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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18180152 No.18180152 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if she does it?

>> No.18180245

What the fuck is wrong with your chinkoid insects?

>> No.18181549

I would laugh, feel bad, then laugh some more

>> No.18181598


>> No.18181638

It would be for the best.

>> No.18181656

>"suspected" suicide
sweat profusely

>> No.18181658

Lol, never happening. Those needy women are full of self-love to kill themselves like that. She will cry herself to sleep and slowly move on. They don't know true suffering, they can't see this world's true face.

>> No.18181665

Fancucks would also off themselves.

>> No.18181693

Not my fault. She can't read my posts.

>> No.18182026

the fire of all fires, and I'd revel in the pleasure mixed with pain until the day I hopefully forget about this chapter in my life, I am no fandead but my oshi and rushia are great friends and it would pain her to see rushia go away like this, that pain will also reach me easily...but I love drama too much...just thinking about it excites me

>> No.18182083

Hololive would die. Western virtue signalers would jump on this as another example of toxic idol culture and demand that Hololive change. Hololive would become a shell of it's former self.

>> No.18182124

People are coddling her and telling her she did nothing wrong already. Women never suffer consequences

>> No.18182178

There would be a memorial service. Risu would stream during it.

>> No.18182229

what's she going to do, choke to death on mafumafu's dick?

>> No.18182230

She should go into JAV now that she doesn't have to pretend to be pure anymore. This whole situation is very freeing for her.

>> No.18182272

The final yab approacheth

>> No.18182303

>Western virtue signalers would jump on this as another example of toxic idol culture and demand that Hololive change.
They already do.
>Hololive would become a shell of it's former self.
It already has.

The fact of the matter is that the damage is already done. Rushia has officially destroyed the entire draw of Vtubers, and Hololive is in danger. If they don't graduate Rushia it's all over- it is acceptance that the fantasy Hololive used to sell will never come back. If they do graduate her, it's an admission that something was wrong, and while it may keep the company stable, it will lead to outcry.

Unironically Rushia killing herself would be the ideal outcome because it has no downsides. Hololive can mourn her while not having to deal with the fallout of her actions.

>> No.18182305

My money is on an fujo hurting/murdering her

>> No.18182328

Holy kek

>> No.18182360

Hololive has to be more like Nijisanji. All this idol shit gives birth to extremely toxic fans.

>> No.18182369

Don't care personally. Anything to protect hololive and HoloFes. Keeping a known idiot/menhera just within sanity is worth a million lies if we're faced with the prospect that Hololive might be hurt.
>muh lies
Anyone not retarded never trusted her with her history.

>> No.18182395

I would supachatto 1 dollar

>> No.18182409

>become a shell of its former self
it already did that.

>> No.18182436

>First look at OP's picture
Yes! Finally! Let's go!!!
>Look at text
Bruh, what a clickbait.

>> No.18182444

People who tell they are thinking about offing themselves are the ones who won't do it. You can either think she's really depressed right now or she's being manipulative, but either way she won't kill herself.

>> No.18182457

epic troll

>> No.18182459

The actual final yab. It would be a massive scandal and severely hurt Cover, probably the VTuber community as a whole.

>> No.18182467

imagine being a gachikoi who spent $100,000 (possible) and it was all a lie.

>> No.18182499
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>Women never suffer consequences
You don't say.

>> No.18182519

Women rarely kill themselves. They talk about it but never do it because they can easily get a support network just by being sad

>> No.18182564

couldnt she graduate right now and never work a day in her life anymore from the money earned rn

>> No.18182586

You mean "epstein herself"?

>> No.18182606

it would be actually kinda cute
like, she emotionally depended on fandead on some level after all...even if she was a lying whore
I kinda like this ending

>> No.18182689

This. It's the best possible gift she could give Fandeads.

>> No.18182736

She could... If she changed her lifestyle to a more modest one. Which is probably not happening since money and expensive stuff are like drugs.

>> No.18182822

>would become a shell of it's former self
You haven't noticed?

>> No.18182834

I would open a beer, and laugh my ass off, One less pathetic leach.

>> No.18182844

And that's exactly what's happening right now to her. And again, people really contemplating suicide won't write shit on social media; they will just write down a letter and silently jump off somewhere.
She might be depressed for real but if she was really suicidal she wouldn't be deleting her twitter or any of that bullshit.

>> No.18182870

I don't want her to die but I do want her to graduate, even if she is a sociopathic lying manipulative whore she doesn't deserve to die.

>> No.18182932

She would become one of the spiciest memes in this board and probably haunt a lot of us.

>> No.18182969

most of her fans are dead now ironically with the news.

>> No.18182972

It would actually end Hololive. It would be the actual final yab.

>> No.18182982

>rushia's ghost would watch me masturbate

>> No.18182998

>All this idol shit gives birth to extremely toxic fans.

well...she promoted all this idol/gf shit since the begning. Her fans are weirdos, but she was loving collecting money while teling lies.

>> No.18183007

It would be the an honorable thing to do. But women don't have that, so no worries.

>> No.18183023

>he doesn't want to fuck necromancer necropussy

>> No.18183074

I mean I would hatefuck her live on stream but at that point aren't I as bad as mafu?

>> No.18183089
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>> No.18183119

but would you hatefuck her dead on stream?

>> No.18183149
File: 29 KB, 512x502, fcecba513a5c6ba042263a44b818a3d3dfcd9eb6v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright let's see, suicide chance starts at 100%
>Woman -30%
>Popular -10%
>Social butterfly -10%
>Rich -20%
>Can get a new job easily -10%
>Has a boyfriend and can get as many boys as she pleases -20%

Yeah, not a chance, it'd be more likely for her followers or people ITT to commit self sudoku.

>> No.18183151

>Hololive would become a shell of it's former self.
It's already dead. Both Mori and Rushia killed it and there were no consequences to their actions, and buckbroken numales like >>18182360 will clap like trained seals and shower the whores with money either way.

>> No.18183193

>it'd be more likely for her followers or people ITT to commit self sudoku.


>> No.18183203

Nijikeks never change

>> No.18183243

Ayame would stream a month after with zero idea it even happened

>> No.18183293

Cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.18183342

i hope she will stream it

>> No.18183364

It would prove that she wasn't a predatory piece of garbage just exploiting highly vulnerable people and that she felt a genuine connection to her fans and felt bad about hurting so many people even if she really just needed someone to love her who just so happened to be a millionaire celebrity with "good looks".
Not that I unironically would want her to die.

>> No.18183429

I miss Roa too

>> No.18183439

i have no mercy for リア充
they may as well 爆発

>> No.18183481

You're not talking to men, unless they are troons.

>> No.18183694

She would be dead.

>> No.18183754

>I’m sorry guys I DID lie to you...
>I’m not an actual necromancer
>I can’t bring myself back to life
>kills self on stream
Imagine the kino

>> No.18183774

That's not how it works. Rich people are more likely to kill themselves, because the important variable in suicide is Loss. If you've always been on the bottom you can never lose enough for it to feel like your life is over. If you've been riding high for years on the other hand, a massive loss can spell doom even though technically you're still more fortunate than 90% of the population

>> No.18183808

> tweets wanting to neck herself
> deletes the tweet later
oh nyo

>> No.18183866

>Kikkeriki, KFP! Well as you know the new rules come into effect, and Cover Corporation now requires that all Vtubers have a boyfriend. Please say hello to Mr. Yodel! He's going to be chilling out here at my place for a while, you guys don't mind, right?

>> No.18184063

>Cover Corporation now requires that all Vtubers have a boyfriend
I suspect that it is already true

>> No.18184632

I hope she does, it would be entertaining for like a couple hours

>> No.18184856
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>> No.18184864

She's a necromancer, she'd come back to life, it's fine

>> No.18184920

Nijisanji is a revolving door of graduations and harassment/bullying, no one would want to emulate them.

>> No.18184954

>Kiara's screenshot

>> No.18185059

I'd forgive her if she killed herself.

>> No.18185206

>Ollie yubi
Fourth trumpet
>Mori NTR/lean
Fifth trumpet
Sixth trumpet

We're getting closer.

>> No.18185257

what are the first three?

>> No.18185316

They'd cancel FES and Myth gets a proper 3d debut

>> No.18185350

>boohoo my life is SOOOOOOO hard sitting on my ass from my bedroom flirting with strangers online and making millions for it
she'll be based as fuck if she actually does it

>> No.18185454

People will look down on vtuber community more.
I don't want to be generalized with those loser schizos.
Nope. Nuh-uh.

>> No.18185480

other holomem would break superchat records especially any perceived to be close to her.

definitively freeing the rushia gachikois would also be great for the other GFE streamers, lamy would probably start crushing everyone in SC

>> No.18185564


>> No.18185566

and history repeats itself.
lamy will be exposed of having a bf.

>> No.18185655

Orca doesn't need to imagine

>> No.18185808

I would get even sadder because that means she would rather kill herself then treat her GFE fans with the base amount of human respect and explain things we are owed at least that much damnit.

>> No.18185906

No, he still needs to imagine. He's 70k off

>> No.18185982

She has half-decent opsec so not very likely.

>> No.18186169

Has someone manipulating thousands of people for financial gain ever realized they were a horrible person and ended it? She'll be back to work before you know it.

>> No.18186340

Hololive was at one point, they did plenty of collabs with NijiJP males like Maimoto and that Office Worker dude.
Hololive are also barely idols, lets be real. When it's a running joke within the company and among EN fans and the idols are barely like idols outside of rare events or marketing material, it's probably a good indication about the direction of the company.
Even then it's not like they have to stop performances, Cover will just have to do a bit of rebranding and encourage talents not to pretend to be their chat's GF even for roleplaying. Just like NijiEN's male wave and some of them likely having to tone down their BF/fujo pandering elements.

>> No.18186362

You think her Dad would let anything with a dick near his precious baby girl? Probably more than a few missing delivery dudes out there now.

>> No.18186484

>Both Mori and Rushia killed it
Please redpill me on this anon, why is that

>> No.18186492

She'll never do that, people like her are far too narcissist to kill themselves

>> No.18186564

There's probably a good reason why there's nothing bad on Lamy, she's probably a Yakuza's daughter. Any anti or bad manager is probably given a nice pair of concrete shoes.

>> No.18186563

the funny thing is people still falling for her pretend menhera tweets and thinking they need to protect her by giving the millionaire more money LMAO

>> No.18186632

Kiara screenshot? What? Care to explain anon?

>> No.18186638

Who made the "rules" again that virtual youtuber idols cannot interact with the opposite gender?
I'm pretty sure there are many type of idols.
I'm also pretty sure real life idols do many kind of things, like radio shows, acting, interviews, and many other things where they interact with the opposite gender.

>> No.18186780

This. She's a sociopath and a woman. Nothing will happen.

>> No.18187188


>> No.18187254

Hololive has been a shell of its former self since before this board was made, and even before the /jp/ thread splits.

>> No.18187371

In summary... Woman moment

>> No.18187592

>all these newniggers begging to be spoonfed
don't you see the twitterfags are already here? Lured by the dopamine high gained from virtue-signaling?

>> No.18187742

Good night sweet princess

>> No.18187999

>both the grim reaper and a necromancer end up killing hololive
it's like pottery

>> No.18188185

I just discovered hololive and this is fascinating... what did mori do? What's the kiara screenshot? Is there any other major fuckup that's worth knowing?

>> No.18188290

who's next?
the one who delivers the final blow will be sora.
goddess sora is alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending.

>> No.18188437

no alpha omega is some self important tranny

>> No.18188505
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ollie will deliver it as the founding member of the holy yab trinity, just as it was foretold in the scriptures

>> No.18188515

do your archive reps or fuck off

>> No.18188679

don't take the bait or am I the one getting baited by you only pretending to take the bait.

>> No.18188684

If she does this then it's mean she and that fah don't have any relationship and fandead will hunt him to the end of the Earth

>> No.18188706

Thanks, do you have at least a link ?

>> No.18188842

>nijisanji has 21 graduations, 6 of those being terminations
Yeah, no they dont.

>> No.18188880

surely all those celebrities who killed themselves are poor depressed neets like people in this board

>> No.18189998

for once, /vt/ would not be at fault. you guys almost went the way of the zhangs for mori. but it seems like there's zero momentum around harassment for rushia.

>> No.18190425

Can anyone explain what happend ?
Any lore masters ?

>> No.18190663

got a better idea
how about u go kys

>> No.18190695


>> No.18190735

holo death.
one is already dead.
one brought dead to it.
now, the other one...
looking at this pattern, she'll bring it back from death?
maybe Mio's tarot reading is true?
as long as she doesn't give up, proceed cautiously and patiently, the storm will eventually end?

>> No.18190819

Cover would be forced to move away from gfe entirely. Aiding the western whores, ironically enough.

>> No.18190840

...of an arranged marriage set up by his father to continue with the Yakuza business.

>> No.18191116

Whatever happens, I will find a way to blame mori

>> No.18191121

As foretold in the dead sea scrolls.
