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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18311210 No.18311210 [Reply] [Original]

And by everything I mean everything that isn't corporate enforced. JPs have Among Us, Gartic, Phasmophobia, Apex collabs etc every week and they never invite ENs to any of them. Most recent instance of this being the recent Among Us collab where ONLY JPs were invited. And the times that they do collab it's always by ENs initiative like the recent Minecraft collab between Council and X. This feels so boring and unwelcoming honestly that it makes me feel like some of them have something against EN for some reason...

>> No.18311348


>> No.18311352

cross-branch collabs are complete cancer
that could be why

>> No.18311440
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>And by everything I mean everything that isn't corporate enforced. JPs have Among Us, Gartic, Phasmophobia, Apex collabs etc every week and they never invite ENs to any of them. Most recent instance of this being the recent Among Us collab where ONLY JPs were invited. And the times that they do collab it's always by ENs initiative like the recent Minecraft collab between Council and X. This feels so boring and unwelcoming honestly that it makes me feel like some of them have something against EN for some reason...

>> No.18311514

>I have nothing to add to the thread in hand but let me publicly show stupid I am for whatever reason

>> No.18311627

1. They don't speak Japanese.
2. The JP branch is intimidated by them.
3. The JP branch doesn't really know the few that can speak Japanese well, do.

>> No.18311712

Payback for Japanese internment

>> No.18311980

Only 4 EN members are bilingual, but nobody watches collabs with JP because their audience don't know Japanese.
On the other side, I don't think any JP homomem is proficient in English.

>> No.18312194

>Only 4 EN members are bilingual
That's eight members, more than half of the EN branch.

>> No.18312756


>> No.18312894

They were in the Mario Kart tournament, the Sports Festival, and the Summer Festival. All three of those events were organized and put on by the JP Hololive members and weren’t corporate projects

>> No.18312961

>weren’t corporate projects

>> No.18313071

EN doesn't even get merch either, remember when we were supposed to get 3rd rate Pop-up Parade figs? No, tranny fashion doesn't count.

>> No.18313184

>pick a language to use
>no matter which you pick you alienate some talents
>no matter which you pick you alienate someone's fanbase
It just reduces the quality of content overall.

>> No.18313194

No way. She's too fucking stupid. I think Sana's JP is shit too and Mori basically freezes up in JP collabs.

>> No.18313342

Omega doesn't count, Kronii is pretty much beginner level in Japanese, Sana doesn't stream and Calli barely is able to have any conversation.

>> No.18313467

Omega hate!

>> No.18313783

What makes you think a literal side branch is worthy of being in the presence of the main branch?

>> No.18313863
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The protagonist of vtubers is literally an EN.

>> No.18313923

Iris, Kiara and Hakos are the only one that can string together complete sentences. Everyone else is dumpster fire tier.

>> No.18314016

The protagonist of normalfags and basic bitches maybe.

>> No.18314056

Doesn't count

>> No.18314236


>> No.18314257

Almost as if they live in a different timezone or something...

>> No.18314422

Because Gura got embarrassed that one time they tried it

>> No.18314458

What part of "everything that isn't corporate enforced" did you not understand?

>> No.18314592

Because every single cross-branch stream has been nothing but cancer. It always devolves into dumb noises and room temperature IQ interactions which nobody should find interesting except for actual retards.

>> No.18314621

Calli and Ina have entire streams in Japanese dude... And Sana could communicate just fine with Pekora.

>> No.18314725

Japs are scared of speaking English or any foreign languages because they take it as a failure by not being able to speak it perfectly.
Mel, Subaru, and Korone seem to be the only ones who would be more than happy to interact with EN with their limited English skills. Watch Mel's call for Watson's birthday for a cute example.

>> No.18314805

Do you understand Japanese? If you don't there's no point in continuing this conversation. You literally lack the ability to understand how fucking terrible they are.

>> No.18315066

good collabs require some bantz, kindergarten level Japanese is not enough for that

>> No.18315107

>Appeal to authority
Yeah, let's ignore that both literally collab with JP holos before and not just once. You, the expert on Japanese language and culture, surely know more than the Japanese natives.

>> No.18315157

Ask me how I know you're just a filthy clip nigger.

>> No.18315236

Dunning Kruger effect on full display here.

>> No.18315265


>> No.18315270

shark surpassed literally everyone within a month, I would fucking hate her too if I was JP

>> No.18315325

Ever noticed how little and how awkwardly they speak in those streams compared to the actual competent ones like Irys? God you're fucking stupid.

>> No.18315338
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>> No.18315493

This thread should've went to page 10 without replies

>> No.18315552

funny some of the eo girls said they were going to learn japanese so they can collab with jp more then get side lined

>> No.18315570

Lack of self-awareness on full display here.

>> No.18315584

Language barrier + nobody in EN would actually reach for collabs other than Kiara and JP branch is also shy to ask because nobody there had even the basic eigo skills other than Haachama arguably before HoloX since Lui seem confident enough to initiate collabs.

>> No.18315630


>> No.18315743

Unity fags are cancer. There is no fucking reason for them to collab with each other when the language barrier always cause any kind of interaction to be compromised. There is literally not a single cross branch interaction that surpasses the ones that have occurred within.

>> No.18315755

There's definitely an anti-EN faction inside Cover, but they got repressed a little due to ENs initial success. I'm tempted to say they might be getting stronger though with the failure of Council. This is just speculation, but I think the Holos that are most likely to be a part of that anti-EN faction would be Ayame, Aqua and Choco due to their lack of interest in anything that has to do with ENs save for corporate enforced shit (so don't bother me with Umisea replies).

>> No.18315797

Disregarding the fact you are discussing them being bilingual and several of them know languages besides Japanese or English. By their own views...Kiara, Irys and Bae are the only ones who would plausibly view themselves as fluent with Sana and Ina in a tier below that of being functional. Calli and Kronii at least put in the basic effort to acknowledge they are aware of the language but they are extremely uncomfortable using it. The rest are a mix of people who understand the basics but don't care about the language to people who don't even want to accidentally learn something.

>> No.18315816

Thank you for ending my proof that you're a complete imbecile.

>> No.18315902

Says the guy who literally thinks Calli or fucking Sana knows Japanese. Repeat that anywhere else and watch your ass get laughed out of the room. Sit down kid, you're way out of your league.

>> No.18316008

I loved Turducken which was a three-branch collab. Granted, they can all speak Japanese but Subaru wanted to practice her passion English and it was fun. Though I do feel they cheated a bit by having the game lack any Japanese subtitles.

>> No.18316070

Language Barrier
Timezone Barrier
Network Latency Barroer

>> No.18316180

Inferior subbranch needs to know its place.

>> No.18316233

Come back to this thread when you manage to understand a single word in this stream: https://youtu.be/Zda9UXSp-Pw
And also, I never said Sana was fluent in Japanese. I said she knows enough to b able to understand and hold conversations like during her collab with Pekora, dumbass. I know you hate ~le pink woman and ~le black woman, but trying to project your own failures on talented girls isn't healthy.

>> No.18316375

nta, but that's not JP. Why would I watch a wigger when I can watch an actual ni-

>> No.18316537

Then shut the fuck up and stop sticking your nose in other people's discussion.

>> No.18316689

coco was the only person in hololive who was truly fluent in both english and japanese.

>> No.18316738

the thing with Calli is that she doesn't seem to have much interest in hololive, she could've been much closer with the JP side by now if she really wanted to.

>> No.18316776

She ain't got nothing on Irys, mah nigga.

>> No.18316825

She didn't even know anything about Hololive before joining. The only reason she joined was to increase her popularity.

>> No.18317005

You need to think bigger(maybe smaller). If Calli tried to get closer to JP, she would get accusations of trying to leech the JP members. Especially from this board.

>> No.18317080

Which would be true because she literally admitted to being clueless about vtubers before joining Hololive.

>> No.18317550

She's bigger than any of them at least in one metric (subcount) and it's not even about collabs.

>> No.18317629

It's because of timezones you fucking retard.
Do you think all the EN members want to stay up all night to stream multiple times per month?

>> No.18317634


>> No.18317669

Because EN sucks and should be treated as such

>> No.18317753

Who cares about subcounts in Hololive. They don't measure actual engagement at all.

>> No.18317978

>EN-JP collab
>they ALWAYS only speak Japanese

Maybe these nipniggers should learn to speak english

>> No.18318461

Gura engagement is insane though

>> No.18318663

Most of the ENs don't speak Japanese and that is basically a dog whistle to Japanese people in general that they should avoid you because it's troublesome to them.

>> No.18319110

Good, I have no interest in JP members at all\
Tried of the cringe Minecraft collab

>> No.18319873

I wonder of there's something that doesn't sllow them to collab.
Maybe a linguistic barrier, probably.
We'll never know

>> No.18320072

Who the fuck is Sana?

>> No.18322471
File: 438 KB, 645x582, 1620961097570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antichama... is that you?

>> No.18323599

Why do you all think IRyS hasn't has much of a HoloJP collab?

>> No.18324391

She hasn't. She's treated as an outsider like the other ENs.

>> No.18325336

bruh, they're always like that. not all of them though, but most of them.
they don't really care much from outside of their own branch.
that's why ID & EN are very close. Japan is just different. quite the differences with the rest of the world.

>> No.18325563

The japs have met kiara and mori in person. Let that sink in.

>> No.18325966

It’s almost like there’s a time and language barrier or something. Idk tho I haven’t taken my pills yet

>> No.18330169

mental ilness

>> No.18335674

The Myth girls who can speak Japanese are indisputably awful at collabs with JP. It is natural they would avoid it unless forced upon them.

It will take time for Irys and Bae to undo the damage and make the Japs want to interact.

>> No.18335874

->Going against anything

>> No.18336023

Amogus is not a thing you can play with a language barrier. They tried it once and it went down in flames spectacularly.

>> No.18338497

apparently there's internal issues within en brach so they hardly collab within there own branch

>> No.18339425

like ame and gura don't collab much cuz guras fans would go in to ames chat and flood it with ship names and tell her collab more with gura ame got man and said she dose no want to be seen as gura girlfriend

>> No.18339707

and i guess cali force people to collab and the others don't like it

>> No.18339752

Salty, kek. I love that normalfags are taking over your weebo hobby. You faggots suck at keeping it afloat anyway. En is literaly carrying vtubing on their backs, without the international money they bring in, cover/niji would have already been bought by a chinese company.

>> No.18344286

Are you retarded?

>> No.18348092

Besides the obvious time zone and scheduling stuff, the ENs that the JPs really want to interact with don't speak Japanese. They want to talk to foreigners who feel like foreigners, and if you've taken time to learn Japanese, you're more than likely some level of weeb/otaku. They want to hear stories about Mori getting shot at while going to school, not Kiara talking about some idol bitch she follows.

>> No.18349124

>with the failure of Council.
How in any objective standard could they be considered a failure?
