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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18203645 No.18203645 [Reply] [Original]

Marshmallow reading and Valentine's stream planning starting now.


>> No.18204038
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Link for the Vday kudoboard. https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/z2cb7LHd

>> No.18204080

hey nade whats up its been a minute since i checked these threads

>> No.18205323

Two more days.

>> No.18205337

is Nade our only hope of a seiso /here/ chubba? A lot of /here/ chubba has fallen to yabs

>> No.18205926

Yo, badgers. I haven't watched Nade since her png days and debut. Is there any reason why she switched to Twitch? It's a little surreal listening to her without her old shitty mic and seeing chat on stream now.

>> No.18206108

Youtube is a lonely platform. She found twitch to be more friendly and raiding to be a nice way to break the ice with other vtubers. Also many of the vtubers she followed early on were from twitch anyways.

>> No.18206265

who's this filipino bitch? is she living in australia or something?

>> No.18206403

She's not here anymore, just her fans. These threads are more like the ghost of a /here/ tuber.

>> No.18207583
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It's 5am and instead of going back to sleep I watch Nade

>> No.18208901

I hate how this raid derailed thing to MREs of all things.

>> No.18209877


>> No.18210034

It's too early for this / 10
It was nice to finally get my Nade fix, looking forward to sunday

>> No.18210255

If she's doing what I think she's doing, then sending it at the end of the stream might be best since her hands will probably be full.

>> No.18210336

Utterly horrible time for me / 10
Nice that she finally raided someone again.

>> No.18210400

For a casual impromptu stream, that was a lot of fun just talking. She's sounding better after being sick too.

>> No.18210770

I don't know who this chuuba is, but every time I scroll past the thread, I read her name as Nakadashi

>> No.18211098

Fun chatting time/10

It was nice to get a stream from her today since I wasn't expecting one before Sunday. We got through some marshmallows but I think there was more to get through. I wonder who told her that doing her valentine's stuff on the 13th would be better? I don't personally agree with that. Maybe she misapplied advice meant for making things easier for IRL couples to her stream. From the way she described it it sounds like the new thing she's gonna try on Sunday involves a handcam. Also how did Nyaru get the idea that Nade was going to raid her just because Nade asked her about doing a valentine's day stream.

I still think it's better to give to her on the 14th if she streams that day.
I hope Nade confirms if she has a Monday stream or not soon.

>She's sounding better after being sick too.
I don't think she's 100% recovered yet, the hee hee sounded a bit rough.

>> No.18211764

Organizer, when do you plan to lock the kudoboard, and do you plan to give a final reminder to vtubers?

>> No.18212188

I barely can catch her streams but somehow today I got in/10
love nade

>> No.18213390

Two things about the 13th: First, we have a decent idea of what the timing and content of the stream will be (I assume the 14th will be a chatting stream but I want to assume as little as possible at this point). Second, revealing it sooner rather than later will allow any viewers who didn't get an invite a chance to get a message in while it's still the 14th. Because of the nature of the content she's hinting at, the end of the stream seems like the most convenient timing so she doesn't have to click the link while she's trying to juggle various other things. I'll hear arguments for the later time, though, it sounds like you had something in mind.

I'll try to give everyone as much time as possible to submit your messages. Unless we get a bunch of messages in the next couple of days, it should only take me half an hour at most to read through all of them, so 11:30 PM JST. I don't actually expect any vandalism but I feel like I should be diligent about it anyway. If you need me to open the board for a second to post a message or make a correction, just poke me, I'll be right here or on twitter. I'll send out reminders very soon. Some people who didn't reply might not have done so because of the channel I used to contact them so I'll try a different one. I wish I had a better way of reaching her followers as well but the number of possible recipients already makes that kind of difficult.

>> No.18213996

>I assume the 14th will be a chatting stream
>Because of the nature of the content she's hinting at, the end of the stream seems like the most convenient timing so she doesn't have to click the link while she's trying to juggle various other things.
Those are basically the reasons I think giving it to her on the 14th will be better. I agree that she'll probably be busy for the duration of the stream, and if you give it to her on the end of the Sunday stream I don't think she'll have the time to react to the whole thing. Also I think there's a high chance she'll read it off stream, robbing us of her genuine reaction. If we instead send it at the beginning of the stream on Monday, we can get her full unfiltered reaction to it, including her genuine surprise.

>> No.18214791

I see. I just don't want it to be burdensome for her to figure out. If she makes a plan for Monday night, I don't want her to feel put on the spot to read through it when she already had something planned that she was looking forward to. Normally, with situations like this, I would ask directly: "We put together something for you for Valentine's Day. When would be a good time to drop it on you?" But, you know, that's spoiling half the surprise.

>> No.18215404

If it's anything other than another event stream, which I think is unlikely, then I think it's worth derailing for. It's not like she hasn't derailed over smaller things before either. I hope she puts up a schedule before Sunday's stream, preferably sooner rather than later. It would make things a lot easier.

>> No.18215966

I personally think this has gotten a little out of hand, if what you said is true and you did a "pass it on" message then that explains some of the literally whos I'm seeing. In regards to giving it to her before she starts a stream, I'd prefer not to as it might distract her from her planned stream idea, I wouldn't want my message read out on stream anyway.

>> No.18217262

All the same, it seems presumptuous to put her in a position where she might feel like she has to choose.

Aside from anyone who signed anonymously, I don't think there's anyone on the board I don't recognize. Are you referring to her Kshi siblings? They congregate together, so it was easy to invite all of them. They're all very congenial, though I suppose you have to be if you're going to be a live streamer.

>> No.18217276 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Nice try, but it has always been planned to be delivered during the stream, with the possibility of her showing it on stream. Also everyone there has a connection to Nade. Go back to /wvt/.

>> No.18217348 [SPOILER] 
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Nice try, but it has always been planned to be delivered during the stream, with the possibility of her showing it on stream. Also everyone there has a connection to Nade. Go back to /wvt/.

>> No.18218011

Who wants to bet she has another stream in about five or six hours?

>> No.18218691

pretty much. that response to chuubas having bfs while in parasocial relationships was fuckin based.
>"don't tell people how to handle loneliness when you don't know what it's like to be lonely, don't break promises you make even to people you aren't friends with personally"

>> No.18219220

You could make another person very happy if you put yourself out there, you know.

>> No.18222111

There it is.

>> No.18222181

How small will her hands be

>> No.18222221

Big meaty oven mitts

>> No.18222634

Gloves or no gloves?

>> No.18222652


>> No.18222741

Cute! I hope she sorts everything out like ENTERs, and actually gives the handcam a test run to prevent yabs. Some other yabs might be unavoidable though like outside noises, so I guess we just have to wait and see what happens. Also,
>double trips

>> No.18222889

>actually gives the handcam a test run
I think last stream she said she tested the setup already, but who knows if it was a thorough test, or a "Nade test" that lasted 5 minutes.

>> No.18222991

Thanks for the reminder about that mic test stream.

>> No.18223035

nade's opsec is tight af. bet she'll be wearing sunglasses and mask anyway for ++ safety guarantee.

>> No.18223133 [SPOILER] 
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>"Nade test"
Someone draw it. I dare you.

>> No.18223471


Nade accidental Face reveal LETS GO!

>> No.18223582

What kind of sunglasses do you think she'll be wearing? I'm guessing pink horn rims.
