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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 151 KB, 1280x720, kizuna-ai-2nd-live-hello-world-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18225149 No.18225149 [Reply] [Original]

Come watch cute Ai-chan's "Hello, World 2020" concert re-stream with her for the last time before she's deleted!

Her FREE, and FINAL performance, Hello World 2022 will air on the 26th

>> No.18225196
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>> No.18225243
File: 378 KB, 1505x2125, __kizuna_ai_kizuna_ai_inc_drawn_by_aira_qwedcxza49__8d7c5e3f76169e5611d48544cb045dd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18225304
File: 282 KB, 850x1202, __kizuna_ai_and_kizuna_ai_kizuna_ai_inc_drawn_by_kitazume_kumie__sample-133915dcbe0af436e42ebf5351799b3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18225401

ai chan...

>> No.18225658
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2020 was 30 years ago..

>> No.18225750

She's hiding sadness behind that cheery smile. You can hear it in her voice.

>> No.18225752
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>> No.18225884

Man I keep forgetting just how hard kizuna ai concerts blow the fuck out of everyone else's. She goes hard for concerts

>> No.18226000

Ai-chan is a cutie

>> No.18226030

She's so much more athletic on stage than the others too.

>> No.18226086

How come Kizuna's motion capture is still like 10 years ahead of everyone else in the business? It's so shocking after getting used to Holo's...

>> No.18226131

Because the original is always best.

>> No.18226229

She's graduating? Why?

>> No.18226309

She didn't get big because she was some fucking live2d shitter. 3D is always better visually.
Why the fuck Anycolor or Cover haven't stepped up who knows why

>> No.18226323

Gross mismanagement leading directly to flagging popularity (chinks involved again).
She's likely powerless to make any other decision herself besides pulling thr plug.

>> No.18226408

joining hololive 7th gen

>> No.18226448

Nah just going on hiatus.

Hopefully not to find a way to integrate NFTs in her brand.

>> No.18226526

Just indefinite hiatus. She won't maintain radio silence during it either.

>> No.18226588

Maybe it's some proprietary tech they're not willing to share?

>> No.18226662

Ai-chan's long legs...

>> No.18226672

>decide to hold a final concert as a goodbye to fans
>invite nearly 2000 other chuubas to perform
>besides a small handful of known indies and nijis be forced to pad the cast the fuck out with hundreds of literal irrelevant who's because fucking chinese
Poor Ai.
I'm sure that for a final concert she'd have wanted at least some Holos.

>> No.18226688

To reinvent the character and shill NFTs

>> No.18226739

I blame Cover's own arrogance.

>> No.18226761

Is kaguya luna atleast attending?

>> No.18226777

>kaguya luna

>> No.18226784

What happened with the Chinese?

>> No.18226793

I blame the chinks who go apeshit and chimpout at the mention of simple country's name lmao

>> No.18226852

t-they were friends right?
surely she would come back just this once to support her buddy ai-chan r-right?

>> No.18226854

Where the fuck have you been? Under a rock?

>> No.18226919

You understand Luna has been murdered in cold blood due to Sony's incompetence, right? Now P-maru on the other hand, I know nothing of.

>> No.18226926

Lets goooooo!

>> No.18226934

not luna but if p maru sama makes an appearance that might actually break the vtuber internet for a day.

>> No.18226949

>starts singing Touch Me

>> No.18227013

I wanna fuck Kafus throat

>> No.18227062

Lamy and Sora would be the only ones there if any holos went

>> No.18227075

Oh, that guy meant the Taiwan shit and Ai not wanting to be involved with Cover because of it. I thought there was something else that happened between the Chinese and Ai.

>> No.18227083

God I love her voice

>> No.18227112

Doesn't azki have some connection to her as well?

>> No.18227172

Chinese control Ai's company and are bankrolling her Live. They say no Hololive.

>> No.18227211

Nigga it’s being rebroadcast on Bilibili, Ai-chan made her choice.

>> No.18227233

Azki used to be part of unchi8, that's all

>> No.18227287

A sound choice desu, chinko market is huge and apparently she gets gangbuster views on billibilli, and because hololive fucked themselves its basically an uncontested market for her

>> No.18227523

Teddyloid bows to the Oyabun

>> No.18227621


>> No.18227759

Just give me fucking Mirai and super Ai and Ill give her money.

>> No.18228200


>> No.18228207

Blonde Ai-chan seggs

>> No.18228300

>because hololive fucked themselves its basically an uncontested market for her
More like they dodged the massive bullet because dealing with chinks always results in a shitfest.

>> No.18228307

Blonde ai *pumps*

>> No.18228866

This 2020 concert BTFO of all vtuber lives since.
Too bad we'll be deprived of this from now on. End of an era.

>> No.18229056

So they add Ai in there later right?
Trying to account for some parts where there's a very convincing shadow on the ground at her feet.

>> No.18229061

Her first live was her best, in my opinion. It seemed so big.

>> No.18229205

It's all done live. Multiple camera angles track where she's supposed to be in 3d space, the whole thing is a green screen, with real characters in the back ground, effects and kizuna ai is superimposed on top

>> No.18229432
File: 15 KB, 270x270, 1628927939860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I missed it...
I did watch it live when it was first aired at least.

>> No.18229504

Her popularity is at an all time low on there, A-Soul are the ones who benefited from Hololive leaving the Chinese market.

>> No.18229547

if she were doing so well then she wouldn't be throwing in the towel

>> No.18229548

it hurts

>> No.18229663

hope someone is archiving. my net went down )':

>> No.18229720

I will try yet again to get this shit.
All i have is ytdl though. Might not get it in time like last time.

>> No.18230133

Well lucky for me the video is still up. Might as well try to watch the parts before my net crapped out.

>> No.18230845

Was Kizuna the best one after all?

>> No.18231132

Always was. Always will be

>> No.18232015

Nothing will ever compare to the one that started it all. Anyone that' says otherwise is a seething Holobronie/Nijinigger who's only claim in any sort of metric is NUMBERS!!!!1

>> No.18233327

it's ogre

>> No.18234201


>> No.18234512
File: 33 KB, 300x300, 1629079007517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to the last live, but I also don't want her to go...

>> No.18235687

such is life

>> No.18236534

>OG vtuber is graduating
>/vt/ is more interested fantasizing about Rushia cuckolding them
Holobronies moment

>> No.18236846

Did anyone archived the stream?

>> No.18237254


>> No.18238414

If Kizuna get a sticky on the day. It would be nice at least.

>> No.18239045

it's still two weeks away.

>> No.18239320

Nope. Prepare to Cruyffpost instead.

>> No.18239541

You have better odds of a sticky on /jp/ however.

>> No.18239552

Already do that with other threads

>> No.18242117

I have a copy. 3GB. I will megaupload it after I eat.

>> No.18243443

Is she being forced by management to shill nfts?

>> No.18244515

Maybe, maybe not. The japs have a very different idea of what nfts are. In either case she shilled them like half a year ago and nothing has progressed on that front so she might as well have dropped it entirely by now.

>> No.18246090

1hr 20mins. I'll get to uploading if anyone is still interested. I'm downloading an obscure gravure that I don't want to interfere with right now..

>> No.18247822

bump for link

>> No.18248078

I appreciate the effort anon

>> No.18249928

Holobronies could've gotten what they wanted if they stuck the the OG vtuber, but instead they went to something that is nothing more but a pale imitation of twitch. They are not vtuber fans. They are vstreamer fans.

>> No.18251699


>> No.18252171

She will always be my oshi.

>> No.18253816

Link doko?

>> No.18254761

anon died, probably.

>> No.18255385

No, just passed out after fapping to an unsatisfying tomboy gravure from 13 years ago.
(replace asterisk with "e")
download it, don't stream or you'll get throttled I think.

>> No.18255610

lmao. I was in the middle of uploading my copy. But going to cancel now. Cheers for sharing.

>> No.18258846

There was an anon last week that was compiling all of these into a torrentnfor posterity. Hopefully they got a copy.

>> No.18260374

I hope she will return someday

>> No.18266528

>for the last time before she's deleted!
So it's really happening...?

>> No.18267588

In two weeks, and maybe she'll come back.

>> No.18270635
File: 386 KB, 2301x1532, 1642185655034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

