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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 82 KB, 571x653, mafumafoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18156147 No.18156147 [Reply] [Original]

It was just a mistake bros! She's our wife again!

>> No.18156174


>> No.18156224

It's not over until the green woman sings.

>> No.18156227

Well they definitely don't live together even if they are boning.
Rushia's mic picks up everything even street sounds and her streaming times are way too all over the place.

>> No.18156253

do you belieb

>> No.18156271

Whether or not they're living together, they still own couple mugs.

>> No.18156289
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this is the 3rd time DYRB

>> No.18156318

I want to believe

>> No.18156335

Do you think Mori offered some leans to them when they sex.

>> No.18156340

Check out the comments anon, your sides are going to get blasted
Also https://twitter.com/wuokb/status/1492081082115960832?t=ULOKrP7unipQOIbcKhEzqA&s=19

>> No.18156362

>9K quote retweets
What's in there?

>> No.18156374
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>> No.18156387

Didn't it literally translate to basically "On my way home Mi-chan" or something like that?

This Kif lookin ass nigga lyin

>> No.18156400

Waiting for Rushia's reply.

>> No.18156437

So is the implication that when he was 'going home' it's so he could play a game with Rushia?

Hmmmm.... Seems like they could've said something a bit faster if that's the case. I'm not sure my brain buys it.

>> No.18156451


>> No.18156468

He didn't deny a relationship.

>> No.18156478

Whew, am I glad he cleared that up. I was worried I wouldn’t have anyone to give this $500 that’s burning a hole in my pocket to on Valentine’s Day.

>> No.18156508

Easy W.

>> No.18156571

>over 42k likes
Holy fucking shit my sides

>> No.18156587

nah, just "i'm done streaming so i'm leaving soon, Mi-chan"
the "coming home" connotation people translated it as just wasn't there, it was added for drama's sake

>> No.18156634

So this is just manufactured drama like usual?

>> No.18156635
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>> No.18156669

Yeah let's just ignore the emoji and tone of the message

>> No.18156680
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>> No.18156699

Basically saying how the tweet does not explain anything at all on Mafumafu calling Rushia as Mi-chan.

Tl;dr they don't buy his BS

>> No.18156712

he literally wrote "im coming home soon" nigger

>> No.18156759

cope EOP

>> No.18156777

I belib it, what kind of japanese couple communicates through discord when LINE is a thing?

>> No.18156778


>> No.18156779

You guys pretend that she is your wife.

Why don't you guys pretend that she doesn't date someone else too?

>> No.18156790

they fukin while wearing these

>> No.18156795

People aren't actually buying this, right? This is literally just standard damage control. Rushia may or may not have orchestrated this situation but this guy obviously didn't want to make it public.
Not to mention that if the shitty translation is anything to go by, he didn't even deny them being a couple.

>> No.18156805

What does the 帰 mean

>> No.18156808

What does 帰る mean?

>> No.18156831

god damn

>> No.18156842

That's...a good point actually. Why the fuck would a couple talk through discord, especially for messages like this?

>> No.18156877
File: 71 KB, 663x780, 2022-02-11 10_39_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.18156919

it's an old rrat that got a huge boost
previously some people denied even a friendship between the two and thought it was a strictly business relationship
that's obviously out the window, but between friend and boyfriend there's really nothing to tip the scale either way (the dish stuff is old and already disproven)

but yeah, dramaniggers couldn't settle for that so they went for broke with "they're married and live together"

>> No.18156941

i hate dramafags, but the kanji he used literally means to come home, not leave. it was a poor choice of words if he didn't mean it like that.

>> No.18156948

I wanna shitpost on Twitter but I fucking can't

>> No.18156967

Nothing of this going to anywhere till Rushia do something

>> No.18156970


>> No.18156981

Do you really believe it

>> No.18156984

130k ppl tuning in to korekore sheesh

>> No.18156997

you do not understand japanese

>> No.18156999

Consider this: why would a mainstream utaite and Hololive's top earner jeopardize their careers like this?

>> No.18157026

But the nakadashi is still real.

>> No.18157054

leaving/going home/going back
there's no connotation like "coming"

>> No.18157056

Because he deleted line months ago

>> No.18157066

Thanks for alerting me but he's just looking at stuff we already know

>> No.18157078

There is no 'coming home' or 'going home' in Japanese. They have the same meaning. It's impossible to determine if he meant to her place, or his. All that it states is that he's heading to HIS place of residence and there's no indication of whether or not it's also hers.

>> No.18157107


>> No.18157162

Didn't jp keemstar straight up said he knew they were dating?
Boy this will be a mess

>> No.18157176

Regardless, why did he have to inform her that he was "kaeru"-ing? Only family members and couples do that.

>> No.18157186

Yeah that's why he tells her when he comes home...so she won't stream.

>> No.18157190

Rushia's already 33 and earned millions at this point, she wants to settle with him but for mafumafu, career is more important as shown in his post throwing Rushia under the bus. Hence, she is forcing his hand to act.

>> No.18157210

Actual EOP

>> No.18157230

JP Keemstar outright said Rushia messaged him about having a hard time. Whether this is true or not is up in the air, but he seems to have too much info to just dismiss.

>> No.18157234

>Didn't jp keemstar straight up said he knew they were dating?
That means nothing. There were plenty of people who said that they "knew they were dating" even before this incident.

>> No.18157248

They have pair couple's drinking glasses from at least early 2018. They've been together for years.

>> No.18157274

You have never spoken to a Japanese person.

>> No.18157276

if you knew japanese, i'd say this is some military grade cope

>> No.18157295

Uh I don't know if you have any friends, even internet ones, but it's pretty normal to say that you're getting home from work soon so you can play in a while.

>> No.18157313

if I had plans to play an online game with a friend in the evening, I might notify them that I'm "coming home" meaning I'm about to go to MY home.

>> No.18157329

this is THE MOST transparently fake damage control

>> No.18157357

>Whether this is true or not is up in the air
I mean he can make up any claim about Rushia dming him that he wants. He knows that she'll never publicly denounce it since that would just bring him more attention.

>> No.18157361

Lmao what a fucking moron

Even his friends confirmed

>> No.18157365


>> No.18157369

Did you forget about the Mii-chan there or..?

>> No.18157397

JP Keemstar hasn't said anything yet.
Another dramatuber claims she went to him for relationship advice but a) he's milking this drama for views, b) refuses to drop actual evidence of it happening and c) has lied about other vtubers before.

>> No.18157459

154k and climbing kek

>> No.18157484

This is too big for him to straight out lie here, he'd be taken to the cleaners.

>> No.18157508


>> No.18157530

Thousands of anons on 5ch you know the actual japs and not some coping JSL ywnbj faggot like you, are convinced otherwise so I'll go with their take on this tyvm

>> No.18157538

I mean I don't doubt he's been friends since the utaite days (Mii-chan is short for mikeneko, her utaite handle) or possibly even is her bf for real but all i'm saying is that specific text is normal.

Hell my discord chatlog would paint me as a total manwhore homo for 4+ people if saying you're getting off work/getting home soon is all it took.

>> No.18157544

Doesn't 帰る/kaeru also implies returning home or going home? Modoru is more for returning to any specific place but kaeru connotes a place of regularity or familiarity.

>> No.18157589
File: 164 KB, 827x1471, FLTfUd0VkAAz1kW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's impossible to determine if he meant to her place, or his.
>All that it states is that he's heading to HIS place of residence

anon... you're contradicting yourself.
even the jp niki are having a field day saying they live together.
one person even suggested that mafumafu would claim he meant HIS house since the original context didn't have it.

you'd have to have never interacted with a japanese person to not understand that 帰る準備 means coming home.

>> No.18157600

>This is too big for him to straight out lie here
You can't be fucking serious right? Niggas lie about big drama events ALL the time. There's a million different ways he could walk back his comments if he's caught.

>> No.18157637

Too late. His female gachikois have already started killing themselves. The death count of this event will likely be higher than that of 9/11.

>> No.18157635

Wow it really did blow up huh

>> No.18157651

yeah, thing is that it doesn't really specify whether it's talking about the person's own place or the person they're talking to, which is why everyone's going after each other's throats right now

>> No.18157671

Read the pinned comment. The entire video is mistranslated and the dumb fuck can't be bothered going back to resub.

>> No.18157674

Actual jp keemstar repeated lies too and only got a bit of heat for a few weeks over it.
Dramatubers aren't a long-term thing and the fact that he very obviously refuses to drop evidence "unless they admit it" aka something that will never happen and he knows it makes it very obvious he's just talking shit.
Seriously, why does anyone here buy that a holo vtuber would contact a fucking dramatuber to talk relationship troubles about something that's supposedly she's kept a secret for years?
He claimed it was recent too like four months ago. Completely full of shit.

>> No.18157689

You're not even qualified for N5

>> No.18157728


>> No.18157750

>are convinced otherwise
NTA but aren't they convinced otherwise because of the prior Mafu rrats, the furniture stuff, and the Mii-chan at the end? Even without the "coming home" part, there's enough circumstantial evidence for them to think the two are living together

>> No.18157753

Friends is fine. But even if we just took what happened from the GTA stream to today not including all the tweets from before, going from recently knowing each other (as claimed by Mafu) to Mi-chan is a very huge jump in logic.

>> No.18157759

I feel bad that her sobbing gave me a boner.

>> No.18157769
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>> No.18157801

>Almost 24 hours since the last official Rushia tweet...

>> No.18157814


>> No.18157817

>Seriously, why does anyone here buy that a holo vtuber would contact a fucking dramatuber to talk relationship troubles about something that's supposedly she's kept a secret for years?
Because dramafags are gullible and are willing to believe anything that makes the drama even more interesting.

>> No.18157816

well sure, if he doesn't drop something he asserts as evidence, then he's free, but also he can be dismissed without evidence too.

Didn't he claim he had evidence?

>> No.18157818

>Regarding the trouble you have been causing
I'm really sorry for causing so many misunderstandings due to my rash actions.
I became friends with the person I was dating through a game, and when I contacted him last night to play a game, I made many people feel uncomfortable.
There is no such thing as living together.
I'm really sorry about that.

Which is more accurate, this DeepL translation or the Google translation?

>> No.18157896

Fandead, there something you aren't telling us?

>> No.18157935
File: 404 KB, 523x839, 1644569600638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mafu's fujos took a while. rushia's poor lads have started already.

>> No.18157969
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>> No.18157978

>Didn't he claim he had evidence?
He claimed he had her messages but also said in the same line that he wasn't going to share them unless they admitted to it.
This was said AFTER mofu had already denied it and he pretended not to know about it.
He's just milking it and repeating shit people have known for ages while pretending to be friends with them.

>> No.18158009

So this was all an elaborate ploy to pressure Mafu into marrying her...even though the resulting drama would cause him to be more cautious about interacting with her at all? You're fucking braindead.

>> No.18158031

Mafu isn't claiming it's recent in his tweet. He's just saying they're game friends.

>> No.18158037

Holy fuck. I people say we're bad. That girl sounded like was on the verge if passing out from despair. That joke at the end and the way she hung up. JP fans are brutal.

>> No.18158055

it's over bros...

>> No.18158056

Cmon the girl was faking it and the dude followed through
Ive seen better jap acting/skits on those morning shows and even in porn

>> No.18158086

so it ends like this huh guess there was no other way

>> No.18158109

The final yab...

>> No.18158112

You fucks gossip harder than girls in a slumber party back in 2002!

>> No.18158117

>menhera does menhera things
>"I don't believe that!"

>> No.18158142


>> No.18158144

didn't expect them to respond so quickly

>> No.18158145

>suspension for rushia beacuse of a message
>Calli gets scot free doing all the shit she did
Damn, calli must really have yagoo by his balls

>> No.18158167
File: 481 KB, 600x600, 1612239487770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mikeneko has been asking Kore Kore
That's how you know this rat isn't even remotely believable.
>yeah popular vtuber is asking random dramatuber about relationship advice about even more popular celeb just so he can leak it on his drama channel
Dramatroons are beyond gullible. They make gachi unicorns seem like streetwise casanovas in comparison.

>> No.18158184

I honestly don't understand why I'm having so much fun with that.
I guess I was a gossiping bitch (male) all along.

>> No.18158203

They aren't dating but Rushia is STILL fucked up for attempting what she did. She just dug her own hole.

>> No.18158209

>Elaborate conspiracies that I make up in my head are true!
Yes anon I know dramafags are retarded. You don't need to confirm this.

>> No.18158228

>Mafu forces Soraru to ghost Lon breaking her heart so they can do fujo pandering
>Meanwhilst he was dating Rushia behind the scenes the entire time
>He gets found out years later and still straight lies
This guy is kind of a piece of shit

>> No.18158233


>> No.18158236

>otakus go after the girl that betrayed them
>fujos go after the competion
face it, narratives to make Rushia appear worse and worse and Mafumafu a victim are only going to gain more traction

>> No.18158258

they know and have spoke to each other regarding MHT

>> No.18158270

you are the ones making up were his home is
he only said he will go home
probably that means their shared home but it does not say it
congratulations on finding the name of japanese standard tests on Google

>> No.18158282

god damn he did not need to do that
it's pretty funny though

>> No.18158288

I was going to say it's a bit over the top...
But we're talking entertainers. They do have weird egos compared to most everyone else. They might do it XD

>> No.18158312

it doesn't matter mafumafu is even telling the truth, the seeds of doubt have been watered and fertilized.

Things will never be the same.

>> No.18158343

Holy shit

>> No.18158365

>Mafu forces Soraru to ghost Lon
Or we can just talk about things that actually happened (namely, him banging Rushia) instead of making shit up

>> No.18158366

>dey totally know each other kore says so!

>> No.18158372

I honestly don't know what Rushia could do at this point to quell the storm. My heart goes out to her. She doesn't deserve to deal with all this stress.

>> No.18158373

They had to. Rushia is quite literally THE face of GFE and what happened is unironically damaging Cover's reputation and the credibility of their other GFE chuubas.

>> No.18158394

I never understood why women loved gossip so much but I think I'm starting to get it

>> No.18158415

For who?
Fandeads aren't the ones crying on twitter right now.
It's mostly people like you guys, dramatroons and antis.

>> No.18158437

Rushia was naughty and stinky.

>> No.18158438

I hope it will end up with some fandeads getting together with mafu fujos and them starting dating!
Happy end!

>> No.18158439

it's on youtube

>> No.18158442
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consequences will never be the same. cause she's done goofed.

>> No.18158476

Fandeads trust Rushia more than you'll ever know. Most of them will be fine dramafag.

>> No.18158477

How do you not know old school utaite drama?

>> No.18158570

Can't wait for Kore to fuel the flames so I can enjoy the shitstom.

>> No.18158589
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1614349347423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way Kore just said they're not dating or living together on his stream.
Guess he remembered that bullshitting dramatroons can actually be sued in Japan.

>> No.18158593

Just like how they gossip about them all the time. Seriously, their content is heavily dominated by self-talk and personal anecdotes. There’s simply no other thing you can bring to discussion when is about Vtubers.

>> No.18158635

How on Earth is this an issue?

The whole appeal of vtubers is that they're characters. They're roleplay. Every streamer that gets popular has some kind of fake persona, doing childish overreactions and whatnot to try to keep things exciting and be a more entertaining watch, even if they pretend like that's just their regular personality. That's what I find so grating about regular streamers and their communities, that they're being fake while pretending otherwise.

Vtubers, meanwhile, fully accept the fakeness. That's the whole point! Instead of being a titty streamer or constantly making pog faces, the character is entirely artificial and unbound by any kind of realism. Any over-the-top reactions or other unrealistic behaviors are part of the character being played. You can suspend your disbelief instead of cringing at how an adult is acting like this. The separation from reality and real people is what makes them good! Like, would Korone fans get upset if they found out that her actress isn't a dog-girl IRL? Would Marine fans get upset that her actress doesn't have heterochromia?

Polka or any of the other vtubers could even be married IRL for all I care. Any one of them could start sucking her partner's dick the instant the stream ends and it wouldn't matter. She could start her stream with her lips still wet from her partner's semen and it wouldn't change anything. She could have a hot, thick load of semen still inside her ass for her entire stream from the anal sex she just had, and the appeal of the character and the stream would stay the same. It's not as if Rushia or any other vtuber was the one in a committed relationship, just the actress. The character is separate. THAT'S THE POINT.

How the everloving fuck is this drama even remotely an issue? Who on Earth would care?

>> No.18158642 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18158659

Or he got paid yesterday to keep his mouth shut.

>> No.18158770

You're really reaching there huh?

>> No.18158772

I just watched Rushia form time to time... she was very cute

>> No.18158795

rushia stinky

>> No.18158822

Dude she have retarded slips all the time, fandead are called braindead for a reason, this will hurt mafumafu more than it will Rushia.

>> No.18158829


>> No.18158855

You're better off ignoring this drama being pushed by dramafags. Continue to watch Rushia be cute in future streams. I'm looking forward to her next cooking stream myself.

>> No.18158875

I'm just considering all the details anon.
>Rushia showed me pics, that means Mafu isn't cohabiting
Yeah that's not the issue

>> No.18158906

by your logic wouldn't it make sense for people to be pissed off that she broke that persona?

>> No.18158940

What the fuck happened? I don't know anything about utaite besides the people I've met that are really into it being the least stable people alive.

>> No.18158955

all the big name fandead on twitter have already said things like “i’ll support you no matter what”. this is already blowing over, anon. gfe has officially lost…

>> No.18158996

NTA but in his last video when a commenter said that he denied being in a relationship with her and Kore thought that he meant this drama in particular instead of the 2018 one he went "oh boy, then that makes what I'm about to say soon a lot spicier" there's no way he was just going to "oh don't worry it's was actually nothing lmao"

>> No.18159002

>Muh fake internet girlfriend is dating someone!? Nyoooo!!!
How do people even convince themselves that these people actually give a shit about (You)
That's an insane level of cognitive dissonance

>> No.18159061

>got paid
Yeah i'm sure he wants to add extortion to his charges.
It's just a 400k fine and 5 years in japanese prison after all.

>> No.18159065

The bigger problem is actually Mafumafu. It's his environment that is more toxic and more "idol" like.

>> No.18159067

they can say that, but i will rely on her superchat earnings, and what happens next time she 'menheras' on stream.

I will honestly dogeza if she's able to be unhurt from this though, Its honestly what I wish for because I don't wish harm on Hololive, I enjoy its atmosphere (mostly from Miko's side)

>> No.18159069

she said she wasn't dating anyone though

>> No.18159083

oh thank God. I was really worried there for a bit. I'm glad this was just a misunderstanding and we can all move on with our lives. Excited to get my birthday merch!

>> No.18159119


So long story short she has to apologize for having a male friend?

>> No.18159133

>we'd be able to hear the sound of his cock going in and out of her asshole! It can't be true!

>> No.18159144

dramafags will always make a mountain out of a molehill, but I do think it's reasonable to be disillusioned with a person that literally sells herself as your gf and who acts genuinely jealous and sometimes deranged over you not being loyal to her (to say the least), who also makes a good bit of cash /because/ of that, after finding out she doesn't hold her "part" of the character. it just comes off as insincere at best and manipulative at worst.
that said, everyone who's shitting themselves over this (be it by constantly overblowing it and making it seem like a huge fucking deal just for the (You)s or threatening to kill themselves over this, etc) instead of simply saying "fuck you" and moving on are a fucking blight and need to be purged.

>> No.18159158

It's because I followed that shit at that time including all the schizos that I can say it didn't happen, retard. Blame Soraru for leaving Lon or SoraMafu fans for being retarded if you want to. It's just hetfags and fujos projecting their schizo shit on the utaites and the utaites forced to pander to them for fame and cash the same way Holos commit themselves to abandon male collabs a few years back

>> No.18159169
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Friend is NOT buying your bullshit

>> No.18159215


A Discord message popped-up mid-stream. Stop the presses, lordie lordie, the end times have come upon us!

At worst, it'd be considered dropping character for a moment, which is completely understandable considering how much and how long these women stream. What's the issue?

>> No.18159236

a male friend she lives in the same house with, yes

>> No.18159238

>extortion charges
>on offering someone money to say a cartoon isn't having sex with a guy that does vocaloid covers
I doubt he got paid but it's completely insane to think anyone would face any legal trouble for it. It's not related to any criminal activity. Hurting peoples feelings isn't a criminal act that you can bribe people into covering up. It's just a big dono at that point.

>> No.18159241

Sunk cost cope
The whales might stick around, but all the smaller fish are going to leave

>> No.18159266

is there a plugin or something to block this bullshit popping up on twitter telling me that I need to log in or register?

>> No.18159300

I just hate the fact that /vt/ was just calming down a bit and now it's going to be shit again for 2 more weeks

>> No.18159350

I'm the opposite, god I love drama, I hope Rushia goes full retard and the entire thing explode even worse than before

>> No.18159355

I think this entire thing js just retarded but this cope legit made me laugh

>> No.18159387

>The character is separate
Then she ought to make sure they STAY separate by not reminding the audience of otherwise in the middle of a performance.
You guys defending this must be really thick in the head, I swear.

>> No.18159409

>I doubt he got paid but it's completely insane to think anyone would face any legal trouble for it.
It's Sōkaiya activity to demand money to prevent brand damaging activity.
Up to 400,000 dollars in fines and up to 5 years in hardcore japanese prisons.

>> No.18159428

Nakadashi stream when

>> No.18159431

It's never calm. Shit happens roughly every two weeks. We get like two good days of no drama a month.

>> No.18159439

Personally I found the mori yab more entertaining but the rushia yab is still developing and could turn out to be reallly fun to watch

>> No.18159467

This is the realest yab in months.

>> No.18159474

Why do they need to tell you?

>> No.18159550

>dramafags will always make a mountain out of a molehill
and copefags will always try to downplay yabs.

>> No.18159552

why do they need to lie to me?

>> No.18159574

the Mori shit was funnier because it was clearly never going to amount to anything
This might actually go somewhere and if it does it could be a big problem

>> No.18159597

He literally said that he knew they were dating for at least 4 months, he went full damage control, not that I blame him I guess.

>> No.18159600

Eh, japs freakout, she might lose some gachikoi, but nothing big is going to come out of this. the people burning/selling their merch are subhuman anyway

>> No.18159654

Because they have the right to withhold information about their personal life. Would you also be upset if they lied and said their mother was fine even though she actually passed away?

>> No.18159659

I don't care and don't even watch Rushia outside of collabs, but IMO the fuckup here is one of opsec. It's one thing if it takes autists digging through roommate accounts and past life streams to find out "the truth", it's another if you're getting messages from your boyfriend that pop-up midstream and you're trending on Twitter so even the most casual fan gets blasted with this shit. It's pretty much "you had one job"-tier.

>> No.18159671

It's literally mainstream news.

>> No.18159729

yea sure, but at least they're making an effort to make the board somewhat usable. dramafags just shit up the entire fucking place and it even leaks into completely unrelated threads more often than not and it's fucking annoying. i'll take copefags i can laugh at over dramaniggers that won't go the fuck away any day.

>> No.18159744

then just don't bring it up instead of saying you're single?

>> No.18159764

>The whole appeal of vtubers is that they're characters
Obviously not looking at this blowout

>> No.18159766

>tabloid news
go read the sun or something

>> No.18159785

Nah you can tell it's mostly dramawhores making bank off this and the one claiming inside knowledge already backtracked.

>> No.18159792

Can u show me it im a cuck

>> No.18159805


>a person that literally sells herself as your gf and who acts genuinely jealous and sometimes deranged over you not being loyal to her (to say the least), who also makes a good bit of cash /because/ of that, after finding out she doesn't hold her "part" of the character. it just comes off as insincere at best and manipulative at worst.

But it's a CHARACTER. The girlfriend experience thing is with the CHARACTER, not the actress. The actress has never had any kind of responsibility to remain single in her personal life for the sake of the character. I literally do not see any difference between this "issue" and, say, finding out that a voice actress for a high-school-aged character isn't, herself, still in high school and/or still that particular age. No actor or actress has ever had any kind of obligation to live their life in a particular way for the sake of their character, unless it results in them being worse at playing that character. Like, if Rushia started doing a shitty job relating to her fans, and it turns out it was because the actress was so involved with her lover that she wasn't able to play the Rushia character as well as she normally could? That would be grounds for complaint. This drama, however, is not.

>> No.18159829

>150k live viewers on a guy covering the "drama"
>i-it's nothing

>> No.18159845

I'm just laughing that fandead won't just be just a name. I was wrong about NTR bros. You were the real saints all along.

>> No.18159849

Yahoo news.

>> No.18159875

I can hear the gyno in your words.

>> No.18159879

Hey... Uhhh.. Bros... Haachama didn't mean anything by this right? This is just sheer coincidence right?

>> No.18159880

holy fuck dude im here for the drama and youre so annoying man just shut up

>> No.18159891

>1.5 million people buy the sun everyday
>it's a good newpaper

>> No.18159907

you mean 180k lmao

this shit is gold

>> No.18159947

you underestimate just how fucking petty corpos/sponsors can be. Cover might not go after him themselves but sponsors can and will make him rot in jail just to make an example out of him.

>> No.18159962

She doesn't have to remain single, but she does have an obligation to practice basic opsec so that the information never comes out

>> No.18159974

>we could be about to experience the first holosuicide

>> No.18159976

Does she bring this up out of nowhere

>> No.18159990

Sōkaiya doesn't mean what you're saying it does. It'd be illegal if he were to say "give me a shit ton of money or I'll ruin you with this literal nonsense that isn't real at all but will make you look like shit." If it's based in reality it's not. Also he'd have to be requesting money from Cover. If they gave him a shit ton of money and went "Please don't do this" it's not. Exploitation of businesses or image with baseless accusations and spreading of false information and the demand of money is illegal, not voluntarily giving someone money to get them to shut up about something legitimate that's already circulating. He also didn't start anything, there's a shit ton of stuff circulating unrelated to him so he's not being exploitative by legal standards. If there were grounds he leaked the info everyone was getting absolutely fucking pissed over then yes, he'd be on the hook possibly if any legal institution cared enough. But that isn't the case at all.

>> No.18160023

have you really never seen a single one of her streams?

>> No.18160032

>If it's based in reality it's not.
Which it clearly isn't since he backtracked at first opportunity.

>> No.18160084

Also laplus, they don't want his people go away

>> No.18160087

I can't speak Japanese so I have no idea what she says

>> No.18160095


>> No.18160101

>to demand money
can you be sued when the money was offered to you without you asking for it?

>> No.18160102

>pls stop saying mean things
Any demands and money changing hands to keep shit quiet is legally extortion you massive retard.

>> No.18160121

It's possible he just saw how insane shit was getting and peaced out. It's possible he felt bad over people, I don't know, literally killing themselves over it. It could be anything. We just don't know.

>> No.18160125
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>> No.18160130

>they started backstabbing each other
You love to see it bros!

>> No.18160139


>> No.18160147

Towa baby!

>> No.18160152

yes, she brings it up constantly, that's her entire gimmick as a streamer

>> No.18160159

Stop thinking everything is the same way you see it. I, me, what I think, stop it. The actor/actress behind characters, for all intents and purposes, IS that character. This extends to anime and games, for example Haruhi and Aya Hirano, where there was a huge boycott after her sex scandal.

>> No.18160164

Exactly. Things will die down like they always do.

>> No.18160184

Yeah but hes denying it, so it might be a nothingburger in the end

>> No.18160189

Yahoo is not fucking tabloid in Japan.

>> No.18160203

Women literally have to say they don't have a boyfriend because if they don't then they lose way too much. For some reason people feel as though they're being strung along even though they never had any chance of dating them to begin with. Male streamers don't have this issue.

>> No.18160235

At copefags actually watch streams and discuss them instead of trying to spread drama everywhere.

>> No.18160262

>The actress has never had any kind of responsibility to remain single in her personal life for the sake of the character.
If she signed up to being an idol, then she does, you fucking retard. Did the character receive the cash from superchats? Did the character practice dancing and singing for the fans? Moron.

>> No.18160275

lmao these people are mentally ill

can they atleast record themselves

>> No.18160304

>This extends to anime and games, for example Haruhi and Aya Hirano, where there was a huge boycott after her sex scandal.
They should have spent the money they saved boycotting on therapy.

>> No.18160339

the thing is that this "do voice actors have to live pretending they're their character all the time?" argument is not really applicable here, because a character in a show/game is completely fictional but these vtubers are characters they make up themselves and are often based on real traits of their own personality. besides, there's several vtubers who play a character but have made it clear from time to time by breaking character that it's all in good fun, but honest question have you /seen/ what rushia posts and/or talks about when it comes to her girlfriend character? like i normally don't really care for what they admit they do and usually don't really think they're being 100% serious but i genuinely think rushia either takes it TOO far or is legitimately turning into her character/IS her character.

still, i think it's dumb to expect her to remain single forever for the sake of her own fanbase like that because that's basically committing to be at the mercy of fucking pixels on a screen, but sadly GFE is a really fucking tricky thing to get into and there's a shitton of completely deranged people out there. this is just an unfortunate situation through and through.

>> No.18160341

mafu's predominantly female fanbase is going crazy over this, men absolutely have to do this shit if they're not just "gamer bro streamer"

>> No.18160370

It's not if you don't request anything and remove it of your own volition. It's not if you weren't the inciting party. If there's documentation of you requesting something it's extortion. If you are the obvious ground zero of a rumor inciting massive damage to a company you could maybe make a case. But you can't win a case for extortion without evidence of extortion.

>pls stop saying mean things
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to say mean things when you're already going through shit. I know you want the Rushia stuff to not be true but try to look at it as an opportunity to do new stuff with your life if you're that upset. Even if this is 4chan and we all tell each other to kill each other on a daily basis I hope you're okay.

>> No.18160389

I agree. The entire point of being a holo is to maintain a fragile illusion. Fair enough if fans peel away the curtains themselves, but having them shredded before your eyes like this is ridiculous. How difficult could it be to use separate accounts? I'd just have one work PC and one private PC if this was my career. Really shouldn't be that difficult.
This situation is like if a stripper suddenly whipped out her phone in the middle of a lapdance and started talking with her boyfriend. The backlash is deserved. (Problem is that every criticism is conflated with HURR UNICORNS)

>> No.18160410

nigger every newssite has a tabloid page

>> No.18160441

lol mafu's fanbase is the one going crazy.
Fandeads are barely making a fuss and are more worried over her roommate's tweets.

>> No.18160443

Do you really expect me to believe that? Not enough effort!

>> No.18160480

the guy is losing more here
go the fuck back

>> No.18160494

Good point

>> No.18160502

Literally a nothingburger

>> No.18160511

>But you can't win a case for extortion without evidence of extortion.
lol Japan is almost entirely on the side of entertainers when it comes to libel.
It's not like America where nothing can be done unless they've directly lied to your employers.

>> No.18160535


She doesn't have to remain single, but she has to keep it a complete secret if she does get into a relationship? I'm guessing so that the fans always think that the actress is single? That's just as stupid, though. Why should she have that kind of obligation?

>> No.18160543

An alternative point is that VAs aren't the character, they play the character.
When the work day is over, they don't continue to be the Character, when the job is done they don't continue to be that character - they go on to play a different one.
VAs are hired and do a job, they don't do VA work to sell you interaction with them, or their lives.
At most they are just "The Voice Of", and it's always disconnected from their real lives.

>> No.18160556

can say the same about actresses in movies, do they deserve the money for the character they portray?


>> No.18160569

they are going to fade away slowly
probably create a new account and start over

>> No.18160613

>cover's paying off jannies to limit the rushia fire now

>> No.18160617

Why? Does anyone take orders from you or something?

>> No.18160641

Dramatroons are even more gullible than Gachikoi simps.
They actually think kore knows either of them personally.

>> No.18160674

I still can't believe people are worked up about this lmao

>> No.18160685

Stfu cuck

>> No.18160707

the notification came up on the characters stream
the illusion is broken
thats how it works dumdum

>> No.18160744

because she's selling them the idea that she is single for thousands of dollars
yes it's dumb but that's the market she chose

>> No.18160779

>do they deserve the money for the character they portray?
yes, they do their job
rushia chose to make her job be projecting an image of availability
then she failed at that job
not hard to understand

>> No.18160788

it's eops regugritating whatever they read in another thread. wish there was some way to keep the dramafags in one thread so they dont shit up the board with 25 similar threads

>> No.18160801

fair point, but i think the sole fact that these vtuber characters are something they make up themselves still makes it fundamentally different; i mean, you have the full range of practically self inserts (suisei) down to a completely (and obviously) made up character (luna) in hololive alone.
i think it's by far the most sane thing to do to separate the character from the real person behind, but i really think rushia was playing with fire from the very beginning as i've said already, pandering to the lonely THIS hard is tricky.

>> No.18160817

What's my score?

>> No.18160883

Fact of the matter is, no matter what you argue, a significant number of people will believe otherwise, and a small portion of those people are both willing and able to act on it. You can keep declaring until you're blue in the face how it's just a character much the same way people sincerely go on about being a sovereign citizen, but that's not going to stop the schizo when he buries the knife in your ribs.

>> No.18160890


>Did the character receive the cash from superchats? Did the character practice dancing and singing for the fans?

If I buy Blu-rays of some cute-girls-doing-cute-things anime, do those cute anime girls receive the money? No. Do the actresses for those characters have any obligation to be single, in high school, or in any other way match their lives to those of the character(s) they played? No.


>> No.18160906

>can say the same about actresses in movies
You moron, did the actresses' characters answer the interviews, handshake and sign in the fan meetings, and take pics with fans? Fuck off coping idiot.

>> No.18160915
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>so what do you say, rushia fan?
>I mean, it's interesting.

>> No.18160922

>girl hides behind anime avatar and serves as a gf for thousands of people
>girl is contacted by exactly one bf


>> No.18160942

What a newfag

>> No.18160973

Jesus Christ this thread is filled with disingenuous coping retards.

>> No.18161009

> Why should she have that kind of obligation?
Because people pay for the illusion, and don't feel like paying if the illusion is broken.
What's so difficult to understand? Do you think the viewers have an obligation to give money to people that do not provide what they're after?

>> No.18161013

you will never be japanese

>> No.18161016

this is genuinely a cope, anon.
mafumafu has never pretended to be an idol.
he's only started streaming 5 months ago. he's an utaite, he does song covers.
rushia meanwhile is girlfriend simulator.
that being said, nothing will happen to either. mafumafu is much bigger than rushia and rushias fans don't really care much about the whole drama.

>> No.18161021

image said mi-chan not ru-chan
she hasnt failed anything

>> No.18161027

This is all total bullshit, like who gives a fuck either way. That being said, I am enjoying watching Hololive go up in flames

>> No.18161035

Are you stupid or just intentionally missing the point?

>> No.18161058


>> No.18161090

>I'm guessing so that the fans always think that the actress is single?
When you watch a movie, do the actresses bf's texts show up on the cinema screen?
Does an actress sell an image on genuine availability for millions of dollars?
Actresses aren't streamers, shut the fuck up

>> No.18161092

this mofumofu guy thinks his fans are retards doesn't he? imagine supporting him after he writes a halfassed lie like this

>> No.18161093

neither, I just lust after your replies anon

>> No.18161158

>the character is entirely artificial
you would have a point, if not for Rushia doing absolutely everything she could think of to try and convince people that it's not, even on her roommate's account

>> No.18161174

>image says her actual name
>so the illusion isnt broken
do you smoke crack?
or do you just get off to defending a millionaire who made her fortune off of selling a certain illusion

>> No.18161180

Both actors and actresses do that you moron.
Example would be Superhero actors and actresses

>> No.18161195

Mafumafu audience is 20x bigger than rushias, my nigga
You are retarded and uneducated

>> No.18161207

Because actresses provide GFE to their fans?
Holy shit you're so far gone
Either that or you're working for Hololive overtime
I hope Yagoo pays you handsomely

>> No.18161210

if it convinced you, then you might just be retarded.

>> No.18161260

It doesn't exactly specify if it's going home but in this context it's pretty obvious that's what mafumafu meant, fandeads are just on huge copium

>> No.18161296

>if the situation was totally different would you feel the same way?
k i l l y o u r s e l

>> No.18161299

even a braindead EOP who has watched only 3 anime in their life would know what 帰る means

>> No.18161304

shes selling the image as RUSHIA being girlfriend experience.

>> No.18161373

no, I think the whole GFE shit is a cancer and hope that this yab might kill most of it.
doesn't change the fact that your cope is completely retarded. you can't claim it's not artificial role that is detached from the actor if the actor spends her private time telling her fans it's not a role and that's how she really is.
they are fools for falling for it, but there was still no separation like you are claiming.

>> No.18161390

Difference being that actor fans know the identity of the actor, and the only people unaware are the babies and literal toddlers. Even you said it, Superhero.

Stop lying to yourself anon. Rushia fucked a guy and it's eating you inside.

>> No.18161419

she's selling the image that she IS rushia
its not just a role
its a persona
streamers are more than actresses
and they all know it

>> No.18161472

I'm convinced it's just one retard on a crusade at this point, regurgitating this nonsense about "BUT IT'S A CHARACTER!" as if that matters at all. He doesn't seem to understand why people pay money in the first place.

>> No.18161484

>"people would never lie to me"

>> No.18161508


>> No.18161517

Go back to watching 3D women gyrating their ass on Twitch nigger.

>> No.18161516

mi-chan? thats how the kanpainiki call tenma maemi and when nasa chan told the viewers she like rushia tenma maemi replied with a smile

>> No.18161520

so you're just farming for (you)s, got it.

>> No.18161545

rushia can get married for all i care, she deserves it
not my fault retards believe in GFE
same dumb fucks that buy onlyfans

>> No.18161561
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That's where you're wrong

>> No.18161567

whatever makes the medicine go down easier for you, bud

>> No.18161616


>> No.18161622

>same dumb fucks that buy onlyfans
that's just porn anon

>> No.18161656

for the entertainment?
or do people pay money in hopes to get in the girls pussy.
if its for the latter, than there isnt any difference between them and being a jannie
eg; amoranths mod

>> No.18161682

here (you) go whore

>> No.18161690

Blah blah blah nobody gives a shit about any of this noise.
The actual question is whether her gen & branch mates knew.
If you don't ask that you're legitimately retarded.
Whether she or her bf lied is laughably uninteresting at this point.
You SHOULD be asking who helped.

>> No.18161719


>> No.18161732

Even みーちゃん can't stop talking about his beloved fandeds dude lol, just do your reps...


>> No.18161753

>TLDR from KoreKore's stream

>Background info:
>Korekore knows Rushia's roommate since 2010, and thinks they are good friends,and knows mafumafu as well
>After Rushia went for lunch with mafumafu, she messaged korekore asking about mafu, if he was trustworthy, his past relationships, etc. She said she thought he might be interested in her and wanted to learn more about him.
>Rushia and mafumafu become good friends, and Rushia tells korekore that she misunderstood his intentions, that he is just nice to everyone. They start playing Apex together as he is nice and a good teacher

Today's case:
>Rushia messaged korekore for advice
>She said that it's all huge misunderstandings and affirms she doesn't live with mafu or anything like that
>Says she invited him to play Apex at around 20h, but he didn't reply; his reply came while she was streaming GTA as we all know
>Rushia says she didn't notice the comments telling her that the Discord notifications were showing because she was preoccupied with the GTA songs, as she was not allowed to play some of the songs on stream and had to be alert of that (this did indeed happen and is the reason the stream had to be privated)
>Rushia is feeling terrible, thinking of "disappearing"
>korekore says that her fans already know this, but she's very weak mentally

Believe what you guys want, but this is the gist of the information provided by korekore. He's saying that none of them have mentioned going out and he also doesn't think they are in that kind of relationship.

>> No.18161755

You're an idiot

>> No.18161764

is this the new fandead cope?
mafumafu is a singer, not a streamer. his audience doesn't really care about him getting together with someone.
rushias entire brand is being a possessive girlfriend. that's why he's damage controlling, because this affects rushia far more than it does him.

>> No.18161786

Well, do you agree with people boycotting a character over seiyuu's yab? Are you trying to say that retarded Twitter mob sending death threats to dub actresses because they don't like their characters are in the right?
The anon you replied to is completely right, based take. Imagine caring about 3D women, including the one who plays your oshi. You support and love a character. Maybe you respect a VA too knowing some shit she went through in her personal life, but in general you shouldn't give a fuck about her because she is NOT the chuuba, chuuba stops existing when she's not streaming or active on Twitter. The only important thing is that VA stays in character and behaves professional when she's playing a chuuba.
I'll admit that Rushia was being unprofessional though, it's kinda retarded to leave your notifications on during a stream, from a personal account nevertheless (Mafumafu isn't that stupid to message her Holo account, is he?). But I'd say it's perfectly ok if she just apologizes and promises to be more careful with her notifs in the future and keeps playing her role which she's been really good at all this time.

>> No.18161797

You act as though these girls don't get together outside of work, talk about how much they hate their fans over a few beers, talk about how stupid and gullible the fans are, and talk about how good the dick they've been taking is.

>> No.18161804

I knew it. Rushia is an honest woman. Nijiniggers just really want to cause Aloe 2.0. Fucking pathetic if you ask me.

>> No.18161855

I really applaud Cover management here. Kudos to them for protecting their talents yet again from the vile Nijiniggers.

>> No.18161871

just shitting on your buzzfeed feminist tier post

>> No.18161906

Mafumafu despite being a filthy Nijinigger knows that Rushia is innocent so I'll give him a pass this time.

>> No.18161908

Given that both of them kept claiming they don't have friends of the opposite sex and aren't good at talking to guys/girls, they are already certified liars and there is little reason to see this as anything but another lie to try and do some damage control.

>> No.18161940

Yep, this man speaks the truth, why would he lie? He even says he has proof so there's no way he's lying
At leasty try to be consistent you fucking cucks

>> No.18161972

Tenma secretly being in Hololive is such a hilariously unmedicated rrat I'm buying it before it increases in value.
But considering that Tenma's literally mantled a transhumanist sleep schedule in order to stream more I'd almost believe it.
Mind. Her taste in men is pretty much the exact opposite.

>> No.18161975

go back jesus christ

>> No.18161978

You're an idiot. You don't have to take everything literally. Rushia is innocent and pure. Stop peddling you Njinigger agendas.

>> No.18161999

He sold wedding rings too, my dude
Anyway, it seems like its a nothing burger, so it doesnt really matter

>> No.18162011

>knows that one of the appeals is the intentional delusion that she is available and pure, even if nothing will ever come out of it
>claims to be available and pure because she knows it will make her more money by appealing to these weirdos
>turns out she is neither available nor pure
>"oh no, why are they mad?"

>> No.18162027

and you believe him? lmao.
He probably typed this after giving her a creampie, fancuck.

>> No.18162040

Then why rushia still shut? just say yes or no can solve everything before ppl start doing really bad things....or less bad things lol

>> No.18162041

You need mental help.

>> No.18162109

He provided no evidence. It's okay to be skeptical.
He articulated well all of his viewpoints and he is someone in the know. He also has a good track record. His version of events have been corroborated by Rushia and Mafu so therefore it's okay to believe him for now until new evidence shows up that invalidates his claims.

>> No.18162119

>The actual question is whether her gen & branch mates knew.
Oh they know. Pretend to be a girl sometime and get into conversations with actual women. You'll hear the most vicious teardowns of a man's ego you'll ever hear.

>> No.18162160

They're trying really hard but we all know they're lying

>> No.18162169

You're "friends" are dirty and so are you. Please stop trying to compare yourself to these Holo girls.

>> No.18162178

Rushia is obviously having a mental brealdown, real or not
She DOES have mental problems, that part is true

>> No.18162187

youre the one who comes to anonymous board to bolster your failing ego by defending the honour of a millionaire grifter
get counseling

>> No.18162192

Holy fuck, people from both of their fanbases are fucking deranged as shit. Idol culture is the cancer that is killing both the creators and their lonely fucked in the head fans, who deluded themselves that there is a phantom chance of them ever meeting with their oshi.

>> No.18162216

>lived in a shared flat with 3 girls during my studies
>overheard tons of conversations where they thought I was out of hearing range
>none of those conversations would have passed the Bechdel test
>all of them were needlessly detailed
>at least half of them were needlessly cruel

>> No.18162230

You mean the evidence he didnt share in BOTH cases.
It's amazing how you fucks were about to kill him yesterday but the moment he backtracked he instantly became a source to be trusted. I can''t imagine being that deluded.

>> No.18162238

Nijiniggers are really desperate for drama. Fuck off already. You lost. Try again.

>> No.18162261

Idol culture made the career of those creators retard
Rushia is a millionaire
you pathetic white knighting cuck

>> No.18162281

Arent you people doing the same?

In the end both sides already decided their truth and just want confirmation

>> No.18162286

have you never seen a woman in an emergency situation? they just shut down and do nothing but wail, waiting for some guy to come and solve the issue for them.

>> No.18162313

I don't agree with it, but I understand why they would do it. And I understand why people would get up in arms against Rushia because of this. Does she play a character? Yes, she plays a bratty lonely girl who wants your companionship. It's that character that made things go out of control. No, nobody will respect the VA if they do shit like this.

>> No.18162327

Then that's what should actually be dug into. Because if they knew then managers probably did and if one manager knows more might.
But I guess that's asking too much. People would rather blame another company than "their" own.

>> No.18162373

Idol culture is not the cancer. It's always the people that's the cancer. In this case, the Nijiniggers who are so thirsty for drama they would exaggerate everything cause they know Nijis are just inferior and can't win against Holos in talent aspect.

>> No.18162376

I didn't trust him yesterday, nor now. I'm just calling that anon our for using that retard as an actual source.
>y-you're free to believe what you want
You perfectly know that's not why he posted that in the first place.

>> No.18162389

They weren't my friends.

Yeah see? Lol

>> No.18162391

It's over for Rushia my dude, shit has blown out of every possible proportion, she's gonna graduate

>> No.18162419

>I don't agree with it, but I understand why they would do it.
well, too bad for you. empathy is banned on 4chan. if you can understand their actions you clearly support them and are one of them.
t. every other schizo on here

>> No.18162461
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>> No.18162468

That's not gonna happen cause Holo management is on top of this. They already managed to clear both Rushia and Mafu's reputations. The next thing to do is use this free publicity to boost up Holo Fes sales. Let's just believe on them, okay?

>> No.18162497

>Hololive is a bastion of moral purity because... Well it is!!
Don't fall in love with corporations, please.
Being a gachi for a talent is one thing but please don't extend that to the guys handling her permissions fax machines.

>> No.18162519

it was a valuable lesson though, taught me to never tell a girl ANYTHING that can be used against me, ever.
because she absolutely will tell all of her friends. and her friends will tell it their bfs, and eventually everyone knows.
it doesn't even matter what you are to her, an acquaintance, a friend, a lover, a partner - she will fucking tear you down behind your back. the only thing you can do is limit the ammo she has available for that.

>> No.18162530
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>they're laxatives

>> No.18162554

By god the quick deflection by the Holonigger is always absolutely pathetic. Your scapegoat is always in arms reach because the precious, delicate Holo fans could never be the scoundrels causing graduations. Keep blaming other companies for your owns shortfallings.

Surely, the fandead are eternally loyal and would never turn on their oshii for this slight!

>> No.18162563

I'm not. I support the talent. If the management supports them then I'd support everyone too.

>> No.18162619

How did people bite bait like this so easily in a dramafag thread?

>> No.18162634

There's nothing to deflect here, buddy. Hololive is a family. The only people that would harm them would be the outsiders like Nijiniggers. And it's always them.

>> No.18162660
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This is who these fags are simping for
She built this fanbase for herself
If you come to blame her fans, youre a cuck
wtf are you talking about
most want her fans to get mad
if she cant recover from this, she retires a millionaire and gets married

>> No.18162692

>Mafumafu audience is 20x bigger than rushias, my nigga
lolno. Mafu has exactly double her subscribers on the normalfag platform.
He's a talento like a ton of other b-listers NHK shoves around their shows not a major celeb.

>> No.18162699

>his audience doesn't really care about him getting together with someone.

>> No.18162727

Based anon. I learned that too. They'll talk about anything you talked about with them, nothing is sacred. Even your dick and how you perform in bed so you better study up how to lick the hell outta that hairy bead.

>> No.18162740


"The whole appeal of vTubers is that they're characters"

Well actually, it isn't. The appeal is that they're anime waifus you can interact with. There is also an assumption that most of what you're seeing is at least "partially real." Remember these streamers are giving us constant anecdotes about their lives and doing their best to convince us they really do believe the things they are saying.

People inevitably buy into it if the streamer is good enough, and so when it inevitably turns out that the person they're seeing on the screen is just an illusion and really is just "someone playing a character" and the person they liked doesn't really exist, they feel hurt and betrayed.

This may seem crazy to you, but it's how they make their money. Sure, the average fandead who watches a couple of streams a week probably wouldn't care, but this is going to devastate Rushia's subs and SCs because of those lonely otaku giving her their money because they felt like they had a close relationship with her are going to take their cash to someone who can maintain the illusion better.

>> No.18162743

fucking lol he's way more of a gachikoi dependent than Rushia is.

>> No.18162773

This drama is juicier and the Mori cuckbeat saga was getting too stale.

>> No.18162789

Girls talk like that.

>> No.18162790

Duh, no shit, Sherlock. Even then, even if they make tons of cash that shit won't benefit anyone in the long run. Fans would probably find themselves in a noose sooner or later and creators are literally preying on lonely sad people. Shit's fucked up.

>> No.18162794

>The appeal is that they're anime waifus you can interact with.
You're just a schizo. Stop it dude, that's not healthy.

>> No.18162799

>He also has a good track record.
Not really.
Both his streams are low believability just like his other vtuber streams.

>> No.18162803

Nijisanji is literally superior to Hololive in every single aspect and you have to be a retard to not realize.
But, seeing as you idiots never realized Rushia was getting creampied daily, it's no wonder.

>> No.18162810

Why would they? Isn't his audience women? They can't get parasocial because they lack the loneliness male audiences do.

>> No.18162839

>like they always do.
Tell that to HoloCN.

>> No.18162848

Fuck off, cunt. This is a Rushia thread. If you wanna market Nijisanji then go back to your containment thread.

>> No.18162899

>someone points to niji
>nijiniggers jump out of the woodwork proving themselves dramatroons
like clockwork

>> No.18162915

The number of people that tuned in to his stream says otherwise. You may not like him but he is a credible source or at least many people believe in him.

>> No.18162921

Before you know the Holonigger claims will be Anycolor is using witchcraft to cast calamity after calamity onto their competition. Fact is, some Holos built their appeal on a flashpoint dangerously close to idol culture. This is the result, they made their bed and can lie in it.

>> No.18162925

dude mafumafu fujos going crazy since the morning JST

>> No.18162927

open (you)r mouth slut
*cums on (you)*

>> No.18162935

>sns metrics
Neck yourself

>> No.18162944

yeah, I knew the sexual preferences of all their partners, what physical flaws they had and so on.
women do not know how to raise their own status by doing something worthy of respect, so instead they just try to tear down the social status of everyone around them to look better by comparison.
maybe I should just fine a mute gf

>> No.18162948

How do I go about killing all of these guys?

>> No.18162961

How does it feel to pay for Rushia's anticonceptives with your superchats?

>> No.18162988

>caring about brand instead of the individual chubbas

where are we? Middle school? Are you xbox or playstation dude? lmao this nigga

>> No.18162994

Bro it's time to stop fucking posting it is embarassing at this point

>> No.18162999

*dodges your cum*
heh... big mistake buddy
*removes seal from my demon sword*
*teleport behind (you)*

>> No.18163005

No, no we aren't supposed to defend ourselves? We aren't going to be your punching bag Holonigger.

>> No.18163028

Are you retarded. Everything happened because of Mafu's careless mistake and he's a Nijinigger too. Rushia's mistake really was to even acknowledge a Nijinigger when she should not.

>> No.18163096

Nothing much. I don't exclusively SC Rushia alone. I'm not a whale. I just feel good that she was somehow vindicated because she really did nothing wrong this time.

>> No.18163101

Rushia is getting cum in her womb from a Nijinigger. Let that sink in.

>> No.18163107

There is one simple question: if your oshi graduates, will you follow her roommate? And looking at certain orange woman we can see, how many of their fanbases would prefer the person inside over the character.

>> No.18163122

It's hard out there based chad. Never give up though.

>> No.18163145

Got no arguments? Don't post.

>> No.18163146

>Are you retarded. Everything happened because of Mafu's careless mistake and he's a Nijinigger too.
>he's a Nijinigger too.
Nothing more to be said.

>> No.18163147

>man sends woman a message


>> No.18163158

>>The number of people that tuned in to his stream says otherwise.
A fraction of a fraction of the size of Mafu's and Rushia's fanbases after he had a bait stream claiming personal involvement and evidence and after normalfags heard about it from yahoo news.
>credible source
Not at all. He's been caught making shit up about vtubers several times before.
Dumb dramatroons wouldn't know about it though.

>> No.18163161
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This makes me so hard.

>> No.18163170

Stop peddling rrats boy. Kore had spoken. Let's just move on and trust Holo management to handle the aftermath. They have really grown as a company and I couldn't be more proud.

>> No.18163238

Stop inhaling that copium dude

>> No.18163259

Youtube metrics and spotify playlists actually.
Even on Oricon charts his biggest hits never went higher than 2nd and even then not for more than a week.
He is a b-lister.

>> No.18163286

>They can't get parasocial because they lack the loneliness male audiences do.
Bro, you have no idea. There are a lot of lonely and completely insane women out there.

>> No.18163293

Who is Mi-chan? :D

>> No.18163299

>Dumb dramatroons wouldn't know about it though.
As if a coping EOP would know better than the 180k+ nips that tuned in into the stream. A number no Holo has reached before.

>> No.18163435

I take it you think Keemstar is a reliable source as well, he gets a lot of views after all.
Dramatroons really aren't capable of independent thought.

>> No.18163444

i think there is some sort of cope going around that the guy is some huge super star ultra hot model, maybe it helps them to think thats the reason Rushia is with him. He HAS to be an Adonis for Rushia to be interesting in him... right? Like a last dich effort cope.

When in reality its just a scrawny looking dude who uses tons of filters and admittedly has a great voice but not even that famous by 2020's standards when TikTok kids get 6 millions followers by doing dances.

>> No.18163455

No copium man. Just the truth.
You see, the dramaniggers are already crumbling. That's what happens when you spout nonsense with no evidence to back it up.

>> No.18163468

Objectively untrue. Being lonely is a male only thing. This is like saying women have smaller ballsacks than men or something equally ridiculous.

>> No.18163492

Consider that mafumafu might have sent his message in an outright attempt to put Rushia's career in the dirt. His wording was intentional and he had to know she was streaming

>> No.18163523
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>> No.18163550


>> No.18163581

Just accept the fact that your oshi is a huge whore and move on.

>> No.18163612

Nothing wrong with shippers. Though a little distasteful because he did it during a scandal propped by Nijiniggers, this is a nothingburger really.

>> No.18163635

being in one relationship for 3+ years is not whore behavior lol.

If anything she's just a lying manipulative bitch but not a whore.

>> No.18163658

lol wtf

>> No.18163695

She's not my oshi and she's not a whore.
Stop believing everything from Nijiniggers. They're the main culprit for this one. Don't become a victim from their lies.

>> No.18163786

She didn't lie at all. It just shows that she's a human too and had experience failed relationships, which makes her all the more the ultimate GFE vtuber.

>> No.18163920

>They're the main culprit for this one.
Stage 3: Bargaining
Just two more for you to accept the truth. Make sure to savor it, fancuck.

>> No.18163997
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Real shit

>> No.18163998

Dude, it's already over. It's done. Cover management save both Rushia and that nijinigger's ass.

>> No.18164094


I'm sorry you don't know how Hololive and vTubing in general works.


I don't really have an oshi, but if a streamer whose content I particularly enjoyed left, then yes, I'd follow her roommate account.

However, I don't really matter since I don't SC or otherwise spend money. What matters is whether the guys spending money and buying the merch follow her, and those are the ones most likely to feel hurt or betrayed by their "waifu" when stuff like this happens.

>> No.18164194

go neck yourself, EOP

>> No.18164354

The whole point of hags is their mentality because of their age, in other words, it's about their real life by proxy. It ruins people's immersion if it's tainted with cuck shit.

>> No.18164577

she gets the gaijin pass for doing stupid shit

>> No.18164624

Numbers of roommate of said orange woman shows pretty well what these who were paying the money choose.

>> No.18166186

the end

>> No.18166270

that scene of despair, she watching Rushia creampied gave me a bonner

>> No.18166985

no he is right, let's say all of this is not true, real fandeads (not saviourfags like You), and maju fujos had a glimpse of despair for what is waiting for them, they will all reduce their revolutions

>> No.18167243

>Implying he's not going to commit suicide by shitting himself to death

>> No.18167913

>But it's a CHARACTER
if it were so easy, then Rushia doesn't belong to her and anybody can play that character, nobody would have raged when they changed Kizuna Ai's voice actress and ruined forever her growth, nobody would ever complain when they change the voice actor of a popular anime character.
The truth is (You) are an outsider, and you can't understand the real emotional investment of the real gachikoi fanbase that cover and Rushia targets, they exploit their needs for profit to the extreme
