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18194667 No.18194667 [Reply] [Original]

>do cold chicken reps
>the evidence is just as damning

>> No.18194788

What evidence? Pekors just didn't stream on christmas. That was it.

>> No.18194807

I've never heard of someone that asked a question and then proceeded to do his reps. Good on you.

>> No.18194873

It's true, I am A-chans secret boyfriend.

>> No.18194882

Trying way too hard.

>> No.18194889

Oh boy just wait until you do your Gura reps

>> No.18194897

>adult women have boyfriends

No shit? Are neckbeards really this sheltered and naive?

>> No.18194909

Cope Nousagi

>> No.18195020
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I don't even watch Pekora nigger, but that's all there is to the Chicken drama. There's been rrats about her dating since way back but those aren't related.

>> No.18195048

no better time to get railed then on christmas :)

>> No.18195074

>Falling in love with the funny rabbit
>Not just laughing at her when she does a funny thing
I think you guys are doing this whole hobby wrong.

>> No.18195168

They are talented girls with sense of humor, money making capabilities and they have a strong personality due to dealing with idiots 24/7.
If 4/10 girls can easily get bfs, you can bet your ass that it's more likely that each one of them has one

>> No.18195201

Oh boy wait until you do your Amelia reps

>> No.18195217

Just reheat the chicken anonchama

>> No.18195240

What's alarming to me is how nobody finds it suspicious how many rrats of her with men there are.

>> No.18195402

There's rrats about everyone having a secret bf all the time. The only thing that's suspicious about it is how many schizos believe them.

>> No.18195443

According to many of the other girls, including some of the more touchy-feely ones, rabbit doesn't like to be touched. Gets visibly uncomfortable when there's others in her personal space.
Basically, a legit autist whose only real chance at having any kind of workable relationship would be by remote, online with an e-bf she never has to meet irl.
The fact that she still lives at home at her ripening age, with no current plans to leave, compounds this.

>> No.18195519

Yeah, nothing beats the trans-atlantic cock

>> No.18195604

Jun did an Apex stream with his wife while Pekora was streaming ARK, sadly PekoJun is dead and you failed your reps

>> No.18195614

You're right, but none of this matters to schizos and their rrat peddling.

>> No.18195706

You're being retarded about it anon. I have, and have met people with, a legitimate trauma regarding touch, but it's not some universal incapacitating stuff, you can still have relationships, it's just rougher at the start.

>> No.18195761
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No, Pekora is my oshi and I believe she is everything she says she is.

>> No.18195774

She was also streaming on his wedding day. The rrat died back then but that doesn't stop retards.

>> No.18195795

I've met someone who's like Pekora but has a husband. As we got closer as friends she was hugging me and stuff.
Maybe they just don't like their personal space invaded until they know you better.

>> No.18195838

>He doesn't know Pekora used her Peko-princess powers to clone Jun to keep as her own personal dildo

>> No.18196041
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>> No.18196320

>pic related
Isn't Pekora more of a normalfag than we actually think? Shut ins usually don't care about their appearances, but Pekora is unusually bothered by pics like that saying it's not beautiful. Or am I just looking into it too hard and she's only concerned about branding?

>> No.18196509

Shut-ins are like the most insecure people around what are you talking about

>> No.18196770

I just don't think she likes seeing her cute rabbit avatar be deformed and ugly. That's really all there is to it. Can't really say I blame her either because they are fucking hideous but I use them when I find them appropriate to use and because I find them funny; not because of their beauty.

>> No.18197101

And Rushia is very lonely and too shy to talk to men, right?

>> No.18197108

Yeah, my cousin (female) is like that, she gets visibly uncomfortable if a stranger touches her even slightly.
Her BF and best friends physically interact with her with no problem so we can suspect Pekora is like that but with nip autism included which in turn makes it interesting to see how much of a "shrinking lily" she might be in public but how much of a clusterfuck she is behind the PC.

>> No.18197398
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>damning evidence
lol Jun is a legit vtuber anti with a fanbase of rabid vtuber antis and Pekora is the biggest Holo among jps.
He's just doing his old NND trolling.
>Pekora mentions X brand on stream
>next stream Jun makes sure he has X brand visible
>Pekora takes break
>Jun makes sure to take a break on the same day if she starts to stream he does as well (he misses when she's on some other holos stream like her popping up on Akis yesterday)
>Pekora misses a christmas stream for real life stuff getting in the way and antis latch onto it
>Jun goes on stream bragging about how he totally fucked her repeating 5ch anti posts
It's all very transparent stuff he's doing to anyone familiar with NND.

>> No.18197486

He's actually based.

>> No.18197594

Of course they do, retard. These girls are socially proficient enough to entertain thousands of men for long periods of time. Did you really believe that they didn't have boyfriends? Were you tricked that easily?

>> No.18197769

Not really. His fanbase drags him down by being genuinely seething retards.
I mean not even funny seethe like some niji antis, they're just angry and bitter all the time and he caters to them.

>> No.18197857

Most EOPs don’t seem to know he deleted that twitch stream and all the twitch clips of him saying it. I don’t know if Cover told him to shut the fuck up ir what but next stream he said he doesn’t know her and never meant to cause her problems(chat has said his comment halved her views which was actually just ccvid which got everyone)
Not sure if he’s mentioned her since that.

>> No.18198085

Sounds based to me

>> No.18198173

>I don't know if Cover told him to shut the fuck up or what
He's been doing that kind of shit for a long time so I wouldn't be surprised if Cover legit finally had enough and actually threatened to sue him for defamation or something. Or at the very least simply told him to cease his shittery or they'll have to take it further.

>> No.18198454

I am autistic and I have had relationships with women. I do not like to be touched by strangers or when I'm not expecting it. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've hugged my actual family members, but I was very affectionate in relationships. Can't speak for other autistic people, but I would assume that others operate similarly and it doesn't just mean they never want to be touched under any circumstance.

>> No.18198495

If they didn't care about their appearances, they wouldn't be shut ins to begin with.

>> No.18198733

Pekora might live at home. I doubt her roomate does. If the last day or two have taught you anything dont belie a single thing a vtuber tells you. Just enjoy

>> No.18201493

While all of Pekor's rrats are completely void of any valid evidence as far as I know, I did find recently that she played last month on ARK on a private server in which Jun(Juni5630) was also playing, implying that this server is only accessible to JP YouTubers(it's divided in at the very least 10 different servers with the same name but with a number at the end, I didn't bother searching more towards that though). She only played 1hour 40 min on it though, but the interesting thing is that she left the server with someone else who played alongside her on the server I mentioned earlier, on yet another private server which is taiwanese one instead of the usual Japanese one.
She started playing on this server the 10 January (1/10/2022) alongside the creator of that server(ぷにと), and she currently has much more hours spent on that server, than on the Hololive one, which she joined only a week later(Around 45hours more).
I don't think she's currently e-dating a guy as she's way too autistic to do so( she did do some things on NND that would make you think otherwise, like baiting with ero cosplay, openly showing a part of her breast, or even laughing at, while being repulsed by a guy showing his dick on Skype (she also used to have a fan club of some sort https://twitter.com/110iku?t=5MQ-LKd8MHAq17Ys6zG-Hg&s=09 , however I also do think that she's the safest Holomember regarding the fact that she is dating, or not, someone.
What's kind of paradoxical in her however is that she seems to like to put herself in some deep shit, all the while not really getting too deep in this; examples with:
>the crash of the gacha game last year which made her show us that she has a period app[not unusual for a woman, but it still did provoke some kind of drama in JP and 5ch for a few days]
>the multiple times in the past two years where she always took a day off while Jun also took one(happened twice in 2021 iirc, and happened once this week too), but we all know that nothing sexual-related happened to them these times as Jun has a wife(seemingly being with her for a few years now) and Pekora is, well, Pekora. I do think that they were together on some game, maybe Apex, or on some discord talking and making fun of others (do remember that 110 used to be some sort of womanized Jun on NND, doing the same kind of shitposts and whatnot,but she kind of changed ever since joining Hololive).
>The most recent one and one that I consider to be the most "yabai" for her currently: the Cold Chicken. Knowing how internet and matome/5ch works, she could have avoided all that shit(she did tell us a few days ago that she would plan on streaming on Christmas, but she had some kind of ear problems at that time too so in the end she couldn't stream that specific day[how weird, she could've gone to the hospital a day earlier or a day later, as I think the hospitals during that time of the year are still open]).
What I'm getting at with all of this(call that rrats from a NousagiSchizo, I don't give a fuck), is that she actively tries to put herself in some yab, just to gain some popularity/ pity posts on the internet, hence gaining at the end some clout.
She's actually a smart as fuck girl, while also being the most entertaining woman on the internet as far as I know(maybe some 2views that I actually do not know might be better, however I haven't found any atm, and none of the other girls at Hololive comes close to her actual potential), however the fact that she's a narcissistic girl who would gladly put herself into some deep drama will eventually bite her in the ass...
Thank you for coming to my NousagiTalk. I might get banned from the jannies but everything was written without an ounce of hatred, I just wanted to inform people on what I found recently.

>> No.18201592

Before I go to sleep, I also remember her winning a small tournament on Apex during her NND era, and she had the chance to talk to Jun for a few minutes, I don't have the source at hand atm but if someone could either link it or post it, that would be great.
I also find kind of weird that Juni5630(Go/Ro/San/0)has some similitude with the name of her cat, Goro-Nyan(GoroSan was one of her choice of names I believe, which would mean that she appreciates Jun(not in a romantic way though)enough that she would bother naming her pet with some reference to her Idol/senior from NND. I hate Jun and his fucking community but that's all I could find by myself recently, please do tell me if I'm too much of a schizo or that I could be right in some way. I haven't slept in the past 43 hours as I wanted to catch up her DQ/PLA streams, so bye.

>> No.18201859

Everyone knows how battlemetrics work you stupid ass.

>> No.18202019
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The only person she ever was comfortable getting touchy feely with was her EX girlfriend Miko. And what happened this year? (The cold war was actually them being broken up) no PekoMiko Christmas? Peko was depressed about Miko not inviting her to Christmas so she didn't stream, then to get back at her didn't invite her to her birthday stream.

>> No.18202076

I can’t believe Korone is name after a Jun’s cat! Jun invented 5 and 6!!

>> No.18202434

Your entire post is based on you not knowing how a website works.

>> No.18204233

After Rushia i wonder if this is the kind of post that is going to get screenshot and shown a few months later for people to laugh at how fools we were at believing this lies?

>> No.18204366

Learn English

>> No.18204602

fuck off EOP.
