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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 396 KB, 1387x1080, FHhv5OZaMAENTq-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18701545 No.18701545 [Reply] [Original]


It's nearly time, bots.


>> No.18701658

Lumi LOVE!

>> No.18701789

Oh I made a thread too but let's use this one instead since it actually has the right subject

Stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBFk8VL6eXQ

>> No.18702788
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My bad. I was just copying the youtube link from her recent tweet.

>> No.18703404

So Lumi is a robot or something right? Does she pee?

>> No.18704277

yeah then she drinks it in her cyber sippy cup

>> No.18704321

Uhh I think it's time she shared some with the rest of us and I demand to drink it from the source.

>> No.18704548
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>> No.18704980

is this also lore or are you just making things up

>> No.18705006

its joke

>> No.18705012
File: 375 KB, 1536x2820, B4018F45-B9CA-47C8-A02F-3E084F51AA2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rub my manhood in this gynoid's smooth and soft metallo-polymer legs

>> No.18705229

is there no way to ignore users with HyperChat :\

>> No.18705304

>that sudden change of voice
thanks for the free and fair erection

>> No.18705394

>the obnoxious fags aren't even members

>> No.18705404

does hyperchat hide the block button?

i'm guessing if you turn off hyperchat for a while and block people with the normal UI that'd work?

>> No.18705423
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That Valentine DLC is still fresh in my mind.

>> No.18705426
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>> No.18705505

yeah i guess so
its only really necessary for large holo chats when i want to see a liveTL, i suppose.

>> No.18705652
File: 68 KB, 640x360, oby4qx3ljzx51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Lumi's endgame? Why is she vtubing? Is she in it for the money or does she enjoy this... There's something wrong here I'm panicking

>> No.18705801

she wants your RAM all of it

>> No.18705803

The general theory is that she's just doing this for kicks. She seems to have enough money to spare to go all out with her design and streaming aesthetics even though her choice in games is incredibly niche.

>> No.18705911

I'm not gonna gosling for Lumi, but if she all of a sudden drops streaming I will finally drop all vtubers and go to Tibet to meditate for 8 years.

>> No.18706319

stop corrupting the AI, fags.

>> No.18706349

>Faggots bringing up gosling

>> No.18706356

Who brought up gosling? Is she reading this thread?

>> No.18706398

someone in chat said "oh fuck i'm gonna gosling"

>> No.18706405

Painful to see.

>> No.18706407

>breaking containment this hard
Fucking faggots, hope they get cancer and die

>> No.18706409

the guy that just membered. scroll up in chat

>> No.18706414

ZR in chat said he's gonna gosling

>> No.18706460

Can't separate shit. Fucking child...

>> No.18706481

you fuckwits who can't hide your power level are going to ruin everything AGAIN I cannot fucking believe it

>> No.18706554

how do you even make sense of this game this is so confusing

>> No.18706579

well, i guess that got resolved as well as it could...

but fuck me how hard is it to not bring 4chan into this

>> No.18706581

Welcome to point and click adventure games where nothing makes sense!

>> No.18706593

I've only played the original. I think you have to suck the air elemental up with the billows. I just can't remember the exact sequence for it.

>> No.18706784

yeah i followed a guide through Discworld just to enjoy the jokes.

>> No.18706924

this what holo en shouldve been man. Japanese grils doing their best english. This rocks

>> No.18706952

if we can get rid of daryl and ryo things would be much nicer.

>> No.18706969

They are probably just retarded children

>> No.18706999

not just any point and click. A sierra game specifically. I hate sierra games for that reason.

>> No.18707066

>just teasing
that's so amazing

>> No.18707085

she's teaching chat how to commission lewds on skeb

>> No.18707162

Did she have a debut stream or was that doom one her first one? I wanna do reps instead of shitting up chat.

>> No.18707176
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>> No.18707191

I liked the QfG series in particular since it wasn't as stiff when it came to puzzle solving. It was more like a proper RPG so multiple solutions are available most of the time. QfG2 has around three entirely different ways you can defeat the final boss.

>> No.18707197

she did not do a debut stream
doesn't seem like she gives a fuck about vtuber traditions lol

>> No.18707347

she also said she makes up the lore on the go, and she might make a lore video in the future eventually, so that's about it.

>> No.18707535

daryl my man stfu bro

>> No.18707696

Daryl, Ryo and Noel are complete apes. Daryl is still a kid tho'. Talking about his homework and shit...

>> No.18707761

literally what every vtuber should do, they should do this for fun

>> No.18709345


>> No.18710046

homework is lumis codename for hentai

>> No.18710085
File: 1.34 MB, 3024x2171, pizz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza don't fuck around

>> No.18710155

Movie watchalong in 5 hours, we'll be watching A.I. (2001 film)


>> No.18710603

Missed this one, I was gone all day. That request image is fantastic I was hoping she'd have some MTG related art. That's what I was doing all day, I'm the mtg fag. Won a lot.
I'd love to see her play more or even like crack packs on stream or something but I'm anti groomer so I won't say it. I want her to do what she wants to do.

>> No.18711125
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>> No.18711921
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>> No.18716932

easy access...

>> No.18722119


>> No.18722206

I know, but I dont think Daryl was using homework in that context. I think he was actually doing homework kek. I mean judging from what he's been saying so far, it is likely that hes just a kid.

>> No.18724339

Gonna watch her entire Red Alert 2 runs. Thanks to anon who posted that random link here.
t. holo

>> No.18724459
File: 142 KB, 744x1039, Lumi, Seeker of Forgotten Knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so well done holy shit. The original art is fantastic too. Her twitter is a good place to find artists if that is something you're into, worth the follow.

>> No.18725113

Those were pretty good even though the RA2 grognards in chat were trying to get her to use advanced mechanics. She would just go "Oh ree-lee" and keep playing however she wants. I think the RA2 streams were the biggest thing in getting her membership so fast.

If you like watching her muddle her way though old PC games then she is great. Also her membership is a freaking dollar and she actively discourages people getting a higher tier membership. I think she mostly wants people to hang out and chat with her while she games. She has also stayed after the game for hours doing an impromptu zatsu talking with us.

She said something adorable when someone asked why there are robots on the screen. She says she likes to keep us close to her while playing scary games for comfort.

>> No.18725751

She is too perfect. I wish I knew about her earlier.

>> No.18725937

i wish I was an old man who grew up with these games so i could appreciate her streams more.

>> No.18727882
File: 815 KB, 1079x598, lumipizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a giant elemental that attacks by dropping pizzas from the sky
what is this game lmao

>> No.18728475

Quest for Glory is unironically one of the best RPG series ever made. The version of QfG2 that she's playing is a fan remake and the Pizza Elemental was added in as a joke bonus boss. In the official games, the element of Pizza is mentioned in passing from time to time.

>tfw I'm 34

>> No.18728546

hello oji san. Im 21 >:)

>> No.18728966

Your generation fascinates me. Glad you can appreciate stuff like this at least.

>> No.18729052

come for the nostalgia, stay for the lumi

>> No.18729085

Have you downloaded the movie yet?

>> No.18729184

The fact that she’s doing a RCT2 play through is based to me. Gonna watch that after I’m caught up on F.E.A.R.

>> No.18729965

too lazy to download it. i hope i dont lag in the middle of the movie

>> No.18730161
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>idk who Kubrick is

>> No.18730196

and i thought i was ignorant of cinema

>> No.18730288

i loved AI but i distinctly wanted to kill myself after watching it, hope ya'll first timers have fun

>> No.18730298

Ever seen the Shining?

>> No.18730346
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>> No.18730560

i know of the shining but ive never actually took my time to watch it since i dont like horror

>> No.18730715

shining scary and modern scary are distinctly different things. its a good nicholson performance and can be fun to watch with friends who like it

i think it's really overrated and far from kubrick's best but that's a moviefag's opinion, not to be paid attention to.

>> No.18730993

Yeah, I was also suprised by this. Well, now he will know. And I think Lumi will watch 2001: Space Odyssey sooner or later too.

>> No.18731104

I think I will skip the watchalong. Post in the thread when she starts post-movie chat.

>> No.18731404

> it isn't simply a question of creating a robot who can love
> can you get a human to love them back.

how oddly relevant

>> No.18731550

I know this is morally dubious and all, but I kind of wish some vtubers would just select films that are already on youtube for watchalongs. My favorite shitty movie from my youth, Surf Ninjas, has been on there for years. You can also find Commando and other classics rather easily, too.

>inb4 just pirate them normally

>> No.18731655

It would be so much more convenient if they chose just shit on yt. I dont feel like pirating something just to end up a few seconds out of sync then never watch it again. I get what you mean dude

>> No.18731675

This is fucking creepy

>> No.18731778

writing this down for the /asp/ies

>> No.18731857

Have you done your laughing reps?

>> No.18731870

I would love a movie where a Patrick Bateman type character takes care of an android but the joke is he doesnt find anything weird about the android at all

>> No.18732002

i think if the chosen movie is available on netflix, she uses that.
if not, she checks amazon prime.
if it's not there, then she rents on youtube.
otherwise she rents on amazon videos.

>> No.18732042
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>> No.18733421

this robot fucks

>> No.18734399

what the fuck is this movie

>> No.18734456

this movie feels really cheap but also like it took a lot of money to make

>> No.18734653

We're going to Man-hattan!

>> No.18734779

The twin towers...

>> No.18735286
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>> No.18735408

>suddenly ayys
What the fuck man

>> No.18735446
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>> No.18736100

movie is over

>> No.18736168


>> No.18736234

Yeah, thanks. Why she hasn't added this new emoji for the chat yet?

>> No.18736240
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>> No.18736279

God it's so frustrating

You just know even if she did do it this faggot wouldn't even watch because she wasn't "doing it right" or whatever

>> No.18736399

>game stream in 2 hours
god, she's a godsend

>> No.18736624

she says we're gonna watch Blade Runner (1982) final cut for the next watchalong

>> No.18736741

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI7Sf-0vBJQ – next is Quest of Glory continuation in ~2 hours, but she said that she could be a bit late.

>> No.18736784

I'll probably skip on it, I've only gotten 1 hour of sleep this night.

>> No.18737054

ayy lmao

>> No.18737186
File: 231 KB, 696x445, Quest for Glory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll miss the next stream. I need to sleep.

>> No.18737200

I like how I've been around only for the first 5 minutes, but is still listed in the credits.

>> No.18737403

even scam bots get listed on the credits. its surely an automated process.

>> No.18737435

nah she hand types everything bc she just cares that much

>> No.18737465

I have no reason to doubt this statement

>> No.18737475
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>> No.18737651

that was a joke but you guys are making believe it was true. Lumi please save us all...

>> No.18738192

Kill yourself

>> No.18739487

Stream in 5 minutes

>> No.18739852
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she wants to challenge the pizza

>> No.18739895

is this even doable?

>> No.18740011

i believe!

>> No.18740021

is it doable? yes.
is it doable by lumi? we'll see lol

>> No.18740250

but, like, I'm saying, we already know she has to hit him 100 times or something, so is it gonna be a 12 hours endurance, if she goes that long, probably not? does she have any means to heal during the battle, I know nothing of this game

>> No.18740359
File: 778 KB, 1106x608, d2h728dh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no healing during battle.
stamina runs out as you attack and dodge.
at 0 stamina, attacking or dodging causes your hp to drain.
so you actually have to stop attacking and walk around for a while to let your stamina regenerate slowly.
but there's no healing

don't get hit, don't die from stamina exhaustion, land 100 hits, ezpz

>> No.18740408

doesn't sound doable for her at this point

>> No.18740465
File: 6 KB, 63x68, 8u9182ue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah she'll likely just give up and go back to the main story

>> No.18740919

Holy autism. Yesterday she spent around 2 hours on one RA2 map, but it was a lot better than this literally single screen of pizza time for an hour.

>> No.18740984

Truly the Dark Souls of Italy

>> No.18741033
File: 800 KB, 1124x623, 8s9vdj123d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she made some progress

>> No.18741105

first time?

>> No.18741713

That and the doom clip where she rolled over the timer was perfect. I'm positive no one has ever played a RA2 game like that before.

>> No.18741753

This might be the most based thing that has ever happened.

>> No.18741861

if she does this im gonna freak it

>> No.18741932
File: 820 KB, 1115x643, 012k2wiu4ht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she hasn't spoken a word

>> No.18742691

so... what are the chances of her going corpo?

>> No.18743007

is she actually fucking winning rn?

>> No.18743093
File: 781 KB, 1110x621, mnj23krl12kmd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a robot of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will

>> No.18743167

why do you keep looking at me like that Lumi...

>> No.18743567

>been fighting so long it's changed from day to night
god if she loses now this will be tragic

>> No.18743644


>> No.18743660
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>> No.18743801

this robot is too powerful

>> No.18744048


>> No.18744060

im freaking it

>> No.18744066

Holy shit she's like an autistic Terminator

>> No.18744073
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>> No.18744099


>> No.18744206

I'm sorry I ever doubted her

>> No.18744216


>> No.18744303
File: 33 KB, 600x781, 5db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beats hardest boss in the game
>first thought is "how do I get back to town to watch the sexy lady dance"

>> No.18744336

sexy CAT lady

>> No.18744924
File: 974 KB, 1103x611, 78d12yh12eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late, everyone's already gone to sleep

>> No.18745261

Today it was proven that robots are stronger than a pizza

>> No.18745678
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End of stream numbers.
Lumi got to 3500 subscribers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deMPKaiPpV0 – next stream is LBA2 continuation at 9PM JST tomorrow, roughly 22 hours from now.

>> No.18745928

congratz lumi
>22 hours from now
see you next thread, I guess

>> No.18746859
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>> No.18747749

Modern games? Its over bros...

>> No.18748829

well it's no Shandalar

>> No.18749091

She's played arena before, check her playlists

Impossible for her to play shandalar since she can't buy that legally online unfortunately

>> No.18749590
File: 182 KB, 721x760, 9vnbr02y48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's cracking packs too?

>> No.18750082

Lumi LOVE!

>> No.18750796

Coomi in Lumi!

>> No.18753801

do you guys think lumi is secretly here shilling herself? I think she hides her powerlevel

>> No.18753974

/vt/ is on the front page if you google "onolumi", which I'm sure she (like every other content creator) does regularly

>> No.18754224

It doesn't help that from all the search results /vt/ is the only one that links to actual discussion about her. All others are just to her socials and youtuber tracking sites.

>> No.18754507

well, there's also reddit, but it's just her own posts

>> No.18754568

Nah, I actually don't think she bothers to egosa in the first place.

>> No.18756882

Hell yeah! The new set is really good so I'm looking forward to the pack cracking too. Lumi is great!

>> No.18759778

if so, a lot of people here could learn a thing from her.

>> No.18761281

It is fine. I think she likes MTG because she can play and chat easily, not that she isn't good at it with other games. Just that MTG is so slow its more of a chill stream than game.
Dude wtf I was going to suggest this but I never actually did since I didn't know if she would want to use a camera set up yet. Lumi downloaded us. I really wish she could open JP War of the Spark since it had all the mangaka alternate arts that I'm sure she would love.

>> No.18764876 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.58 MB, 1293x784, onolumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Lumi!

>> No.18766818

Using Lumi to test prototype artificial wombs!

>> No.18767296

Lumi Facts: Lumi's head is incredibly large. For now, it is mostly empty. But it is being filled with data on human history taken from old computer games, day by day.

>> No.18767662

Also being filled with booba

>> No.18768936

So she's a lesbian, right?

>> No.18769575

Get swole fellow bots, she likes the muscles

>> No.18769605

I hope so, unironic gosling ruin everything, they better stay away from this one
