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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17733310 No.17733310 [Reply] [Original]

>Song: 聞かせて
>Gura: Kikasete
>Mori: Kikaseta
Why is the one who supposedly speaks Japanese so bad at pronouncing it?

>> No.17733469

she doesn't speak japanese lol

>> No.17734471

Yes she does but she speaks it like an American who thinks he knows better than everyone.

>> No.17734532

What does that even mean?

>> No.17734631

She just wings it, speaks the minumum necessary to live in Japan when she ventures outside of the dedicated american slums.

>> No.17734641

gonna cry?

>> No.17735270

I'm with Mori on this one. One slice of boneless pizza, please

>> No.17736147

She's overconfident, prideful and arrogant, what else?

>> No.17736196

聞かせて and 聞かせた are two different words.

>> No.17736408

don't make threads like this is if you haven't done your reps filthy fucking EOP

>> No.17736568

Who even cares, it's pointless japgookspeak. You want real asian language with a future, you learn chinese.

>> No.17736641

Mori know some japanese but has shit pronunciation. Gura is the reverse, she only knows a few words and expressions but can imitate japanese pronunciation pretty well.

>> No.17736655

>You want real asian language with a future
How soulless. I'm only here for a single lifetime, anon, not the next 300 years.

>> No.17736667

Yes, exactly.
That's the point...
Fucking read the song lyrics you moneky

>> No.17736706

How Japanese.

>> No.17737205

What? Japanese are very humble.

>> No.17737266

By the way, she also said otsukari when she was supposed to say otsukare for Live Again so it's not like this is even her first amateurish mistake.

>> No.17737560

Otsukari was supposed to be a pun, OtsuCalli, though.

>> No.17739122 [DELETED] 


>> No.17739689

Yeah but that leads into another fuckup of hers because Calliope should have been rendered カライオピ, not カリオペ. She can't get anything right.

>> No.17739734

Mori carried this song.

>> No.17739866

I remember watching her play that Bamco game I already forgot the name of, Crimson something or other, and there was a building that had izakaya written in simple katakana and she couldn't even read that. It is amazing that Gura's pronunciation of Japanese is as good as it is when she is that bad at reading it.

>> No.17740134
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>> No.17740733

guess the natives at cover who named the character really fucked up then huh

>> No.17741540

Threadreader, she admitted on the first TT podcast back in 2020 that it was her fault.

>> No.17741595
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I enjoyed it

>> No.17741850

She does not speak japanese OP.
Where did you heard she does?

>> No.17741928

She also says うるしい a LOT when she means 嬉しい 「うれしい」almost as if she doesn't know the real version because she doesn't want to put in any effort whatsoever into jp anymore.

>> No.17743863

If I were Rushia I might say うるしい as some clever Japanese wordplay that you have to be highly intelligent to understand, but she is not Rushia.

>> No.17744599

gura knows the bare minimum and yet she can pull it off, unlike mori

>> No.17747483

Gura knows LESS than the minimum and can still pull it off.

>> No.17755894

i don't think it matters that much if its in a song desu, if it works it works

>> No.17756034
File: 32 KB, 163x165, 1643424185520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wings it
"te" and "ta" endings completely change the meaning though, it's not a matter of winging it but merely being totally wrong.

>> No.17758397

does nawroohoedough neigh sound to you like the result of someone who speaks japanese?

>> No.17763580

she speaks it like a stereotypical American character?

>> No.17764737

You spelling it that way doesn't make it wrong. There are plenty of things to criticize about her Japanese, you should try criticizing one of the things she actually does wrong instead of wasting your time on something that makes you look like an EOP.

>> No.17764999

Spoiled princess isn't used to criticism. This is why she lashed out instead of taking the criticisms to heart and improving.

>> No.17765193

Even I with my mere en subbed anime knowledge notices she often says shit weirdly but is it her not knowing the correct word or is it her lazy white pronunciation?

>> No.17765702

how do you know enough japanese to know this but also not enough to know its intentional

>> No.17766306

nta but it is not in the lyrics. Tell me where the past tense should be intentionally added instead of the imperative.

(Calliope Mori, Gawr Gura)

ほらだって あたしって特別

Toss out the attitude, sir where’s your thought and gratitude?
We’re mad at you!! So grab a few defenses, you’ll be glad you’re screwed
Would I fight with you? Wouldn’t waste my time
The mood’s right so this go-around the honor’s all mine
No place to run, don’t you ever hide
Only time I wanna see you down is on ya knees, at my side!!

どうなってんのよ 我々こそがQUEEN
どうなってんのよ 解らせてあげるわ
逆らうなら 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛い

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, if it’s holding a knife
Still gotcha tongue tied? Guess you better gimme your life

あ~壊しちゃいたい モノにしちゃいたい
がおー喰っちゃうぞ ほらぐちゃってして

Give you a “kiss” tonight that “prey” you’re stalking’s got bite
Talkin’ shit?? You only exist to get pissed and fight.
Slow brain, no shame, what’chu gotta say now?
Tired of the ones that were running the game?
Now there’s no escape, you ain’t the boss of us
There’s no caution tape for the monstrous!!
It’s over… for you, lol.

どうなってんのよ 我々こそがQUEEN
どうなってんのよ 解らせてあげるわ
逆らうなら 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛い

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, if it’s holding a knife
Still gotcha tongue tied? Guess you better gimme your life

どうなってんのよ 我々こそがQUEEN
どうなってんのよ 解らせてあげるわ
逆らうなら 痛い 痛い 痛い 痛い

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, if it’s holding a knife
Still gotcha tongue tied? Guess you better gimme your life
You’re on the wrong side, isn’t that the same way you died?
It’s been a long ride, we’ll reclaim the queendom tonight

ほらだって あたしって特別

>> No.17766402

Kill yourself deadbrap.

>> No.17766409

God this song would be so much better if Ina was doing Calli's part.

>> No.17766479

t. Yung Skelly

>> No.17766565

Do you really think so?

>> No.17767015

Only because I am a massive takodachi and the thought of Ina rapping is highly amusing to me.

>> No.17768154

>he is unaware

>> No.17768243

Kek, timestamp

>> No.17769355 [DELETED] 

Uh, no

>> No.17769373

He's right though.

>> No.17769493 [DELETED] 

It's a greek name. e in greek is always ee, not eh you fucking mongoloid

>> No.17769541 [DELETED] 

oh scratch that I'm retarded and read the post backwards kek

>> No.17769561

Well at least you apologized for it. That takes guts.

>> No.17769914
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This is worth a comment on Youtube, not a thread. I even agree with you, Gura did a lot better, she's a stupid normie loud woman who sells anime shoes she doesn't even like to wear and don't even get me started on her poser occult theme, seeing someone so out of touch do anything with Gura is very weird, but this is such a nothing topic that I feel retarded even responding to you.

Holy shit you people seriously have such an enormous hate boner, anything this woman does big or small will always keep you up at night.

>> No.17770204

Is there really a problem with being angry at someone who is extremely successful but still whines about how much her life sucks? Why shouldn't I be angry at someone who is directly mocking me?

>> No.17770271

Rangeban americans

>> No.17772492 [DELETED] 

So are we being raided by chinks, or indians? I honestly thought it was more sophisticated, evolved SEAmonkeys, but lately I've been smelling chinks, and this post just fucking convinced me.

>> No.17772567
File: 59 KB, 300x345, NankingShouldHappenAgain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Noooo! You can't rike this refined, interrectural version of our shitstorm of moonrunes!!"

>> No.17772618

American malding lmao

>> No.17772690 [DELETED] 

Just wondering which shithole dwellers are here. One day we'll know for sure if it's the obvious third world or the hidden one.

>> No.17773186

>China won't have clean water by 2070
>Chinese has a future

>> No.17774405

Holy seethe

>> No.17774564

People who can handle pronunciation but can’t read for shit are definitely a thing.

>> No.17777654 [DELETED] 


>> No.17779008


>> No.17779052

>wings it
Can't you read? She says boneless. Wings have bones. She fingers it.

>> No.17780507

Your ears are broken.
Her Japanese sounds natural at this Kikasete part, doesn't sound Kikaseta at all.

>> No.17780849


>> No.17781012

For a country so anti drug they sure huff alot of copium.

>> No.17783826

She speaks in 90s anime dub

>> No.17784093

No, both sounds like 'muricans trying to speak it, calli is just way worse.
