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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17392555 No.17392555 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think any chuuba company will ever have a full Spanish branch? Personally I think the biggest challenge will be finding eligible candidates.

>> No.17392650

there are enough indies who speak Spanish. or French, or Italian, or German, etc etc

>> No.17392899

I think the biggest challenge will be finding candidates who aren't trash

>> No.17392942

Niji could probably (due to reimu)
or a smaller agency

>> No.17393002

Do Japanese and Mexicans even get along? I've never seen any sorta interaction betweem aside from some e-whore mutt I knew online

>> No.17393453

I mean I don’t think Japanese and Mexican people interact very often. But there was a popular Spanish language Japanese band that was very popular in the Americas. On a governmental level Mexico and Japan are often the first to send aid to each other after large earthquake. Also my mom had a Japanese friend once so there’s that.
I heard that she doesn’t do a lot of Spanish pandering though. Which she should since that could help her shitty numbers but Colombians will be Colombians

>> No.17394198

>Colombians will be Colombians
You latam guys still pretending the country of origin matters like this is a football match or something? I'll make it super simple, you have hispanics like Reimu who are guaranteed to behave themselves and follow the rules of the company. Then you have latinos where it is a coin flip if they are going to fuck up in the first month of streaming. A company needs to look for the former and avoid the latter.

>> No.17395025

>Also my mom had a Japanese friend once so there’s that.
HoloES confirmed let's gooooo

>> No.17395337
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Relax my Anglo friend we just like to talk shit to each other we don’t really mean it (most of us anyway) but as for your other point I don’t see how we are more likely to see devastating yabs in an NijiES branch. The application process should weed menheras out nicely. Plus I think a large portion of applicants will be living in the USA/Canada anyway and will be able to understand the rules like reimu.
That was just a silly little joke anecdote anon way to ignore my other examples

>> No.17395378

I think actual, real Spanish people (especially from the North East of the country) should be fine.
I work with most Europeans and the Spanish have surprisingly been some of the most consistently decent people around.
As long as you don't need to do anything with their government, that's a fucking nightmare where nothing works.

>> No.17395424

No. Coco was pushing for it but you let her get cucked by the chinese like how you always let the chinese cuck you.

>> No.17395461

The Japanese and Mexicans interact often.
Most of the Japanese with interest in Spanish know of either the Spaniard variation or the Mexican variation.
Mexico's got a dated nisei population.
> 1897 The 35 members of the so-called Enomoto Colonization Party settle in the Mexican state of Chiapas, marking the first organized emigration from Japan to Latin America.

Don't worry, I'll make StarsES a reality, that way you won't want it anymore.

>> No.17395561

Why would the candidates need to be edible?

>> No.17395616

Atleast one Arg would be a given, as their spanish is among the easiest to understand.

>> No.17398311
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Hopefully. I've been trying to find a cute and good vtuber who speaks MOSTLY Spanish. I've already tried with some indies (both on twitch and yt), wactor and amaidirect, but only one hooked me and unfortunately she graduated a long time ago.
Mayybe I just need to try harder and be more consistent.

>> No.17398705

Looks like someone needs to do some reading reps...

>> No.17399529
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Tfw no spaniard chuba

>> No.17400715

it makes 0 money

>> No.17400992

That's Anglx to you, chud.

>> No.17401059


The problem with mexico is that they pretend they're all some magic mexican race, it's countries like brazil and peru where the japanese minority stands out and is well attested. In mexico they just pretend the descendants of slaves are a particularly dark shade of mexican, rather than black people.

>> No.17401543

Is also fun to hear when swearing, Anglos these day simp for the Argentinian insults

>> No.17401566

You only see decent people because Spanish are actually quite civilized if they have a good cultural level and know about people of other countries. But here in Spain you are going to find the worst scum you could find in Europe (turkey is not Europe). Spain and Japan share one similarity, it's almost imposible to find a better place to go on holiday but actually living there is a nightmare for most people. Our government is as corrupt as the Italian at least, the taxes are really high and the government wants to raise them, also if you are rich you pay around a 50% of your income in taxes (a considerable amount of Spanish youtubers and streamers live in Andorra, a former tax Haven between France and Spain). I can say confidently that if Spain wasn't in the UE we would be just like as Argentina (which currency is used to buy cheaper akasupas). And boi, there's also the gipsies, almost everybody hates them, amerimutts usually complain about the niggers buy gipsies are like ten times worse.

>> No.17401991

Not to mention that the average spaniard also has a bigger sense of patriotism than even most americans. They will refuse to aknowledge that spain isn't actually the greatest country in the world and god help you if you dare imply otherwise. Not only that, but most children are raised with that mentality as well, so they grow up thinking that they don't need anything other than knowing how to speak spanish to succeed in life, and by the time they realize that, no, you actually need to learn english if you want to go somewhere real in life, they either reject it and keep trudging along as overworked construction workers and the like, fucking up their own body along the way, or they have an existential crisis when they realize that it may be too late, and most just decide to, again, just trudge along. They get trapped in a bubble that they made.
t. spaniard

>> No.17402040

>has a bigger sense of patriotism
This is false as fuck, you will be called a "facha" if you do something as liking your own flag

>> No.17402218

Both extremes exist. I know many people who love the country and put it on a pedestal above everything else and you can't say anything to them; they're mostly the older folk, granted. I also know people who, like you said, will give you shit if you even imply you like the country.

>> No.17402384

There is actually a big gap from the youth to the elders in almost every aspect, in this sense the Japanese have the same problem, not that bad as ours but I saw the difference of mentalities between them

>> No.17403066

The biggest problem with the youth is that they were raised by those patriotic elders. While they changed their tune when they got older, they were mostly raised to believe that they didn't need anything other than spanish, because spain was already great. I remember when I was beggining highschool and started seriously trying to learn english by watching and reading material in that language, I got mocked and made fun of for knowing english, and it lasted until graduation, when my classmates were told that in order to get anywhere nowadays they needed a good level of english, except that they weren't kids anymore and couldn't absorb information (or another language) as quickly or easily, so they were fucked. I know that kids will be kids and all, but still.
I wonder if the youth hates spanish patriotism and their elders because they know, on some level, that they fucked them over, possibly for life.
Maybe it's the same in japan, they're forced to learn a language that will be used only in japan, while learning english is almost not required, despite the fact that it's used worldwide, so they're trapped in japan once they grow up.

>> No.17403237

Starving Venezuelan chuba when?

>> No.17407343

Alright here's my million dollar idea: buy the rights to va-11 hall-a from the venezuelan devs and turn Streaming-chan into an actual vtuber. Hell, turn the whole main cast into vtubers kinda like what they did with Kemono Friends. Shit shouldn't be too expensive legal-wise and they know they'd already have an audience.

>> No.17407550

>I think the biggest challenge will be finding eligible candidates.
Not really, the bigger issue is dealing with their culture.

>> No.17407687
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Japs get along with Portuguese. That's the closest that you'll ever get to a Spanish branch.

>> No.17408413

Literal best buddy governments, plenty of Japanese people live in Mexico city, anime airs on public channels daily, the average Mexican (of every age group) is respectful enough to distinguish Japanese people from "chinos" (which is what every other slant-eye is called regardless of ethnicity). I don't know how chummy things are from the other side.
t. My mother's coworkers are Japanese (and I have not been introduced to their daughters, sadly)

>> No.17408507

There are ZERO niggers in my country, sorry.

>> No.17408812

Lupita Nyongo.

>> No.17409008

Raised in Kenya, born in Mexico to two kenyan parents. The post I replied to was reffering to ancient slave blacks being bred into the population just like what happened in the US (a mistake Mexico was not stupid enough to repeat).

>> No.17409344

chinga tu madre nimu

>> No.17409790

Did people really mean this, or was this one of those things you just say (like "es puto y le va al America")?

>> No.17409951

you let in a bunch of Haitians and i hope they stay there in tijuana lmao

>> No.17409961

like "que chingue su madre el américa" it's half truth, half bantz.
Nimu does have that "hate me more, bitches" approach similar to the Vshojos but she doesn't quite attract schizo haters like JP chubas do.

>> No.17410254

And yet we are still a whiter country by a wide margin than the USA, Canada, and most of Europe.

>> No.17410875

No you are not lmao. Mexicans are even bigger mutts

>> No.17411009

this post reminds me of /sp/ because that board has flags.
it's always either Mexican or American flags with the wildest shit takes right out of Fantasyland and yeah sure it's almost always about Mexico bc this is all they talk about

>> No.17411520

You're talking out of your ass. The reason JPs stand out in Brazil and Peru is because there's enough of them that they don't assimilate and form communities. In Mexico, Japanese people usually jump head first into the culture and marry a Mexican girl. Everytime I got Cancun or DF, the Japanese tourists I see are with a local girl.
>descendants of slaves
Sorry black people aren't attacked like in your nigger hating shit hole. In Mexico we have small communities of back people on the coast, in Oaxaca and Veracruz. Apparently, slaves were being transported to the US when they stole the ship and smashed into the beach. And they haven't left that beach since.
>Magical race
We are magical bitch. Fuck your disgusting yellow cheese

>> No.17411653
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This is all you'll ever get, take it or leave it.

>> No.17411670

Keep saying it (through true swede/american (nigger) semen)

>> No.17411849

Well I am a bean person but there is Japanese blood in my linage so I'm pretty sure mexicans and japanese interact

>> No.17412759


>> No.17413109

Yes, entire neighborhoods watch Dragonball together and get hyped for fights as if they were boxing matches and get permissions for it.

>> No.17413202

What makes you so confident that think they'll Mexicans and no a bunch of Spaniards, Cubans, Columbians or bilingual Filipinos

>> No.17413274

Don't worry anon I don't want to.

>> No.17413314
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Japan is in a huge Latinoamerica fad, young japanese are learning spanish and travelling SA in droves

And i'm not memeing, spanish is the most studied language there in uni (beyond english and chinese)

>> No.17413389

Mexicans are the real and only ES race, cope.

>> No.17413412
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>huge fad
>beyond English and Chinese

>> No.17413511

English and chinese are business languages that people learn because they are actually useful, Spanish in this case (if this is true) woukd be a popular language because it's trendy, just like french was for english speakers and 日本語 is now.

>> No.17413587

Sorry i meant even more than english and chinese

No i wont learn proper english

>> No.17418992

I remember seeing articles like this.
EOPs are in such a deep hole, they don't know what's going on outside their bubble

>> No.17419587

>not having a japanese chuuba exclusively asking her roommate to sing a spanish song for an anniversary

>> No.17420014

Sauce? That's really good

>> No.17420251


>> No.17420832

Spasiva comrade

>> No.17424675

Hololvie is losing money right now, spic streamers actually make lots of cash, at least on tiwtch, they should give it a try, is at least a better idea than trying to appeal koreans.

>> No.17426438

i like nimu but what's with beaners and facebook

>> No.17429405

in youtube there is luna from wactor, and i think a 2 view but dont remember the name

>> No.17429485

japan has good relationship with all the spanish speaking countries, they were the ones to give them food and clothing at the end of ww2

>> No.17430797

You may be thinking of Yomi, and yes, I know Luna, but I want pure, undiluted spaniard chuba that speaks mostly in spanish, Lunita hides her accent because of latino autismo
I do cath Yomi's stream most of the time

>> No.17430923

Joder, comparto board con el Dun

>> No.17430973
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>> No.17430976

i found her, it was this girl.

https://twitter.com/erispheria?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor you have this one too, but its from twitch

>> No.17430997

It's not just beaners, it's everyone. All boomers in the US, everyone in latam, India, Arabs... It's everyone who isn't a millennial and below, or countries that have it banned

>> No.17431033

she stopped streaming there ages ago

>> No.17431117

There's unironic Mexiboos in Japan.
Chicanoboo rather

>> No.17431321

Thanks Anon, I will keep searching for ostia chubas

>> No.17431641
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Some ES chuuba collabs:

>> No.17432624
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>> No.17433041

Thanks for educating me

>> No.17433192

It's even shocking for me as a native spanish speaker. The typical mexican regularly mocks cholos (as in, the california dudes with baggy clothes), but theres apparently a non insignificant number of nips openly emulating cholo culture.

>> No.17433575

korea with kpop also was trying to get into the market iirc, making a couple of songs in spanish and doing more concerts there

>> No.17435499

Hina and Luna from wactor both speak spanish.

>> No.17435589

What the fuck are you talking about lmao
t. aco

>> No.17435893

It'd be funny to see mexiboos react to an actual mexican much like when weebs see a japanese guy and they sperg out, asking them about anime and stuff

>> No.17435909

Never. It doesn't matter if the audience or the talent exists if an EN or JP is going to make more money anyway. it is a business.

>> No.17435933

Boatloads of Kenyans: past, present and future.

>> No.17436040

Then why does ID exist and keep on getting new gens? There’s more money in Spanish speaking countries than fucking Indonesia

>> No.17436979


People in Spain is quite civilized in general and have a let live attitude whatever the cultural level because it's ingrained in the most basic national culture. If it was not, the country would have spiraled a long time ago into the Balkans in the 90's.

The government is corrupt but not like the Italian, you retard. Italy has the Mafia ingrained in everything , do your reps about other countries before comparing them to yours.
The % of Income tax is irrelevant to whatever you are talking, and boy they go to Andorra as it acts kinda like a tax heaven, as do some other people with money.

If Spain wasn't in the UE I guess we would have a somewhat lower GDP capita, but I bet we would still have some industry left which was sacrificed in the altar of Unionism. Not that I have faith in politicians mind you.

THE FUCK are you talking about? Spanish patriotism is like the Meigas, they exist but no one has really seen one. And your comparison to Americans doesn't make any fucking sense it has to be from a diseased mind that comparison. A normal, middle of the spectrum of national pride american would be called in Spain a facha derechoso. If I didn't know better I would think your post is a purebreed trolling one. To any non-spanish reading, basically after Franco which as successful dictatorships do, ingrained themselves in the national symbols and all that , spanish nationalism is frowned upon by association, and association which has been exploited, levereaged and exagerated by interested parties (the right calls themselves patriots, the left says patriotism is francoist). For any burguers reading here, the two main parties would sit at the left of the US Democratic Party, even the right wing one.

Also yes, in Spain you don't really need other than Spanish to succeed, but you need other languages to go out. In fact regional languages are more relevant to success inside of spain than nearly even english. The number of jobs requiring really knowing english is low, as to being a server you only need the most basic knowledge related to your work for example and jobs that require due to technical or outside connections to talk english or other languages are limited in quantity.

About gipsies and negros, you are an idiot. Gipsies in spain are literally a 1/10 of how bad they are in Romania and if you look at the criminality rate of Spain and compare to the US you will see the retardation of that comment. Not that ethnicity is a real cause of this, but culture , poverty and safety nets.

>> No.17437047

Stop with the drugs.

>> No.17437242

>reminds me of /sp/ because that board has flags
Seriously? sp? Fucking newfag

>> No.17437892
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Do we really need anything else?

Anyway, there is also Nimu, and Zilverk who rapes most top Holos and Nijis in numbers

>> No.17439318

They used to be really into the look and style kind of like how gyaru/valley girls were taken from Coastal USA and converted.
Nowadays its mostly normie meme dance music like Despacito or Romeo Santos that Japanese find interest in since they play on the DJ setlists in clubs all the time.

>> No.17439816

Will there ever be a Nimu/Ironmouse or Reimu/Ironmouse collab?

>> No.17440051
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>pic related
I lost my 4chan folder but if anyone has been to /int/ they might have images of those cholo japs

>> No.17442247

True but that still doesn't mean there are more whites in mexico than the US or yurop. There are some but they're still vastly a minority
I literally said that I was a taco retard

>> No.17442292
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>> No.17442555

it's like whatever, koreans invaded pesqueria tho, a small town in the north, but nobody really cares, there are a lot of dying small towns around, so it was kind of a surprise.

>> No.17443028

there also was a place were lots of chinese lived, and they even made underground tunnels in the city
Japanese people are more integrated with the general public in Mexico, usually seen as harsher and strict bosses than others in the region, sometimes politicians and one of them invented the "cacahuate japones", and in japan are called mexican peanuts.

>> No.17444032

Both are literally crazy about beans.

>> No.17444083

>Do you think any chuuba company will ever have a full Spanish branch? Personally I think the biggest challenge will be finding eligible candidates.
No because All-Spanish companies have already gotten the drop on them.
