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File: 2.12 MB, 2160x2880, Realistic HoloENxID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18459318 No.18459318 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you think will be the first to graduate from Hololive overseas branches?

*Holo chink not included

>> No.18459778

Seriously? My guess would be Mori I’m not an anti.

>> No.18459900

Risu or Anya

>> No.18460079


>> No.18460099


>> No.18460192

Top guesses would be Mori, Iofi or Risu.

Out of Council Sana is the only one who seems to be really stuck in a rut still but we'll see how it goes.

>> No.18460214

I don't think someone from ID will graduate for the next few years, even though ID girls are not as successful as EN, they seem to enjoy their work as Hololive vtubers more

>> No.18460244


>> No.18460367

if we were gambling, low odds would give this one a really solid payout

>> No.18460400

What about "I don't feel like I fit in hololive" Ollie? I mean she would probably stay for the popularity factor but given her unquenched love for dudes there is some conflict more so than with any other ID member

>> No.18460479

Unless something big happens I'd say Calliope as well. She knows that her success is entirely due to her Hololive vtubing but I think she resents it too.

>> No.18460488 [DELETED] 

i would say mori even if she is the top earner in and she just seems so bored all the time like she is being held back by cover she did say something about starting a twitch so she can stream when she wants and what she wants

>> No.18460550

Yeah, true, but she despite having the same issues as Calli with outsiders seems to genuinely like the company.

>> No.18460590

Sana. She doesn't want to be there.

>> No.18460603

These are from a dude making AI generated faces and selling them as hololive NFTs

>> No.18460648


>> No.18460819 [DELETED] 

vtubeing is her way of getting away from being an artist shes been busy doing side work for other companys cover wanted he as an artist full time but she said no they are just hanging on to her tell she says yes

>> No.18460982

That's Irys face is prettier than her original 2D model

>> No.18461142


Sana doesn't seem to care very much about streaming atm so unless she get's some strong pushback (unlikely) I don't really see why she would bother with leaving, there's a ton of nijisanji members like her it's just less common in hololive. It's not like she's blocking the spot for somebody else.

She started streaming on her roommate a bit but she honestly improved after that Gura fiasco last year, if not for that recent meltdown I doubt people would doompost about her nearly as much. having said that:

she absolutely does it's even in the lyrics of one of those "vent" songs she's affraid that "Mori" might outlive her and become what she's actually remembered for, why? I guess because she sees herself as edgy non-mainstream badass or whatever.

>> No.18461163 [DELETED] 

she would have more fans but she sreams very little and its not always in eng os alot of poeple don't watch shes made 2k in the past 7 days she on par with ina and sana both loseing out on alot of money

>> No.18461259

Why do they all look russian if he made it with Artbreeder

>> No.18461326 [DELETED] 

what meltdown and what happen with gura

>> No.18461355
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1611974856565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18461575

No one guessed Ina?
she looks bored, losing her passion and motivation to stream now. I'm worried if this continues she will stop being a vtuber and choose her artist career

>> No.18461750

Mori, Ina, or Sana. All three of them seem to be putting more passion into their music/art (respectively) than streaming. Mori is making so much bank though, so she might stick around just for that.

>> No.18461755

wasn't she already bored of being an artist anyway? It's just her personality.

>> No.18461847 [DELETED] 

alot of the girls are starting to look this way i think cover may be telling them to be more professional like real jp idols and not western idols

>> No.18461965

>Cover says that they should uphold some sort of standard
>Talent fall into depression

>> No.18462072

From best to worst


>> No.18462197

Why Anya? She strikes me as the kind of person who could be doing something else

>> No.18462250

>not a single one is black or brown
Why is this allowed?

>> No.18462251

>Who do you think will be the first to graduate from Hololive overseas branches?
Who do you think will be the last?

>> No.18462362

She seems very closed off from anyone else.

>> No.18462435

impressive realistic art exactly as I imagined if they appeared in the real world, Ollie being the ugliest makes it more accurate

>> No.18462467

I think that's why she will stay longer than others, her work life in the real world would be terrible compared to streaming in the Holo environment

>> No.18462478 [DELETED] 

a hand full of them are getting 3d models after the big event thats going on and mori is one of them so its hard to say if mor is going to stay

>> No.18462636

This job was her dream after she failed to become an idol in japan

>> No.18462644 [DELETED] 

i like the zombie but she is just way to loud sometimes but her numbers are tanking like sana and ina https://playboard.co/en/channel/UCYz_5n-uDuChHtLo7My1HnQ

>> No.18462760 [DELETED] 

well with the rushia thing going on it could make some of the more weak minded ones quit the fear of fucking up that bad would eat away at them

>> No.18462772

I could see her just start working that 3D model for absolutely everything inc. MVs.

>> No.18462870

Iry looks a lot like sinisterdarling

>> No.18462882

Mori. She's the "I do what I want" type, so she likely to broke soon by restrictions of working in company.
Probably someone from ID. My random quess would be Iofi.

>> No.18462888

Wasn't she one of the most popular IDs? What happened?

>> No.18462889

looking at ollie's face, ugh.. no

>> No.18462907

Ina and Sana have legit careers outside of hololive so a good amount of their time and attention has to be spent away from streaming. They don’t seem to resent hololive though, it’s a pretty cushy side gig. Mori is a different story entirely.

>> No.18462942

hopefully Mori, i pray every day.

>> No.18462955

Kiara and Gura. They both love it and don’t really have anything better to do.

>> No.18462985


>> No.18462989

Mori is an ironic weeb. It’s fairly understandable she resents her vtuber persona because she’s above all that in her mind.

>> No.18463051

Ina does use it for friendship and relations. Plus for her roommate stuff, she have focused on learning to be fast so it won't affect her as much to be doing work on the side. Just look at the stuff she makes during art streams where she still focus on chat.

>> No.18463084 [DELETED] 

mori makes the most in holo en they would not let there en cash cow go so easy hell even sana tryed to quit but some how made a deal with her

>> No.18463110

Mori won't be graduating any time soon. She could still be the first one but I wouldn't be surprised if someone else graduates before her.

>> No.18463134

>why? I guess because she sees herself as edgy non-mainstream badass or whatever.
She has a Vtuber anti like Connor whispering shit in her ear like "Vtubers are successful because of the talent", "they are more entertaining without the need of the avatar", and "Hololive gives you instant success",
So of course she'll think that shit. Connor is just a bad dude man

>> No.18463153

> even sana tryed to quit but some how made a deal with her
Source: my ass.

>> No.18463307 [DELETED] 

>>18463153 this is pretty common knowledge amongst her fans hell they even know about ina getting sana the job in the first place go back reddit

>> No.18463629

she will quit and graduate if she gets bored or other girls stop giving her attention,
but not anytime soon because Kiara wants to lick Reine's pussy so she can travel and shop around Asia for free

>> No.18463641

Risu in that image looks really hot.

>> No.18463682

>go back reddit
Says the ESL who can’t even articulate a simple sentence, spaced his message like a subhuman and still provides no source.

>> No.18463811

>Connor whispering shit in her ear
I'm fully convinced that it is in fact her crying to him about it, and that tard can't keep his mouth shut about it when trying to score points.

>> No.18463887

Why do they all look Russian

>> No.18463988 [DELETED] 

next time sana streams ask her about or are you to much of a pussy

>> No.18464087

Seethe more.

>> No.18464119


>> No.18464260 [DELETED] 

>>18464087 lol redditfag too scared to do your reps

>> No.18464295

If we going niji. Then Rosemi.
after she passes audition to Holo EN 3rd gen

>> No.18464527 [DELETED] 

gen 3 is the new all male branch aint it

>> No.18464716

That's also a possibility. There is a clear connection either way. Just not sure which direction

>> No.18464831

Nah, Pomu. She is already threatening to leave.

>> No.18465138

That fucking Ollie face made me kek so hard

>> No.18465244 [DELETED] 

this the dudes real art ive seen hentai pics with the same faces before

>> No.18465266

>Kiara earrings

>> No.18465293

I think you should get your face blindness checked out.

>> No.18465642

If they really are off screen friends, I think it’s pretty clear that they are, it goes both ways. Mori is the venting type, she can’t keep her mouth shut about the shit that bothers her to save her life. Connor is a hot take spewing, opinionated anituber, there is no way he doesn’t put all that negative shit he thinks about vtubers and their fans into her head.

>> No.18465781

Also, I have a feeling all of her friends are like this, the TT circle and her Jap friends too. That’s part of why her imposter syndrome is so bad. And part of why I think she’ll be the first to graduate when she gets a chance.

>> No.18465821

Ina looks like a Korean girl,
I mean it's accurate

>> No.18466658

The question in that case is if she will be able to stay with her expat friends or if the allure of "hanging out with the cool kids" will outweigh her disdain for her job.

>> No.18466853

Honestly, deadbeats who care about Mori need to urge her to not hang out with toxic people.
>Don't tell me who I can/cannot hang out
Is 1 thing. It's another to have an intervention and bring up a good source of her imposter syndrome.

>> No.18467242

All of them, at once when Yagoo admits the company is bankrupt after investing all the company funds in an NFT rugpull.

>> No.18467765
File: 479 KB, 460x977, 1613994438907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID: Moona
EN: Kronii

>> No.18468007
File: 50 KB, 899x564, 1638774274025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is doing more stuff with her roommate account more often, and she clearly has issues with vtubing in general. She's going to keep doing this over the rest of the year until her contract is up. Bet as soon as she's done you'll get a few Hololive/vtuber diss tracks and lots of appearances on TT from her roommate. I don't think anyone else in EN has a reason to give it up. Especially Kiara/Gura/Ame since they literally have nothing else to fall back on besides being 2views.

>> No.18468449

Mori or Ollie. They are both obsessed with males, irrelevant indies, chuubas from other companies and real people that have nothing to do with vtubers. One too many denials for collabs might push them too far. Not to mention all the yabs that surround them.
Kiara and Reine love their jobs.
Ame needs hololive to pay for her bimonthly vacations.
Gura has mental problems but will probably stay for the near future.
Most of council, besides Sana, seems to enjoy streaming. And they’re still relatively new so it probably won’t be them.
Same applies to IRyS.
Moona seems pretty invested in her job still.
Risu doesn’t but I don’t see her graduating.
I know nothing about Iofi or Anya.

>> No.18468852

>source:it appeared to me in a dream

>> No.18470301

As a degenerate sports gambling addict, you now have me wanting real odds on these...so I made them myself. Most of council is less likely to graduate simply because they are less likely to experience burnout before their senpai.
Calli: +300
Ollie: +750
Sana: +1000
Anya: +5000
Kiara: +5000
Risu: +5000
Gura: +7000
Iofi: +7000
Ina: +7000
IRyS: +10000
Baelz: +12000
Mumei: +12000
Fauna: +12000
Kronii: +12000
Reine: +15000
Ame: +20000
Moona: +20000

>> No.18470604

>Ame: +20000

>> No.18470728

how are you posting from jail, Chris Chan?

>> No.18470823

For the longest time while in Hololive she still considered herself friends with people who actively hated her for her success. I think it was the meaning of End of a Life? I forget

>> No.18470977

Deadbeats should tell her to hangout with them, then she won’t want to

>> No.18470997

I don’t think someone is more likely to quit just because they have a low sub count. Nothing about Anya would suggest to me that she even thinks about quitting hololive. I’d switch Gura and Ame too.

Otherwise, these are good odds to start.

>> No.18471033

I’ve always wondered if she is still friends with those girls who told her about the hololive auditions.

>> No.18471076

She basically needs hololive to live. I think she's one of the least likely to quit of her own will.

>> No.18471117

Gura and Ame are both extremely unlikely to graduate any time soon. What would they do instead? Ame goes back to being a 2view on twitch and barely gets by? Gura goes back to having a meme channel on youtube that makes her no money? The only people in Myth able to graduate realistically are Ina and Mori since they have shit they can fall back on. The rest of them have nothing else they can do as a career and are too autistic to have normal jobs.

>> No.18471216

Mori also said she really only considers doxxbeats as her real fans. Said it was stupid to separate vtuber and roommate.

>> No.18471685

Gura and Ame need to stream to support themselves but now that they are known they could go the Kson route with little trouble, though it would likely stunt their future growth and there is no real reason to do so. Gura could have done reasonably well even without Holo considering her numbers but didn’t have the personal drive and capabilities to capitalize it.
I wouldn’t put them as less likely than Kiara though considering Kiara’s previous experiences and this being the closest she is ever going to get to being a successful idol.

>> No.18472448

Ame could easily transition into the production side of the business. I don’t think she would graduate otherwise.

>> No.18472627

I think there is a sort of domino effect in play here. If, for example, Mori graduates on bad terms and then goes on to have a successful career away from hololive, are girls like Gura and Mumei more likely to graduate? They are pretty close to Mori.

>> No.18472747

That was the kind of cope Coco fans kept repeating, utterly delusional.

>> No.18472923

Idol Manager came out at the end of July last year when Coco graduated. It had a feature where graduating idols could be asked to join your production staff. Maybe that's part of the source of the cope?

>> No.18472995

I could see people think it with Coco, didn’t she originally intend to work on the managerial side of things anyway when she was applying at Cover?
Thinking she or ame would retire to do that is silly though, the vtuber money is too good. Maybe vtubing as her own and trying her hand at making her own company like tamaki. But Ame doesn’t seem like enough of a climber for that.

>> No.18473189

>The question in that case is if she will be able to stay with her expat friends
Did she ever interact with any of the trash taste people when she was just a mildly famous ironic weeb rapper? If not, they're probably all just clout chasing & if Mori graduates & her popularity wanes on her other accounts afterwards then they will prpbably ditch her.

>> No.18473214

They got the idea from a fucking videogame? No wonder it was retarded, makes me wonder if they've ever held a job at all.

>> No.18473266

>she absolutely does it's even in the lyrics of one of those "vent" songs she's affraid that "Mori" might outlive her and become what she's actually remembered for
“I am not Spock” soon.
