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17654752 No.17654752 [Reply] [Original]

Just Pokemon Edition

>Main links
Debut VOD: https://youtu.be/3Tv5GyebhQo
Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB79rnB6QYE
Next Stream:
Sana's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsukumosana

>Where can I find arts?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23galaxillust&src=hashtag_click
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=tsukumo_sana
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/九十九佐命/artworks
Azure-gallery: https://azure-gallery.net/illusts?query=vtuber%3A九十九佐命

LIVE : #SanaLanding
Fanart : #galaxillust
Fan name : Sanallite


>> No.17654910
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>> No.17655023

I wonder why Mumei never played her lv50?
did she pull it out for a different match?

I can't even remember who all Calli lost to, since you figured one of her losses would have been to Sana.

>> No.17655199

I guess she didn't want to fight with her story team?
I never had the chance to watch Mumei's pokemon streams so I don't know if she was planning to build a serious comp team or if she wanted to play with the baby owls anyway

>> No.17655219

I love Kronini!

>> No.17655238

>Next Stream:

>> No.17655436

One of the collabs Sana mentioned might have been the TBA on Ina's schedule (Feb 7 6AM JST), but Ina's currently having issues with her ISP so that might be cancelled...

>> No.17655441

She should play homeworld.

>> No.17655485
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>published by Sierra
I don't even know if Sana's into these kinds of games, but getting permissions for this might be impossible

>> No.17655549
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I need more Sana...

>> No.17655683
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>I miss san-hmphphmph

>> No.17656556
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Rights to the series are in Gearbox hands afaik, so it won't be impossible. But yeah Sana doesn't seem to be the kind of person who would be interested in RTS much, but a man can dream

>> No.17657164

I could see her playing Starcraft, but if she hasn't played it before, I dunno if that would be a great stream. Very slow going.

What are some good spacey tower defense games?

>> No.17658999

we can all live on the soapy suds

>> No.17660477

I wonder if anon could get the toodee and topdee devs to contact Cover and tell them they want Sana to play

>> No.17662405

tournament was earlier than planned date due to permissions ending. this flaw was pointed out in mori gen many times previously.
mumei did not have time to prepare her team of hoothoots. they were hatched the day before with the intention of training them for the planned date. her story team was still unsatisfactory to others and was certainly not going to beat sana's. so mumei had fun and turned it into a psychological battle.

>> No.17665190
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>> No.17667403

Does Sana prefer Earth baths at small size or space baths at full size?

>> No.17669083

I think she said something about tgat, but I don't remember the anwser

>> No.17670518

She uses Earth baths now, so she might like them more. No billions of sea creatures looking at her naked

>> No.17670587

How goes your Arceus playthrough, Sanallites?

>> No.17671572

Don't those sea creatures die when Sana blends the water planets to make bathwater?

>> No.17672343

her story team would probably have done better than she thinks

>> No.17674884
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>> No.17674968

Sana's design is just lovely, i think it's my favorite from council

>> No.17675531

yeah, and she even pairs up really nicely with San.
most of the other Ministry feel like rivals.

>> No.17676206

Water planets are a pain to harvest so she likes taking Earth baths more

>> No.17676677

I've yet to beat the Arcanine, I'm having so much fun catching alphas and shinies I don't feel like progressing through the story yet
Thinking of doing that part of the story and wait for Sana's next stream so I can continue playing

>> No.17677417

Maybe the primitive ones. Advanced civilizations survive longer

>> No.17677492

how would an advance civilization even form underwater? the control of fire would be impossible...
i guess they could do with the heat from volcanos to melt metal

>> No.17679074

>guess they could do with the heat from volcanos to melt metal
This. Or they started above ground and got flooded as the climat of their home world shifted. Or they colonised a water planet, but started elsewhere

>> No.17679073

I really like Sana for how much she genuinely enjoys pokemon it's very refreshing to see in contrast to most of the other girls just going through the motions

she also feels really bubbly and genuine from what i've seen so far

>> No.17679386

>most of the other girls just going through the motions
i like ina's playthrough she seem like she's having fun

>> No.17680302

Open world 3D is a blessing for Ina because it lets her just run around exploring and gathering for hours. Similar to how Sana has gotten so much enjoyment from the alpha catching and skyrim reindeering up the mountains to sequence break the game. Hopefully Ina can get her connection fixed and Sana can find the time for another endurance soon because I've really enjoyed both Pokemon arcs so far.
Feebas catching collab but Arceus when?

>> No.17680742

Problem with the volcano is that water boils when around intense heat. Meaning you'll get burned by steam if you attempt metalurgy with lava underwater. And the tools needed for metalurgy underwater require metalurgy in the first place.

Now there is an alternate way to have metalurgy tools underwater and that is to have enough luck for creatures to evolve bodyparts that won't melt in intense heat. However such creatures would need a different evolutionary path than ours which makes them fantasy unless proven.

>> No.17680832
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Don't we all...

>> No.17681849
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>> No.17685410

I will never buy a nintendo consol, but can't be bother with emulating on PC

>> No.17686288

im playing in JP, and doing 30 mins everyday of gameplay so my playthrough is very slow but so far im enjoying it.

>> No.17686923

Its a change in formula that I've been looking for. Sadly the game always point you to where you're suppose to go. But I can ignore that for a while and catch Pokemon.

>> No.17688022

Really fun, but I think I'm quickly becoming overleveled even without going after a lot of alpha pokemon. I hope they adjust some of the pokemon too if they end up in the main games. I don't see a reason to use Dicidueye when Liligant exists, and it's bizarre they gave them the same typing.

>> No.17689363

Sana just seems like a person who really enjoys games in general. She usually doesn't rush her way through and doesn't mind dying a lot. I like watching the other girls too, but Sana's solo gaming streams I find the most enjoyable because she doesn't complain to the game a lot and stays pretty energetic and curious through the run.

>> No.17695792
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>> No.17696040
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It really does feel like that, I enjoyed all her solo gaming streams so far
I just hope she finds the time to finish them, she wasn't able to follow through with the alternate route for Deltarune chapter 2 but I guess it's okay to skip this until the full game comes out?
Metroid Dread's next in the backlog so I'm hoping she finds the time to finish it someday
I think she was worried about not making progress with Celeste's B-sides, hence why she initially wanted it to be members only, but she should know by now that most of the Sanallites just want to see her stream anything at all
luv me completionist space baby

>> No.17698047

I doubt she'll go back to Deltarune unless she just wants to. She finished the story and beat Spamton right? That's the most I'd expect anyone to tackle.

B-Sides I could definitely see her going back to though, especially since she already started on it. I also hope she considers finishing SOMA, although it might be better if she handles that offstream because the game goes against her usual vibe. I'd love to hear her share her thoughts about it though.

>she should know by now
I'd hope, but I worry she's so occupied outside of streaming that she might cause herself to build some anxiety about her audience. Right now, her not being more vocal about her current work schedule makes me think she's still more guarded about her daily life than she needs to be.

>> No.17699088
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>> No.17701828

Sana's boobs in his eyes would have been more appropriate.

>> No.17702357
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>> No.17705201

So, uhh, where the frick is Sana!?

>> No.17705263

cover's drawing basement

>> No.17705355
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bad egg

>> No.17706508
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>> No.17707940


>> No.17709452

Which of Sana's Jupiters would you call home?

>> No.17710039
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What's the difference?
Which one's slightly bigger?
Which one experiences more earthquakes and tremors?
We have yet to establish first contact on either of them

>> No.17712367

I think it depends on which hand she draws with, right?
The drawing arm will cause that Jupiter to have more tremors when it's time to work, but the ground might be slightly firmer and temperature might be a little warmer.

>> No.17712908

I hope whatever Sana's working on, it's something she gets to flex with hard once it's time to show it off.
