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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 40 KB, 393x600, botan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18233239 No.18233239 [Reply] [Original]

I'm actually kinda thankful for Rushia and Mori incidents in a twisted way. They made me realize how shit several "anime related news" channels like Rev and Hero Hei have become. I used to defend them, because they used to be some of the very few that relayed genuinely important news. But now they only deliver what their audiences want to hear, and their videos intentionally don't show the full picture to have wider appeal, therefore get more clicks and make more ad money. But then again I should've seen this earlier considering they have blown up literal who tweets to 10 minute videos before.
Are any anons in the same boat? Did any vtuber yab contribute towards changing your opinion on someone not actually involved in it?

>> No.18233346

Idk dude I just love Botan

>> No.18233555

Imagine posting a picture of Botan to say this. I hope you get prostate cancer. Also...

>Rev and Hero Hei have become
>I used to defend them

They were always trash.Go back redditard.

>> No.18234764

The yab that is this thread made me realise that OP is always a faggot, thank you for this realisaton.

>> No.18234870

>genuienly important news

>> No.18234952

Hero Hei was always trash. You're retarded for falling for his grift in the first place.

>> No.18235010
File: 233 KB, 777x777, 1511138115517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genuinely important news

>> No.18235294
File: 2.11 MB, 3030x2247, 1640004183732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using the Noel shiggity

>> No.18235966

I have no idea who those people are or why you would watch anime news channels when you can all you need just by lurking on /a/. You probably watch cnn like a pleb and it disgusts me.

>> No.18238716

>her eyes are meant to be looking at the "camera", not the bat

>> No.18242090
File: 1.98 MB, 1334x750, 370D1AF7-2347-4CA2-A0E0-5032117F98AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Botan is pretty great isn’t she?

>> No.18242139

It made me very fucking suspicious of all vtubers and I'm taking careful notice of what's being said.

>> No.18242591

It confirmed that avoiding GFE whores was the right choice

>> No.18243629

Don't use Botan for announcing your normalfaggotry asshole.

>> No.18243822

>hero hei
>ever not shit
the fact of the matter is that you trusted dramatubers in the first place instead of getting your news from the most direct places possible. therefore, you are redditard. begone.

>> No.18243825
File: 390 KB, 220x220, 1644510506689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They made me realize how shit several "anime related news" channels like Rev and Hero Hei have become
>have become
They were always shit like the other dramashitters.

>> No.18243834

>Mori incident
The one where she responded to the anti tweet and then outed herself as a fake wigger that doesn't know what lean is? This is dumb, but this is nowhere near the caliber of Rushia's colossal fucking and years-long lying.

>> No.18243888

I wanted to say 'fuckup', but I guess 'fucking' is correct as well.

>> No.18243945

blessed digit with based comment

>> No.18244085

This. The only dramatuber that can maybe (very small maybe) get a pass is quarterpounder because he actually helped out the chuubas (even got a mention in Asacoco for doing so). Hei just says random shit, doens't do shit.

>> No.18244132

>They made me realize how shit several "anime related news" channels
>watching anitubers
You are a faggot op, don't you EVER post a botan picture

>> No.18248667

No, my opinion did not change. It was obvious those those fags were clickbait shills. /vt/ is the only real trustworthy news.

>> No.18249580

If you ever watched these drama news faggots you deserve to die.

>> No.18250844

God Botan is so hot....

>> No.18253113

Checked. I kneel in the truth

>> No.18253328

Rev is 100% only this cringe because he feels personally attacked. His girlfriend basically did the same thing by starting to date him when before she did gfe roleplay asmrs, so of course he is defensive.

>> No.18254194

No the one where she's chummy with connor.

>> No.18254515

god i love hags

>> No.18257071

it's made me rethink how to look at gachi's and simps on twitch and onlyfans
i now look at them as mentally ill people who are being used and abused by psychopaths who deserve actual help, not the additional social abuse that says they deserve everything that was done to them
i absolutely hate eop's, twitterfags and white knights more with a passion now as well

>> No.18258584

>i now look at them as mentally ill people who are being used and abused by psychopaths who deserve actual help
right i'm going to blog
i had it bad for this girl in highschool, for years. She spent most of it bouncing between asshole boyfriends (her opinion, not mine) and told me about her sexual exploits. After hs (bong, so 16) we parted ways because we went to different colleges. After a year of basically ghosting me with the occasional "haha we should meet up again some time haven't seen you forever lol" I got over her. But at the cost of completely shutting myself off from that shit "until i sorted myself out". But i didn't sort myself out, i spiraled into depression, sleeping and binge eating away my uni days until i flunked two years in a row. Spent a year on benefits and got a shitty office job.
Last year i started watching a vtuber, who immediately clicked with me, and slowly transitioned into soft GFE. The last year has me actually taking steps to improve my life instead of just surviving. And the whole Rushia situation shook me in a way that had me reconsidering how much i want to submit myself to the parasocial relationship. I'm scared that if I give up on [vtuber], I give up on myself and spiral again. On the other hand, I'm scared that if I get rushia'd I'd be even worse off. Do I take the chance I might escape at the risk of becoming an hero, or do I resign myself to a dull empty life until I become an hero anyway?

Am I being used and abused? I tried regular therapy and all I got was a referral to a sleep specialist. What if this *is* my 'actual help'?

>> No.18258863

In theory, you can enjoy it without going full parasocial. But, in order to do that you need to avoid getting attached which goes way against human psychology.
Why do you need someone else for you to improve your life? If you're not doing it for you, then that's the actual problem.

>> No.18258906

Hero Hei is still leeching news off vtubers? I see. Well good for you for finally seeing him for the shit stain he is. Even this schizo board will always be more reliable then him.

>> No.18258954
File: 332 KB, 984x1080, 1634416422873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is a fag who unironically defended anitubers
>people will reply to this thread because it has the word Rushia in it and move on when the last one gets archived

>> No.18259668

I can "enjoy" a lot of things without going full parasocial. I've watched a lot of old series and gotten very attached to the characters as characters. However never did I lie half asleep fantasizing that the pillow i was holding was Dana Scully or Sam Carter (although, given the chance...) and thinking about who I wanted to be for them.

I can't think to myself "maybe if i get swole i'll be happy" because i have no reason to believe it will. But for the few hours a night I get to spend with her I am. And I want that feeling to be part of my normal life, not a hobby. So getting a taste of that again every now and then keeps me wanting more, I guess.

>> No.18259885

i've resorted to saying "mentally ill" to maybe get the twitterfags to reflect on what they're doing, but "vulnerable" would be a better term
the fact that you're already reflecting on this gives you a fighting chance, fren
i do think that soft GFE can actually be fun and helpful to people; It's just very susceptible to abuse, and the margins are so thin that things can escalate very quicklu
also keep in mind that what rushia did was basically borderline psycho behavior and you don't necessarily have to be paranoid about your own oshimen
i actually liked watching rushia for the metal screams and actual humorous situation, but the gfe she did was always yabe to me and made me keep a distance
being an older aidoru fan, i do appreciate the fun and giggles, but i'm very weary of anything that tries to suck you in
i used to think it was relatively harmless since it seemed to be a codependent relationship but it was actually a one-way street, and that can turn bad fast
i've never gone to therapy, so i can't attest to their proficiency, but i do get the impression you need some help
maybe something to get you started on you self-refletcion:
1. how reliant are you on your oshimen?
your reliance should actually decrease as you improve yourself; you should be happy and thankful that she pushed you to improve yourself and be happy, but you shouldn't feel bad if she would disappear from your life long-term
she's actually had plenty of your thankful posts
2. how would you feel if you find out she's been dating someone?
falling in love with an ideal is understandable, but creating a perfect image is just not healthy and it can bring you into a spiral of defeat

>> No.18260820

>i've never gone to therapy, so i can't attest to their proficiency, but i do get the impression you need some help
I have friends who support me when/how they can, and they know for the most part that they can rely on me for the same support. Anything serious is normally dealt with a long call and a bit of tears followed by half an hour of jokes and regular conversation before going to bed.
Mostly i just struggle to strike a balance between "i have to learn to do things on my own, without prompt/help" and "i need to ask for help sometimes and that's okay". I feel a "better" therapist would go counter to that and a dependence that takes from my wallet is a dangerous idea.
>1. how reliant are you on your oshimen?
I can skip streams, and regularly do because she streams at an awkward time for me. I catch what I am interested in and what I can afford to miss sleep for. But I do get antsy when I haven't heard from her in a while.
>2. how would you feel if you find out she's been dating someone?
given how she acts and talks about herself and her life, it would be incredibly out of character for her to have anything more than an e-bf, so i would feel betrayed mostly because it would mean i fell in love with a lie. But to say the boyfriend itself wouldn't be part of the hurt would be a lie.

>> No.18262021

>I have friends who support me when/how they can, and they know for the most part that they can rely on me for the same support. Anything serious is normally dealt with a long call and a bit of tears followed by half an hour of jokes and regular conversation before going to bed.
make sure you hang on to those friends
from any social standpoint: they're your number 1 priority, make sure you cultivate those relationships
>I can skip streams, and regularly do because she streams at an awkward time for me. I catch what I am interested in and what I can afford to miss sleep for. But I do get antsy when I haven't heard from her in a while.
that seems fairly normal to me, as long as you don't go out of your way to facilitate her needs
also, do think of this situation in your head: what would you do if she suddenly disappeared?
at a certain point, she is going to graduate (for aidoru fans, this sometimes really does mean she's gone from any media); make sure you appreciate what time you have with her but don't assume it will be forever
>given how she acts and talks about herself and her life, it would be incredibly out of character for her to have anything more than an e-bf, so i would feel betrayed mostly because it would mean i fell in love with a lie. But to say the boyfriend itself wouldn't be part of the hurt would be a lie.
that is something to very important to be wary of, even though it's very tricky: someone who shares a lot of their "life"
full-on believing in everything can leave you completely vulnerable, yet being completely cold to it leaves you uninvested
it's up to you to find the right balance that leaves you invested and have fun, yet have enough protection to keep yourself if everything does comes crashing down
just make sure you get as much out of the aidoru/vtuber-fan experience as you can get, but do understand its pros and cons

>> No.18265409

What Mori incident? Only head about the Rushia thing.

>> No.18266632

No but mostly because I have always considered "anime news" and anitubers to be completely misinformative wastes of space with shit taste to boot.
It's not hard to look up a currently airing season list and start watching shit on your own.

>> No.18267273

I will only kneel to the trips of truth.

>> No.18270222


>> No.18270289

Mori is pregnant

>> No.18270581

Okay, so he's too biased to talk about this shit to begin with. Of course, he will attack the critics of chuubas first.
