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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17743875 No.17743875 [Reply] [Original]

You sold yourself...

>> No.17743909


>> No.17743957

Yeah... I'm a retard for ever thinking she was different...

>> No.17744021

She always does that, she's desperate for a girlfriend.
Didn't work with Amelia
Not working with Kronii so far
Mori is her only hope

>> No.17744183

More like Mori's pump and dumping as many of her colleagues as possible to get as many die hard simps as possible that will follow her when she pulls a kson.

>> No.17744355

She just wanted to demonstrate why she was number one instead of Mori. And she absolutely succeeded.

>> No.17744598

Chumbuds sound more and more like the Zhangs after Aqua chose Coco over them. Let that thought kick in for a minute and realize how cancerous this path actually is

>> No.17744812


>> No.17744995

>You're not allowed to make criticisms towards your oshi
Sure, NPC.

>> No.17745576

Is criticism the new euphemism for unmedicated schizoposting?

>> No.17746769

what about fauna? Kiara?

>> No.17746860


>> No.17747358 [SPOILER] 
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Kiara dumped Mori for our ero protag Amelia. It's still in development so it might be a potential partner in the future.
Fauna has eyes for no one but this dreamy stud.

>> No.17749784

you know sometimes things are planned months in advance... so """recent""" drama aside. how so?

>> No.17750185

this song was probably in the works for longer than the devilcube ep

>> No.17750547

wha? she's just trying to help out her struggling genmate

>> No.17753009

Ok and? She could have cancelled its released to avoid association with Mori and her recent behaviour if she really cared. Stop whitewashing her behaviour just because you like her.

>> No.17753172

I feel bad for Gura cause she's going to get manipulated by Mori one day to do something "yab" under the illusion that it's good and she's doing her friend a favor

>> No.17753370

Good to see that you think Gura is a gullible infant incapable of protecting herself.

>> No.17753501
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umm chumbuds is this the mori debuff???

>> No.17753522
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>> No.17753590
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>thumbnail says 10 viewers
>block says 20k

>> No.17753898

She’s not gullible but she’s kind. She’d definitely cave to a coworker asking for something, even if it makes her uncomfortable. Don’t want her around bad influences like Mori.

>> No.17753941
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>> No.17754707

Obvious bait but gura is too kind to ever pull the rug from mori like that no matter how done she fucked up. Not publicy atleast

>> No.17755706

Obvious bait but distancing yourself from a problematic co-worker to preserve your public image and reputation is not something "unkind".

>> No.17755799

The fact she made the Gura collab song fully animated is so telling.

>> No.17755808

>Ok and?
opinion discarded, go back to twitter

>> No.17755826

But no one in hololive thinks she's "problematic". They're all perfectly content with Calli, hence why business is going on as usual. Unless you're one of those dipshits that thinks collabs with her are manager mandated?

>> No.17756348

They're clearly aware of the controversy that surrounded her these past few weeks. You think they're blind or something? Whether they have a problem with it or not is something else entirely, but I'd assume the girl who actively avoids opposite gender collabs wouldn't be comfortable with Mori's behaviour.

>> No.17756545

I have no doubt they're aware, I just don't think they care because it's a big nothingburger hold the fries. And again, you're assuming Gura is just judgmental twat that couldn't be friends with someone that has different ideal to her own. I honestly can't tell if you're a Mori or Gura anti at this point.

>> No.17756707

Gura seems mostly just happy to be where she is right now, if anything it feels like she's more likely to try and pull mori back than push her away.

>> No.17756958

I just don't want Gura to be influenced by Mori's antics. The timing of this video seems to be more of an attempt at antagonizing the fans who expect better from Mori and normalizing her actions than a schedule thing. Next thing she's giving an interview to Connor or some crap by Mori's influence.

>> No.17757140

Like someone else said, this thing was probably in the works for months. Do you think they should have just cancelled it? Throw probably thousands of dollars down the shitter because of some nontroversy? Seems like a poor strategy, anon.

>> No.17757581

Postponing it for a week or two wouldn't change the profit margin. The fact that they released it now in the midst of a controversy is their way of saying:
>We don't care about what our fans think
At least this is what I'm getting from this.

>> No.17757635

Is that your non-partisan opinion or have you been influenced by the overarching anti-Mori narrative?

>> No.17758794

As someone who doesn't like Mori, this doesn't mean much. The best indicator of whether Gura's going to continue hanging out with her will come after this. Remember Cover's money would have gone into this, and a company doesn't play when it comes to money, they wouldn't want any delays or hiccups and would almost certainly just tell Gura to suck it up and stop associating with her after the song. That and it's not "in the midst of" the controversy anymore, it's mostly just lingering around here, though if the dumbass does something stupid again she'll have a lot more antis jump on it now. If she keeps being all buddy buddy with her after this you can assume she doesn't care enough to distance herself from 4chan's newest yab machine.

>> No.17759105

Despite her antics, Gooruh is pretty smart since she know that any yab she cause now will have 10 times the meltdown compare to what Mori+Matuli+Ina could ever cause

>> No.17759597

I'm constantly getting clips of K shitting on Hololive and its fans. The algorithm loves her. So this "controversy" won't be going away if she actually does make a point of maintaining both personas. Either her fans will become insufferable cunts that the entire community wishes to expel or they will make war with anyone who complains about Mori's behavior.

>> No.17761217

One piece of advise, take the log out of your ass and stop thinking Mori will destroy everything. I've seen the whole K stream and she never talked shit about it or the fans. Gura has stuff going on in her life apart from Hololive, that alone should tell you she ain't some friendless loser ready to be groomed.

If some TT collab happens when the Japan doors open then the worst that could happen would be Connor asking if Gura ever thought of going indie, which is nothing wrong to ask desu and she should be thinking about what to do after Hololive, nothing reigns forever.

Mori will definetely be the first Myth to graduate, there is not doubt of it, but just like Coco, she understand her friends enjoy being there and the idol stuff so she won't go on a crusade against Cover,

>> No.17763527

Please save her, anons

>> No.17764188

You retards are wasting your time here you should write for trashy blog sites

>> No.17765179

I wasn't the guy you were arguing with so I'm not actually concerned about Gura being "groomed". From my perspective she's already made it clear she hates the community by her public friendship with someone who openly does. And I don't care about them, as long as they are contained to their own little club I don't give a shit, my point was they are very explicitly breaking containment through the help of the algorithm and if the trend continues that will have to affect the community. Even if we want to be as charitable as possible, a community built on banning people who mention roommate content is not going to survive when the most popular channel in the EN Hololive branch isn't even pretending to be an anime girl anymore.

>> No.17765283

Cant believe that my nigga from my childhood is fucking a vtuber

>> No.17765491

true that.

>> No.17766310

Good, I hope Mori FUCKS Gura up real bad then

>> No.17766462

>she's already made it clear she hates the community by her public friendship with someone who openly does
Then I guess I've made it clear that I hate pears for being friends with someone who openly does

>> No.17766778

literal schizophrenia

>> No.17767004

>in the midst of a controversy
roru this is weird bait i'm biting.
literally only /vt/ and mori give the slightest shit about this whole situation. everyone else stopped giving a shit after she backpedalled or never gave a shit in the first place.

>> No.17767091

I do realize I am weird for not publicly associating with awful people, I even got fired for it once. Doesn't mean I'll feel sympathy for other people who do it, especially people so successful they wouldn't face any real consequences for having integrity.

>> No.17767565 [DELETED] 

lemme guess, you yelled the n-word

>> No.17768873

My boss used the nigger word with me to talk about the scum of society but that was private and we were friends, so that was not an issue. I hide my power level on those sorts of issues in public.

>> No.17769038

Oh is that a typo? Because Gura soiled herself not sold herself.

>> No.17769387

I don't believe you. You have to be lying. You can't be this much of a chunii AND a working adult. It doesn't work. You're not even manchild tier, you have to be underage.

>> No.17769655

you dramaniggers must have a sad and dark life that you spent time gossiping about vtubers and all the things you said doesn't even make sense in slightest

>> No.17769759

Anon... Your pot calling the kettle black reps...

>> No.17769830


>> No.17769975
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a reminder that chumpedos are in the top of the list in terms of being the most schizophrenic, annoying, rabid, and downright retarded vtuber fanbase or any fanbase for that matter. Like holy shit I've never seen a fanbase this insane. What did Gura do to deserve such a backwards fanbase?

>> No.17770139

I did say I was fired, I'm not sure why you're brain is so broken you can't comprehend that there are people who choose not to bend to society's standards and are thus removed from it.

>> No.17770297

I prefer to believe you're shitposting because it makes me sad to think that you're not. Next thign I know you're gonna try to call yourself a "sigma" male unironically.

>> No.17770491

I get the feeling Gura looks up to Mori but is still smart enough to avoid jumping off a bridge for her.

I said before, as long as Gura trusts Amelia more than Mori, she should be fine.

This is not a shipping thing, I'm saying that Gura seems keen to stay within Hololive just like Ame. The most she has ever done is acknowledging Pikamee exists and only because Ina collabed with her.

>> No.17770678

Yes, I realize interacting with the realities of the world you support makes you sad. Go back to your ignorant bliss already. You're literally wasting your time getting upset that other people have higher moral standards than you even when it doesn't affect your life at all.

>> No.17770749

not the previous anon, but ride you "higher moral standards" into the sunset by fucking slitting your own throat you waste of space.

>> No.17770907

Cancelled? Wtf are you on lean? Do you really think that they , as in the whole gen, aren't friends at this point?

>> No.17771057

You getting so angry over it is pathetic but funny, thanks for the laugh.

>> No.17771094

They never were. You people have really low standards for friends. You can be friendly with your co-workers without them being your friends, have you literally never had a single job before?

>> No.17771126 [DELETED] 

The reaperwhore hates everyone that won't jump on Connor's dick. I'm sure Gura gave her a chance but Mori isn't budging. She hates hololive and everything it represents.

>> No.17771515
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I don't really see that happening. Gura insulates herself from that stuff. What happened with Calli's "yab" never could have happened to Gura. She's been pretty open about the fact that she stays off social media as much as she can. She barely seems to interact with people even within Hololive let alone outsiders. She takes actual breaks on her break days. I don't recall if she's addressed it directly, but it's pretty clear that she has no interest in anyone outside of Hololive and even certain people within Hololive.
We don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but it's entirely possible that given Gura's status she is handled differently by management and certain things and topics of discussion with her are strictly off limits. She certainly seems to be more cautious and concerned about what she's allowed to say and do than any of her genmates despite theoretically having the most leverage of any of them to do whatever she wants. The point is she's probably the least likely of any of them to get dragged into Calli drama.

>> No.17771737

Is there an actual glitch or is /v/t just full of absolute newfags who learned how to html edit this month?

>> No.17771869

It's a known glitch, although normally I've seen it always say either 1 watching or the "accurate" number. It's been regularly flipping back and forth between them on all live streams. Not that it matters, youtube's external metrics are inherently all fake anyway.

>> No.17773661

True, the “worst” thing Gura would even do would be taking Mori’s advice on how to get around Cover permissions to stream games to her fans.

>> No.17775222

holy fucking schizo. you are so out of touch of reality

>> No.17775340

>Obvious cuckbeat deflection thread

>> No.17775356

yeah. she has never hidden her distaste of vtubing or weeb culture. joining hololive was obviously a way to get her dead music career off the ground. and it worked, so kudos to her i guess. it's funny though because the people that listen to her aren't rap fans, they're vtuber fans. i wonder if she has ever thought about this? she'll never be able to compare herself with the greats of her genre because her success literally came from simps and deadbeats that would praise her if she took a dump on a table and whose opinions are therefore worthless. her music is not scrutinized the way the music of real artists are. i'm sure she's coping hard with some kind of "the end justifies the means" bullshit too.

>> No.17775984

im sure you can just ask her out since shes clearly living inside your head

>> No.17776137

To be fair, as a woman, her music was never going to be scrutinized the way real music is.

>> No.17778148

