, but this is: https://youtu.be/QCT1k253sT4?t=6876.. Towa is a fantastic singer. She doesn't need a studio to sing her own songs competently.

>> No.204543

It's a combination of that and stumbling on words, as I said, which isn't a vocal thing but rather a memory/mental processing thing, exacerbated by nervousness. She does occasionally run out of breath too, however she has the breath capacity and control to sustain long notes as heard in songs like Plastic Love, but she loses it when doing a lot of consonants, which means its more likely a matter of compression than it is breathing. That said, she did her best Plastic Love in her second public karaoke where she was actually standing up, but a lot of her recent ones and her first one she's been sitting down, which has a big detrimental impact on lung capacity.

>> No.204585

I believe Vocaloid song is probably one of the hardest song types.

>> No.204678

Then that's that. If he really believes Gura can be better in other genres with a bit of practice, then good.

But it comes off as if he's saying "She's good in this area, but bad in these, so overall she sucks"

No one judges Taylor Swift at how bad she is at Metal Rock, they judge her at how piss bad she is at her own genre.


Gura is bad because she can't sing JP songs as an EOP compared to her JP senpais who *checks notes* sings JP songs

>> No.204698

Songs that are dynamic or have a fast tempo are harder to sing than ones that are only 1.5 octaves and slow.

>> No.204751

That is pretty good, but you can hear how she strains on the high notes and occasionally goes a little off-pitch, breaks into shouting register, or fails to fully articulate them in the live version. Studio productions are always much better than the singers live ability. She mostly gets better as the song goes on, though, so I can tell her potential is great, just takes her some warming up to get there. I wouldn't say she's necessarily better than Gura until I listen to more of her stuff but I will say she might be one of the best holos I've heard.

>> No.204967

Personally, I'd go with the big three that is Sora/AZKi/Suisei. Other than them, I know others consider Kanata, Towa, and Risu in the upper echelons of the agency.

>> No.205087

Some of the JP senpais sing in English and do it well, bro:

>> No.205149

I loved her maroon 5 songs

>> No.205440 [DELETED] 

>3 threads in the catalog with the OP shitting on Gura
What do you think these are?

>> No.205556

Susei has a nice voice, and she hits the right notes, but her pronunciation and intonation need work and she fumbles in the lyrics. Also, she's singing slow songs, so that's minus points.

Overall rating: Mogged by Gura

This is how you guys sound like

>> No.205678

You're combining the arguments of two different anon into one

>> No.205686

Different anon here, I'll be fair and remind everyone that singing in english is harder for a japanese native than singing in japanese is for an english native.

That aside, Gura is just objectively more skilled than Suisei when they're both singing their best.

>> No.205808

Gura with Suisei passion potentially will be the excellent singer

>> No.205810

You can bet your ass Cover is going to be training her behind the scenes, if they aren't already.

>> No.205897

>objectively more skilled
Alright then, let's do an objective comparison--the two of them singing the same song live:
I know I'm not going to be able to convince you, but for everyone else who wants to make their own judgments on this question, listen for yourselves.

>> No.205907

Probably only if that's what she wants to do. Gura said she sings for her own enjoyment and making that more stressful than it needs to be right now would be a negative. Cover is already hiring EN VSingers to go all in on music.

>> No.205929
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>> No.206009

Isn't gura a man?

>> No.206137

>cover is doing actively something like that for their talents
do yu realy beleb

>> No.206280

>comparing someone singing for fun vs someone singing in a concert where she probably had months of training

Wow anon, I didn't think of that.

>> No.206492

They are definitely providing training for some of their talents: https://streamable.com/ybenc7

>> No.206806

It's not a language issue it's an issue of the technique needed to actually sing the song in the first place

>> No.207027

Didn't Noel pay for her own singing coach and they gave up on her?

>> No.207100

She doesn't fuck up the notes, and her voice is amazing. What more do you need?

>> No.207484

I don't know if Noel paid for the coach with her own money, but something like that happened, yeah. I don't remember if this was the coach, but Noel also related a story where her singing coach gave her lukewarm praise while praising Mio very highly.

>> No.207550

>Why does everybody act as if her singing is God's gift to this Earth?
because it is. she has the prettiest voice i've ever heard, bar none.

>> No.207813
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Implying any of the retarded weebs on this board have listened to any music outside of Cali's album and hololive karaoke.

>> No.208106

>Why does everybody act as if her singing is God's gift to this Earth?
because it is

>> No.209124
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>> No.209521

>her timings are all over the place
this is one of the most absurd things i have ever read. she routinely does two takes of the same song in the same stream and, without having the previous take on as a guide track, she'll nail 90%+ of her attacks and releases to within like 10 ms.

>> No.209629

Doesn't she still sing sitting down? While nice, it always feels like her voice is lacking freedom to hit some pitches.

>> No.209687

she goes back and forth. if she's going to stick with the ukulele (and banjo, someday?) then it's something she should keep up her practice with anyway.

>> No.209692

iirc she stands up from time to time

>> No.209800

That's a fair point, I had almost forgotten about that. Hopefully she isn't bending over too much while playing, since that messes with your lung capacity and ability to hit notes.

>> No.215723 [DELETED] 

>she'll nail 90%+ of her attacks and releases to within like 10 ms
I wonder if her being really good at rhythm games is related

>> No.216530

She has a hard time playing and singing at the same time, she messes up the chords a lot, i don't think breath control is even on her mind half the time.

>> No.216654

playing and singing at the same time is honestly ridiculously hard. I forget to do one or the other properly. I'm training myself by counting the meter out loud.

>> No.218980

I don't blame her, especially as she's learning how to play(if I recall). Back when I played piano, I remember finding it very difficult to do anything(like keeping up a conversation) at the same time as playing, felt like I'd have to dredge my brain up from what it's doing and split some bit off to do both things. Or be prepared beforehand or something. I suppose singing the same song is at least related enough to be maybe slightly easier (assuming the vocals don't have their own harmony different from the chords), but still probably very difficult.

>> No.219372

musicfag here, I have some opinion.
She's not a goddess of course, but her singing skills seems to be results of a daily training though. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed karaoke a lot before being an actual waifu.
The voice is loud and clear, she breathes correctly, the notes are accurate. And that's it, she matches the normal requierments needed for most anime songs.

So I give her an A+. As the next levels, S/S+/SS, require to create herself an actual song, mastering different styles, and other singing techniques that need years of practicing (she probably don't care to get to these levels).

>> No.219629

>sharkfags being this insecure

>> No.223491

>She's not a goddess

>> No.224700
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Every time that Suisei does a karaoke stream I find myself thinking "and people say that Gura is the best holo singer" baka

>> No.224734

suisei still struggles with intonation, which is why she uses that grunting sound to cover up her 150 ms hunt for the pitch

>> No.224801

I prefer Kanata, unfortunately she's dying

>> No.224812

>So I give her an A+.

Big mistake of newbies.

I am from New Delhi School of Music and I can only give her C.

Gura is the same as Tree Rrat. She can be as technically sound as Ayunda and could be better if she emotionally connects with the song and doesn't get over the line emotionally. And she can sound stupider than Risu because that's how she wants to sing.

>> No.224856

what's up with nips and their obsession with singing and karaoke
it almost seems like it's an implied "variety entertainment" prerequisite for all of these vtubers to sing songs

>> No.224883

Nice taste anon, Okayu is another one of my favorites but I might be biased in that one.

>> No.225080

The people who think Gura is the best singer in Hololive prefer dubs over subs. This is a fact.

>> No.225350
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>she's not a goddess
true. she's a debiru

>> No.225419
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>but you're fooling yourself if you think it's all about booba.
That's the point we are trying to make duh

>> No.228900

Just fucking listen to one of her good songs with your headphones in and the volume up, if you can't hear the incredible talent within the first 10 seconds you might actually have hearing problems.

>> No.228981

Every time I listen to Suisei she breaks into shouting register, goes flat on a note, or has poor tone multiple times throughout a song, all marks of an amateur and all vocalization failures which Gura has almost never suffered from in her hours of singing. So I have no idea what the actual fuck you're talking about.

>> No.229058

Depends heavily on the song and how much practice she put into it. That guy is right, except for claiming she "abuses vibrato", how the fuck do you abuse your best technique, it sounds amazing every time she does it. It kinda sounds like sour grapes from someone who can't pull that off.

>> No.229084

oh, i forgot to attach my links whoops


>> No.229144

There's no doubt her timing is sharp on the songs she practiced a lot, but I could also cherry pick some where she had a lot of stumbling and late starts. It's an easy thing for her to overcome though.

>> No.229191

This post is shit tier bait.

>> No.229202

rehearsing isn't cheating, it's normal

>> No.229214

I... didn't say it was? Are you okay anon?

>> No.229232

Hololive is an idol company. Idols sing.

>> No.229235
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Because almost nothing holo has put out has come close to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82T8yOG5MTk
It's up at the top for sure, maybe with VERY few other performances

>> No.229255

This isn't even her best anymore.

>> No.229310

>perfectly harmonizes with herself because she's never off-pitch
Hnnnnng how the fuck are there people so delusional they can't tell she's the best. I know there's no accounting for taste from retards on this website but it actually annoys me there are people so stupid they think AZKi or Suisei can touch this. Just fucking listen to that last one.

>> No.229333

I think it still is, though some other stuff has come very close

>> No.229356

i can't fault anyone for loving her "fly me to the moon". it's really good.

>> No.229390

Anon I don't know how to tell you this, but if you were trying to make a point that Suisei is better from putting these side by side.. you are an idiot. Even just that first intro part before the YAAAY Gura absolutely mogs her, and she's sitting down singing this.

>> No.229725

I hope I'm not starting another pointless discussion, but have you heard this cute mouse?

>> No.229785

Mouse is pretty good, but I don't find her voice as pleasant. She also has a scuffed audio set-up.

>> No.229837

If only she wasn't dying...
Imagine her with a proper audio setup and decent endurance.

>> No.230616
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Why is this thread still alive?
Retard chumbuds to my left,
Retard anits to my right.
