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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17667760 No.17667760 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17667807

Western women be like

>> No.17667853

Entitled western piggy

>> No.17667856

there were better parts to clip to show how unprofessional she is

>> No.17667972

how do people get it to be this low in sound quality

>> No.17667990

entitled western whore

>> No.17668013

Yeah, like a few seconds earlier would give you the context that she is actually seething over criticism, which paints an even worse image of her.

>> No.17668029

go back incel

>> No.17668034

Entitled whore.

According to her, I guess Kiara should be replacing all her streams with 7 hour rants about her antis, every day, every week.

What a fucking trainwreck of a person.

>> No.17668038

First world problem

>> No.17668049

>Complains about her "restaurant" job
>Calls her "guests" motherfuckers
>Complains about having to be professional
She couldn't be more clear about her feelings if she tried.

>> No.17668072

Oh my god queen, antis needs to touch grass kek

>> No.17668076
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Go back.

>> No.17668091

The clip out of context makes her position sound a lot more justifiable than it is, as if she were receiving pervasive harassment like Coco, Fubuki, and Aqua have gotten. But nope, it's a tantrum over the NTR comic that she actively searched for and the condom akasupa.

>> No.17668118

Yikes! Five viewers, three people chatting and one person being a miserable troll doesn't sound all that bad. This woman sounds mentally fifteen years old from this clip

>> No.17668135

Yes it fucking sucks. In a full shift you can have 7 great hours and just before you end your day if you get an asshole customer or if your boss gives you shit for 5 minutes then the entire work day feels like it's ruined. It's normal and human to feel like something shitty that happened outweighs all the good things that came before and what would come after.

But what do you want to do when you encounter a shitty aspect of the thing that brings food to your table and pays your rent, Mori? Do you wanna lash out and throw a tantrum every single time a shitty thing happens at work? You gonna flip off your boss or yell at a customer because "it fucking sucks dudeI don't have to take this shit just for 'muh professionalism'"? You can either grin and bear it or admit that you just want all the perks of being in the entertainment industry without all the shit that comes with it.

>> No.17668224

>In a full shift you can have 7 great hours and just before you end your day if you get an asshole customer or if your boss gives you shit for 5 minutes then the entire work day feels like it's ruined.
>It's normal and human to feel like something shitty that happened outweighs all the good things that came before and what would come after.
I wouldn't even say that it's normal; it's just easy to be that way. I've worked plenty of food service and customer service jobs and the person in the workplace most likely to be chimping out over shit like this was seldom the norm. These people are a drain to work alongside.

>> No.17668229

So ban the one troll then. If it's not that serious, laugh it off and shit on the hater. She wasn't built for this chuuba life.

>> No.17668237

Can't wait for this pink haired whore to continue spiraling and graduate. The way she invokes Satan is so fucking cringe as well, no wonder she's a fucking mess she's literally inviting demonic possession as her roommate

>> No.17668243

The funniest thing is that cuckbeats will still claim "n-no she really loves her job and fans, y-you misunderstand!"

>> No.17668248

now i understand why she gets mistreated on every job she has

>> No.17668294

She’s being paid thousands of dollars to stream games for a few hours a day
Why does she act like this is such a hard job when it’s basically the equivalent of winning the lottery

>> No.17668300

i said go back >>/r9k/

>> No.17668322

To be fair, I understand where's she's coming from, but at the same time, her job is literally to just stream and entertain her viewers. The people giving her shit are literally faceless nobodies that she'll probably never actually meet and can easily ignore. But instead, she just goes on a rant about how people online are mean to her.

>> No.17668376

>People are not allowed to vent
She didn't say she won't be professional or that she hates her job. It was just an outlet to express the pressures of her work. Also totally human.

>> No.17668402

Not even that. It's a first world, 1%er problem. Even 3rd worlders experience this stuff but handle it way better. Moona has expressed feeling upset by antis but she hasn't dwelled on it constantly like Mori.

>> No.17668430

because some percentage of the audience don't want to see or hear from her e-celebrity crushes, and she wants to hang out with e-celebrities using the persona that makes them pay attention to her.

>> No.17668439

Hololive is for exceptional humans who can act as idols for the rest of us. If she can't live up to the mantle she should quit.

>> No.17668446

it was pathetic how whiny she was the whole stream. as someone who slaved away at rock bottom just to survive, you'd think that she'd be grateful for the kind of life changing opportunity that she got.

>> No.17668452

There are much healthier outlets for venting than streaming. I wonder, was she accepting donations during that stream too?

>> No.17668493

>Do you wanna lash out and throw a tantrum every single time a shitty thing happens at work?
Do you watch westerner twitch streamers? Do you know how they go into long ass rants at every single dumb comment they see instead of just moving on and having fun with their stream? Well, Mori wants to do that too. Her friends do that, so she wants that experience as well.

>> No.17668505

You'd expect that someone who makes shit tier music, would be used to people saying mean things to them. How did she survive this long in life?

>> No.17668521

Chldish and dumb, even if you have to lash out sometimes, there are ways to do it and nobody would know it was you.

>> No.17668529

She wants to talk back and trash talk her trolls and antis, surely that is a great idea.

>> No.17668533

no sc, but membership on. gotta gather the cuck funding for when she decides to jump ship

>> No.17668537

> you'd think that she'd be grateful for the kind of life changing opportunity that she got.
she was at the beginning, i think TT brainwashed her, as they hate how Hololive works

>> No.17668554

The normal reaction is to vent, but her knee-jerk reaction when the incident happened was to go on a small menhera episode (which was ultimately a nothingburger regardless of any anti cope). If she didn't let that akasupa get to her and just ignored it, and THEN made the venting stream, that'd be fine. Doing this after the menhera episode makes her come across as whiny.

>> No.17668588

>Also totally human.
Stop saying this. Everything is human in some aspect. Murder and spousal abuse are human too. Rape as well. Our base urges are something we're meant to subdue and control their expressions. Flying off at the handle all the time means you're mentally unstable and need help. But yeah, that's 'human' too.

>> No.17668611

who thinks she's going to shit on Hololive at every opportunity when she graduates ?

>> No.17668619
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>seething this long over an ESL's supa shitpost
What happened to the strong, independent western woman attitude of "fuck the haters"? I'm suddenly doubting her childhood stories of being bullied, if this has mindfucked her so hard...

>> No.17668627

Reminder to kill all white women. White women have brought about the downfall of every great civilization in existence.

>> No.17668636

She won't be able to talk about it for a while.

>> No.17668639

That's completely shameless, wow.

>> No.17668648

Musician expresses herself through music, and there are some things you cannot express as a holomem, and thus the her old account gets reactivated to fill in that need to express musically. If anything, this is a good thing because she won't freak out on main as much anymore. And whatever she does on the side shouldn't be an issue foe hololive fans.

>> No.17668653

I thought she lived in Japan longer than those TT faggots? How is she so ignorant of Japanese and weeb culture?

>> No.17668666

t. MGTOW incel

>> No.17668668

Go to reddit yourself.

>> No.17668679

She got till the end of summer. I'm not sure now if she'll make it until June.

>> No.17668682

I won't kill them, but I certainly won't be having children with any of them.

>> No.17668698

Every content creator who has ever talked about this has said the same thing. Like 90% of the big streamers on twitch have taken breaks solely because the mental stress caused by hateful comments.

>> No.17668704

Hi Mori. Stop coming here

>> No.17668731

Okay, but this was a stream that was monetized to some extent and not music. Surely she has friends that she could vent about this stuff to and not a paying, parasocial audience?

>> No.17668756

She only hangs arounf other EOP expats and never tried to seriously study Nihongo to become fluent. I believe she is book learning heavy and can read kanji and katakana just fine but she doesn't speak with Japanese so her listening and speaking is severely lacking.

>> No.17668755

She comes from a wealthy family.

>> No.17668758

My inclination to not sympathize is born from envy.

>> No.17668766

It may be "totally human", but I don't want to watch an Average Joe dipshit with no self-control. She's in the entertainment industry, and worse, an idol under the Hololive brand. It is literally part of her job to be the better person in situations like this.

>> No.17668773

Two. Akasupas.
It wasn't a tidal wave of hate. It was two dudes, and one had a grudge not against Mori but TT.

>> No.17668786

Will she do shoots where she reveals all the inner workings like you see wrestlers do when they leave companies

>> No.17668789

You're spilling purple drank all over yourself, yet again, Moririn. Do you think it's time to stop?

>> No.17668808

>One single superchat made her go unhinged

>> No.17668818

Of course she does. I haven't heard it for certain, but how else does a white woman who went to art school and worked as a waitress at Applebee's manage to make it to a foreign country where she can't even speak the language?

>> No.17668820

> Mori vents about haters and antis
jesus, touch some grass

>> No.17668829

Never badmouth TT in front of her. NEVER!

>> No.17668839

People who air out all their troubles online instead of finding a healthy outlet used to be made fun of...what the fuck is wrong with Zoomers. Keep a fucking diary cunt, no one wants to hear you whine and cry about your incredibly lucrative, low-effort job

>> No.17668844

really? then why was she living in poverty in japan

>> No.17668849

She was working on that EP since November. Her blowing up was the combined stress of shit she was working on, and the hilarious timing of the SCs. Granted I won't discount the fact that she changed a few lines to refer to current events, but those were no way dedicated to specific antis. I mean, she has done seethe tracks in the past and this is no way different.

>> No.17668862

stfu, K*ren.

>> No.17668864

vent to a friend, why you need the public aproval for your vents, nobody does that

>> No.17668877


>> No.17668884

normally i'd agree with this, but mori actively gave them attention and even deliberately went out of her fucking way to LOOK for more hate to respond directly to it. that's as stupid as you can get regarding handling online heat.

>> No.17668902

>> /pol/

>> No.17668904

She always had membership open before Hololive.

>> No.17668915

I feel bad for you.

>> No.17668917

Because publicly signalling how much the trolls are harming your mental health will get the SEAnigs to stop right? There are 3rd worlders on this board who would literally kill to have a job that can make thousands of USD in a day

>> No.17668919

why are you telling people to go to a board that is full of females now

>> No.17668922

>Five people are present
>3 of them are having a great time
>You're having a good time
>One of them is a troll and goes "fucking you yourself lmao"
>You now ruin everyone's great time because you will now dedicate all of your attention to that one troll in detriment to the 3 guys that were having fun

Its not even about being professional, its about having some goddamn common sense.
She has been punishing her entire loyal fanbase over this for longer than a week.

>> No.17668937

Mori is a moron who can only see in extremes. Thus she thinks that everyone who claims she is unprofessional is also same person posting YOU SHOULD GRADUATE shit.

>> No.17668946

Probably her family did not approve of her adventure.

>> No.17668952

Shit I'd kill a job that would get me $50 a day.
t. seanig

>> No.17668971

She didn't live in poverty. She lived in a shitty neighborhood in a dilapidated apartment because housing discrimination against non-Japanese is ubiquitous. Even the TT guys were in shitty place when they first moved there. Landlords outright will deny foreigners but not say it.

>> No.17668974

Alright, I don't see how that makes streaming a pity party for yourself to complete strangers any more reasonable. That's not really healthy for anybody involved.

>> No.17668979

Big female streamers on twitch are DMed for nudes and called whores, sluts, bitches and cunts in a daily basis. Mori's chat is nowhere this toxic, most of her viewers are in full afirmation mode and 99% of her comments are positive, it's not the same ballpark.
Bitch went out of her fucking way to find THE ONLY ANTI fanart and had to reply back.

>> No.17668982

If you're an american with a degree going to Japan is the easiest task in the world with JET

>> No.17668995

White women are something else. Nobody whos faced any real hardship in life can take anything Mori says seriously. Complete clown.

>> No.17669001

*to have
see I'm a fucking esl

>> No.17669013

>I put my foot in my mouth
>multiple times
>should I reflect?
>nah, time to throat my toes

>> No.17669016

Daddy isn't gonna pay her to go be a retarded weeb

>> No.17669017

>There are 3rd worlders on this board who would literally kill to have a job that can make thousands of USD in a day
There's people from Europe that would do the same

>> No.17669025

I just dont understand. If she hates shit being taken out of context or hates being judged this way because she is on a public platform, why did she go to the same public platform to complain instead of talking to people offline like friends and the like? People should know by now that there is no way to "own the haters" of any fan group.

>> No.17669033

While she grew up physically, (mostly her double chin kek)
Ultimately after 10 years she still is an entitled immature urbanite 17yo bitch

>> No.17669043

>act as idols

...Do you even watch any of the streams or do you only to cherry pick clips and tune into 3D Lives and Concerts?

>> No.17669056

You can't turn memberships off unless you disable it entirely which i'm not even certain is possible.
