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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17713771 No.17713771 [Reply] [Original]

>makes Kiara irrelevant even on /vt/

>> No.17716347

Kiara actually studied Idol culture and actively worked to be recognised as an Idol, so now her status as the Goldstein of this board had been nullified.
On the other hand, Mori made it clear that she never cared about Hololive and Vtubing, only using it to promote her failing music career.

>> No.17716852

>implying the wheel won’t spin again soon
I don’t even dislike Kiara, but you know the drill by now.

>> No.17717008

Guess who's still more popular and more liked by Cover? All those "studies" can go to trash

>> No.17717210

dude, the "Kiara's still better than Mori" thing is just a shitpost
no one actually watches her lmao

>> No.17718168

>cuckbeats will throw kiara under the bus to excuse their shrek faced oshi
Mori and cuckbeats deserve each other.

>> No.17718330
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they make threads against everyone lately, Holo or not, this was just a matter of time.
Mori isn't even the best rapper in Hololive btw

>> No.17718429

Extra points for Kiara since she really tried to adapt herself to japanese culture. After many years she saw that Japan is not for her and she prefers being in her country, but she is honorarian japanese imo

>> No.17718879

She was literally deported

>> No.17719463

>>no one actually watches her lmao
>be me
>watch Kiara
>don't watch Mori often because she is boring

That aside, there is a lot of reasons which many of them are copes. The following may apply:
>EOPs are discriminating against ESL
>Maybe even ESL are discriminating against ESL
>Kiara being noisy and talkative can be annoying
>Mori's personality is coolish and the western anime fandom is much more into the cool than the cute part of anime. Literally fags.
The reason why the last does not apply to Gura is that she is a Loli and Lolis are allowed to be cute.
tl;dr: The west is made up of fags
iwnbj but fuck being a western fag[\spoiler]

>> No.17719710

The only person that thinks mori is cool is mori.

>> No.17719957

Chickenvoice filtered me.
tho admittedly all EN chubas filter me for some reason. there is just some weird pavlovian response in my brain to seeing anime character talk englisch that makes me cringe

>> No.17719980

Don't worry, I agree that she is pathetic.
But Westerners still prefer this fake tough act over cutesy Kiara.

>> No.17719988

why do connorbraps keep deflecting?

>> No.17721789

The only way a woman can make herselves look good is by undermining other women.

>> No.17721864

I miss you bitch.

>> No.17721911

>implying relevant on here is a good thing

>> No.17722031

>over Fake cutesy Kiara

>> No.17722160

> implying mori is not the fakest in hololive

>> No.17722200

Deadbeats still losing? I thought they won since that rap battle fiasco

>> No.17722272

The shame of a cuck is not like connor's cum on mori's face. No matter how hard you try it can't come off.

>> No.17722362

newsflash they are all fake

even Ina

>> No.17722450

t. cuckbeat

>> No.17722454

100% This cuckbeats are just as much retarded ironic weeb trash taste loving disrespectful shit's too Japan and idol culture as she is. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if these same fucks defended Logan Paul a few years back when he acted like a little shit head in Japan too. Mother fuckin need the rope the lot of them along with their thin skinned top kek ironic weeb of a oshi.

>> No.17722498

I'd pick fake cutesy Kiara over Mori's fake tough act any day

>> No.17722619

What do you mean? That whole rap battle shit just proved that Mori is a better singer than her antis. Thats gotta be a win

>> No.17723237

Kiara is top cute, you may not like it but Kiara is what top cuteness looks like.

>> No.17723558


>> No.17725384

I'm a retard, but what do EOP and ESL mean?
Look at the numbers. More than a million of cuckbeats kinda prove that anon was right.

>> No.17725429

"Ywnbj" is newfaggotry anyway. The term has always been weeaboo. You don't need to invent new words for the exact same thing, unless someone is such a newfag they don't even know what weeaboo means.

>> No.17725441

>"Ywnbj" is newfaggotry anyway. The term has always been weeaboo.

>> No.17725474
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>studied Idol culture
>not just doing stupid and funny shit for the sake of comedy and following your personal desire to be a cartoon villain
Kiara will never be a good vtuber

>> No.17727517

why are you falseflagging as a nousagi, deadbrap?

>> No.17727826


>> No.17727857

fucking retarded or bait?

>> No.17727978
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cuckbeats all transitioning from "oh he's just a friend" to "oh let's try an open relationship", and some of you braps have reached the "i'd rather see her satisfied than unhappy".

seethe, cope, Kiara loves her fans and her fans love her.

>> No.17728967

>35 replies
>25 posters
1/3 are anti-kiara posts inclusding OPs

well baited OP
