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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17298449 No.17298449 [Reply] [Original]

>when you realize these two were hired just to cover the dead hours between NA holos

>> No.17298683

I would unironically watch them more if they used less General American English.
Give me the fucking straya experience.

>> No.17301772

Sana has a very thick accent. She talks like the bushworld adventure parody.

>> No.17301850

I'm kinda disappointed they didn't become a regular duo.

>> No.17302069
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I love sana stupid face

>> No.17302221
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>Tfw none of her 2D coworkers mocked them because they are aussie

>> No.17302377
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>> No.17303791

I'm just happy Ina has a friend to stream with now.

>> No.17303870

sana is basically the australian chick in dr. rabbit's world tour

if you know your old school youtube poop you know what i mean

>> No.17304170

ive been hoping one of them calls someone a cunt during a collab and have been disappointed so far

>> No.17304355

We're in the bloody bush dimension, Sana.

>> No.17304454

fucking right mate. I'd lose it if she referenced some aussie memes

>> No.17304760

Sana is your best bet for the slip, but she's too jovial for a mean spirited insult. The closest we got are magpie complaints and a macca's reference. Bae is too soft to even casually call someone a cunt.

>> No.17306419

Bae larps as an american zoomer too much

>> No.17306480
File: 35 KB, 662x393, Aussiescantstopwinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I wish those two acted and sounded more like austrlians

>> No.17306552

hong kongers are basically american except they know an extra language

>> No.17306666

But she's a hag, that's what makes it weird.

>> No.17306819

>source:it appeared to me in a dream

>> No.17306860

sana actively tries and fails to hide her inner bogan. She needs to let it free.

>> No.17307082

She's one of the youngest

>> No.17307179
File: 130 KB, 900x900, Austrailiakeepswinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to let it out and be as bogan as possible. Relying on her 'shota' self isn't going to help her career in the long run

>> No.17307248

Why have they not said cunt yet?

>> No.17307871

Wait they are aussies? Guess I gotta watch them now

>> No.17311557

Saying cunt in some countries is considered extremely rude, so saying it casually can end badly.

>> No.17312081

>Cover dead hours

Well... She can't do that if she doesn't even stream

>> No.17312259

Sana's super heavy aussie accent is why I can barely watch for more than an hour. That and her fucking shitty mic.

>> No.17312588
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what your lying

>> No.17312666

Not a hag yet, but getting there

>> No.17312763

Aussies make sailors blush with their language.

>> No.17312797
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>he couldn't handle the accent banter
lmfao get filtered you absolute casual

>> No.17312901

Youtube absolutely hates the word, it's pretty much instant demonetization

>> No.17313171
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>replacing dead hours with dead hours

>> No.17313395

It's funny when you think that sana was given the nigger character when in hololive she's probably the most likely to hate them being surrounded by subhuman abos and africans.

>> No.17313520

>supersatan and normal satan create rrats that seem questionable

Next you'll tell me Gura is also a hag.

>> No.17313996

There is no way Gura, or anyone in Myth, isn't a Christmas cake. And they'd be the youngest.

>> No.17314154

Ina is almost hag.
Kiara, Gura and Ame are zoomers
Mori is a millenial almost close to zoomer

>> No.17314501

>kiara, gura and ame zoomers
I don't belieb it. They are all 25+

>> No.17314735

>A zoomer
That's high octane delusion right there. Definitely 25+.

>> No.17315067

how old is council?

>> No.17315620

>very thick accent.
I spent the first month after her debut convinced she was a kiwi because of how soft spoken she was, these two barely have an accent at all as far as I can tell

>> No.17315672

she's a plaque person

>> No.17315736

I will never recognize anyone born in the 1990s as a zoomer and neither does the british government. Fuck pew research.

>> No.17315810

Anons will tell you they're all like 35. Anons are full of shit.

>> No.17315839

Those with doxx knowledge know it so... Sucks to be you guys.

>> No.17315859

The only young ones in council less than 24 yrs old are kronii, mumei and bae (the youngest)
fauna is 25 and sana is 25+

>> No.17319791

That's true but then Bae decided to start streaming at midnight on work days because she's retarded and wants the American audience.

>> No.17319842

Mumei is 27

>> No.17320009


that probably applies to mumei but def not kronii

>> No.17320130

can't be, she's still in college

>> No.17320242


>> No.17320380


I’m 33 and she constantly reminds me of cultural reference points from when I was a child. She’s 5 years younger than me at max.

>> No.17320901

that’ll show him, good one anon

>> No.17321022
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>all these anons that haven't done cursory reps
They're joking right? I'm getting trolled?

>> No.17321133

Anon, do you think college has some sort of upper age limit?

>> No.17323514

That means jack shit. Kiara had never heard of Lonely Island until recently. Unless you are 12, there's no way you were on the internet at a certain age and had never heard Dick in a Box or I Just Had Sex.

>> No.17324031

When is the Holoaussie collab?

>> No.17324371

In Australia, it's maybe as harsh as the word "ass" perhaps softer

>> No.17324705

youtube still fears it and Bae is too sweet. Sana absolutely has called people cunts before and probably does on a daily basis, but won't on stream.

>> No.17324951

I just want to hear one of them call someone a ciggy butt brain

>> No.17325033

Sana is known for calling japanese style things wabisabi and pointless stuff willy wonka nothings. Though those might just be sanna-isms.

>> No.17325142

ever heard of something call grad school?

>> No.17325280

does that take people until they are 27 to complete? Im assuming this isnt for a doctorate.

>> No.17325394

Sana is covering dead hours for sure cause she doesn't even stream.

>> No.17325450

Im talking shit Like merchandise and commercials that from a very specific period of time in the late 90s.

I don’t remember specifically what it was at this point; just that I became fairly confident she’s a young Millennial or old Zoomer. Nothing more.

>> No.17325826
File: 241 KB, 463x453, Ogey126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf, Bae is good though. Shame on you OP!

>> No.17325964

it's a pretty rude word anon, even in Australia. I'm sorry that memes aren't always true to reality.

learn English you fucking ESL SEAnigger

shut up retard. It's like calling someone a piece of shit.

>> No.17326001

>hire aussie streamers to cover off-NA dead hours
>they still stream in NA hours anyway because numbers
>there is still dead hour
nice fucking hires

>> No.17330163


>> No.17331097
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>> No.17332876


>> No.17333159

Because Americans are fragile and saying a mean word instantly ruins their day.

>> No.17333211

You do realize College has no age limit like high school right?

>> No.17333213

To me, Bae is simply miscast. She has a lot of talent in signing and she's hard-working, but the personality of her avatar is the direct opposite of her roommate.

>> No.17333259

Here's to hoping EN 3 will get some more people from Europe. (Preferably brits, but I think one slav would be good too for variety.)

>> No.17333365

I recall they generally did start their streaming in aussie times and then.. everyone compained about their streaming in aussie times. Go figure.

The design of Council, on paper, must have looked strong in Omega's eyes I bet. And if you think about it, it did seem well-designed:
>gfe/asmr chubba
>two dead-hours chubba that in theory should have been strong and freely able to mingle with the JPs also active at their time, also cool accents
>ara ara mommy sexy chubba
>moe airhead chubba sort-of like a gentler version of Gura in being a super singer and very cute

All good niches to add to the EN roster. It seems the problem was the execution - they shoehorned in people into those goals who may not have been the ideal fits to really knock it out of the park. Not a single one has not had some kind of stumbling block either with streaming or the more semantic/background things (as one way to put it). That's not to say they're all bad, just more like the goals were accurate but the hires imprecise for them.

>> No.17333513

What kind of stumbling block did Fauna have?
in b4 you don't watch her and just assumed.

>> No.17333587

Council is the only gen i've seen without a member producing a memorable stream.

>> No.17333586

You fucking know what it is, the one thing a GFE chuuba should not ever be confirmed to have. Why in the ever living fuck did they pick her for that of all roles. There must have not been a single goddamn neuron in omega's head not devoted to XIV that day.

>> No.17333595

This stuff really isn't up for debate. All of their past identities/personas are well known and documented. I don't think any of the girls are really even denying it. It's just something they don't discuss in-character.

>Gura was born in 1998
>Mumei was born in 1998
>Kronii was born in 1997
>Ame was born in 1996
>Fauna was born in 1996
>Calli was born in 1996
>Kiara was born in 1995
>Ina was born in 1993
>Sana was born in 1993

>> No.17333611

Yeah I'm sure she hates all 10 of them

>> No.17333721

Generations are different across countries, as the cultural differences evolve… differently. If all the research on ‘zoomers’ is American, then only Americans (provably) have that generation.

>> No.17333734

I don't care about what chuubas do in their private time as long as they don't bring it up on stream. (Which she doesn't.)

>> No.17333824

Yeah I like her as a streamer, but utterly do not take her seriously and find her asmr/gfe type stuff utterly offensive, like spitting in the eye of the idea and is a primary reason I fucking dislike omega immensely, something he can never undo. He doesn't fucking respect the audience to hire someone like that for that role and to me that fucking disqualifies him from being worthy of his job. Who knows what else he thinks about us all really.

>> No.17334395

I fucking hate bongs, would prefer any other euro over a fucking bong.

>> No.17334552

Are you sure she was ever meant to be GFE though? She makes it pretty clear that she's more like a mother or big sister than a wife. Doesn't stop people from falling for her of course, but that's not her fault at that point.

As for Omega, he seems like a retard, but I'm really enjoying Fauna in spite of him. Perhaps it's because I was familiar with the western ASMR scene from before and so knew what to expect? To me it's always been clear that it's a show. (Like hanging out with a courtesan or watching burlesque. You wouldn't expect them to be "pure", but men still enjoy it.)

>> No.17334586

Bongs are as diverse as any other nationality. What problem do you think is so common with bongs specifically?

>> No.17335330


>> No.17337983

Dick in a Box is 15 years old, Kiara was literally 12 years old and probably didn't even speak English at the time.

>> No.17338188

>cover the dead hours between NA holos
>actually streaming
Kek nice joke anon
