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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17819486 No.17819486 [Reply] [Original]

why would anyone like this bitch

>> No.17819581

She has crippling autism, please understand.

>> No.17819620


>> No.17819695

Because her boobs get bigger with every new outfit.

>> No.17819904

I thought Nene was a gamer autist, you guys lied to me.

>> No.17820129

Aqua literally can't do a match with Nene due to rank differences.

I guess aqua could have just made a smurf alt (like selen does) but I guess that's kind of besides the point to her, like Aqua could not fathom streaming Apex just to goof around on it.

>> No.17820689

Did you want to see another Aqua/Watame/Fubuki disaster? This was the right call, If Nene wants to collab with Aqua she has to pick another game.

>> No.17820779

>competitive gamer wants to play competitively and not waste time while not have fun in casual queue
Wow shocking.

>> No.17820803

It's for the better. It will be a failure like the sheep fbk aqua apex collab.

>> No.17820952

Hard to have fun when you cannot even stay in the game for 5 minutes due to being put against Master and Diamond players (and bothering the 3rd person in your team in the process).

>> No.17821026

I find it funny how Nene really tries hard to form skinship with Aqua but Aqua's crippling autism doesn't allow her to reciprocate.

>> No.17822587

If you can't enjoy casual matches and not sweating competitively you likely no longer actually enjoy thr game

>> No.17822800

Aqua only gives a shit about Marine and Shion, everyone else ranges from friendly acquaintances to pekora.

>> No.17822838

Smurfing is frowned upon in pretty much every single competitive scene in any video game

>> No.17822858

She's a fun autist.

>> No.17822953

I mean Aqua played Apex with Suisei and that was great. It'll probably happen.

>> No.17823045

>t. clipwatcher

>> No.17823437
File: 26 KB, 307x295, 1643479006713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never watched a clip in my life.

>> No.17823528

>how dare she not have fifty alts or somehow subvert the system when she's been on a personal quest to hit master solo
really, faggot? are you one of the people she beat on her way up there or something? or maybe a zhang still mad that she doesn't follow your views?

>> No.17824134

>Play casual together with her main account
>Nene get btfo'd every match since the hidden MMR from that account will match them with stupid good players and Aqua need to play alone for the rest of match

>Play casual together with a new account
>Get accused of smurfing since she will wipe all those noobs who stand still while shooting and antis get new ammunition to attack her

What do?

>> No.17831049

Nene isn't even top 5
