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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17831564 No.17831564 [Reply] [Original]

Gawr Gura 2020-2022

>> No.17832007

tom zhang dont look

>> No.17832039

wtf I love gura now

>> No.17832062

It's over

>> No.17832105
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You will be loved

>> No.17832156

gura will be used for propaganda in the upcoming sino-american war

>> No.17832205

Fucking newfags assuming it was just the Taiwan flag that was the problem and not that Coco was used as a proxy to boot Hololive out of China because B2 had an agenda.
Also, good fucking luck spamming Gura's chat, that shit already moves at lightning speed and is in perpetual slow mode.

>> No.17832224

You dont get canceled by China just by mentioning Taiwan, zhangs would've been more hard on Haachama if so. They just already had a hate boner for Coco and the Asacoco segment was the tipping point. Stop being so paranoid.

>> No.17832295 [DELETED] 
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What was that Zhang?
I heard you begging for peace and rationality a few weeks ago. You best still be about that.

>> No.17832342

I laughed so hard when she dragged Nepal over South Korea.

>> No.17832361
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US propaganda gonna US propaganda. Westerners seriously don't realize how deep into the Kool-Aid they are with wanting to divide countries for their own benefit. See South America, Middle East, Korea etc.

Why westerners always bring politics into even simple games like these? I dont blame Gura since she is just a victim of brainwash, but the education is so deeply ingrained to the point where every American wants to divide a nation whose matters is none of their business.

>> No.17832384


>> No.17832391

fucking based

>> No.17832420

>every American wants to divide a nation whose matters is none of their business
Normally I'd agree but the Pacific is US territory, fuck off

>> No.17832425
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>> No.17832432

South Korea and Taiwan is just their proxy border so that their mainland won't get invaded

>> No.17832481

Cry more, big nose American

>> No.17832489

what game is that

>> No.17832527
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>> No.17832576

Any anons here have superpowers? Wanna help me destroy a certain country?

>> No.17832589


>> No.17832600

autism isn't a power but a disability

>> No.17832722

They're busy pretending to like winter sports in a region where snow doesn't fall.

>> No.17832737

Wait are you saying that Korea being divided is a western-only accepted concept? What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.17832764

Zhangs cancelled Coco because she is part American. Guess who else is American.

>> No.17832805

I wish it was Mori that did this.

>> No.17832845

she has nothing to lose, even after graduation people will still know who she was

>> No.17832864


>> No.17832917
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>> No.17832941
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Funny how the media being silent on Hong Kong made it completely vanish from mutt golem brains in less than a week, after them being straight up ignored.

They were supposed to invade them with their country's symbolic BLM and rainbow flags. Right now it feels like talking to reprogrammed bots made to forget the country ever existed

>> No.17832992

Please post more Holos in chinese dresses if you have them.

>> No.17833096

Just look up Flare first costume if that's what you wanted

>> No.17833137

I joined Gura's membership since day 1. Now it
totally worths it.

>> No.17833470

>we chinks are the only one who knows the true state of the world
>other people are brainwash
>we chinks suck the dick of a fat fuck that determine how many time we can have sex
Kind of ironic that you call other people brainwash.

>> No.17833529

what a shitty image
the physique should be the other way around

>> No.17833553

it's gook cope to explain why they'll forever be behind japan (since a unified korea would supposedly be more powerful and advanced, despite japan colonizing a unified korea and ruling over them for thirty years)

>> No.17833814
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>> No.17833820 [DELETED] 
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.17833966

And of course you had to attach an Aqua image for this post
Try to make your retarded falseflag less obvious SEAnig, YWNBC

>> No.17834096

For the love of god stop group us with the chink. Motherfucker you think we love China or some shit ? SEA, out of all place ?

>> No.17834142

>future historians will write books on the role of vtubers in WW3

>> No.17834296

Gura avoided the yab by not putting said flag onto mainland West Taiwan

>> No.17834394

holy shit it really does work

>> No.17834397
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>> No.17834417

EDward Gaming (the LOL 2021 world champions) had both taiwanese and hongkonger in the roster, a game that has one hundred million viewers in china, what a shame right?
subhumans on /vt/ be like "everything is dramatic guys"

>> No.17834464 [DELETED] 

> Love China

Pick one and only only one anon
You just insulted SEAniggers in the worst way as possible.

If wars happen, SEAnigger will be the one who fight chinks the braviest in battlefields.

>Our hate to chink are brighter than the sun.

>> No.17834475 [DELETED] 
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>on /vt/
it's the (((fluoride))) kicking in telling them to [BE MAD NOW]

>> No.17834493

West Taiwan Empress

>> No.17834507

This fucker thinks SEA love chink?

>> No.17834546

The fact that Gura got Taiwan right but couldn't figure out where South Korea is delights me. Also surprised Rockstar didn't put North Korea in.

>> No.17834563
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>> No.17834604
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>SEAs are in cahoots with zhangs
Ok, now you've gone too far. You can call us whatever you want but bug lovers? Thats it. Im calling cringe department

>> No.17834632 [DELETED] 

We will fight China to the death
Cap this post

T. Seanigger

>> No.17834773

>translating threads from /virtuelles/ and posting them here
the fuck you doing retardchama go back to /komica/

>> No.17834786

The hong kong thing is incredibly retarded in the first place
>nooo china you can't control a city that's literally attached to your mainland it has to stay british even though the lease they signed ran out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>no I'm not giving back northern ireland that's a completely different circumstance!!!!!

>> No.17834809

It's extremely funny. I hope nobody seethes too hard over this

>> No.17834826


>> No.17834901
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*sings in mandarin*

>> No.17834919

Yes you do. Look up what happened to Tzuyu or more recently John Cena. Watch both of their apology videos. This happens all the time, to everyone.

>> No.17835084

/pol/ made me hate the US. Everything they claim Russia or China did, the US has done worse. Fucking hypocrites

>> No.17835103

Nah Koreans would only seethe about this if Gura was Japanese. They like dumb Americans.

>> No.17835182 [DELETED] 

Nah, dont try to shitpost with my country, we wont attack gura just because of this, you SEAniggers who hate us because we already enslave your country with debt, dont use gura for this

Eh btw another island is taken

T. CCP Youth Member in Australia

>> No.17835181

>snow doesn't fall
Are you retarded?

>> No.17835221

cope and seethe more zoomer

>> No.17835276

too bad hololive cut all ties with china and also based westeners get a free pass

>> No.17835280

> Coco
> Fubuki


>> No.17835312

Between nuking DC or nuking Tokyo? Obviously nuking tokyo

>> No.17835323

>china wants to invade hk and infest it with anti Christian laws and culture
>ira wants to invade Northern Ireland and infest it with anti Christian laws and culture
Granted, the UK has proven themselves capable of doing so with the latter, but angloid inefficiency has at least given the North more time.

>> No.17835332 [DELETED] 

Based westerners? https://youtu.be/pqjOrsMupgg
Also, here's Tzuyu's https://youtu.be/Nb6RESOP5zo

>> No.17835349

We don’t like chinks but you are delusional if you think we’ll fight in a hot war with them.
If you want to fight the chinks fight them yourself
Do not try to use us as a proxy.
We can smell your fat, cowardly white ass from here.

>> No.17835380

WWE? The one that flourishing with franchise in China, nah same like NBA and Blizzard

>> No.17835384
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Sorry for your lost Holobros. I predict the zhangs will attack the cunny shark on Monday.

>> No.17835391

my BWC will enslave your women

>> No.17835402

>What is a city-state?

>> No.17835401

I think it's pretty funny that Americans portray WW2 and later soldiers as some kind of Doomguy beefy guys when we have pics from that time with overweight and stick americans and Nazis overwhelmingly mogs them.
Probably because the latter had a really strong cult of physicality and sports.

>> No.17835406

No need to when nigger rape your woman already

>> No.17835412

will she go back at being NOT gura?
will she be collabing with NOT coco now too?

>> No.17835416

Who the fuck is Tzuyu

>> No.17835420

Okay but even when you ignore the opinions of the US, or anyone else for that matter, Taiwan is currently de-facto independent.
That has nothing to do with propaganda.

>> No.17835424

>south america was divided by the us
Fuck off. SA was divided before that country even existed.
t. Sudaca
That's the extent of the attention span of the hivemind. If it won't benefit without them doing actual work then it doesn't exist.
Also, cute Goomba.

>> No.17835440


>> No.17835442

Listen, i know you want to defend china in this but nah we got something bigger to fry than anime girl

>> No.17835446

you should get to that death part asap

>> No.17835465

>invade your own land

>> No.17835475

But where is the drama

>> No.17835481
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>> No.17835494

Go kill a chink today, you'll get enough drama to last the rest of your life

>> No.17835529 [DELETED] 

eh i'll leave the killing of a lesser race to the niggers, they're doing a good job of it here.

>> No.17835560

>anti Christian laws
What are these laws? Are homosex laws not anti Christian?

>> No.17835597 [DELETED] 

>Whiteoid pretending to be ubermensch again
>getting cucked left and right by niggers

Rumao roru roru

>> No.17835673

The US declared independence in 1776, the South American colonies declared independence between 1808-1826

>> No.17835733
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but first Zhangs need to be taugh about critical thinking or they will forever be low iq monkeys

>> No.17835741
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DAB on bug people!

>> No.17835803 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off retard

>Enslave your country with debt
Our banks can easily pay that off in a blink. You retards will literally never be able to penetrate the Judaic layer. As much as Schizo's hate it here. They continue to protect the homelands well.
How's the Power outages?
How's the crop shortages?
How's the collapsing private sector?
How's the flooding and mass storms?
How's the uprisings?
How's the random explosions everywhere?
Good luck Zhang, you'll need it.

As far as brainwashing goes. I think the retards able to scream about everything. Have a clearer notion of the natural state of things, if not an overall clear picture. Than those sheltered behind tailored propaganda.

Also, to end this post. You make it hard to like China as much as I do. I really hate you CCP youth. You are a fucking Disgrace to your historically great nation. Selling everything out for social credit good boy points.

>> No.17835825

>seanig pretending to be zhang for (you)'s

>> No.17835940
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> cute goomba

>> No.17836193

critical thinking? You overestimated zhangs. They can't even distinguish between state and country.

>> No.17836441
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Goddamn it, everything I see about hr makes me like Gura more and more. I don't wanna be a Chumbud bros...

>> No.17836485

And the divisions of SA were created by the Spanish Monarchy and the administration under their name back in the 16th century, and remained mostly the same until they were slightly reshaped and solidified by wars agains Spain or against each other in the 19th century. Especially Br territory since it was separated from the rest of SA Spanish rule in the 15th century.

>> No.17836502

Give in, join us

>> No.17836623

>administrative divisions are the same as countries
>the OP was clearly talking about the US ruining LATAM through coup d'etats and other CIA fuckery in the continent
Stop doubling down, chicano traidor

>> No.17836650

that's the best part, you are already.

>> No.17836845
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Ready to commit sinocide
>the OP
You have to go back

>> No.17837114

Smells like dead bats here

>> No.17837115

>mentions the op
>won't even quote me with his backpedaling answer
Also, I'm not a chicano, coño de tu madre.
You lost. Now fuck off
Who gonna win
A bunch of manchildren obsessed with their oshi to unhealthy degrees or chumbuds?

>> No.17837253

She should have put the Taiwanese flag on mainland China

>> No.17837316

do your average chink ally even care about a stupid land that they'd never likely step on

>> No.17837319

Nah she isnt stupid, taiwan is a province of PRC

>> No.17837368


>> No.17837393


>> No.17837396


>> No.17837398

I dunno if I would have described either as appearing physically fit, both were looking sickly.

>> No.17837410

We think taiwan is a rebelious province, thats all

>> No.17837444

Chang wouldn't dare. We nuked Japan for less.

>> No.17837446

Too Based, made me want to kill sand niggers

>> No.17837593

Damn, the Dust Bowl must have been pretty fucking metal then.

>> No.17837871 [DELETED] 

also by the strictest logic mainland china is the rebellious province

>> No.17837884

The game asks you to identify the country. The game recognizes Taiwan as a country and Gura didn’t make a statement correcting it. So she’s doomed once they catch wind of it.

>> No.17838532

SA independence started with the clusterfuck that the napoleonic wars where from spain, and in fact the USA existing or not was of not consecuence. The main reason that kickstarted such processes was the fact that the king of spain and the prince where two fucking donkeys that let themselves to be captured amid their arguing for power which was orchesthrated to put a guy of napoleon blood in the throne which was clearly more capable than both combined but had the terrible sin of not being the true king so spain shat on him so hard that he had to flee. This all caused a rupture of royal sovereignity which kickstarted the ball of the vicerroyalties secession.

>> No.17839008

In that regard, you are right, but de-facto is not good enough.

You need de-jure recognition to join the UN and a bunch of other international organizations on your own.

Taiwan is also something that big countries don't want to touch with a ten-foot pole, because if they go ahead and recognize it as its own country, they create a dangerous precedent.

That is, the path to statehood is to fight a civil war, and lose it, but remain uninvaded long enough that other countries want to recognize you for their own self-interest.

This is obviously a recipe for disaster.

>> No.17839086 [DELETED] 

>Taiwan is also something that big countries don't want to touch with a ten-foot pole, because if they go ahead and recognize it as its own country, they create a dangerous precedent.
>That is, the path to statehood is to fight a civil war, and lose it, but remain uninvaded long enough that other countries want to recognize you for their own self-interest.
>This is obviously a recipe for disaster.

See: Donbass

>> No.17839189


>> No.17839253


>> No.17839338 [DELETED] 

Nobody, not even Russia, recognizes Donbas as a legitimate state.

>> No.17839358

Taiwan is an independent nation.
Seethe zhang

>> No.17839387


>> No.17839391

>Raises hands

>> No.17839700
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>mfw me and my squad wait for evac in the ruined alleys of Manila, hearing chinese drones fly overhead. Moral is at an all time low and we are running out of both anti-radiation pills and ammo. As we walk through the ruins, we come across a half destroyed mural of Gura. Underneath it simply says 'Remember Gura'. Some men burst into tears, some get motivated to finish the fight.

>> No.17839750 [DELETED] 

You cucktard thats a taiwanese channel, god, between zhang and SEAnigger i really wish death and destruction for you SEAnigger, atleast zhang produce cheap shit

>> No.17839802

taiawanese who? you mean chinks?

>> No.17840868


>> No.17841045

I'm a small guy and even I couldnt fit into my grandfather's WW2 Navy coat. Your not gonna find a super buff guy at that time when everyone is recovering from the great depression, unless you were a trained athlete.

>> No.17841136

Still 100x better than the original.

>> No.17841328

>invade City state attached to my borders
>get denounced as a warmonger by everyone
>2 countries in kahoots declare war on me
Fucking Civ V, every time

>> No.17841416


>> No.17841909

oh nyoo Ina, Kronii don't look!
thats even crazier considering she got sponsored by that korean game and sung their song

>> No.17841949
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Time to get some China chili sauce promotions to make amends.

>> No.17842130

She's been on a role lately and I love her more and more.

>> No.17842157

do zhangs even watch hololive anymore?

>> No.17842186

>SA was divided before that country even existed.
>t. Sudaca
Self-hating retard.
>coño de tu madre

>> No.17842195
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>> No.17842304
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>> No.17842651

I really don't want her to get shit for this. Realistically what are the chances she'll get harassed over this?

>> No.17842750
File: 14 KB, 1040x1144, de82ent-e10de8ce-97af-49e3-9a5e-47caa791b26b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0 Gura is untouchable.

>> No.17842836

Is the original some trap?

>> No.17843028

it was Belle Delphine whixh is probrably evwn worse

>> No.17843094

If every company and foreigner dances around anything that could be considered racism when around Americans maybe it's time I accepted that we are a sensitive people. You should do the same chinaman.

>> No.17843986
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You realize Taiwan was in the UN for decades, right? The dangerous precedent is kicking countries out and replacing them with another on the basis of propaganda that only "one China" can exist when China being split is nothing unusual historically.

>> No.17844253

Gawr Gura 伤害13亿人民感情

>> No.17844330

Since the minigame description says you have the drag the "country, state or province" flag, that might be just enough of an out to appease the zhangs

>> No.17844385

Coco was my favorite, then she mention non country and Aqua fans forced her out. Now Gura mention non country and Aqua crew will force her out too.

>> No.17844634

The fact that the game calls it "Taiwan" and not "Chinese Taipei" is enough to set chinks off.
