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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17570835 No.17570835 [Reply] [Original]

Kiara used to be this board's favorite to hate. It lasted months, with the frontpage full of "orange woman bad" posts. Some of it got to Kiara, and obviously affected her for a time. Especially after that one Uno collab where Kiara faced a lot of backlash for babytalking for half an hour. She addressed those complaints, as well as others on stream, and it was clear she was emotional.
But after that, she became stronger and more confident. I'm not inside her mind, so I can't say the haters never get to her now. But I feel from watching her that since weathering several storms she is even stronger now than before. Now I think haters make her laugh more than cry, especially because she knows she has so many fans backing her up. And I think seeing that was important for her; seeing that the haters were a minority, and seeing so many fans and the majority back her up and defend her. That helped her to put the hate in perspective, and make her stronger.
Right now I think something similar is happening to Mori. Mori's a different person, so she'll cope with it differently (likely through her music) but after dealing with this wave of hatred I'm sure she will come back even stronger and won't fall for the same drama/troll attempts like before.
Things are hard now, but I think the future is optimistic for Mori and Deadbeats. Defend your oshi responsibly, help both her and the haters understand that the haters are the minority, and be sure to not let the haters consume you either. At the end of the day, know you are on the winning side, unlike the haters. That's the lesson I can tell you as a KFP (and a supporter of Unity).

>> No.17570888

I did not and cannot read, rumao

>> No.17570912

>but I think the future is optimistic for Mori and Deadbeats
No it's not, you fucking retard, Mori is a degenerate white trash whore and nothing you do will ever make her fit into Hololive. Completely different situation.

>> No.17570918

You're gonna get hard shit on by posting this in the catalog but thanks chickenfriend.

>> No.17570925 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17570966

Are you trying to bait Kiara antis? That is so pathetic

>> No.17571128

> But I think the future is optimistic for Mori and Deadbeats
She's either quitting and fading into irrelevancy because she's nothing without her anime titties. Or she's ODing on opiates.

>> No.17571255

You know that Mori will never go in direction of supporting hololive. She's individualistic american. She's on her own in her head and you can bet your ass if she will feel strong enough she will try to ruin cover's reputation destroying her EN branch

>> No.17571271
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Don't try and compare Kiara's well-intentioned but poorly executed joke to the toxic eceleb chasing personality Mori has. I have always had more respect for Kiara than Mori. Whereas Kiara did nothing wrong and apologized anyway, Mori doesn't think she's in the wrong and only apologized when she got big backlash.

You love Kiara because you're a saviorfag. I love Kiara because she's a beautiful woman inside and out. We are not the same.

>> No.17571333
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Orrrr, she'll take the money and a portion of her fans and go back to her previous occupation. The key difference here is that Kiara always wanted to be an idol, but for Mori it was a means to an end, that end being her rap career and hanging out with e-celebs, which she does now and doesn't really need Hololive for anymore.

Ask yourself this. If it came down to a choice between collabing with e-celebs and staying in Hololive, which do you think she'd choose? That's the different between her and Kiara.

>> No.17571461

Kiara actually studied Idol culture and actively strives to become one.
Mori doesn't care.

>> No.17571502

fuck you.

>> No.17571584

go away mori take some more lean

>> No.17571588

So you're saying Mori is planning to do a Coco, but then again, it only worked because Coco graduated a martyr. Mori doesn't have that.

>> No.17571625

Nice kfp larp there cuckbeat, Doing a shitty baby voice/having an annoying voice is different than cucking your fanbase then coping through a roommate account via song.

It's pretty laughable

>> No.17571642

Doesn't really matter, cuckbeats are already flooding her roommate accounts

>> No.17571654


>> No.17571667

I'm not going to read all that, but just because we hate Mori now doesn't mean that we aren't hating Kiara at the same time.

>> No.17571789
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>> No.17571857

If you ever hated Kiara you are a massive fag

>> No.17571923

Mori is always on a cycle, deadbeats understand this.

>> No.17571942

I'd rather be a fag than not hate Kiara. That's how much I hate her.

>> No.17572191


>> No.17572245

the fucking schizo still did some shitposting even after the fact. /vt/sisters such is life

>> No.17572332

Mori won't heal from this until she puts the fucking bottle down.

>> No.17572338

You killed your own argument because if that were true, Mori would've left Hololive a long time ago.

>> No.17572673

>ctrl+f haters
>7 results, all in your post
You didn't have to try to drive the bait that hard, anon
>what are contracts
This is why people were doomposting for the 1 year anniversary. I personally thought they were retarded, since one year is too short to build up enough clout and money to graduate. 2-3 years? Maybe. I don't expect Mori to be a Vtuber past 2025 at the latest, and that's being too generous.

>> No.17573036

If she leaves she loses
>Her Visa
>Access to recording studios
>Access to certain music producers
>A large portion of her simps
Her plan is obviously to make connections in the Jap music industry so she can secure a long term Visa without needing a shit job. She'll never succeed though, doesn't understand that Japs value loyalty to the company above everything else.

>> No.17573276

You should try nyanners next, cuckbeat, they are both pink and grifters maybe her fans will lend you a hand, after all you share more similarities with vshojo fans than any other hololive fanbase.

>> No.17573491

vshojo threads are actually civil

>> No.17573508

It's just a matter of when, unlike Coco she still have to use Hololive to build up her roomate career. When she feels like DD is popular enough and financially secured by her paypigs, she's gonna graduate.

>> No.17573519

>>>Access to recording studios
>>Access to certain music producers
lmao u know nothing about mori's music

>> No.17573541

My hope for Kiara is that she learns from her mistakes and becomes what she so obviously wants to be. For Mori I feel the same, and for this I'm called an anti.

>> No.17573558

yes unlike holofags bitching about it for 2 weeks
vshojo is tolerable

>> No.17573560
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>3 assblasted songs about 1 superchat

>> No.17573601

Kiara dont have anti faggot

All love orange womans

>> No.17573786

Taku Inoue ring any bells?

>> No.17573894


>> No.17573906

I was the one who made the thread by the way. It was the Watame Collab and she didn't finish her stream and did superchat reading. Sorry Kiara.

>> No.17574113
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The problem here is that Mori surrounded herself among the yes-man and have show no sign of change since her debut till now, even after all this drama(check those 3 news song from you-know-who that dedicated to her hater with one of them straight up telling her royal fan and concernfags to stfu). I have no doubt in my mind that Kiwawa will be able to bush through the hate, since idol culture is her ally. She was born in it, moulded by it. She know when, where and how to change and improve. Can't said that for Cali tho. I may skeleton posting on Cuckbeats any chance i can get, but ultimately i hope they will eventually talk some sence into their Oshi and convincing her to learn something after all this mess(far fetched dream honestly, since most Cuckbeast considering throwing money at her and telling her that she did nothing worng is a "win").But as of now now, skeleton posting all the way BABY.

>> No.17574161

It was only 1. The rest was about other personal shit.

>> No.17574198
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No, fuck YOU

>> No.17574321

Sad that there's not a single actual deadbeat replying to this thread yet, but I'd like to think that if any one of them reads this they'd really appreciate it. Thank you for doing this in midst of the mindless chaos that is this board, KFP.

t. takodachi

>> No.17574396 [DELETED] 
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CoCo graduated a hero that fight for her friend till her last day. If Mori gone now she will forever be remember as someone that cucked her entire fanbase and side with her real friends that shit talk her co worker and Hololive.

>> No.17574576
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>> No.17574842

Yup this is KFP larp no way this is a real KFP chimken just another deadbeat false flagger.

>> No.17574850

>Cuckbeats agreed with Vshotards
>It like A Match Made in Heaven

And peoples called me crazy when i said Mori and Cuckbeats are more Vshojo and TT than Hololive as this point. Glad that i was right.

>> No.17574883

>incongruous kfcbabble

>> No.17574907


>> No.17575055

Making a point to not name TT during the CHADcast was a tiny step in the right direction. The only problem is she doesn't make poor decisions in tiny steps, she makes them in leaps.

>> No.17575139

Just wait until she invites Irys to hang out with other friends.

>> No.17575200

You are crazy

>> No.17575308

There is enough perspective and thought put into this, in both grammar and content, to know this is not a falseflag.
Yes, we know this, and we know shit like this comes and goes once she finds a way to expel her frustrations (through music usually). It's happened before and she has improved after every hurdle. The last time something bothered her to this extent was 7 months ago, and her streams have consistently been better since then.
If you drown out what everyone says here and focus elsewhere, you'll see that no one really gives a fuck. There are no active movements on Youtube or Twitter that suggests she is "destroying hololive" like the schizos here are preaching. It truly is a nothingburger, unless you are a 4chan schizo. If shit really hit the fan, then she would have been suspended, graduated, etc. long ago, but it has already been two whole weeks and nothing has happened. It's just people shouting the same dumb shit they have been saying since 2020.
Judging by the last 6 streams, it is clear that she has already moved on, so we are not as worried as you think.

>> No.17575345

>paragraph schizo
>jpg uploaded from a phone gallery
>unintelligible english
I guess seanig hours started quite early huh

>> No.17575400

Aww man ,not again.

>> No.17575488

One comment under the stream is still funny to me.
"She wanted to name the podcast Chad Taste" imagine the seethe

>> No.17575490

she wasn't naming the Official Podcast though

>> No.17575554


네 사실입니다

>> No.17575652


>> No.17576021

Squid game!!

>> No.17576085
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>> No.17576577

Kiara rose above the hate because she's an idol.

>> No.17577312

Mori please leave this place isn’t good for you

>> No.17577412

Which one? Are you talking about the new EP or something else?

>> No.17577667

I think he's talking about Take the Bait.

>> No.17578160

>Kiara used to be this board's favorite to hate.
I haven't visited since a 4chinz cup, and before that you all were getting corralled in /jp/. This board is pure shit, worse than /v/.
Anyways, I like Kiara.. Her need for validation fits with my saviorfag weakness from the beginning.

>> No.17578444
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In Mori we trust.

>> No.17578472

While Kiara studied the idol culture, Mori studied the how to actually be entertaining.

>> No.17578535

She's not an American, retard.

>> No.17578587

>actually entertaining
Only if she makes a fool of herself

>> No.17578676

Better than Chicken ever did.

>> No.17578694

>Mori studied the how to actually be entertaining
too much lean anon too much lean

>> No.17578754

Maybe Kiara should lean into not being a boring idolcuck

>> No.17578906

Maybe you should kill yourself and complete the dead faggot transformation.

>> No.17579226
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>> No.17579370

She literally is, retard.

>> No.17579444

falseflag from a cuckbeat trying to remind everyone that kiara still sucks and her like 5k paypigs are pathetic parasocialed idiots

>> No.17579540

>Texas isn't America
You wish beaner.

>> No.17580183


>> No.17581122

This man speaks the truth

>> No.17583824

I ain't reading all that, but I'm happy for you or sorry that happened anon

>> No.17584055

Kiara quit being an idol though. Also her music is so bad no one gives a fuck.

>> No.17584491

I wouldn't trust the bitch as far as I could throw her, and it's not far considering her milkers

>> No.17584682 [DELETED] 

Defund your oshi, cuckbeat

>> No.17584779

Nice falseflag faggot.
KFP went through WAY worse over way less. Kiara did nothing to deserve her hate other than be orange and ESL.
Mori has dug this hole herself and has no signs of stopping.

>> No.17585016

People hated Kiara because they thought her content/character was annoying

People hate Mori because of her behavior

>> No.17586581

I don't think that's the sick burn you think it is

>> No.17586596

didn't read your blog. I still despise the orange cunt.

>> No.17587468

obviously she's a different person and she deals with it differently but, the thing is that Mori seeing anything that has to deal with people shit talking TT and the like is her seeing antis shit talking her friends. She's said it before that she does get protective over them and this is just an example of it. Now do I agree with it? I admire the intent but she should have really just let it go and ignored it, So yes, Mori, if you're /here/ reading this I don't fault you, I'm not not mad but you should have not said anything and let shit roll off your back like water on a duck's ass.

>> No.17587525

she too childish to understand the concept of ignoring = winning, she thinks she has to one up them for it to count and ignoring is admiting defeat.

>> No.17587561

Kiara loves Hololive though

>> No.17587569
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Holo EN was a mistake and it still is.

>> No.17587607

Does it mean KFP supporting cuckbeat ?
Is it will trigger another "orange women is bad" again ?

I feel bad for chimkin

>> No.17588271

You do know that Mori has already admitted to not watching Trash Taste, it is more likely that the podcast she listens to is MoistCr1tikal's podcast

>> No.17588526


>> No.17588768

I haven't read the thread, but ill guess there will be some falseflagger trying to start a war

>> No.17589771
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Dont shitpost with my Chicken stupid Connor cock sucker.

>> No.17589818

Yeah Takamori and their fanbase are based

>> No.17589939
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Prior to this Calli shit, the antis on here were doing daily dogpiles on Sana. Because there are some children on here who are so desperate to feel important they want to cancel someone more popular than they will ever be and so will always target the person they perceive to be weak (Kiara, Anya, Sana).

Of course the only reaction they ever got out of Sana was "fuck you tee hee" and man, if it wasn't for Calli stepping in with the cuck comic, they would still be seething about that now

Calli made the mistake of showing weakness and so the anti's are going to go for the jugular. Calli just needs to ride the storm now, wait for someone with a little thicker skin (an ID girl or an Aussie) to make a distraction, and the anti's will change targets in chase of their precious "HAPPENING!"

>> No.17590120

>will always target the person they perceive to be weak (Kiara, Anya, Sana).
When was she ever targeted? Tbh the only thing I've seen is people making fun of how irrelevant she is, but nothing remotely close compared to what Kiara, Ollie and Mori have gone through.

>> No.17590429

>Calli made the mistake of showing weakness
Not really, Aqua showed weakness too but she never shat on her fans.

Mean while Calli:
>I'm also a big fan of the Dead Beat's expression as well, there's a good eal of complex emotions you've portrayed very well here and I'm all for it.

>> No.17590450

Cringe and delusional.

>> No.17590726

You're assuming that she recognizes her actions as a mistake but all her actions lead me to believe that she thinks she did the right thing. That she can face trolls head on and come on top. Once she gets over this denial, she might finally improve.
