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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18086058 No.18086058 [Reply] [Original]

Okay look, I know what's the situation and it's everywhere in this board. Now, I just want to see the JP reactions, or I'll just assume this is a nothingburger

>> No.18086222

Don't care what EOP think of JP, don't care what JOP think of EN. Based.

>> No.18086255

>a rushia thread died for this

>> No.18086268

Mafumafu fans are angrier at him than fandead are at Rushia

>> No.18086365
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5ch's on meltdown mode.
Rushia general:
Current Hololive general thread:

>> No.18086458

Angrier yes. Not sadder, though.
I'm gonna keep drinking until I pass out and a part of me hopes I never wake up.

>> No.18086480

Uhhh herro? Basedo depahtomento?

>> No.18086534

Go see yourself EOP filth.

>> No.18086576

Well if 5chan is upset then it must be true
They would never chimp out over nothingburgers

>> No.18086684

See you say that, but all this stuff you've posted means literally nothing to me because I CAN'T FUCKING SPEAK JAPANESE, they could be discussing thier favourite type of cheese for all I know.
I guess its presumptuous of me to ask for translations but I just want to know what's going on

>> No.18086687

Twitter's no more calm. Check for yourself.

>> No.18086722

suddenly there are a lot of new rushia fans after the drama huh

>> No.18086778

Then take my word for it faggot or use google translate for the threads, do you really think there'd be no backlash to the biggest GFE Holo getting caught with a BF? When Matsuri got shit on to death for a fucking hand?

>> No.18086881
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>> No.18086886

Her top superchatter doesn't know how to deal with this

>> No.18087221

I see now. I'll take your words for the moment
Then the only thing I have to wait is if Rushia does anything at all

>> No.18087350

>use google translate
>309 Although it is in the middle of the program, it is prohibited to reprint it on the affiliate site 2022/02/11 (Friday) 00:24:28 ID: WQchr9yE0 Mafu-san, even though he is a very popular person, he is still dating her in the Nico Nico era. It ’s a good guy.
Yeah this has really improved my understanding, everything makes perfect sense now

>> No.18087391

install a translator add on, then you only need to right click a page and click translate this page

>> No.18087414



>> No.18087434

If you can't read that last sentence as a biting insult there's no hope for you.

>> No.18087532

cucks never learn...

>> No.18087612

I forgot to ask though, is there really hard evidence that Rushia and mafumafu are dating?

>> No.18087620

>No name if the wind blows
i will say that's a lot cooler than anonymous, even if it's not intended

>> No.18087706

>I'll just assume this is a nothingburger
You assumed right.

>> No.18087825
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Like a mirror.

>> No.18087875

they were dating back in NND era, even fans ON BOTH SIDES putting pieces together by identifying the same props and eatingware that often appears

>> No.18087886
File: 7 KB, 751x88, Nene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is their last hope

>> No.18087933

Yes, I can confirm it, I am mafumafu

>> No.18087986

Ok this is legit useful advice, I'll look into it
It literally and unironically means nothing to me, I'm going to assume there's some cultural thing I'm missing from your reaction

>> No.18088102


No one watches VTubers anymore

>> No.18088261

You can't go wrong with Nenechi, cause she's already everyone's wife.

>> No.18088308

subatomos are based as hell wtf

>> No.18088442

It's like watching Bart getting repeatedly electrocuted on the cupcake

>> No.18088802

Its things like this that give me genuine hope a lasting state if world peace may one day be achieved, deep down we really are all the same sort of people

>> No.18089054

you're all alike in needing meds, at least.

>> No.18089085

Read the next tweet her top donor is literally begging her to end her engagement

>> No.18089569

>742 Although it is in the middle of the program, it is prohibited to reprint it on the Affisite (Witchy W ff8f-MDE +) 2022/02/11 (Friday) 01: 16: 07.37 ID: gAWrKMgw0 How's this engagement cancellation is not allowed Unicorn
I guess it might say that? At least it's clear to me that the first part of these is some sort of system message now

>> No.18089640

Humans are fucked up man, were just a bunch of hairless apes that got too smart for our own good

>> No.18089726

this nigga

>> No.18089823

I agree 648

>> No.18090697

Is the NND relationship confirmed with hard evidence, or just highly suspected?

>> No.18091065

This yab confirms all the previous evidence.

>> No.18092194

nothing substantial is being said there.

>> No.18094180

>Realistic version of Needy
its always interesting to see which games end up crossing the sea, I didn't realize that it was popular over there too

>> No.18094286

5ch spiked at 8.5k posts/day within an hour... That should tell you everything you need

>> No.18094363

JP holos have also streamed it, the JP translation of course.

>> No.18094425

The game is Japanese to begin with you retard.

>> No.18094509

You globalfags are a special type of retard, aren't you.

>> No.18094564

You do realize it's a Japanese game by a Japanese dev that got localized into English, right?

>> No.18094574
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>> No.18096269
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>> No.18096375

>Pekora can be trusted
Can she? What if she isn't even a hikki neet and is just pretending the part?

>> No.18096521

Nenechi is an actual retard so if she tried to pull this I think she would get caught quickly. But I also think that some nice she was an actual idol rather than just a streamer she knows more of the expectations of being an idol and will try sticking to them.

>> No.18096657


>> No.18096825

watch the posts fly by in real time https://twitter.com/search?q=%E6%BD%A4%E7%BE%BD%E3%82%8B%E3%81%97%E3%81%82&src=typeahead_click&f=live

>> No.18096939
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>> No.18096980

we know she's tracking her menstrual cycle so she's probably a whore, never trust a heterosexual girl not to get chinchinned.

>> No.18097220
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>> No.18097320

Like a mirror
