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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18242800 No.18242800 [Reply] [Original]

Vtubing need to be regulated. Like actually regulated by a governing body. No more of this self-regulation bullshit. Everything is going to shit and we need to stop that before it gets even worse.
>GFE is more predatory than gacha
>vtubers can lie and get away with it
>people can and will donate their entire life savings to vtubers
>vtubers will break kayfabe whenever they want

>> No.18242988

Kys bootlicker

>> No.18243106

Stop fucking over lonely men than you stupid vtubers.

>> No.18243760


>> No.18243842

I agree. Make a law that'll actually help someone for once.

>> No.18243862

Boss and Kuzu should rub chins.

>> No.18243903


>> No.18243904

>"I want the government to give me less freedom for no reason"
Go to the nearest store, get rope and neck yourself state bootlicker.

>> No.18243997
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>> No.18244034

Fuck off fed
Regulation fags get the rope

>> No.18244059

Reminder that chinks aren't human and never have been.

>> No.18244097

Treat Vtubing like sex work. Then every problem will go away.

>> No.18244220

How about just being smart about where your money goes and stop thinking about the poor simp that was manipulated into giving away their money by the evil vtuber whore, when it was his ultimately his choice to give away the money. Smart people can enjoy the entertainment for free and dont see a need to donate, let the simps donate money, fuck them. At least they can actually have a taste of happiness for once

>> No.18244296

Why not? Vtubers are way too free and it's fucking up society as we speak. Vtubers don't even respect their fans. This will give more power to the people and have vtubers take responsibility in their action. This will literally only help you people. You are not vtubers.

>> No.18244421

Tell me how this is going to impact viewers. It won't. It'll only just protect the public from evil vtubers. Unless you have a different solution for a problem like Rushia is causing, we need regulation in the vtubing industry.

>> No.18244454

I don't need to read this full post before reaching this verdict:
Kill yourself.

>> No.18244551

Reminder that elections are near and there are a lot of politicians looking for a simple win to boost their value. Write your representatives.

>> No.18244591

Fucking american sure hate freedom
You guys didn't learn anything after 9/11.

>> No.18244622

Why do you guys not want to regulate the vtubing industry? IT WON'T HURT THE VIEWERS. It'll only hurt the vtubers. You won't be affected anonchama. No one here is a vtuber.

>> No.18244849

Whenever someone proposes legislation and says you won't be effected, it means you will be effected, but wouldn't approve of it if you knew.

>> No.18244918

At most there will be a limit to the amount of money you can send vtubers. That should be it.

>> No.18244974

Are you from China by any chance? Why do you need the government to control your hobbies anon?

>> No.18245194

>Vtubers are way too free and it's fucking up society as we speak

This is true for not only all streamers, but 99% of digital content creators.
Why only put vtubers in this bucket when Pokimane or Alinity do the same thing but to a bigger audience?

Yeah, just give the government acess to how you should spend your money, that won't go wrong at all.

>> No.18245269

Just scrap the avatars and make vtubers into traditional streamers.

>> No.18245337

Sounds like a true murican. What's next after this cultural hijack? Start a vtuber union and start sending lawyers after vtubers without permit?

>> No.18245374

i think streaming should be regulated in general. There's so many retarded kids gifting away their birthday money to millionaire streamers it's ridiculous.

>> No.18245451

>all the non Americans flipping shit because their country is our bitch and they copy everything we do

>> No.18245461

>Yeah, just give the government acess to how you should spend your money, that won't go wrong at all.
Okay that actually sounds bad. How about we do the opposite? We add some kind of limit a vtuber can receive from a single viewer. There. More people will be safe.

>> No.18245476

>flooded by twitter normalfag tourists
>some kid makes a thread advocating for government involvement in the industry because a necromancer spilled her spaghetti
OP is 15 at most.

>> No.18245512

The fact that this obvious of a shitpost thread got this many replies is fucking retarded, but I'll still give a (You) for getting this far anyways.

>> No.18245513

>limit a vtuber can receive
limit on how much a vtuber can recieve

>> No.18245514


>> No.18245563

>because a necromancer spilled her spaghetti
It's a pretty big spaghetti. Lots of people almost kill themselves because of this. We need to regulate.

>> No.18245614

Even if all of them did kill themselves, there would still be no need to regulate.

>> No.18245709

This really isn't a shitpost. I've seen people on twitter and on here shit on the gachikois and I felt sad for them. Rushia lied to them and scammed them out of their hard earned cash. There could be thousands of people like Rushia all around the world. I think we can't really blame the public for getting scammed because most people are stupid. The best thing we could do is to make rules to stop stuff like this from happening ever again. Vtubers don't need the money.

>> No.18245770

Alright, here's an extra (You) for keeping up the ruse then.

>> No.18245861

Nigger, I'm lonely, doesn't mean I go and pretend some fake woman is my wife. People that fall for the GFE grift should unironically kill themselves if they're that far gone

>> No.18245999

see >>18245709
The problem of lonely men is an epidemic. They have lots of disposable cash and have nowhere to use them. Vtubers take advantage of these lonely men and extract so much money from them. This is wrong. WRONG WRONG WRONG. Don't shit on lonely men. DEFEND LONELY MEN. These vtubers think they have all the power. Lets see how much power they have when they get regulated to hell and back.

>> No.18246023

OK, Putin.

>> No.18246179

The whole internet celebrity thing needs to be regulated, especially the part where they receive donations just for existing.

>> No.18246265

Listen ESL, if someone is so stupid and weak to believe that the anime girl on screen actually loves only them out of the million people also watching her, they're too far gone and should disappear from society. These people could be using their money to better themselves or their community but instead they get fleeced out of their cash by scam artists. I don't feel bad for any other idiot that gets scammed, why should I care about these dregs? Like I said, I'm a lonely man, I'm a 27 year old kissless virgin and even I know that the funny anime girl I watch doesn't actually love me and that she's only entertainment. These gachikois need to get a grip on reality and if getting cucked by Rrushia does that for them then I say it was a positive thing.

>> No.18246292

You are wrong
Idiots should be slaves
Simple as

>> No.18246642

>if someone is so stupid and weak
This has never been a good reason to abandon someone. We have laws for gambling. Laws for scams. Laws for food safety. Those laws are there to help the weakest people. To help you. Because being weak isn't something objective. It's subjective.

>> No.18246770

No we don't need to regulate
>b-but the lonely incel will kill himself
and? society improves tenfold

>> No.18246940

You can't even regulate a bowel movement.

>> No.18246962

I agree with this. Streaming in general should be regulated. Even television and movies are regulated but not streams. This is disgusting.

>> No.18247005

We have laws for all those things yet people still go destitute from gambling, get scammed out of all their life savings and get morbidly obese from unhealthy food. Do you see a 600lb woman and say 'Wow, someone should have protected her from all that unhealthy food" or do you think "Wow, what a disgusting pig, eating herself into that condition". This is no different. The men who fall in love with these vtubers might be ugly or fat, but that doesn't really stop them from getting a partner in life. Fat and ugly men have been breeding for thousands of years. The real problem with these losers is that bettering yourself is hard, and they'd rather resign themselves "Well I'm just too fat and ugly to ever get a real girlfriend so I'll give all my money to this anime girl to get a cheap dopamine hit instead of trying hard to better myself." I have no sympathy for these losers, and hopefully this will be a wakeup call to them to do something better with their lives.

>> No.18247100

Yeah because you're a soulless npc. I bet if they were starving 60iq niggers you'd have sympathy though.

>> No.18247182

You've got a bad grasp of english but a good spirit anon. Defending the weak is a very commendable option, however doing it through regulations is really fucking stupid, considering the already big amount of regulations corpos have to deal with already.
If you want to defend lonely men, teach them that they don't have to rely on e-girls to find happiness because in the end, most regulations will end up being ignored and the public will keep falling for the same GFE trap over and over again

>> No.18247257

Yes you dumbass. Those bad shit still happen but it happens way less because of the laws. You can not care for dumb idiots all you want but the problem here is the things that made them dumb idiots are not properly regulated. If the idiots manage to shit themselves even with all the regulations, that's their fucking problem. Laws still need to be put in place though.

>> No.18247304

>teach them that they don't have to rely on e-girls to find happiness because in the end, most regulations will end up being ignored and the public
Regulations being ignored isn't an excuse to not make any. You can teach the lonely men and regulate the fuck out of vtubers. We can do both.

>> No.18247313

Leave bossu out of your schizophrenic rants retard.

>> No.18247321

>things that made them dumb idiots
Genes? Parents? School? Society?

>> No.18247356


>> No.18247363

Shut up with that ching chong wala wala bing bong anon.

Let people spend their money to whatever they like.
Or are you one of the bootlikers that trying to monopolize the industry?

>> No.18247407

I'm a soulless npc? Because I don't have sympathy for people too stupid and lazy to get themselves out of situations they put themselves in? Did I strike a nerve with my post anon. Did it hit a little too close to home when I described the lazy little ugly gremlin boy too afraid of failure to better himself? I bet it did. And no, I don't care about starving niggers either, though 60iq is a number you should strive for, because it's higher than whatever fool gets scammed by GFE streamers.

>> No.18247439


>> No.18247452

you're an idiot, you don't need a nanny to tell you don't fucking insert a fork in the electricity socket...
if you can't regulate yourself then you're not an adult but an irresponsible and irredeemable idiot.

How do these poor lonely men get their money? They must either be working for it or they have savings or whatever, that means they have at least a bit of intelligence to recognize scams and can tell by themselves that a vtuber doesn't love them in particular nor the other millions watching her. She's an entertainer and provides a fantasy, nothing more nothing else, you don't need a regulatory body to tell you the obvious thing, plus they already know the truth, they are just bitter sad lonely fucks that are looking at any opportunity to lash out by crying for a betrayal that doesn't exist.

>> No.18247482

Regulate your neck with rope.

>> No.18247536

Vtubers have not made a single person "dumb idiot", ever. Just like gambling, prostitutes, unhealthy food, etc, haven't. You may think that totalitarian nanny state will make things better but it won't.

>> No.18247544

Maybe lonely men should think with their brains rather than with their dicks for once.

>> No.18247699

ESL-kun, you aren't stupid enough to imply that vtubers are responsible for these men being the way they are right? >>18247356 . These men are this way due to the failings of their fathers to teach them to be proper men, should we regulate fathers? Only chad lumberjacks are allowed to teach young boys how to live? The problem with the majority of gachikois is that Japan is already such a cucked society, that men don't have time to teach their sons how to be men due to the oppressive work culture. If anything, that should be rectified and regulated before vtubers.

>> No.18247740

>Let people spend their money to whatever they like
yes lets have people allowed to pay to chop their dick off this wouldn't have any negative effects on society at all

>> No.18247747

See vtubers. I think I made my point pretty clear. Shit on lonely men enough and we'll make sure your industry will be regulated to hell. You think you can just shit on lonely men that just want companionship without any consequences? Fuck you. The more you allow and excuse your fellow vtubers to bait lonely men for their money, the more evidence we will have for regulation. I can't wait for the mass gachikoi suicide. That will really have some higher ups to look into this situation. I made my move. Now it's your turn vtubers.

>> No.18247804

shut the fuck up you sound like a China bootlicker that doesn't believe in freedom of choice and you need the nanny state to tell you what to do and how to think because you're too much of a lazy retard to even think what's better for yourself.

China is applying a law just like what you describe you NEED to protect people for their own conscious decisions, well wake up idiot that kind of thinking will lea us to a fucking dystopia eventually. I'm not the same anon you were talking to but I believe in the freedom of choice and responsibility of your own actions and it disgust me how your "sympathy" for these irresponsible human begins just helps tyrants because they use this way of thinking to justify all the shit they impose in the masses. So kindly fuck you retard, either belive in the poeple and held them accountable for their actions or just go to live in China where they will restrict you even how much videogames you play because it's obviously bad for your health and the state knows what's best for you.

>> No.18247828

Who are you talking to, Schizo-kun?

>> No.18247837

youtube and twitch just need to limit monthly donations to $20 per streamer and $50 total and it's fixed

>> No.18247848

I am sure they are shaking in their boots right now after reading your comment.

>> No.18247883

Oh no the worthless dregs of society commited neck rope.

>> No.18247903

Why would they intentionally limit their own income?
Are we going to put a limit on what people can buy too?

>> No.18247908

I'm sure they won't. They'll ignore my post until it's too late. It's always like this. I never get tired of shit like this happening.

>> No.18247938

mandated by the government, of course

>Are we going to put a limit on what people can buy too?
yes, no more than $10 on lootboxes a month

>> No.18247982

But they surely cannot ignore the enlightened words of such an eminent prophet as yourself. They are tirelessly looking through this board for your posts, they just can't live without them.

>> No.18247991

>Why would they intentionally limit their own income?
Intentionally? Hahahahahahahaha. There's no choice. If streamers want real money get some sponsorship.
>Are we going to put a limit on what people can buy too?
Why would we? We only need to limit how much people can get.

>> No.18248023

Yeah whatever anon. Go back to bashing lonely men. Remember to tell them to kill themselves. I want to see something about vtubers on the news.

>> No.18248025

It's not a scam Mr. Tankie, noone is getting robbed.
If dumb fucks pour mountains of money into pretend gfs then it's because they are dumb fucks, not because of the pretend gf. This happens irl and the govt doesn't give a crap

>> No.18248047

What about food? Some people take many more calories than they should.
Maybe we should also limit the number of clothes people can buy.

>> No.18248146

>"Tonight in internet news, mass suicides caused by a girl who plays an anime character on the internet having a boyfriend. Experts say nothing of any value was lost"

>> No.18248163

I mean the platform, Youtube and twitch take a portion of the donation.
What you are proposing is to limit people's choices just because some autists cannot control themselves. I will do you one better, instead of limiting how much people can spend we just lock all the autists into mental asylums until they can learn to make better choices.
Problem solved.

>> No.18248211

I mean, if we fellow lonely men can't even bash our contemporaries, who can we bash?

>> No.18248217

Only if you lock the vtubers that do GFE and those that encourage and allow GFE.

>> No.18248267

Bash the vtubers.

>> No.18248291

No, we just lock the idiots who can't make good choices, after all, if we let them free, they will just jump to the next thing and give all their money away.

>> No.18248345

Nah, I'll just keep bashing the gachikois CHOOSING to give all their money to women who will never love them

>> No.18248363

Why only the goslings? Why only the gachikois? The cause and the effect should both be locked up. Both of them are inherently evil.

>> No.18248372

It's always sad to see troll doing quite well and then he starts trying too hard and it all goes to shit. Amateurs.

>> No.18248382

Eleutheromaniacs cannot accept the fact that your 'freedoms' are a luxury.

>> No.18248412
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>need to be regulated

>> No.18248423

So, you'll bash stupid people but not evil people? Like you would rather make fun of the guy with autism rather than the rapist who live next to you?

>> No.18248436

>lock up all the autists in one place
>they won't have have Internet so they'll rope themselves.
>mass grave.exe

Truly a genius plan.

>> No.18248491

This isn't a troll. See >>18245709

>> No.18248520

There is a difference between rape victim and gachikoi

>> No.18248557

I wrote down autism. Not rape victim.

>> No.18248593

Don't they overlap though?

>> No.18248598
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>this thread

>> No.18248731
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False equivalences will not convince me that you're right. Nobody is being forced to give money to the vtubers. And if you wanna talk about evil, how about I turn into a schizo like you and say that all gachikois are evil because they're all one bad day from being Mamoru Uchida from Perfect Blue.

>> No.18248751

they already do this in china, and maybe you should move there if that's what you want.

>> No.18248816

i'll do it once i get my degree, going to get a cozy job as an academic at some big university and enjoy life in a society that isn't being run on the whims of brain damaged retards

>> No.18248857

I'm contacting my congressman right now OP, I agree that it's time we introduce some strict regulations to this clearly malicious industry.

>> No.18248862

>living in china
>"enjoy life in a society that isn't being run on the whims of brain damaged retards"
Choose one(1) ESL-kun

>> No.18248906

I think we need to agree on some few things first before we can continue this conversation in good faith.
>1. Vtubers are evil and manipulative. There will be exceptions but most vtubers are like this.
>2. Viewers are dumb and is easy to manipulate. This one should be obvious.
>3. Vtubers have no interest in their viewers. Viewers to them are only a means to an end. Which is being popular.

>> No.18248948

>limit people's choices just because some autists cannot control themselves
Your argument would have much more weight if we didn't already do as much for things like alcohol and drugs. Face it: we've established that part of the social contract involves limitations on things that harm the social fabric. Obviously people are harmed due to e-thots, be they vtuber or not, so it's time for them to be regulated.

>> No.18248956

Don't RP as me. That's disgusting. I'll move back to my country singapore after I finish my studies.

>> No.18248974

People these days don't remember the CCA and the enduring damage it caused.
You're unbelievably stupid.

>> No.18249006

They should kill themselves then.

>> No.18249007

I'm petty and vengeful. Vtubers shouldn't shit on my gachikoi brothers.

>> No.18249009

The only ones I can wholeheartedly agree with is 2 and 3. It's not Evil to supply a product to someone who demands it, and if they aren't satisfied by that product, the people who bought it are welcome to stop paying for it.

>> No.18249055

So not evil but they are definitely manipulative.

>> No.18249067

ESL-kun, you should've let us believe he was you, it would've been a better look for you

>> No.18249073
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You could try Venezuela too, we regulated the economy really hard just as you asked

>> No.18249128

How much manipulating did it really take though? Were these people fully functional members of society before they became gachikoi, or were they like that before they found the vtuber? Again, it's not really manipulation to fill a hole in a market where the demand is

>> No.18249130

Thank you anon.

>> No.18249164

>Again, it's not really manipulation to fill a hole in a market where the demand is
But it is manipulative and downright criminal to fill the hole with a lie... which is what GFE is.

>> No.18249170

You're unbelievably stupid.
Government gets involved = Gachikoi chuuba scene gets outlawed.
Unironically you need to kill yourself NOW.

>> No.18249236

That doesn't concern me. The gachikoi can get some new hobby. I can go back to watch my anime. This literally will only hurt vtubers.

>> No.18249264

How would that actually work?

"Mr. Congressman, we need to ban this evil e-women from taking advantage of the mentally ill!!!"

>> No.18249298

Is it a lie? I think most people understand that when it comes to GFE with vtubers, you're not in a "relationship" with the person behind the character, just the character. Uruha Rushia, the necromancer girl on the screen does not have a boyfriend and is thus not lying to the people who are into GFE.

>> No.18249329

People have made it work with less. Best part is, the vtubing/streamer industry don't have any lobbyist. This should be fucking easy.

>> No.18249333

I really want to have sex with Shien and massage his ears until he cums

>> No.18249357

won't happen
the gubmint gets tax money from the donations gachis throw at girls, and then they go and use that money to (((stimulate the economy))) by spending on retarded shit

>> No.18249371

hopefully china will step in and ban this sick filth

>> No.18249377

>But the anime girl on my screen said she's my gf, this 35$+shiping ring is the proof!!!1!
I dislike GFE because it's predatory, but regulating it is stupid beyond belief, they're not being forced to pay or anything, and no cheap tactic is being used to get them to waste money unless you count "pwease dwonate uuuwwuu"

>> No.18249388

Tesla gets into car accident and Boeing can crash because of programming errors.
Yet the programming community is not and will never get regulated.
Do you think there is any chance any government give a shit about vtubers?

>> No.18249390

>Uruha Rushia, the necromancer girl on the screen does not have a boyfriend and is thus not lying to the people who are into GFE
She broke kayfabe with the discord message popping up. That's the problem here. Some people don't like this situation we are in. I like it.

>> No.18249398

I kinda undertand OP tried to said what it fail on what he wanted to be regulated. On terms of legalicy the corps don't do anything illegal and it have to be a very bad thing to put some regulations on the vtubers.

The view should be on the hardcore fans and the mental health of them.

>> No.18249411

Well then, I'm sure it'll definitely happen then and you won't get laughed at by whoever you try to bring it up to

>> No.18249426

Anon... have you somehow missed the past like 2+ decades of legislation around limiting advertising aimed towards kids, preventing glamorization of tobacco and drug use in film and on TV and other standards and practices legislation? Do you just not engage with media at all?

>> No.18249461

How does her making a mistake and letting one message accidentally come through make her evil then if everything else we've established is true?

>> No.18249459

Big tech have lots of lobbyist. There's also laws about tech stuff though.

>> No.18249528

Still nothing that make unit-tests mandatory not even in car industry nor aeronautics. Heard plenty of horror stories from people working in those fields.

>> No.18249536

Practically all of those examples can be followed with '(yet).' Uber is currently standing trial for a self-driving car hitting a pedestrian and that case, together with an untold number of other, similar ones, will form the bedrock of future rules about autonomous vehicles.
Similarly, if one of Rushia's piggybanks offs themselves you can be damned sure it's going to draw (unwanted) attention toward Cover.

>> No.18249570

Well, if you got the confidence to do it then you need to rally the butthurt anons and make some sort of rally or something.

Maybe throw in some scare tactics by adding shit like "its corrupting our children!!!1!!!" or "they're taking jobs away!!". Works like a charm.

>> No.18249601

since when is lying illegal lol

>> No.18249644

Did you steal this op straight from the CCP headquarters?

>> No.18249648

>Maybe throw in some scare tactics
No need for flippancy, there's legitimate harm, both bodily and fiscally, here.

>> No.18249672

Will happen in china

>> No.18249758

It sure is glowing rn.
Either that or fuck china, taiwan number one.

>> No.18249778

The mistake and problem her was lying to her fans. I think you haven't been following this issue. Let me break it down for you
>rushia does GFE
>she stalks her top gachikois to stop them from interacting with other girls
>she post some vague shit in her roommate account about missing her rushia gachikois
>this went on for a long time
>she push for a fucking engagement ring merch
>got caught getting DM from mafumafu (who she previously have a scandal with)
If you can say this isn't manipulative, I don't think we can agree with anything.

>> No.18249796

Tech companies are regulated about their activities (ie concurrence another field) never about their programming practice and how bad the code runs/could endanger people with a bug. It's a completely unregulated field with big consequences in case of errors.

>> No.18249818


>> No.18249875

If all that is true, then yes, she's being manipulative. But it also sounds like schizo

>> No.18249877

nice bait
now take a shower

>> No.18249905

You clearly don't know shit about programming if you think people can regulate bugs or the code itself. You can regulate what the code would do/could do and I think we already regulate that.

>> No.18249933
File: 147 KB, 720x870, Screenshot_20220212_164202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you got yer shot then fire away, Anon.

For the V-tube Revolution!

>> No.18249952

>If all that is true,
It is true. Go ask anyone else here.

>> No.18250082

I'm talking about best practice, code organisation, unit-testing, QA, etc.
Any field have a QA regulation be it about how good the metal should be, what kind of screw you should use, etc.
Programming is unregulated as hell. It's one of the main request of Robert C. Martin ("Let's regulate ourself before the governement start regulating us"). At the moment you can ship code, untested, with zero QA and only the final product will get QA. Nobody will ever ask you if you are 100% sure of what the code is doing and if you are sure that it's doing it well. This include car industry and aeronautics. They literally ship code without testing.

>> No.18250144

Can you provide screenshots?

>> No.18250147

Laughs in Church

>> No.18250153

>At the moment you can ship code, untested, with zero QA and only the final product will get QA. Nobody will ever ask you if you are 100% sure of what the code is doing and if you are sure that it's doing it well. This include car industry and aeronautics. They literally ship code without testing.
You can? This is news to me. The banks I work with do lots of QA testing.

>> No.18250206

Why the hell would I have screenshot of those? I honestly thought everyone knew. Try asking some other anons in another thread. Maybe they somehow screenshot those.

>> No.18250208

Depends entirely on the self-imposed company rules. Since it is 100% unregulated. But from testimony of people who work for car company before, it's pretty bad in that field in particular.

>> No.18250223

imagine actualy doing what a vt says unironically

>> No.18250245

>"Why would I need evidence of my claims? All of the other people who agree with me will tell you the same"
Ah yes. what an unreasonable request I made

>> No.18250261

Ah yes, tighter rules on a industry that's just start to loosen up on all the "unspoken rules" it use to have.

Great idea Anon. Listen, why don't you go back to the slam poetry club you came from, and gurgle on cocks so we don't have to hear this kind of garbage ever again.

>> No.18250288
File: 137 KB, 463x453, 1625899019690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtubers can lie and get away with it
>Even television and movies are regulated
Politicians can lie and get away with bullshit. They can make promises that never gets fulfilled. Why can't we regulate politicians FIRST and held them accountable every time bullshit comes out of their mouths? It seems like you have your ass bent over backwards with your head far up in your asshole that you can't see what's outside of the bullshit you're regurgitating.

>GFE is more predatory than gacha
Politicians and government busybodies are far more predatory than gacha especially because a lot of people do not consent to pay taxes at all, they steal what you own just for them to waste it on their useless bullshit.

>people can and will donate their entire life savings to vtubers
People can and will donate their entire life savings to political garbage like lobbyism, activism, political astroturfing, laundering and even directly to corrupt and incompetent politicians to influence their decision-making.

Now imagine this, how about we regulate POLITICIANS first. Imagine how much contribution that would be if they get jailed for lying? Why are you wasting your time on this pointless biased and selfish bullshit about pointlessly oppressing content creators with even more restrictions when there are actual problems out there.

Then your issue here is with donations, not with streamers. You can donate to literally any organization but that doesn't mean that they will do as you say or want, same thing with streamers and vtubers. If you want to limit the amount people can donate in general, people will just use different accounts to bypass those. Or irl, they will use different names to donate to a specific org.

You retardnigger censorship bootlickers should stop living in your lala wonderland and face the real world with facts and objectivity.

>> No.18250298

The biggest issues have arose from the vtubers which involve themes of death and defying the permanence of it: someone playing a death god, a reanimated corpse, and now most recently, a necromancer who brings back the dead. With such a fundamental disrespect for a basic principle of life, how could anyone hope such individuals would treat other topics (love, sex, finances, etc.) with tact or honesty?
In a society which holds reverence for the seriousness of these topics, these issues would not have happened; a society with sensible measures to control and limit the trivialisation of serious matters. Hololive's China branch never would have had these problems because they had oversight by a central body tasked with maintaining the integrity of streamer and viewer alike. It is time for the rest of the world to follow in kind and create a unified code for what these virtual entertainers should, and should not, be doing. Otherwise the limitless freedom afforded will result in further decadence, pain, and decay to all involved.

>> No.18250304

I mean if you don't believe me you are free to do so but I'm telling you the truth. I think there are threads that's still talking about it. Sad I have to say this but you unironically need to do your reps.

>> No.18250400

see >>18249055 >>18247747

>> No.18250470

Fuck I meant >>18249007

>> No.18250588

You can't provide proof of your claims, so you can't prove that it's the truth. If these posts exist, it shouldn't be hard to provide proof of them

>> No.18250700

he's right tho, if you all used all that autism energy against politicians and lobby to get them regulated then the world would be a far better place
why are people being regulated when the government is the one that needs to be regulated the most
the government fucks with everyone, including and especially lonely men
you get benefits for being married, but lonely men get nothing
the government does nothing about the rampant mental health crisis too, and does not fund the meds that you retards really need

>> No.18250933

Nobody owes you anything. Men find a way to breed or they fall out of the gene pool. If you're good looking, you'll be able to pass on your superior genes. If you're fat or ugly, you need to prove you are worthy of passing on your genes by making enough money to make up for your fatness or ugliness, as it proves you have knowledge to pass on to your children. This has been the way it's been for thousands of years. Just because you're too lazy to do what your ancestors did, doesn't mean the system is broken.

>> No.18251071

all you gotta do is tear up your credit cards, turn off your internet, and find a healthy useful hobby. If you can't do that lf this shit is like a crack, oh well not my problem.

>> No.18251157

yeah but that same thing can be said to any lonely men, even with the context of vtubing
why should vtubers listen to the bullshit lonely men like you are going to say
go improve yourself before bitching about others then

>> No.18251262

I was saying it to Lonely men. Lonely men are only in the situation they are in because they're too lazy to better themselves.

>> No.18251567

lonely men exists because the government does nothing about lonely men
in fact they would prefer it to be that way because of the whole depopulation and immigration scheme
lonely men is a mental health issue that needs to be taken cared of
why is it that schools don't teach about loneliness and mental health? why can't the government mandate that? they are to blame for doing nothing about it

>> No.18251989
File: 336 KB, 723x529, FFXbvl1WYAEotmz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't be stupid enough to fall for it then
>Don't be stupid enough to fall for it then
>Don't be stupid enough to fall for it then
>Don't be stupid enough to fall for it then

>> No.18252003

Yes is true, just look for korekore stuff, She is a full manhera but even with all the shit she did still fail to get the dude lol now need to deal with his "beloved" fandeads....

>> No.18252009

How can you be addicted to painkillers. Just pour them out into the trash, suffer through the withdrawal, and decide to override innate chemical signals in your brain so you never relapse. Surely no one beyond yourself has any need to regulate something that's causing clear damage to people.

>> No.18252087

It's always easier to blame someone else for your shortcomings. It's not that you're a lazy loser with no desired to better himself, it's that the government isn't giving you a state issued girlfriend who will love you unconditionally.

>> No.18252290

not everyone is born the same way, some are born with a certain degree of blindness so they need to wear glasses althroughout their life
same with people with mental health issues
imagine if you just told almost legally blind people to "deal with it" and "blame themselves" instead of finding actual solutions as a community
this world would be full of blind people instead of people helping the blind
in our case, it's full of mentally ill people because the government does nothing about poor mental health
and especially that they don't educate people about it

>> No.18252793

Zhang stay on your side of the firewall if all you want is the government restricting everything.

>> No.18253923

>Good post
>Pomu pic
Like a charm

>> No.18254273

>nooo don't lie to me!
>my puny weak little heart can't take the loneliness
If there's anything I love about this shitstorm is that it's making the weaker men drive closer to the edge of suicide.

The less waste of space in the world, the better. This world should only be inhabited by the able and capable, and you lot should all perish and make room.

>> No.18254419

Nijisanji should make a branch in North Korea. It seems there would be audience for it.

>> No.18254423

>kill off own population
>let third world immigrants flood in
>civilization collapses
What a surprise!

>> No.18254668

Third world immigrants at least breed and reproduce with real flesh women, unlike you. Jose from colombia at your age will have arrived to yourself country with a wife, a concubine and 5 children.

You're inferior to them.

>> No.18255808

