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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1615107175580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1780845 No.1780845 [Reply] [Original]

Have you submitted your audition for Hololive yet, /vt/?

>> No.1780874

yes, but i don't think I will make it with my female voice

>> No.1780884
File: 232 KB, 484x468, 1615105097899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and?

>> No.1780887

Maybe next time. I don't think they'll accept me with my current potato PC with what happened with Anya.

>> No.1780907

I actually spent two years training my voice to sound like a loli as a joke. This is my time to shine

>> No.1780912

I just submitted a female character but with my obvious male voice. If nothing it'll stand out more than the trannies who use shitty voice mods.

>> No.1780916

better luck next time

>> No.1780930

yes, I'm excited to bring this business the renaissance it so desperately needs

>> No.1780975

VPN baby

>> No.1781010

No, I'm a man.

>> No.1781022

I pity the Cover employee that'll have to waste hours playing 5 seconds of an application's video, trashing the app as soon as they hear a tranny/male voice, and then do that on repeat for the thousands of delusional trannies and men who submitted applications.

>> No.1781044

Why would they ask for male and females if they didn't want males? Just say you want females.

Even if there are several solid male vtubers, and I mean actual men not trannies.

>> No.1781049

You will never make it anyway

>> No.1781053

I just want to meet my oshi!!

>> No.1781089

you're gonna want to die if you have to put on a voice to stream. also easy to mess up and make everyone hate you for trying to fake

>> No.1781102

If there's any good male applicants, they're going to save them for a holostars EN. They admitted as much with the first English audition.


>> No.1781146

Cover started included the "all genders can apply" line during JP's 4th gen or so because of gender discrimination laws, not because they're actually considering trannies or men for their Hololive branch. It doubles as a way for them to be safely "inclusive" in regards to EN apps as well since someone would surely start a shitshow if Cover said "females only" and "excluded" nonbinary and trans applicants.

>> No.1781181


What makes you so sure tho? There are several solid male vtubers out there.

>> No.1781186

Why would I want to work for a black company?

>> No.1781230
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>> No.1781251

Luna manages it, why can't I?

>> No.1781253

We all know how it will end

>> No.1781254

They'll ask for men when/if they make Holostars EN, what's so damn hard to understand about that? Submitting an app as a guy for HololiveEN is just stupid when you might as well take the time to improve your content until some Vtuber company is specifically looking for men as well.

>> No.1781272

Because you can meet your idols and earn decent money?

>> No.1781280

>They'll ask for men when/if they make holostars EN

Yeah but how do you -know- that anon? What's so fucking difficult to understand? Just because you can't hack it doesn't equate to "oh this company doesn't when penis"

>> No.1781287

Post the video; You know the one

>> No.1781300

Sorry guys, meant to post this in the Nijisanji thread

>> No.1781304

You will never be a woman.

>> No.1781334

What the hell are you even talking about? When 100% of the current Hololive girls are biological females and 100% of the Holostar guys are biological men, there's nothing difficult to understand and any "How do you really know?" questions are just delusional attempts to fight reality. Are you a tranny or something?

>> No.1781358

I don't try to. Babiniku is my call.

>> No.1781371

>Hurr hurr this is how it's been before so this is how it'll be now hurr hurr one day hololive will accept me.

Are you fucking insane? Take your titty skittles you walking statistic. Either provide proof you know what the fuck you're talking about or neck yourself.

>> No.1781380
File: 78 KB, 1920x1080, 1605741389464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the compromised agents have made it past the first stage of auditions and are preparing for the final tests. Once they're in, they'll begin taking over Hololive from within.

>> No.1781402

>girly voice = female

>> No.1781431
File: 515 KB, 900x729, 1616296351384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if I have a castrata voice. I never intended to become a tranny

>> No.1781734

I'm a m*le so why bother

>> No.1782418

make neckbeard hololive of fat old men who are extremely toxic and judgemental. Then we'd stand a chance

>> No.1782484

Jewish laws reaching japan.

>> No.1783171

vt rate my audition: https://files.catbox.moe/dm9yj1.mp4

>> No.1783212

not this shit again

>> No.1785597

I'd simp for you bro

>> No.1787249

This, but Haato and TMSK sound so great with both their real voices and their performance voices. Suppose it's different if you're male pretending to be female.

>> No.1790264

Be a tranny, my dude

>> No.1790526

>Have you submitted your audition for Hololive yet, /vt/?
If by submitted you mean mailed and by audition you mean bomb then yes

>> No.1790872
File: 280 KB, 850x848, piano rrat - [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1qh1kw.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to get more numbers first, then i can start streaming to more than 1 person, then i can form a decent resume with the experience

so far, the hardest part is self-promotion, this website has instilled anonymity into my brain so thoroughly i hate the idea of shilling myself

>> No.1790984

Be your own clipfag. It's easier to jump into a 6 hour stream when you already have some expectations of what the content will be.

>> No.1791124

Imagine being this delusional to think Japan would add a male to the Hololive group. Take your meds

>> No.1791857

sent ;)

>> No.1792180

where my /male voice female model/ comrades?

>> No.1792327

no, I don't have personality

>> No.1792861

No, I'm just a brit boy with funny voices and a lack of art skills...

>> No.1792958

No, I'm trying to build my stream first so I can have a better chance at the application phase.

>> No.1793565
File: 655 KB, 960x876, 1612065290729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I might

>> No.1793675

Digibro is still a man and will never be a woman/10

>> No.1793709

This was what we all worried would be HololiveEN. In contrast, we are living in a blessed timeline, if only in that regard.

>> No.1793744
File: 91 KB, 404x424, Walter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you submitted your status report to the administrator?

>> No.1794756

Yeah, it's on >>>/v/

>> No.1797423

to avoid another t-word controversy, zhangs have taiwan, westoids have transphobia

>> No.1798152

>Cute loli model
>Voice of a 40y old construction worker
Would be kinda kino ngl

>> No.1798316

I will be the first brown loli holo, you will see.

>> No.1798401
File: 87 KB, 1280x902, jimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ rate my audition for holostars https://files.catbox.moe/8b3prz.mp4

>> No.1799083

I was expecting Warrior_pi

>> No.1799147
File: 160 KB, 612x792, 1603733533594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you submitted your audition for Hololive yet, /vt/?

>> No.1800166

No I'm going indie

>> No.1802689

>Want to be closer to my one-and-only.
>Can't, paralyzed by fear (and a completely lack of talent/streaming experience).
Life is rough.

>> No.1802711

Just become a manager and rape your oshi

>> No.1802755
File: 15 KB, 640x324, drunking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless it's roleplay, I don't want to do that. I want her to be happy and also proud of me. Now, excuse me, I'm not drunk enough for this line of conversation.

>> No.1804484

I would like to do, but how?
May I get a role of old disgusting "bad guy"?
Than people would hate me, so watch another Holos more.

>> No.1804963


>> No.1805000

this is a man

>> No.1805808

I will never be a woman

>> No.1812065

right here, bruh
