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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18214744 No.18214744 [Reply] [Original]

Who else would you be really upset to learn had a boyfriend? Because some of these chuubas I don't put up on the same pedestal. Calli, for instance, wouldn't bother me; she doesn't set up the "relationship experience" atmosphere that Rushia does. But Elira? If Elira let it drop that she was getting fucked, I'd probably be a little pissed. Selen too, but only because Selen strikes me as too insufferable to live with to be in a relationship.

>> No.18214845

The ones who really push the GFE, of course. At least the ones who don't focus on that gimmick aren't really trying ti manipulate you or taking advantage out of it.

>> No.18214871

The only people that matter are the gachi. Greynames don't do shit

>> No.18214901

I’ve never gotten a gfe vibe from Elira. Admittedly I haven’t watched many of her streams lately so she may have changed

>> No.18214932

shut up Rosemi. Yours is a different kind of shit.

>> No.18214936

from holos really only Rushia, the rest I care about don't do the gfe thing and I don't give a fuck about the other ones who do

>> No.18214970
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Selen is a furry. Her boyfriend is her dog.

>> No.18215003

Lamy strikes me as having some slight air of GFE. I know the meme is that she's Botan's wife but that's exactly that: a meme.

>> No.18215008

Not like it matters, Rushia is still moving engagement rings lol

>> No.18215011

You have to have been in a relationship at least once to do GFE well. Whether they currently have a bf or not only matters to virgin unicorns who don't know anything about women.

>> No.18215023

Honestly as a pomudachi I would get hurt but knowing pomu is a hag I'd probably be happy too

>> No.18215041

Fauna, Mumei, Watson, Gura.
I'd kms if any of them turned out to be in a relationship.

>> No.18215107

Oh yeah, Fauna. The others not so much; certainly not Mumei. Mumei's one step off from being menhara. But Fauna? Fauna's entire shtick is the soft-spoken housewife.

>> No.18215165


>> No.18215260

Literally all of them with boyfriends because they're going to be the type (especially in the west) to promote it as a thing that is okay and acceptable and basically ruin all the idols who actually try to stay pure

Like that one that accidentally say she had a bf on stream posted on twitter literally "if ur mad have sex lol" which is the downfall of society even outside of vtubing.

>> No.18215287
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>> No.18215314

The answer to that is to just not watch them, anon. Freaking out isn't going to change the behavior; ignoring them is. Thankfully most realize this and keep their private lives private.

>> No.18215356

If she has a boyfriend she's kept it private. Why would you dig around for info you don't want? Literal clownshoes.

>> No.18215391

I mean im not going to cry about it
But anybody who is loud and proud about encouraging other streamers to openly cuck their fans is somebody worth being an anti of

>> No.18215430

Elira claims to be an autistic weirdo with a husbando so if it turned out her 'dad' was actually her boyfriend yeah it would be kind of a dick move. Also incest isn't wincest if it's 3D.

>> No.18215446

I have never invested in a GFE chuuba, but I am a shipfag. Ironmouse, but it isn't with Connor. Fucking imagine.

>> No.18215471

Selen too, she have a lot of goslings here, in her discord and outside

>> No.18215522
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Literally no one. Yabs like this only fill me with joy since they lead to incredible levels of shitposting.

>> No.18215577

Elira is like the cute girl you talked to in school, but knew subconsciously that you weren't good enough for, so you just kept her as a moderately close friend. Sometimes you think about how much you want to date her, how happy she would make you, but it will never happen, and you delude yourself into thinking your friendship with her is a sufficient substitute for your feelings, but it isn't. Maybe you even have an opportunity to tell her how you really feel, but you ignore it, telling yourself there will be another time, a better moment. Eventually you get close to graduating, and it sets in that you missed your chance. Now it's too late even if you did find the courage to confess, because you're both going off to different colleges, and it would just ruin the memories of your friendship with her, as if they weren't already tainted by your failure. So you choke down your feelings again, say farewell with a smile on your last day of school, then go home and cry until your eyes are sore.

>> No.18215587

I see what u did there, anon

>> No.18215675

but she's not white

>> No.18215886

I dont watch girls who pander being a pure girl only for me, shits boring. I'd be happy if Mio had a bf because then she wouldnt be a few cats away from the deep end.

>> No.18215995

Given that Luxiem is a thing now and that they are tightly integrated into the branch, you really shouldn't feel this way for anyone in NijiEN.

>> No.18216077
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I've never wanted to date a chick before just fuck them.
So if any of them started dating I wouldn't really be mad, I would probably just still want to fuck them desu...

Unless if it was Gura or Nyanners. Because that would mean they aren't fucking themselves.
So then I probably cry myself to sleep.

>> No.18216371

From what I've seen, the female interactions with Luxiem is Reimu trying to murder Vox and Nina playing mom.

>> No.18216460

As long as the girls with more parasocial people don't flirt with them or viseversa nothing will happen but expecting that nothing will happen is delusional

>> No.18219718

none of them, because their lives offscreen are none of my business, just as they're none of yours, you retarded mongoloid. take the 9mm aspirin already.

>> No.18221296

Lamy is extreme GFE, she was always pandered to that crowd a little bit but she's ramped it right up after Chloe started acting up.

>> No.18221431

bros... tell me before its too late...

>> No.18221775
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oh nonononono

>> No.18222446

bros... i google'd ceres fauna boyfriend.. and.. and.. I don't think im gonna make it bros...

>> No.18222570

>he doesn't know

>> No.18222995

Elira set up the keyfabe that she hasn't never even went on a date except with her mom. People who got invested in her will be inevitably pissed if she pulls a Rushia.
And I'll be there to watch the world burn like with every other chuuba that states dumb shit like this.

>> No.18224923 [DELETED] 


>> No.18225207
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No you don't. Men are very easy to get.

>> No.18225329

Any hags really. But if I learned their boyfriend/husband left them then I'll be devastated.

>> No.18225914

I'm not a fucking faggot, so none.

>> No.18225954 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18226140

I read Mumei also has one... No?

>> No.18226189

Unironically no
She currently has no bf whatsoever and anybody who claims otherwise is working on old data and speculating on vague tweets

>> No.18226425

heh screenshot this for future use.

>> No.18226463

I hate watching people pander to GFE fags. You can't pretend to be the gf of thousands of lonely weebs then be suprised when they act like possessive psychos

>> No.18226666

and? they won't do shit so it's cool

>> No.18228835

>Getting mad over GFE tactics
Just filter them and grab popcorns if shit goes south.

>> No.18228890

true why are people mad you act like a manipulative cunt, nothing matters but you and what you want. FUK em xD

>> No.18229621

I'd be really sad if any of them didn't have a bf or someone to have sex with. I mean that would be very sad.

>> No.18229943

any of them would hurt, but i think i can forgive most of them, but would depend on how they went about it, rushia is one i cannot forgive at all.

>> No.18229970

No one. Because I am not mentally ill, I only post on 4chan.

>> No.18230190

None, I watch chuuba because funny anime streamer, if I wanted a gf I'd go get one. You should go get one if you're into GFE anon

>> No.18230273


>> No.18230313

My oshi is actually Luna.

>> No.18230359

I quite like it if it isn't massively in your face. I don't want GFE myself, but it generally means they avoid some other behaviours I do find annoying.
If they get "caught out" I don't care because that isn't why I watch them.

>> No.18230377

Never expected Mori to be a Lunaito.

>> No.18230525

I like rando 2view indies, specially if they have a cute accent and can do La Creatividad things

>> No.18230603

I actually wish/wished some of them got a husband and children. Botan, Korone, Pochi and others.

>> No.18230664


>> No.18230709

it's cute actually, started in school.

>> No.18230803

>Having children
You're wishing her to die during childbirth

>> No.18230956

No you don't - GFE to this crowd is about replicating relationships seen in Anime and other otaku media, not necessarily how the real thing works.

Trying to bring "real" relationship stuff to this shit is a massive debuff

>> No.18231006

Gura and Mumei
They seem too innocent to be doing that

>> No.18231040

There's a pretty valid distinction between lies of omission and white lies to keep in character, and something where you're on stream every day actively telling detailed falsehoods.

That's not a gachikoi thing, it's more of a "huh your personality is completely different than why I found you relatable" thing

>> No.18231065

Noel, Flare, Korone, Okayu, literally any of the yuribaiting ones.

>> No.18231075
File: 1.90 MB, 2671x4096, 1641851681096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be devastated if Elira was in a Rushia situation. She doesn't even do GFE that much and yet it feels like she is very close to her chat.

>> No.18231129

brace yourself, one damage is already done and the other is comming sooner or later.

>> No.18231246

Mumei puts on an act of insanity, but Gura genuinely strikes me as an awkward shut-in ala Pekora who would probably start hyperventilating if a boy asked her out.

>> No.18231467

>Who else would you be really upset to learn had a boyfriend?

All of them because I'd be envious, I want a boyfriend too dammit!

>> No.18232114

I’m laughing at that gif to keep from crying.

>> No.18232347

The ones that play up the dyke shit, maybe. I don't even know how to express it but if say Okayu got outed it feels like it would ruin the whole bit with Korone and vice versa.

>> No.18232391

They've admitted to fooling around with one another, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're in a relationship. All women are a little gay.

>> No.18232398

I'd be more upset learning that they're cohabitating before marriage vs simply being in a relationship.

>> No.18232440

That's what I mean, I doubt either of them are REALLY gay, but actually knowing that one of them had a bf would ruin the characters.

>> No.18232559

Not gonna lie, if calli isn't getting some dick I'd think thats kinda cringe bro

>> No.18233142

I am eagerly waiting for the drama when Gura get exposed. This place will look like /biz/ during a market crash.
Didn't you realize she milks the whole innocence schtick like a sassy younger sister after like a week? These grow up too, you realize. I'll be VERY surprised if she's not sexually active.
Non-ironically old enough for the "had children" rrat to be possibly true. I expect a Rushia-tier meltdown when her personal life leaks.
The dyke shit is about as true as rushia being loyal and wanting to marry her viewers. Possibly true enough, but isnt anywhere near the safety net people delude themselves into thinking it is.

>> No.18233279

>People who got invested in her will be inevitably pissed if she pulls a Rushia.
As much as everyone claims to not watch NijiEN for GFE, there is a reason that none of them will be open about having boyfriends. They all know where their $ is coming from

>> No.18235225

I don't think Elira tries to give that kind of experience. She is somewhat shy when the matter is pandering and fanservice.

Elira is just too charismatic. To the point that men can't help but feel infatuated by her.
I would feel upset too. More so than if it was with my oshi.

>> No.18235252

Sorry for being poor Rosemi

>> No.18235291

Men don't want to hear about your boyfriend. If we have to go through 16,000 vtubers till they learn this lesson so be it.

>> No.18235315

You’ve never watched mori, she has a lot of goslings for good reason

>> No.18235340

FKHR... Wake up

>> No.18235407

you were literally just homiezoned cuckbeat when are you going to get the message she's trying to send to you.

>> No.18235601

Mio, because I'd be extremely sad he wasn't me
However, I'd be happy my mommy will finally turn into an actual mother.

>> No.18235686
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Tomoe & Kana because their whole gimmick is that they're bi and together.
If it turned out it was all a lie and they're with completely different partners, I wouldn't be angry and I wouldn't stop watching
but I don't think i'd trust anything VTubers ever did again.
It'd be like being told Wrestling is fake when you're a kid

>> No.18235753

Mio is someone I actually hope is together with someone.
She deserves a nice person to make her happy if that's what she wants.

>> No.18235787

the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are honorary whites anon.

>> No.18235790

Doesn’t matter the damage is done. Im not a ghostling but she appeals to them specifically whether intentional or not

>> No.18235835


>> No.18235903

>date voicepacks
>christmas date voicepacks
>inevitable valentines day voicepacks
Cmon its not like they were trying to hide it

>> No.18236094

>Possibly true enough, but isnt anywhere near the safety net people delude themselves into thinking it is.
I'm not sure how real the gay stuff is when it happens in Nijisanji but I know 90% of it that happens in Hololive is a kayfabe

>> No.18237113

all four do, that's the meme

>> No.18237541

Considering we have stuff like matsure outright sexually harassing her co-workers(stuf that would send a male to prison) I won't be too surprised if there's at least 2 full lesbos and a handful of bis.

>> No.18237640

I'm here all day.

>> No.18237739

Vtubers aren't idols and she is right. Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal, anime-liking girls are so easy to get, dumb faggot

>> No.18237860

>anime-liking girls are so easy to get
it's not as great as you think it is.

>> No.18237887

she is literally dating shu

>> No.18238069

They're alright from my experience. My point here being: people that know about roommate shit, their live, looks and STILL say
>I don't care, I would date her
Are willingly missing out on ALMOST free pussy.

>> No.18238117
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The rest of Hololive can turn tricks for money for all I care, but no ones good enough for IRyS

>> No.18238425

>dating the most bland male luxiem
see guys, you don't need a personality to land a girl

>> No.18238472

>Who else would you be really upset to learn had a boyfriend?

>> No.18238532

To be honest, the other anon is right. People must have severe insecurity issues if all that their life revolves around is whether or not they've had sex.
That shit quickly stops mattering the moment you hit your 30s.

>> No.18238548

You underestimate how little personality I have.

>> No.18238804

I stopped thinking about pussy and only pussy about 24ish. So replace that with: companionship or whatever.
However you wanna slice it, caring about the lives of women you will never meet, falling in love with them, and worrying if they have a bf because that means they're "cucking" you (how if you are not in a relationship with them lmao) is something mentally sound people just don't do.

>> No.18238916

>Who else would you be really upset to learn had a boyfriend?
Anyone, unless their boyfriend is a VTuber.
It would be upsetting because it would mean that their relationship is now unusable as content.

>> No.18239248

you know what else mentally sound people don't do? watch vtubers and post about it on this board. go back, normalfag

>> No.18239286

The value of GFE shit is that it means they don't bring their actual relationship shit to streams. I'm not some retard who imagines he's going to swoop in and marry a vtuber one day, but them talking about boyfriends and their favourite condom brands isn't content I'm interested in.
I assume I could just watch vshojo if I wanted that anyway.

>> No.18239417

Anon... She already spilled that she has a bf.

>> No.18239836

Aight. Back to /pol/ all of you.

>> No.18240038

Now that's conjecture. Why are you mad at me?

>> No.18240198
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I don't think I'd be upset about any but I'd certainly feel disdain for any idol vtuber that has a boyfriend. I'm cynical enough to expect many to have a boyfriend but it's unprofessional for that line of work and the expectations therein.

>> No.18240266

>Vtubers aren't idols
Some advertise themselves as such though and due to that should understand the expectations involved.

>> No.18240342

because you talk about things that are irrelevant to you and act as some sort of moral guide to those for whom they are relevant. get lost, this isn't reddit, you won't gain any virtue points in here.

>> No.18240385

I want to fuck Elira

>> No.18240468

unbased and not dogpilled

>> No.18240469

i don't follow GFEchuubas so i wouldn't care if anyone i follow has a bf

>> No.18240507
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>> No.18240766

I am not looking for virtue points and only idulge those who reply, m8. Chill.

>> No.18240777

>unbased and not dogpilled
What? No, dude, we should be having this conversation there. Not here.

>> No.18240885
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I don't want her to be taken, but at the same time she's older than me, lives on the other side of the planet, has a different culture and has much more money than me while also expecting the man to bring the food to the table.
This bitch is gonna die alone lmao

>> No.18241053
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This but with Nia for me

>> No.18241493

Realistically, after the YT cut, after the Cover cut and taxes do any of these girls have enough money to sustain themselves beyond even 2 years? This is a nice gig, but I feel people overestimate how "rich" they really are.

>> No.18242164

women are retarded as fuck at managing finances because they can't help but spend money on dumb shit
only those like noel who already own multiple properties are gonna make it because landlording is the most braindead easy way to make money

>> No.18242234

Is this the new trend? After trying hard to find a GFE from nijisanji and failing you fags will now falseflag as some frustrated nijifan unicorn? At use use rosemi if you want to make it believable

>> No.18242257

Selen doesn't do GFE at all, that's your fault.

>> No.18242277

Rosemi does not do GFE at all lmao

>> No.18242315

She's a loser neet, not a GFE
Also elira was the only one in NijiEN making any effort in keeping some kayfabe, but it was kinda ruined by Enna and Millie since they forcibly push her to break it when talking about their irl friendship

>> No.18242341

She hasn’t sold a piece of merch or gained a member in 2 days.

>> No.18242362

Like anyone, itt depends on if they are saving sensibly or dropping a ton on luxury apartments, designer clothes, holidays and whatever else.

>> No.18242375

Yeah but she's the main target from falseflagging retards who pull some bullshit math about how proportionally she interacted the least with males and other shit like that

>> No.18242452

Everything is my business if I say so.

>> No.18242564

Until they douse the broad’s whole building in kerosene. Which is an inevitability at this point. Especially with Japan having zero laws against stalking,

>> No.18242630

At this point I think unicorns will just keep making excuses to believe the girls are pandering to them no matter what
>"there's no males"
>male wave debut
>"as long as they don't acknowledge them"
>they mention them several times
>"well they never interacted"
>group collabs
>"it was a management thing"
>solo collabs
>"a-at least they're not openly flirting"

>> No.18242744

>that much
She doesn't do it at all, Elira has a problem of acting kinda parasocial towards her chat but don't expect her to be saving her virginity for you, you can't even dream about her being kissless since Millie already raped her

>> No.18242851

I mean, I might. As long as it’s part of the deal upfront and honestly. What doesn’t fly is baiting as being virginal and single and sucking up cash based on that fantasy she chose to sell, then getting caught out with a man.
If, say, Gura had talked about her bf on her very first stream, I absolutely wouldn’t care and would watch her just the same. Nothing about why I watch her (listen to her, really) has anything to do with deluding myself that we’re dating.

>> No.18242940

It's still in poor taste. I mean I would definitely argue they don't deserve vitriol for it if they're up front about it because they weren't lying about it but no forever alone man wants to hear about how you're getting railed out every night. But hey, like I said, that's up to them to fuck it up (or just get simped after anyways since it seems there's literally no taboo women can break without people simping for them anyways).

>> No.18243000

I'd say take your meds but you are way beyond that.

>> No.18243332

Having a normal social life and mentioning that isn’t even slightly in “poor taste” unless you’re building a persona to sell a fantasy that you’re sexually available to the audience.

>he doesn’t know
There WILL be violent repercussions for a vtuber sooner than later. Period. Just like all other actresses, idols, etc.. One of them IS getting Kyoani’d within the next few years or sooner. Jodie Foster’d for you oldfags out there. Vtubers who bait parasocial relationships super hard and make huge money siphoning cash from lonely rejects are (literally) playing with fire and there is no timeline in infinite universes where that isn’t blowing up in one of their faces in a horrifying way eventually. Period. If you don’t understand this fact, you’re mentally ill.

>> No.18243417

I mean poor taste in terms of marketability.
You can't be surprised if mentally ill uggos who have never even received love from their mothers don't send you the high level superchats when you talk about your boyfriend. But it's still up to them.

>> No.18243510

Exploiting this market is in poor taste by itself, there's a reason why people are mad at rushia beyond feeling cucked

>> No.18243539
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can someone give me a qrd of what any of this means?
what is a hololive?
is it some camewhoring platform but where the streamers all use anime avatars?
If it's a separate platform (instead of some software people use to create videos and then post them on youtube), where is it based? US/japan/other?
can anyone do this shit?
are all the girls japanese?
what are supas? is that like the virtual currency you pay these people with?
how much money are these human beings making off lonely weebs a month?
has anyohe here actually given money to these people? if so how much and what did you get in return?

>> No.18243607

Jesas, lurk for a hundred years

>> No.18243608

Poor taste isn’t the term you’re looking for.

>> No.18243639

You can't convince me they don't have laws against stalking after what happened due to stalking. Also, they don't go out often since the rona, so even less chances to do anything.

>> No.18243638

Wouldn't give a shit and GFE is cancer

>> No.18243654


>> No.18243683

Yes to all those questions, my friend.

>> No.18244379

Hololive is an entertainment company, not a nonprofit. Their aim at the end of the day is to make money, and there's a demand for every type of friend experience.
EVERY holo is selling you a product. And it's better to assume EVERY holo is having sex, because their VAs fucking adults and not 5 year olds.
Just like any other entertainer, there's nothing for them to gain by talking about IRL stuff, but they stand to lose a lot.

>> No.18244631 [SPOILER] 
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White girls fucking dogs is about as much of a /pol/ meme as the welsh fucking goats. Lucky bastards.

>> No.18244722

I don't care if a vchuuba has a gf/bf.

>> No.18244782
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>Just like any other entertainer, there's nothing for them to gain by talking about IRL stuff, but they stand to lose a lot.
they're benefiting from new technology that allows them to exploit lonely simps at scale.
I think the men are wrong for sending them money and the women are wrong for encouraging them.
None of this is healthy but apparently there's no way to stop it and no appetite to regulate it because it pacifies incels and financially benefits women.
It's also only going to get worse as tech improves.
I don't have a dog in this fight because I don't send "content creators" any money. ever.
But I was a weird kid until my late teens and I remember what it's like to be starved for affection and this dynamic is depressing to me

>> No.18244884

Finana fucks everyday so I don't really care because I fuck her

>> No.18245148


>> No.18245641

It’s the reality regardless of how convinced your dumb ass is. Corona’s over btw.

>> No.18246038

I don't really care if they have a boyfriend, but don't manipulate your viewers. It's dishonest to the boyfriend too, it's like flirting with a bunch of other guys. I don't like this behavior.
I think only a person who is single should be doing GFE/BFE streams, otherwise you're cheating everyone involved but yourself.

>> No.18246432

if it makes you feel any better, japanese girls don't fuck all that much.
They just hang out in cafes and instagram their food

>> No.18247559

Sukoya is a lesbian, not bi.
Also, people are doubting if they are even still together, what if they just broke up and start dating other people?
