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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18596228 No.18596228 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that you got into this hobby because of Migo clips.
Everyone say "Thank you Migo!"

>> No.18596256
File: 34 KB, 451x462, 1628883203983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Migo!

>> No.18596257

for me it's the OkaKoro sleepover clip

>> No.18596263

Fuck you Miko!

>> No.18596278

I got into this hobby because of eekum bokum, so no

>> No.18596285
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>> No.18596321
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i got in from subaru story animations. sola tyan made me watch streams

>> No.18596354

Thank you Fubuki and Drummer nikki

>> No.18596358

Thank you Migo!

If not her then the stragglers came off of Kizuna Ai screaming or FBK singing Scat Man.

>> No.18596366
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For me, it was the dog

>> No.18596379
File: 1.06 MB, 846x1200, Kaguya_Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Kaguya Luna

>> No.18596390

who is this 2 views?

>> No.18596408
File: 399 KB, 1350x950, 1623003634594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still cant speak japanese, but i am forever grateful to the stupid dog and her fat cat

>> No.18596414

but that's not true, it was korone's tetris brain activation clip

>> No.18596473
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For me, it was Coco.

Yes, I am a Redditor.

Deal with it.

>> No.18596476
File: 667 KB, 800x800, migo gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you anon~

>> No.18596483

face of hololive

>> No.18596513

>i still cant speak japanese
it's never too late to start

>> No.18596579

Why would anyone prioritize learning Japanese? How often would that help you in your day-to-day life? Learn Spanish and enjoy getting discounts at your favorite restaurants.

>> No.18596600

I can't believe some jap saying nigger got me into this shithole.

>> No.18596634

Actually, got in because of Matsuri playing cat mario. Jewtube randomly recommended the stream one day.

>> No.18596637

Seems pretty conceited. I don’t know who this is and now I don’t care to learn

>> No.18596684

What? You should thanks HoloEN instead faggot. They are the one who brings a massive audience and not this literal who

>> No.18596686
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>doesn't know who Sakura Miko is
Go back. As fast as you fucking can.

>> No.18596689

It's not something to recommend to a normal person but anon seemed interested. If you are a hardcore otaku it unlocks a ton of untrasnlated content and interviews, and also it makes anime/manga/vns/etc more enjoyable too.

>> No.18596694

>saw Miko singing on a boat in Ark
Thank you Migo!

>> No.18596730

>Deal with it.
>Yes, I have cancer, deal with it

>> No.18596770

Miko's nigga was my first taste, but I didn't even know of Hololive of thar vtubing was taking off. It was eekum bokum that I watched, and led YT to blow me up with Hololive shit.

>> No.18596800

>literal who
>her average viewers is more than gura even with debuff games and always top 3 in ccv wise

>> No.18596825

Nah, Fubuki Scatman brought Me into rabbit hole Sorry.

>> No.18596853

Actually when I saw miko clips I just thought "this is a stupid kizuna AI ripoff, why do people watch this"?

>> No.18596861

Thank you George Floyd!

>> No.18596905

No, I got into it because of Pikamee
I have literally never watched a Miko stream

>> No.18596924
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Thank You Migo!!

>> No.18596953

based miko

>> No.18596958

Fake lesbian like that bitch is a lying whore

>> No.18596966

You mean Eilene?

>> No.18597051

Why SEAniggers hate again?

>> No.18597102


>> No.18597128

I was looking for a reason to call OP a faggot but it is true that I got into this hobby because of her google map clips of my shithole of a country so yeah

Thank you, Migo!

>> No.18597196

she made fun of our sea country...

>> No.18597255

Stop being so fucking fragile.

>> No.18597301

It was actually VOMS that got me into this hobby.

>> No.18597311

FAQ migoboat

>> No.18597351

I'm here because Gura
Feel free to seethe, I won't give you a (you)

>> No.18597376

>le rabbit hole lingo
I don’t even know what to say to this people anymore.

>> No.18597387

Oh yeah? The Game.

>> No.18597495

don't lie you were like that too

>> No.18597708

>which most of them came from the Japanese itself
Now, are you Japanese or just a retard pretending to be one?

>> No.18597927

Thank you Michelle!

>> No.18598002

what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.18598041

I used rabbit hole analogy for moe anime in 2010 idgaf

>> No.18598045

Thank you Kizuna AI, Kaguya Luna, Siro, Mirai Akari, Usada Pekora

>> No.18598086

Thank you Migo!

>> No.18598129

OP mean about watch vtubers? If that so, m2
I start to watch Hololive bc Aqua and Shion, now my oshi is Akutan

>> No.18598232

Why are retards larping as oldfags by saying they got into vtubers because of ai? no one cared about vtubers until hololive and nijisanji happened

>> No.18598287

Yeah her new avatar just doesnt do it for me

>> No.18598386


>> No.18598475

nah it was until based Pews twitted about it

>> No.18598526

it was this clip from /wsg/ that caught me


>> No.18598528

I.... oh wait it actually was, kinda. I became a Watamate but I like Migo and I'm grateful for her helping me find my oshi

>> No.18598608

Thank you Migo!

>> No.18598750

Fubuki and Rushia, if we're talking about Hololive. Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna if we're talking about vtubers in general.

>> No.18599319

Korone clips got me into this hobby. Try again.

>> No.18599413

Suck a dick Migo, just like you used to do in the past.
I was already in this hobby in 2014

>> No.18599564

Miko only sucked women clits

>> No.18599613

Thank you Migo!

>> No.18599617
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>> No.18599680

fug you migo and your stupid boat

>> No.18599711

>They are the one who brings a massive audience
Broken english aside, how is that a good thing?

>> No.18599715

Thank you Migo for that ARK song.

>> No.18599716

For me it's the Ars Almal Can't Communicate arc.

>> No.18599747

I watched kizuna ai when she was fairly new. I got into hololive from fubuki

>> No.18599774

stupid fuck, I came from Eileen era, fuck off normalfags

>> No.18599954

There's no way that's actual news
How retarded can they be?

>> No.18599955

Thank you Mr. Koro!

>> No.18600002

Gatekeeping is an ugly colour on you.

>> No.18600063

So that's why sh's thirsting over a nijinigger

>> No.18600095

fr no cap doe

>> No.18600150

I got in because of Mr.Koro, sorry.

>> No.18600410

oh you were just talking about males collabs I thought you are gonna slander her with nnd shit. also what did she say in that collab? you actually understand japanese and not just bringing japanese stream just because you want to say she collabed with men right?

>> No.18600914

I didn't.
Still love Migo, so thank you Migo!~

>> No.18600929
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Sorry faggot, but for me it was Pikamee

>> No.18601010

it was roa for me
ib4 nijinig

>> No.18601149


>> No.18601168

Dynamite cute was one of my first clips too.

>> No.18601283
File: 2.40 MB, 1719x720, notoriousMIG[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5atq0k.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18601434

Go Migo go!

>> No.18603398

two years damb

>> No.18604054

Thank you Migo

>> No.18604252

Thank you Miko !


>> No.18604545
File: 1.62 MB, 840x1200, EosWIueUcAAIBiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking newfag, i got into vtubers because i saw clips about festival being a cunnychad, and bandaids.

>> No.18605100
File: 113 KB, 987x1080, migothumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you migo

>> No.18605336
File: 211 KB, 320x320, 1599631630651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Migo!
Miko is what got me interested, but the doog is what kept me staying

>> No.18605444
File: 2.86 MB, 608x1080, 1624529763223.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Ko'one

>> No.18605640

The amount of views I've given this video is definitely in the triple digits.

>> No.18605687

Imagine getting your ass kicked by a 106 lb Asian woman.

>> No.18605793
File: 745 KB, 1136x640, C3D84F98-368D-4EA7-B1B7-518800E7C543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you migo

>> No.18605990

God I wish

>> No.18606160
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>> No.18606455

>Passively watching content

>> No.18607254
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Aw hell naw who SHRUNK Miko? Put her back right now!

>> No.18607373
File: 47 KB, 437x513, 1640945488746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots think they're too good to appreciate the shrine maiden
arigatou migo

>> No.18607442

Same desu
Saw a clip of memeshark saying a funny, now I'm here forever.

>> No.18607534

Thank you Migo!

>> No.18608315
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