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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 830 KB, 777x1100, 1644448497258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18042036 No.18042036 [Reply] [Original]

How do I begin to love them, /vt/? I tried watching them multiple times and I simply can’t. I’m put off by the way they resort to lewd antics during their streams to garner attention when it’s unnecessary to begin with. What do they gain by doing that? Why can’t they just act like regular streamers?

>> No.18042080

Stop being homosexual. Simple.

>> No.18044324
File: 353 KB, 1080x1287, __houshou_marine_and_shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_dombear__c18af5d0690f60a6b997b0116ff3dcf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They realized their life had no meaning and everyone just saw them as a walking pair of tits, so they embraced it and monetized them. Yes, deep down, they hate themselves because of it. A shame, because I would have been a member of theirs if they stop sexualizing themselves do much.

>> No.18044570

first, you must cure homosexuality

>> No.18044698

I think marine is the only one that feels ashamed by it. Noel doesn't give a fuck and has no shame

>> No.18045875
File: 36 KB, 671x800, 1642803222396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ass!! ASS!!! AAASSSS!!!

>> No.18048808

>Noel doesn't give a fuck and has no shame
Isn't that what all women say when you question them about it? Despite them feeling shame.

>> No.18053631

I’m not gay. I just don’t get why they have to resort to using lewd bait for views. They can do without it. I want to watch vtubers, not e-thots.

>> No.18054763

Same thing retars.

>> No.18054864

It's okay, bro. It's 2022, tumblr and twitter will love you and praise you if you just admit that you're gay.

>> No.18054867

>only liking Noel and Marine for their sex appeal

>> No.18055290
File: 387 KB, 448x1000, Houshou_Marine_-_Full_Illustration_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really with all Marine drawings didn't inflate her proportions to the max.
Don't get me wrong, she's pretty well-endowed as is, but i wish more art used her current assets instead of whats in OP.

>> No.18056015

>they feel shame about their tits
They could have considered being someone's wife but during their teens they chose to become camwhores instead. Many such cases. They played themselves. Marine is cute but damn it is definitely her own fault if she's in the mire of "leftover woman" that makes her unmarriageable to most japanese men. Luckily there are handsome foreign men who will take her off japan's hands.

>> No.18058592

Marine doesn't want to marry foreigners. The foreign sexy guys is just bait for the EOP.

>> No.18058729

That is where I, the exotic JSL ikemen, come into the picture.

>> No.18060702

marine sama daisooki desu

>> No.18061315


>> No.18062200


>> No.18064967

>I think marine is the only one that feels ashamed by it.
Which is a shame since there's more to Noel and Marine than their fat tits. I don't even know why they rely so heavily on them.

>> No.18065371

try not being gay

>> No.18065401

you are

>> No.18065412

he's not gay he's just a pedophile

>> No.18067523

Maybe he just doesn't like women who sexualize themselves. Many men prefer pure, chaste women.

>> No.18070366

>inb4 "like her fat ass"

>> No.18070850


>> No.18071707

None of them have a fat ass.

>> No.18073483

i hate noel

>> No.18076095

I like Marine a lot. I have a crush on her

>> No.18076339

I love Noel

>> No.18076443

I hate Marine

>> No.18076745

I like them both. I find Marine less sexy and more "It's cute that this christmas cake is trying to act cute and sexy", also I like her taste in games.
I find Noel's voice and bosom soothing, and I like her interesting perspective on things.
Sorry you don't like them, hope one day you can find something you like about them.

>> No.18078097

How was Marine a camwhore?

>> No.18078176

There are pics of her tits floating around.

>> No.18078277

so posting a picture of your completely clothed chest in a button-up shirt on twitter is camwhoring now apparently

>> No.18078288

Ah yes, the pics of her fully covered tits. I’d agree to Noel being a camwhore but Marine not so much.

>> No.18078373

>Completely clothed
Have you forgotten about the veiny tits meme?

>> No.18078440

I honestly don't think those were hers, but that pic does seem to get deleted every time it gets posted here

>> No.18078540

You do know Marine's good friends with Macoto right?

>> No.18078617

of course I do. she seems like a nice woman too

>> No.18078663

So Noel bad? Macoto good?

>> No.18078732

They both do the same thing. Good on them for getting a fuckton of money without having to even show too much.

>> No.18078805

You're not supposed to love them, they're the "woman I'd love to hatefuck" archetype. I don't care that much about Marine but I fucking hate Noel. I hate her just enough to want to hatefuck her stupid giant tits.

>> No.18078810

So did Marine show her tits or not? What proof is there?

>> No.18078809

As long as you aren't applying double standards...

>> No.18078932

>but I fucking hate Noel.
Cry more faggot.
There is a picture thats apparently her.

>> No.18078934

I’m not. I think both of them are smart for finding a way to make money that way considering they don’t even need to get naked and never showed their faces. Honestly in their positions I’d do the exact same thing.

>> No.18078999

Only EOPs think Marine's sex appeal has any worth. She's the geek girl who does sexy things but always folds when pushed / pressured

>> No.18079100

You can say the same thing about Noel
>inb4 roommate
She is constantly dropping spaghetti there.

>> No.18079123

I’m enough of a loser to have gone on multiple Japanese wikis about the Holo girls and I’ve never read about any of that. I’d trust the Japs to be schizo enough to include the tits in the wikis if they were truly hers.

>> No.18079147

I didn't say noel was bad, marineschizo. I like Noel, Macoto and even Canan

>> No.18079248

I never said it was credible.

>> No.18079372

Hate, not cry. Contrary to your intern belief not everyone in the world is supposed to love your bitch. Noel literally is a huge manipulative bitch who'd unironically commit cp if she could.
But her nasty personality doesn't change the fact that she's been designed with a prime breeding body.

>> No.18079399

this is honestly such a huge turn-on for me. they're so smart

>> No.18079477

>Noel literally is a huge manipulative bitch who'd unironically commit cp if she could
Ah so you are an EOP who thinks she actually likes little boys
>But her nasty personality doesn't change the fact that she's been designed with a prime breeding body.
She isn't even that attractive.

>> No.18079528

>She isn't even that attractive.
hard disagree

>> No.18079560

They make a boatload of money too. I doubt what they’re doing would work in the West, considering the closest we ever got to have a girl do what they’re doing is Belle Delphine, and she still ended up having to do actual porn to stay relevant. They’re definitely smart for having found a sweet spot between milking simps dry and keeping their clothes on

>> No.18079655
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x1600, 1636324982435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel is a sweetheart
There dozens of gravure idols that blow her out of the water.
Gravure idols have been doing it for decades.

>> No.18079733

They don't appeal to your misogynistic standards for women, so they must hate themselves? Surely.

>> No.18079788

Fair enough, there’s always been “leaked” pictures of popular women on the internet even for popular Twitch streamers and they are rarely real.

>> No.18080424

This. Her roommates popularity is due to her personality, she is a genuinely fun and nice person. If she wasn't no one would watch her, there are way more attractive girls out there, doing the same thing or similar.

>> No.18080505

>There dozens of gravure idols that blow her out of the water.
sure, but I still think she's fine as hell in all honesty

>> No.18080604

Anon she could be the biggest asshole on heart and I’m pretty sure those titties would keep on brining in people

>> No.18080705

Why do people watch her over more attractive girls then?

>> No.18080835

Attractiveness is subjective, I find her much hotter than gravure idols.

>> No.18081084

Really? Do you think she is more attractive than Jun Amaki, Ai Shinozaki, Ramu, Umi Shinomoe etc.?
Or are you just lying for the sake of your argument?

>> No.18081519

I don’t care enough about any of this shit to start an argument about who’s hotter than who. I’m sure there’s a few Discord servers where you and other fellow high schoolers can debate about this.

>> No.18081609

Pretty sure a great majority of Japanese women don’t want to marry foreigners. It’s probably true for most Holo JP girls.

>> No.18081640

seriously, lol. what a retarded thing to get so hung up on

>> No.18081706

You just don't want to concede that she is actually a nice person and her personality is part of her appeal.

>> No.18081750

/vt/ is a hub for mentally ill people
Do you have autism?

>> No.18081802

No but you clearly do.

>> No.18081878

turn your monitor on

>> No.18081891


>> No.18084020

whoa, her tits can float?

>> No.18084384

be careful anon... if the petroleum industry catches wind of you having found a source of free energy you're likely to get suicided

>> No.18085947


>> No.18086151


>> No.18086805

I like both of them.

>> No.18087837
File: 81 KB, 724x1024, Noel with her bikini .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I love this whore as well.

>> No.18090730

Don’t be mad about the truth, anon. Hope one day, you realize it as well.

>> No.18090838

What truth? They do the exact same thing except Macoto has actually been caught doing the things you accuse Noel of doing.

>> No.18093007 [DELETED] 

Macintosh is pure.

>> No.18093124

Macoto is pure.

>> No.18093154

Macoto is pure?
Thats the dumbest thing that has ever been posted here.
There is actual proof of her fucking guys.

>> No.18093349

What do you do for fun?

>> No.18094773
File: 25 KB, 471x418, very dumb anime dog with a magnifying glass thinking about your post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18095871

>First to graduate

>> No.18096741

After what’s happening to Rushia, I wonder how long until Noel is expose.

>> No.18098792

Noel is smart, she would cover her tracks pretty well.

>> No.18098870

You always say this yet it never happens.

>> No.18100637

Why are people like this?

>> No.18103366

Man, it feels good not being a Rushiafag. I will never understand the need to have a vtuber who does GFE. But anyways, give Noel a try. She's cute.

>> No.18103537

Kys falseflagger

>> No.18104623

KYS Noelschizo.

>> No.18104899

I am not you.
If you like Noel, you like Rushia. Only a falseflagger would shit on her.

>> No.18105102

Gay men, anon. The modesty of women is a myth created by gay men. Why do you think God forced it? Why do you think angels are gay? God is gay, anon.

>> No.18106002

He’s right though. Rushia could be a bad influence on Noel. She should cut off contact.

>> No.18106415

You have a point. The first thing He after He created Adam was kiss him on the mouth. Have you considered a career in bliblical scholarship?

>> No.18107743

Repent heretics.

>> No.18107987

Jesus loves me and he thinks my jokes are funny.

>> No.18108972

You're not funny.

>> No.18110435
File: 2.42 MB, 2000x1351, Haachama almost nude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is more your speed.

>> No.18111460

God, she's such a sow.

>> No.18112179

Rude, anon. There’s nothing wrong with women having a little meat on them.

>> No.18112355

you're gay

>> No.18112499

I think he's funny.

>> No.18113876
File: 70 KB, 529x466, Chairman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for this post anon, truly the best part of a woman is her ass. You really described this fact perfectly with pinpoint accuracy and for that I salute you.

>> No.18113917

Stop samefagging. It’s pathetic.

>> No.18113970


>> No.18115338

Marine is more interesting than Noel. The only thing Noel has going for her is the big tits, even that can’t save her.

>> No.18116636

>Marine is more interesting than Noel.

>> No.18116739

This again.
Name one interesting thing about Marine.

>> No.18116853

They can't. Noel talking about kendo is more interesting than anything Marine has ever said and thats her most boring item of conversation.
Marine is for EOPs and retards.

>> No.18116977

I'm hijacking this thread to let everyone know we need to make a trip to /jp/ and apologize because we thought "gen 3 was a mistake and will ruin the company" was funny.

>> No.18117078

Marine only has
>I am horny XD
>I have the same shitty taste in anime as you XD
going for her. She literally can only talk about that plus her colleagues and mundane shit.

>> No.18118268

So no different than Noel?

>> No.18118489

Noel did an impromptu review of Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
The reddit pirate is barely literate.

>> No.18119362

And? That doesn’t make her great or interesting.

>> No.18119738

She has more interesting topics of conversation than Marine and has more interesting perspectives on them as well, thus making her more interesting than Marine.
She also plays more interesting games than Marine.
Still maintains her lore, which Marine doesn't.
and most of all SHE ACTUALLY FUCKING STREAMS instead of crying about being lonely on Twitter and posting weird mmd videos.

You can't name a single interesting thing about the queen of reddit.

>> No.18120552

Marine is a pious woman, anon. Unlike Noel. Stop focusing on the physical and instead, focus on the spiritual.

>> No.18120747

Noel goes to shrines regularly. When was the last time Marine went to church? Not to mention she just made a mockery of her supposed religion with the nun shit.

>> No.18121535

>Noel goes to shrines regularly.
So, she says, anon. Stop believing everything she says.

>> No.18123108

Who's the schizo here.

>> No.18124656

I like how this thread predates the Rushia spam, and outlived all of it.

>> No.18124894

The architects are surviving too. Nothing beats the power of horny.

>> No.18124998

>has to resort to using her breasts for views
Oh Noel

>> No.18125047

I'm fucking crying

>> No.18125118

it's funny.

>> No.18125281

Its fairly normal fan art.
Marine used so much lewd fan art her channel got nuked.

Marine's voice being permanently fucked is karma for being a godawful human being and her fans being complete pieces of shit like you.

>> No.18125363

The only thing Noel has done wrong is to associate with the reddit pirate.

>> No.18125739

through sheer force of samefagging.

>> No.18125941

Would people really care though?
She streamed her tits to the whole world every week

>> No.18126139

You mean a lesbian sextape with flare roommate? i think most people wouldn't mind

>> No.18126594

>Would people really care though?
Anon, of course they would.

>> No.18126838

I just cant imagine simping over a blatant whore

>> No.18127037

You simp over Marine.
Still waiting on you naming one interesting thing about the reddit pirate.
