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17586760 No.17586760 [Reply] [Original]

Chicken moving back to Japan is the only way to save Mori. It's clear now Kiara was keeping Mori on a tight leash and stopping her from doing anything too stupid.

>> No.17586856

Kiara needs to be parachuted straight to Mori's house for a 6-hour pussy eating session while I film the whole thing. Yes. Only ME

>> No.17587183

Nothing is going in or out of there.

>> No.17587272

The only way to save Mori is rape correction.

>> No.17587277

I want to beat the shit out of her and then shit in her mouth.

>> No.17587297
File: 1.49 MB, 1300x1600, 1625520391299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara mentally inclining
>Mori mentally declining
I did not expect this.

>> No.17587309

I eant Kiara to succeed and keep getting better
Mori can crash and burn

>> No.17587372

Kiara, please eat my poop.

>> No.17587421


>> No.17587531
File: 57 KB, 1080x1092, E2SVqs-VIAAE99e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Mori is bad influence on chimkin

>> No.17587667

What are the odds of Mori dragging Kiara down with her?

>> No.17587683 [DELETED] 
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Kiara is the reason Mori is fat now, as evidenced by the fact that she let Mori eat ALL of her chocolate during their vacation


>> No.17587719
File: 518 KB, 800x715, 1635888349116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what the true pairing is.
Mori stole it because she's a fat pig and Kiara is a kind, forgiving woman. She took advantage of Kiara and is now paying the price.

>> No.17587722

I fucking hate this orange whore.

>> No.17587790

share the clip, anon

>> No.17587853

Jesus, If Mori got fat from Kiara's chocolate alone, then Kiara must've been REALLY good at baking

>> No.17587855

Kiara radiates so much positivity and professionalism may as well just share some to Mori

>> No.17587896


>> No.17587968

A pig ?

>> No.17588012

takamori drug teach&try stream when?

>> No.17588538


>> No.17588651

Living away from your home country is unsurprisingly mentally tiring.

>> No.17589041

Mori's career started with her getting constantly shitfaced and working so much that she was falling asleep on stream...several times from what i rememeber. Yeah, nice "leashing" by Kiara.

>> No.17589401

Fuck that, she should save IRyS instead. I know they're not that close towards each other but jisas, she should know better.

>> No.17589408

Please no, let Tenchou be happy by herself.

>> No.17589821

Problem: Mori doesn't like Kiara.

>> No.17589881

i cum buckets every time i see kiara's insane, maniacal schizo face

>> No.17590311

The inverse could also be true, Chicken is definetly distant to Mori for a long time now, Ina and Ame are very close friends and Gura is still a bit distant but they are good friends.

>> No.17590731

>Chicken is definetly distant to Mori for a long time now
correct me if I'm wrong but gura and ame don't stream as much together anymoe...
i think detective and chimkin just don't wanna be "attachments" to gura and mori anymore.

>> No.17590795

kiara just moved onto better collab partners who don't take every opportunity to shut down banter and silly interactions

>> No.17590812

It's impossible to say because when Mori was unable to head home for the holidays , Kiara still reached out to her and even suggested a fun way for her to vent her frustrations. In other words they interact more offstream at the minute.

>> No.17590913

I really don't think so, Kiara really seems to have latched onto Mori when they were together in Japan in a way that the latter has never really reciprocated.

>> No.17590961

The first TT collab happened while Kiara was still on Japan, no?

>> No.17590996

So not Ame?

>> No.17591018

Also doing drugs

>> No.17591021


>> No.17591043

She didn't keep her leash tight enough

>> No.17591142

going on the podcast isn't necessarily a bad move. Bad move was associating and defending someone that shat on hololive more than once.

>> No.17591537

Japan, or Mori? Because only one of those is true.

>> No.17597488

Hell no. Mori is bad enough, i dont want this jap wanna be to corrupt her aswell

>> No.17599559

I can't fucking believe kiara is less retarded than mori, imagine telling someone on the week holoEN debuted that kiara would be the responsible rational one

>> No.17600428

Tbf she's a germ, so she would probably enjoy that

>> No.17601999

I'm so glad Kiara went back to her country. I'm starting to feel bad for Irystocrats now.

>> No.17602096

it's the magic of youtube

>> No.17602638

i like the austrian Kiara
i couldn´t stand the japanese one
now i even watch her stream (unless Ina streams obviously)
naver watched Mori outside of collabs, she can keep crashing and burning for all i care
The way things are now is best for all involved

>> No.17602842

Holy shit that's a lot of memberships. Hopefully she feels safe to transfer over to her roommate for good

>> No.17602871

Why does Mori even NEED to live in Japan for anyways? She doesn't assimilate into the japanese culture, all she does is hangout with her expat friends. Anything she can do in Japan she can do in the states.

>> No.17603322

She knows she will relapse on the hard shit if she goes back to ghettomerica and die of fentanyl overdose within a week.

>> No.17605059

But unlikely to happen.

>> No.17605443


>> No.17607457

>You know what the true pairing is.
Ina goes with everyone.

>> No.17607577

Kiara isn't American and that makes a huge difference. European cultural sensibilities are extremely different

>> No.17608049

going home did wonders for Kiara's mental health, while being away is clearly horrible for Mori
