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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18403925 No.18403925 [Reply] [Original]

This is the general for Komainu Chino, a cheerful and friendly girl

She was swallowed by a bad wolf and escaped, but the shock of that experience has made her believe she is a wolf. She has no memory of what happened before that.

Her favorite food is meat.


>> No.18404097

I still fucking hate Towa

>> No.18404476


>> No.18404517

I know it's just my menhera acting up but I actually do feel a little bad keeping discussion somewhere she couldn't find it
I almost want to make a fake Twitter account and DM chi-chan the link

>> No.18404573

Is this the cuckshed?

>> No.18404727

She'd never be able to read it anyways. Also Chino seems pretty trigger happy on twitter right now.

>> No.18404862

She's cute wish she'd do more ASMR with the new mic

>> No.18405281

Out of curiosity, I switched Chrome to Japanese so I could see what it looked like when you translate the page and honestly for the most part while it doesn't catch nuance of terms it doesn't seem to butcher them.

And her being trigger happy is maybe why I want to do it. At least there it's a lot of us talking but mostly it's just us saying how much we love Chi-chan and want to see her

>> No.18405516

She is very cute and lovely

>> No.18405816

She really is
I want everything to be okay again

>> No.18406100

This is a dumb idea.

>> No.18406271

Hahahahahahahahaha, yeah you think so, fancuck? Linking to Rushia's twitter isn't the brightest idea.

>> No.18406428

Its probably too early still

>> No.18406447

Yeah, agreed. Right now I just want to see how many find it though

>> No.18406834

I'm relieved that the worst outcomes seem unlikely now.

>> No.18406994

Only the top down outcomes seem unlikely.

>> No.18407163

It's good obviously but less space in my brain dedicated to "oh fuck she'd better not jump off the nearest apartment block" has just given way to more worries about what did/didn't happen and honestly being fucking mad at her for letting all this shit happen in the first place

>> No.18407364

Ah I get you I was like that for a bit but I mellowed out. I really hope she streams today.

>> No.18407751

Do you think her streams will be any different from now on?

>> No.18407786

There's no going back.

>> No.18407787

I'm still a little curled up inside because I need to know if she actually tried for to pursue it herself
It's a little better because I know she still loves us so I know it's still her but I still need to know that she didn't
I don't believe that guys interpretation and he didn't give receipts of that one either

>> No.18407868

Stop saying this. If she shows us proof and tries to win back our trust, nothing has to change.

>> No.18407964

I would say it depends on the explanation, if it's a good one then nothing has to change

>> No.18408248

I don't think it matters what our response is, she won't be able to stream as usual.
At least for a good while.

>> No.18409250

I know the circumstances will prevent certain things but if I get that sense I would probably try and SC to ask her for more mengen...or something. I don't know.

I wish she'd locked the account so she could do twtcasts with us and only us.

>> No.18412032
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Gonna hit image limit somehow.

>> No.18412329

Unless she made the twitcasts private too randoms can still get in from the front page anyway. Pretty much why I keep asking about notifications

>> No.18412625

i came in here to save instead i get a whore's past life

>> No.18412729

I was lurking the other place for most of the weekend. I didn't feel like I had anything to add and chino isn't my oshi anyway.
Just wanted to say you guys seem cool and you'll get through this.

>> No.18415951
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>> No.18420386

What game do you want her to stream next?

>> No.18420619

It's almost a year since she didn't finish the Genocide route. I want her to take her anger out on Sans.

>> No.18426359

Something dumb. Like mom hid my game 2 or something.

>> No.18428564


>> No.18435085

Tuesday approaches.

>> No.18435090 [DELETED] 


>> No.18436936

Halo, preferably co-op campaign

>> No.18438859

I honestly don't understand how private twitcasts even work, I don't know much about the site. Who gets access to them and how?

>> No.18438951

Assuming we have a happy end, I want something intimate

>> No.18439443

Private twitcasts are just regular twitcasts that have a password you need to enter to watch, which gets distributed in some way by the streamer. Passwords have no numbers only restriction either, so they can be hard to crack.

>> No.18439716

Okay but how would she distribute those passwords?

>> No.18439753

Cute red riding hood

>> No.18440503

Usually those who do that publish the passwords in fanbox, but I don't think she wants us to pay just to listen to her from time to time.

>> No.18441110

If her Twitter is locked she could just tweet them, obviously. It's still likely to get leaked sure, but there is some measure of privacy.

>> No.18442622

Her roommate's twitter sure is inclining, she should have locked it.

>> No.18443459


>> No.18443537


>> No.18443593

You have like 5 threads, this is the Chino thread.

>> No.18444694
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>> No.18445685
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>> No.18446479


>> No.18447082 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18448125
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>> No.18449039


>> No.18451789


>> No.18452309

Chino, you dingus.

>> No.18452750

Warabeda but without the enormous 11 year-old titties

>> No.18455804
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>> No.18458043

I miss her, lads.

>> No.18460191

Why even bother posting on this site right now? I genuinely see no advantage to it, just catbox any images you need to post over there.

>> No.18462638

I thought this looked fucking familiar. You fuckers kek

>> No.18464230
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>> No.18464564

Cute! I love Chino so much, I hope she's handling it better now.

>> No.18465793
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>> No.18468262
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>> No.18470191
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>> No.18470702

Chino posted a statement.

>> No.18470770

That is quite a statement

>> No.18473897

My gut is telling me it's going to be a while before we see Chino again with this going on too

>> No.18473961

It will be.

>> No.18473968

I expected a few days, but it looks closer to a few weeks.

>> No.18475273

Komainu Kino

>> No.18476745 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18479120


>> No.18479181

i love her

>> No.18481713
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>> No.18483901

Hope she brings the axe to all of the bad wolves.

>> No.18487495

Chino on the front page again!

>> No.18491333

and again

>> No.18494285

>I don't think she wants us to pay
kek, and what leads you to that conclusion?

>> No.18494419

Because plenty of other roommates have done so but she's one of the few who hasn't?
If anything she's more likely to lock and block her account as she's done before
