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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18207059 No.18207059 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people are visiting this board right now for the first time because they heard that the /vt/ board on 4chan is blowing up over the rumor of Hololive talent Uruha Rushia having a boyfriend, the utaite singer Mafumafu. (You) may be one of those people, and if you are, you probably need to be educated a little more on the situation before voicing an opinion

The number of people, whether on /vt/, Twitter, or Japanese fan communities who are actually mad at/harassing Rushia is fairly low. Even Rushia's highest-paying fandead (has donated over $34k in superchats to her) has calmed down and will continue to support his oshi. Many fandeads were sad but very few are *angry*. I say "were" because as of now, Mafumafu (and connected JP dramatuber Korekore) are denying that he and Rushia are actually dating and are just friends, though Rushia is/was apparently romantically interested in Mafumafu. You can choose to accept this statement or not accept it; I don't care.

What makes Rushia distinct not only from most vtubers, but from almost all of Hololive, is that she has actively courted a gachikoi/GFE fanbase in a way that blurs the lines between fantasy (the character of Uruha Rushia) and the real person ("roommate" in /vt/ slang). She constantly keeps tags on fandeads on Twitter and berates them for watching other girls, for switching oshis, or even for getting real-life girlfriends. Even if this is an act, it's an incredibly lucrative one, given that she's the most superchatted vtuber of all time. If Rushia is in a romantic relationship, then you have to admit that engaging in this kind of behavior is a bit weird. If you were Rushia's boyfriend, would you not be a little uncomfortable with it? And no, she's not obligated to do this--plenty of Hololive members, if not a majority, don't pander to gachikoi at all, or do it to a limited and "safe" extent (i.e. occasional ASMR streams). By all means, she has the right as an adult to have her personal life, to date, to be sexually active, but it's hard to deny that she bears at least some of the blame for actively choosing to cultivate this sort of fanbase. Have whatever opinion you want about this whole situation but hopefully at least have some thoughtful nuance to it.

And that's not getting into Mafumafu, who actively does the same sort of thing (including the same kind of engagement ring merchandise) but for female fans.

>> No.18207195

>fancuck cope thread

>> No.18207197

>Many fandeads were sad but very few are *angry*.
I heard 5ch was on fire yesterday. I'd expect at least a few of them to have homicidal intent after being played like this.

>> No.18207350

Damn Rusher roommate is actually cute.

>> No.18207403

The meltdown was mostly contained to that board. Ironically EN Twitter is dragging it out longer with their misinformed crusade against "purity culture" than JP Twitter (who have accepted mafumafu's statement).

I am not a fandead and do not care, personally, if Rushia is in a relationship.

>> No.18207937

she decent enough digital form with shop.

>> No.18208181

Holy cope, your anime girl is a slut and streams after sucking cock, enjoy being a pathetic simp because everyone is coming here to literally just laugh at you this weekend.

>> No.18208752

cool redshit post

>> No.18208863
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She's based and btfo delusional simps into the stratosphere.

>> No.18209577

I came here for exactly this, thanks for the info OP. I will now fuck off back to where I came from and leave you to your streams.

>> No.18209621

If reddit saw what i posted they'd call me an incel, even though i'm not even saying she shouldn't be allowed to have a BF

>> No.18209705

Actually a good rundown, with little to no bias.
Good job anon, though really it was kinda a waste of your time, sorry.
Most dramafags are dumb and need the juicy info and opinions dumped into their mouths by youtube video or a short tweet.
But your a good one anon anyways thanks.

>> No.18209955
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Good post but unfortunately it won't stop the usual braindead whiteknights from portraying Rushia as the victim and demonizing anyone complaining about being fooled for years, bonus points if they complain about idol culture in Hololive of all fucking places.
Yes I'm mad that such ignorant pieces of shit can voice their retarded opinions publicly nowadays, public internet access was a mistake.

>> No.18210045

Why is this board so fast? Is there enough content to be top 3 in board speed?
