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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 920 KB, 1848x767, epik simply epik for the win right 4kiwi bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18108117 No.18108117 [Reply] [Original]

>take the 2viewspill
>get this
So this is why you guys like 2views huh.

>> No.18108194

That guy pulled the same stunt on Millie. She was already crying over something personal and he spammed her stream so much she had to private it. What a faggot.

>> No.18108261


>> No.18108280


>> No.18108297

never seen anything like this happen

>> No.18108300

oh come on, Rust is not that bad

>> No.18108339

Imagine going to spam to some hacker, you must be a retard

>> No.18108364

That's a man.

>> No.18108398

Worse, it's a chinese cat.

>> No.18108431

This wouldn't have happened if she was learning Go.

>> No.18108436

have you written a compiler? You little faggot. No, you didn't cause you're a faggot

>> No.18108457

Even more based. Fuck chinks

>> No.18108504

I love Cyan bros

>> No.18108510

Do these girls not know how to block people from chat or something?

>> No.18108583

Nah, it's one thing to just dunk on the chinese, but as >>18108194 said, doing it in general just means the guy is a vtuber anti.

>> No.18108641

I heard that rust wants to be a better c++ but I don't like c++ in the first place

>> No.18108768
File: 14 KB, 204x251, 1633777489545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to see her mentioned more often in /vt/, but I guess I should be careful with what I wish for.

>> No.18108842

would definitely watch more of cyan if she did C++ instead of rust streams

>> No.18108885

>coding chuuba
into the trash it goes

>> No.18108887

Unfathomably based

>> No.18108913

Isn't that the girl that was making fun of gfe? Can't say I feel bad if true.

>> No.18108939

Is this deflection thread a call for a raid on this 2views?
This is pathetic deadbeats...

>> No.18109003

she really having a hard time pronouncing Rs and Ls. Poor Chinese cat.

>> No.18109046

>making fun of gfe
doesn't she give kisses when somebody supachas her?

>> No.18109093

what would you want from a coding chuuba then?
I feel like learning rust or haskell would be kinda good content

>> No.18109141

I could be mixing the names up

>> No.18109204

Making fun? She just said people shouldn't fall in love with her. Don't believe everything you read.

>> No.18109216

No, that's Enna.

>> No.18109218

haskell would be cool, or maybe c

>> No.18109237

It's crazy how easy it is to make dozens of new YT accounts and spam livestreams. Get a handful of trolls doing it and the stream stands no chance until they put it into subscribers mode X amount of time.

>> No.18109256 [DELETED] 

Hate niggers
Hate chuubas
Love Hitler

Simple as

>> No.18109306

Sound based, waifufags should be executed

>> No.18109371

Enna didn't even make fun of GFE, she made fun of overly possessive unicorns. Big difference. Her co-workers lean into that shit.

>> No.18109419

How come fbk has those blocked?

>> No.18109489

I'd watch haskell content, rust is just too "re-inventing the same wheel everyone's been using for years" for my taste. emacs streams would also be extremely based

>> No.18109541

Enna shouldn't make fun of anyone given how much she piggybacks off the rest of her genmates

>> No.18109602

stop throwing together words you see other people use on /g/

>> No.18109798


>> No.18109830

First day on /g/? I'd kill for a newbie to make an entire stream about the correct way to not be a retard on vim.

>> No.18109984

rust will forever be clowned on for not being able to write a linked list at launch

>> No.18110226
File: 141 KB, 857x686, Screenshot_20220210_163339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger please
emacs is legitimately a better vim than vim itself with evil mode and evil collection, and I say this as someone that used neovim for years

>> No.18110421

this is why you NEVER shill your indies on 4chan. bunch of faggots you all are

>> No.18110449

programming learning streams suck. they're boring to watch since the streamer has to divide their attention between learning and interacting. they end up learning nothing and it's frustrating to watch.

i want a tech streamer who already knows their way around and whose content is focused on doing silly shit with technology. something like
>i'm build a calculator entirely in enterprise java!
>i'm building a minecraft clone, but using only string variables!
>[HAND REVEAL] pacman ruined my xorg, i'm fixing my laptop
>i'm typing out the navy seal pasta on vim, but i have to run every rebind command submitted by akasupas

>> No.18110536

One of her last few streams she literally said “imagine falling in love with me” and started laughing

>> No.18110596

Youtube moderation for livestreams SUCKS DICK.
That's how bad it is.

>> No.18110691

no enna is the one who was making fun of unicorns

Millie does asmr but I wouldn't say she's gfe

>> No.18110702


>> No.18110712

How do you guys even find 2 views vtubers?

>> No.18110804
File: 295 KB, 720x1263, 1578961756006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh you didn't know what it was like back in the day

>> No.18110812

Holy based. I should watch her sometime.

>> No.18110849

Those are some great ideas but the worldwide audience for it is probably in the triple digits.

>> No.18110919


>> No.18110990

TC or gtfo

>> No.18111036

that's a man, anon...

>> No.18111043

This place hardly does things like that anymore, that looks more like work from a tranny discord
That's why this>>18109237 anon says a "handful" it's a tranny discord

>> No.18111051

Did you come up with the ideas yourself? Those are my favorite content anon. I want to see them...please be my oshi(unironic)(no homo).

>> No.18111073
File: 114 KB, 639x639, vomitkun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multi-billion dollar company
>Can't even filter one of the most common hate slurs from usernames

Fucking susan

>> No.18111113

What is this buzzword im seeing so much lately?

>> No.18111253

i mean, if people are bored enough to watch someone struggle through rust...

>> No.18111305

She's an entertainer, not GFE.

>> No.18111416


>> No.18111492

which one?

>> No.18111544
File: 54 KB, 728x485, paulie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese cat
Yeah worse for him. RIP chinese cat.

>> No.18111630

wrong girl, but after today's shitstorm you shouldn't be one to talk you faggot.

>> No.18111717

The mythological creature

>> No.18111772

No idea

t. bicorn

>> No.18111809

Ah yes your funny anti-male zoomer, very entertaining anon

>> No.18111851

Unicorn: In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could be captured only by a virgin.
Do you get it?

>> No.18111934

I hate waifufags even more now

>> No.18111980

i'm surprised /vt/ doesn't have much sopranoposting

>> No.18111989

it's such an unmet niche that my head is full of those ideas
>[wikipedia] all articles lead to Rome, but can i reach it without clicking "Back"?
>[hackthebox] solving an easy difficulty box, but i have to use netcat for everything (even ssh)
>[leetcode] every time i make a syntax error i have to watch 10 seconds of the Bee Movie
>making linux vm unbootable but i can only modify files in /etc
>[heart rate monitor] reading the tech support pasta and trying not to get angry
i could go on

>> No.18112102

C and any lisp

>> No.18112368

>making linux vm unbootable but i can only modify files in /etc
cat /dev/zero > /etc/systemd/*.conf

>> No.18112383
File: 403 KB, 591x529, fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Rust tranny
You will never replace C++. You most certainly will NEVER replace C. Even Mozilla is letting go of its squad of Rust trannies. Your stupid meme language will be ancient history in three years time and I'm so glad I will never again have to read another Hacker News post about how some lobotomy patient """improved""" a GNU utility by re-writing it in Rust.

>> No.18112441

>can't ban users from a youtube stream

but why

>> No.18112536

the solution to that is to stop reading posts on shill news

>> No.18112552

No one wants to watch a coder vtuber. You think you do, but you don't. It's boring as fuck and the chat will always be filled with the worst kinds of backseaters.

>> No.18112726

Sieg heil, flawless blitzkrieg kek

>> No.18112741


>> No.18112896

> vim
cant you just type like a normal human being

>> No.18112990

I've watched coding streams by several indies. it's objectively boring from a viewer perspective

>> No.18113387

This nigger out here just describing 90% of vtubers

>> No.18113451

when writing anything you're going to modify more often than a one-time post on 4chan, you're going to spend more time modifying and navigating text than you are just writing it (in vim or evil, this would be the time you spend in "insert" mode, where it acts like any other text editor). learning the basics of vim's modal editing or emacs's navigation commands can be done in an hour and will improve the experience of editing text for the rest of your life, especially if you go a bit deeper and learn about setting/returning to marks, recording and playing back keyboard macros and using multiple cursors/visual block mode. there's a reason every single IDE/editor that anyone uses has vi emulation as its most popular plugin or built-in extension

>> No.18113939

This has literally never happened to any of my 2views
I've seen suicide notes, horny pajeets spaming chat, groomers blatantly trying to groom in public twitch chat but never a blatant nazi shitpost like this

>> No.18114329

She's Taiwanese

>> No.18114584

it's stupid, i made a minesweeper sokoban clone thingy without all this fancy shmancy modes that aren't insert and it worked, it had multiple source files and classes and stuff

>> No.18114681

I mean, nobody is stopping you from digging a hole with a wooden spoon, but that doesn't mean that shovels are completely pointless.

>> No.18114781

>rust is just too "re-inventing the same wheel everyone's been using for years"
Yeah, you've never tried Rust. There's no other language with the ownership model.

>> No.18114869

like, when i was typing my epic 20 nested if loop for checking collision i never had a thought like "man i wish my box in which i type had a bunch of buttons and functions that aren't typing. all this typing would go so much faster if i could turn off the typing"

>> No.18115086

> what are smart pointers
Just shut the fuck up, try to code more and you will realize that rust is a toy language

>> No.18115202

you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, just run vitutor and stop being a retard

>> No.18115355

my mistake, the command to run is called "vimtutor", just take 15 minutes and it will cure you of your willful ignorance

>> No.18115366

tell me you don't code without telling me you don't code

>> No.18115430

i know that when i turn vim on my pc by mistake i can't type until i turn on the typing but why would i want anything else in my typing program. vim is like paint had a button that turns on a 8-bit soundwave mixer, sure it might be cool but i want to paint squares

>> No.18115492

well yeah, I don't "code" because I'm not a frontend hipster, I write programs

>> No.18115597

ok no seriously sorry you are trying to help me and im being an obtuse retard on purpose in my breaks between shitposting rushi threads, you are an actual bro, sorry for being a dick.

seriously tho i never coded anything complex enough that i even considered using vim for anything, the complexity im used to is served perfectly well by agile shortcut usage in a regular textbox,

>> No.18115705

Streams are a dumb way to properly learn programming. Official tutorials are best, supplemented by other resources like vid tutorials

>> No.18115803

Imagine not knowing vim

>> No.18116055

Smart pointers is just an optional thing that you can use for safety while in Rust you would have to write unsafe code to escape ownership. The ownership model is a core feature of Rust and you'll struggle against the compiler if you don't understand it. Get the difference? You probably don't understand how much it actually affects how you write code, there's a lot of people coming from c++ thinking they can skip the book and immediately start making projects by just using the reference book and they all struggle. It's not the same.

>> No.18116076

geez you guys are like a cult, I don't want to take time to memorize all those commands. I bought a mouse and I can just use it

>> No.18116165

cyan is based but this is the downside of being linked on vt. shes to normie to even know what NTR is.She does pull in a nice 6 figure salary so shes not too miserable

>> No.18116474

Cyan played vim adventure (an rpg that teaches you vim) for a while, that might be worth looking into

>> No.18116503

>implying I want to learn/use rust
>implying I code in c++
>implying ownership model is good/beneficial
C++ gives you the freedom to use smart pointers or not, Rust forces you to use this ownership model.

I can rant over hours and hours but there is no sense in doing that because
1. You don't even code at all
2. You're too stupid

>> No.18116598

This reads like a rant about the superiority of air fryers.

>> No.18116664
File: 38 KB, 720x720, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what language would you want to learn from an anime girl
Seriously? Seriously, dude? I hate zoomers more than the Antichrist at this point.

Lain used Lisp. That should be option #1 for the aesthetic value alone.

>> No.18116820

Take ANSI C / C99 or leave

>> No.18116863

I respect cat immensely for streaming leetcode whil sucking at it ) it takes a ton of metaphorical balls to stream something that makes you feel like an idiot
and in a "haha I'm dumb" kind of way
in a "oh god I fucking hate this" way

>> No.18117036

Yeah I'm annoyed, I don't think Rust is superior tom much in its current state. But it's certainly unique which is what I'm arguing for.

>> No.18117150

i actually saw a dude make chips out of surimi in an air fryer and they looked pretty tasty

>> No.18117285

>The Jews have nested in my interpreter! They're laying their eggs!
Cniles, I...

>> No.18117739

same thing
