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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18667614 No.18667614 [Reply] [Original]

>joins Hololive because she wants to do more than just draw
>is so busy drawing for Cover that she has no time to stream

>> No.18667653

she does? the only Cover-related media i know she made was that one illustration of Council on the debut teaser.

>> No.18667724

the rumors (partially confirmed by the sanners) is that she's doing a lot of art for the expo and maybe the festival. Cover just wanted an artist and probably dont have to pay her as much if she is technically a streamer.

>> No.18670618

Sanas Hololive career is such a shit show that even Ina doesn't want anything to do with it.

>> No.18672832

Thank you for reminding me she exists. I hate you anon

>> No.18672961

Don't be mean to Sana. She gets a strangely high amount of decent fanart.

>> No.18673102

Her model doesn't translate well into a chuuba though

>> No.18673405

Simply untrue.

>> No.18674116

>Cover just wanted an artist and probably dont have to pay her as much if she is technically a streamer.
I hear this so often "Cover hired her for her art, and by making her a talent they get art for a reduced price or free!", that it smells like a cope to me.
Not the first part, because "Cover hired her for her art" is the only thing that makes sense after you realize that Cover certainly didn't hire her for her extensive previous streaming experience track record (because she doesn't have much), and what other reason to hire her would there be left? Certainly had nothing to do with another talent knowing her, haha, that'd be weird right...
But the second part "...because they wanted to get art for less/free" is much more fanfiction. With "official" art (i.e. stuff that shows up in any commercial capacity, for example sold as merch etc.) there's still money and contracts involved, so the idea that they'd get their art for "free" is naive at best. And seeing as how the only "official" art she did for Cover so far has been the Council Debut tapestry ...back in August 2021...and since then nothing, they certainly didn't get much work out of her anyway. But oh don't worry, she's totally working on soooo much Cover-related art behind the scenes that will come out soon (tm) and totally explain and excuse her truancy for weeks, and she's certainly not just simply deprioritizing streaming for Hololive below her gacha game jobs and retweeting arknights on her roommate account. Really, if Cover wanted art, they could've just as well commission her as an external illustrator like everybody else, there's no need to make her a talent and waste a perfectly good gen spot that could've gone to someone else who's actually entertaining and motivated to stream
