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17679088 No.17679088 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the worst Hololive alternative outfit?

>> No.17679129

I still can't undestand Ina's one.

>> No.17679139

Not Matuli

>> No.17679166

what is wrong with you?
Laplus, Shion and Matsuri have good costumes

>> No.17679189

Ina has been on a roll with the last two she got.

>> No.17679285

all of these are good

>> No.17679290

Ollie's, easily. Not because it's bad, but because she keeps using it instead of her default outfit which is incredible

>> No.17679352

Festival's sex.

>> No.17679354

Laplus kimono looks awkward especially since its her own face on the chest

>> No.17679399
File: 50 KB, 741x414, 84838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shion outfit is so bad, she was never seen wearing it again after it was revealed

>> No.17679525

this thread sucks solely because OP's image uses Matsuri's and put the word "worst" next to it

>> No.17679536

>He dislikes tummy Matsuri

Normally I'm not offended when someone is gay, but this is egregious.

>> No.17679546

Is Matsuri there just to show off a good outfit for comparison sake?

>> No.17679593

What is wrong with your tastes op?
Festival’s alt with the blush is 10/10. Gura’s is pure loliconbait TuT overshadowed by the shit rigging.

>> No.17679711

I don't like Shion's, but I can't even figure out what the fuck they were thinking with Ina's.
Polka's looks like she couldn't decide what to wear and threw on more than one.

>> No.17679747

Gura's outfit makes me extremely hard

>> No.17680216

> Shion
She wants to look like Aqua? Her head is too big
> Matsuri
Coomerbait, she never wears that anymore, susan is too sensitive now
> Polka
Only clowns wear clown kimonos
> Laplus
Narcissistic and cringe
> Ina
High class arts or trash?
I do not understand
> Gura
Simple and boring

>> No.17680452

The Shion one is supposed to be bad on purpose, right? Its supposed to be like a mixed matched chuuni, she doesn't know what she's doing, right?

>> No.17680654

good other than her huge fucking head
this outfif is perfect. fuck you
bad but could be worse
this outfit is based because laplus requested it to be that way and she doesn't care that people don't like it
this is the worst one.
a bit boring but not offensive. the reason it's hated is because of the rigger disaster

>> No.17680864

Ina's is an art piece

>> No.17681892
File: 63 KB, 388x649, IMG_20220204_064229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> replace matsuri with this

>> No.17681927

The more I look at matuli the hornier I get

Polka legs looks like they're suffocating, in a good and bad way

No commentary on the rest

>> No.17681942

Loli Baba

>> No.17681952

the brown really accents the other shades of brown. it also goes really well with the brown background and the brown name plate

>> No.17681978

Ina looks like a Teru Teru Bouzu

>> No.17682083

Laplus is a special child. I really think she's on the spectrum. She kinda has to autism voice like Mumei.

>> No.17682173


>> No.17682224

>only loli vtubers have bad costumes

>> No.17682327

The only bad one here is Shion's, the five other ones I like or am indifferent towards.

>> No.17682434

Shion's outfit covers her eyebrows which reduces her capacity for smug posting.

>> No.17682510

shion and ina easily
shion even dropped that outfit fast and ina is just plain garbage compared to her artist and NY outfit (don't listen to fags who thinks its high class)

>> No.17682617

imagine spending $3K on this, Shion must hate the artist

>> No.17682671

Anon... Why didn't you include Ayame's?

>> No.17682780

Just shion I don’t fuck with, it looks like a kindergartener. Laplus is weird but I can see the value on the meme

>> No.17682782

Best - Shion
Worst - Laplus. Why is she wearing a kimono with her own face on? Looks retarded.
Porka is a very close second. It’s like that simulated stroke picture. Can’t tell what’s going on.

>> No.17682949

>Gura’s 3rd outfit and Kimono
Fuck you

>> No.17683006

>People who actually stream edition or something idk

>> No.17683023
File: 176 KB, 835x2047, Nakiri_Ayame_-_Full_Illustration_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?
it's bland but not as bad as the others

>> No.17683088

Ina's knees are an artistic masterpiece.

>> No.17683413

>Gura's kimono is bad because... it just is okay!

La+ did it because she likes memes.

>> No.17683559

> Shion
> Matsuri
> Polka
> Laplus
> Ina
> Gura
> Anya

>> No.17683852

>Ina's is an art piece
If it's art piece, then it's one of those weird paintings that you can't stop but wonder: What drugs artist took when he painted it?

>> No.17685583

Polka's the best one

>> No.17686011

matsuri's sex model has no reason to be here

>> No.17686518

Shion is so jarringly different that it's easy to dislike.
Ina and Polka are just objective unpleasant to look at

>> No.17686836

Gura might as well put on a cardboard box suspended with plastic rope

>> No.17687354

Gura's outfit would work better if she has big boobs

>> No.17687426

>matsuri room wear among those
I consider this as slander.

>> No.17689860

It's not fair to crop out Polka's massive clown feet.

>> No.17692747

Bae new outfit is the worst because no more tummy

>> No.17692847
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adding cat ears to this

>> No.17695195
File: 802 KB, 1416x789, sppvietoroj71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Polka outfit is wacky and colorful which fits her character perfectly fine. THIS, however...

>> No.17696165
File: 393 KB, 1448x2048, FJdMUVbaAAIqj4I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its cute

>> No.17696719
File: 320 KB, 1308x2048, FIF2sa4aUAAXYUu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.17696734

the brat, the forehead, and the whore.

none of them are good.

>> No.17696879

I'm going to say Shion but it's only because it reminds me that all of these characters have big egg-shaped heads.

>> No.17701589

It looks crazy and confusing, that's why it's cool.
Modern art girl

I also like Shion's pastel color menhera girl look, though it feels too special for everyday use

>> No.17701800
File: 51 KB, 710x400, notits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii's new one, easily. Cool fan, that's about it. Where're the tits?
>inb4 hurr coomer
Yes, and? Not like Kronii has any value outside her massive fucking titties.

>> No.17702057
File: 62 KB, 712x1075, 1627488923337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are her goddamn tits

>> No.17702166

matsuri's is just kind of weird because she's wearing so much less than every other hololive costume in rotation

polka's has weird bottoms that puff out like swimsuits from the 40's
ina's is a disgusting horrible mess I have no idea how that got past concept and I don't care that terrible clothes exist irl
gura's is boring but fine
shion's is different color palatte than usual but that's honestly the worst I can say about it it's fine
la+'s is actual fucking genius and perfect for her and anyone trying to say it's anything less than fantastic is clinically retarded.

>> No.17702179

I hate Ina's and Polka's, the latter is worse.

>> No.17702310

Every Ayame outfit is pure sex.

>> No.17702363
File: 435 KB, 1676x851, 1627796009512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike Ayame but damn me if that outfit isn't sex

>> No.17702658

All this sex, and then Hayama. Her retarded personality just makes it impossible for me to se her in a sexual way. At least the rest of the Niji line up her more than make up for it with the pure sex energy.

>> No.17705671

There's no problem with Gura's outfit, its her rigging that's the issue here. Also Matsuri's outfit here is fantastic, fuck you.

>> No.17705789

Yeah I'm all for the one in the OP, but this one is fucking terrible.

>> No.17705900

definitely would agree this one is worse it just doesn't feel like polka at all and looks way too much like a breastplate for some reason.

>> No.17705921

have not seen this in my years of watching hololive holy kek

>> No.17706005

cat ears ruin any outfit imo

>> No.17706008

polka casual is worse than new years, at least NY looks good when streaming

>> No.17706391

Party dress Ame

>> No.17706471


>> No.17707741

Ina's is worst. I like the overcoat and dress with the big bow but what in the fuck is going on with the sleeves? Don't care if it's somehow "artsy" it looks like something a jester would wear.
Other than that, not bad. Rest are fine and Gura's makes me think of cute childhood friend or young first date.

>> No.17709488

It's the kind of outfit a grandma would wear.

>> No.17710326

Gura’s has those toes though, nice lickable toes !!

>> No.17710331

It's basically Kuroboshi making fancy frilly clothes like his Abby from FGO wears. It's supposed to be weird and lovecraftian. As a takodachi I can definitely say it's the worst one, kimono is great and her default outfit is literal perfection

>> No.17711565
File: 282 KB, 850x1202, 1627521609543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her default outfit is literal perfection

>> No.17713402
File: 353 KB, 1448x2048, f8a0d43ecde1ac09502dc9a2a822c6ff54909dc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope management designs her next outfit and giver her mega milkers and an outfit as skimpy as Marine's bikini out of spite because she asked her artist for this abomination.

>> No.17713637

Gura's costume is cute but nigger rigger butchered it

>> No.17713728

Best hope is that her 3D will keep her boobs big even though it was apparently a "mistake" by the rigger.

>> No.17713819
File: 73 KB, 700x700, 1643638293743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the gayest OP I've seen in a while

>> No.17714200

Shion definitely

>> No.17714509

The only bad outfits in all of Hololive, the only ones, are the Polka NY and this one >>17695195
The revision to the latter at least looks decent, but holy fuck.

>> No.17715513

If Anya will have anything to say you won't see those tits ever again.

>> No.17718316

Marine's willy wonka one
