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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17274633 No.17274633 [Reply] [Original]

Someday, Mori-chan. Someday.

>> No.17274679
File: 645 KB, 2096x4312, Pay-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay the collab fee and then you're free

>> No.17274680

She REALLY likes Vox, huh.

>> No.17274686

Mori's hopes and dreams

>> No.17274767

I can't blame her, honestly. I bet most, if not all of his haters here have not watched a single stream of his.

>> No.17274789

She like every male vtuber

>> No.17274807

I hope Calli wants to collab with him so that we get a replay of the Vshojo collab where Calli pushed for it and it gets accepted and then Kiara got to collab with them too and we can finally get Pomutori

>> No.17274844

Vox made a tweet implying that he spoke to Mori in private so yeah

>> No.17274852
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If Kiara couldn't get a Pomu collab going on then a Vox collab is nearly impossible. Mori must be seething at management.

>> No.17274868
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>cucked by Ironmouse yet again

>> No.17274896

>Mori must be seething at management.
She is and the fact she can't saviorfag Nijis is pretty much entirely why she's been melting down lately. People could point out that there's still plenty of people in Hololive she hasn't interacted with at all but what's the point it's obvious where her heart lies.

>> No.17274900

not even a nijinig but that guy's pretty fun to watch when he's not being a fujo baiting faggot

>> No.17274901

Ironmouse is 100 times better anyway. Trash low effort Mori can't compete. It's her destiny to be cucked

>> No.17274922

It's hard to express in language how much Moririn regrets not applying to a different vtuber group.

>> No.17274937

For the love of god leave Vox alone... I don't want Holofags entering and demanding Nijisanji bend to their whims

>> No.17274943

Two people pushing for it has better chances of working than just the one. I know it's copium but fuck it if Calli gets the collab perms I will kneel forever and ever

>> No.17274946

Ironmouse has stage 6 space aids and will literally die if she fucks someone. I'm sure Mori knows this and is the one doing the cucking irl with Connor and soon Vox.

>> No.17274947

Didn’t he say on stream he had a discussion with someone about “soup”? They probably dm a lot

>> No.17274954
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More Vox likes.

>> No.17274957

That's a bit of their issue though, is that a large amount of their viewers WANT that. That's where they MONEY is at. It's why you'll see more and more of the blokes stream at times better for SEA over NA, because the market in NA for anime guys is pretty weak compared to SEA+JP+TW/HK.

>> No.17274960

What a dumb bitch.

>> No.17274964

Everything she says about how much she loves her Hololive genmates falls flat because of how saturated everything she does is in the regret over being in Hololive and not a group that lets her be a retarded wigger who does her own thing. We get it Mori. You really, REALLY want to hang around men more than women. Can you actually do your fucking job now?

>> No.17274980
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I feel bad for her. She's like a child raised who was raised by dyke mothers looking at pictures of real healthy families with both a mother and a father.

>> No.17275031

hang yourself
Women are boring and only get views because of cunny.

>> No.17275068

She probably likes the amount of clout she gets for her songs which would be unmatched in any other company. Socially though? 100% she regrets it, she barely acknowledges JP and actively pushes for Vshojo/eceleb and now Niji collabs. Everytime she looks at Mousey she probably goes "god I wish that were me."

>> No.17275086
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I thought he was just fujoshit pandering at first, but he's REALLY quick-witted when it comes to banter, so I can see why chicks like talking to him.

>> No.17275155

>that's the PROBLEM though, he doesn't cater to something >>>I<<< like!!!

now you finally see

>> No.17275169

I WILL make it to Holostars EN specifically to satisfy Mori's needs.

>> No.17275188

banter* needs

>> No.17275302

Any Mysta interaction?

deadbeats coping now

>> No.17275339
File: 431 KB, 1102x448, trade offer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Nijibros, how's this? I don't care who we're getting in return; I just want my oshi in a group she can be happy with. We'll take whatever other trash you don't want, if we need to sweeten the deal.

>> No.17275387

Bro you can have Petra for free

>> No.17275399

Can we ever expect to see a future where vtuber companies switch talents like sports teams trade players?

>> No.17275424

Anya Petra "global" would finally make even a little sense as a thread.

>> No.17275431

Judging from how fast she dropped the stars after doing her song with Rikka, i doubt that would even work

>> No.17275457

I can see a world where HoloEN buys out Pomu and Selen if NijiEN collapses but besides that not really

>> No.17275468

I don't think Nijisanji or Hololive want the drama that comes from a major VTuber switching over to their side nowadays. Luna was a special case as Hololive was still small when she joined.

>> No.17275469

I always feel that she suits Niji more than hololive since day one. Holos do idolshit and pander to otakus while nijisanji has a more casual environment and panders to the normalfag crowd, at least in JP.

>> No.17275506


>> No.17275573

>even more boring than Mel
>walking on eggshells
>not able to speak English
>got barely any interests in common with Mori

>> No.17275652

You can keep petra for free. We'll even through you a complimentary akasupa for your troubles. Just please take the wigger and go.

>> No.17275679

I've never watched her, is she really that bad?

>> No.17275715

She's one of the most boring vtubers I've ever watched.

>> No.17275724

None of them even live in NA so I guess as luck would have it they were going to and currently stream at those times anyway.

>> No.17275738

That's a shame since penguins are one of my favorite animals

>> No.17275803

I'd love to see a big VTuber draft involving several different companies.

>> No.17275818

You could just give her a try and see for yourself

>> No.17275842


>> No.17275843

True, will do.

>> No.17275888

What does that even have to do with Connor...
She's a VTuber and she's also inviting Bae and Kiara to her show. She's her own person and associating with her doesn't mean you have to associate with her friends. You guys need to stop bringing him so much, it's kind of pathetic...
Also this is completely off-topic to this thread

>> No.17275899
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So, anons, who are her actual

>> No.17275904
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It is kinda sad how all these other chuubas are finding success while enjoying almost complete freedom to hang out and collab with whoever whenever, while she's stuck declining in her isolated holo-cage where the mere mention of associating with someone outside of her agency is enough to unleash the heinous schizophrenia of her "fans" upon herself and anyone unfortunate enough to associate with her

tl;dr can she just have some fun. please

>> No.17275918

He's still the best musician of Holopro, the only one who really has a pro background, connections in the Japanese music industry and at least top 10 singers in the whole company. I already said this a millions times, but the RiTunes Labbo they did was a billion times better than the shitty bunny game collab and was actually a great stream, but she dropped him harder than a kid with a new toy after it and never reached out to the other Stars for the rest of the year. The only one she even interacted with was Izuru, and only because he reacted to the King cover she did with Gura. And then she goes saying that she doesn't want to collab with them without an idea of what to do when both Roberu and Aruran have talk shows and Astel would jump head first in the first opportunity for a collab with her. At this point I'd rather have her admit she isn't interested in collabing with any of them and stop giving this PR, beating around the bush answers when it's obvious she doesn't even know who are most of the Stars after she thought RPR was a member. The only thing she's doing is feeding the beggars who didn't even watch her streams with Rikka.

>> No.17276017

Wait did she actually think that? Source?

>> No.17276069


>> No.17276079

Some boys. She could never befriend girls since all the girls she befriended since childhood turned out to be fake friends.

>> No.17276186

>tl;dr can she just have some fun. please
Yes. All she needs to do is leave Hololive.

>> No.17276187

? I don't care for fujobait, but I'm not going to try and police it, EVERYONE should be allowed to have their niches. I'm just explaining why they'd focus their time and effort to where it counts.

>> No.17276196 [DELETED] 

>she thought RPR was a member
Did she say this on camera?

>> No.17276209

What a deal!

>> No.17276255

Petra is a Nijisanji fan (admitted to have made clips before), thats why she got in. I doubt she would want to keep streaming if Nijisanji ever 'fires' her (not something they would do over numbers either), so much that she would apply to another agency for that.

>> No.17276324

I would be paying for Niji to take Calli instead. None of your talents needed to make the exchange, but don't you dare give her back when she does something "extremely professional".

>> No.17276392

Which NijiEN girl seems like she'd be most comfortable with this imaginary tradeoff?

>> No.17276448

>fishnet whore gloves
This is some advanced tech.

>> No.17276454

It's the only one that she could have auditioned at that time.

>> No.17276481

The main issue is that she can't speak Japanese.

>> No.17276493

Instead of hating Vox, strive to be a little more like him, women love that kind of guy.

>> No.17276520

anon that’s literally what your kind has been doing since they debuted, go make your voice heard in the niji fandom or else your male oshi WILL collab with HoloEN and he WILL walk on eggshells and he WILL become a ravenous deadbeat

>> No.17276562

Fish, pretty every other girl is a better fan of Nijisanji than her

>> No.17276594

bigger* not better sorry

>> No.17276642

I won't lie, I forgot about him even though I was literally watching his POV mahjong stream earlier lol

>> No.17276694

Mori and Connor are two semi famous white streamers in japan, theyve at least drunkenly hooked up but probably are fuck buddies. If Syd has more videos with her then it’s pretty much confirmed Mori is part of the family.

>> No.17276786

>in her debut said she dislikes lewd fanart and will not view it
>became a thirsty hoe twerking on stream the very day niji males were announced
this is who Petra is, give us Rosemi if you want our pink girl so we can just slightly edit the best Myth fanart

>> No.17276848

Hell with Calli's fancy outfit she's basically halfway to Rosemi already

>> No.17276901

>twerking on stream
hahahaha what? is this shit real?

>> No.17276924

I know you’re agreeing with me but go back

>> No.17276926

Ame is even worse at Japanese and collabed with a bunch of JP senpai. And I don't think you'd need to be that proficient in the language for something like a cover.

>> No.17276951

not elira? or at least rosemi for EN rushia?

>> No.17276954

Rosemi, as much as I would hate to lose her, she's probably the most suitable to HoloEN's style. (Her fans are probably the most apprehensive about males right now)

Nina is ambitious enough to jump ships for better numbers, but at the same time, considering how much she likes Luxiem, I doubt she would give the freedom for it.

>> No.17276968

yes it was the very day the males were announced, she was twerking and being very promiscuous after months of trying to be seiso and anti-lewd

>> No.17276985

How long till mori graduates because of "createive differences"
It's kinda obvious she wants more freedom but won't get that in hololive

>> No.17277014

anon's funposting but she had to twerk while singing Diamond City Lights during a RFA stream as a punishment game thing, she almost died it was very kino

>> No.17277018

>she was twerking and being very promiscuous
LMAO, that's one way to put it

>> No.17277035

she’s probably gotten wind of some people suggesting she graduate so she’s in it for the long haul now. If we shit on her for being a fake lesbian on debut and praise her for being a cock slaying champ she’ll double down on being a dyke and everything will be back to normal.

>> No.17277099

that is her name, fuck off with your forced trash cuckbeat

>> No.17277157


>> No.17277158

>yes it was the very day the males were announced
Of course, you dont even know the context, how typical for a Holofaggot.

>> No.17277205

>”Mori can’t even find the clit” $100 ARS
>”Yo ya boy munches carpet like it’s a fucking mukbang aight!, Every sc I get saying I can’t pleasure a woman will now go to the local succubus cafe!”

>> No.17277278

This, a great example was his Sims video where he was building a restaurant and put a window in one of the bathroom stalls. He broke character for a second laughing at what he did, but immediately regained his composure and owned it.

You can complain about the quality, but the fact he immediately recovered shows he's quick-witted.

>> No.17277443

>Her fans are probably the most apprehensive about males right now
But she is in the same camp as Mumei and Fauna, we KNOW she has a boyfriend.

>> No.17277475
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Mori come, Vox is waiting for you

>> No.17277620
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Connor, duh.

>> No.17277695

So just don’t buy their merch or send supas, idc if they have boyfriends I’m not paying to support him, but when they start openly talking about men and their love lives is when I unsub. Although I unsubbed all of niji except Hakase the day the males were announced because of the girls thirsting on Twitter

>> No.17278124

>Can't stream Honkai in Holo because it's a Chink game
She's not gonna like her stay there

>> No.17278333

Only good thing that’ll come out of HolostarsEN is a collab ban lift between Niji and Holo because they’ll need to leech off of Luxiem for fans kek

>> No.17278363

wow that family stuff was really cringe but the stars comment made me laugh

>> No.17278469

So do you just close your ears when she calls Shachou cute or close your eyes during SMC offcollab...?

>> No.17278482

>Astel would jump head first in the first opportunity for a collab with her
Did you forget when Ollie tried setting up an apex collab with herself, mori and astel? The alien matrixed the fuck out of it by saying he's "stupid".

>> No.17278528

All of NijiEN or all of Nijisanji? What does EN have to do with JP?

>> No.17278607

Samefagging cause I found the clip from a while ago.

>> No.17278687

You have a very childlike view of the world

>> No.17278761

Tbh I hate that management blocks their collabs, especially when JP can freely collab with Niji. I get why from a business perspective but I bet Kiara and Pomu are dying to make an idol talk series or something together

>> No.17278780
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you fags are not fooling anybody.

>> No.17278845

>The 2nd most subscribed member (soon to be 2st) member of NijIEN couldn't possibly have any fans

>> No.17278885
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How can cuckbeats even compete?

>> No.17278989

>we KNOW she has a boyfriend
so she fits just right in with HoloEN, then?

>> No.17279033

Nina specifically went for nijien after seeing streamers actually be freinds with each other and thought i want to be part of that.

>> No.17279068

Hakache literally talks about her manga and the male characters all the time. Overall if that's your example of "girl who dont thirt" then it's pretty bad.

>the day the males were announced
when is this again? Nijisanji got males since day one. At least put a bit more effort if you want to larp as a "disillusioned fan"

>> No.17279214

Watch it and tell them that wasn't a swift recovery. If you aren't a biased fanboy.

>> No.17279259
File: 577 KB, 600x365, 1642798677457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but I don't understand why would anyone (besides their BFs) be that much against male interaction while already knowing that.
wait a sec, do hololive girls avoid males to not piss off their BFs?

>> No.17279317

He overlaps too much with mysta since both are mentally retarded.

>> No.17279329
File: 6 KB, 249x244, 1643371154279s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY shit, maybe that's the actual reason.
>It's not Cover enforcing anything.
>The BFs just literally have a group chat where they all agreed to DV the girls out of collab with males.

>> No.17279846

>tfw you're a grim reaper but can't kill a mouse that's nearly dead.

>> No.17280239

People like to joke about Pomu or the other girls being holorejects but feesh didn't know much about niji and applied off of "I went far in the Holo applications"

>> No.17280368

Elira, Millie, Rosemi, Enna, Pomu. All of them auditioned for hololive at some point and be a fan of them long before

>> No.17280483

>applied off of "I went far in the Holo applications"
How do you mean? Like writing it down in her resume, because that would be hilariously retarded.

>> No.17280511

Depend on how long of her contract, I know typical of niji's contract is two years
and some if them quit at the end of it like Lulu and Gibara but what about Holo?

>> No.17280662

Don't tell me you unironically think KIrihime Ria Tsunderia is a real person

>> No.17280702

If you watched Pomu's PL, you'd know she wanted to be on Nijisanji.
Millie turned down the Holo offers so she could be with Enna in Nijisanji.
Dunno about the rest.

>> No.17280801

Nijisanji panders to everyone that's the type of agency they are because of the huge number of talents they have.

>> No.17280833

> this is where you shit like a man
Anon that was not funny

>> No.17280891

>what your kind has been doing since they debuted
Nigger, holounicorns have been seething nonstop about their debut. All I fucking wanted were some anime bros and I wasn't a minority at least to their viewers at large.

>> No.17280910

Vox is kinda autistic... wait Mori is too...

>> No.17281028


>> No.17281122
File: 836 KB, 3368x3598, FJp02dFXEAA-Lln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is he like this ?

>> No.17281820

You guys are overthinking. Many JP Holos have been making friends from other agencies, some became even closer than their co-workers. Haato with Hoshikawa, Sora with Kotone, Suisei with Toko and many other cases. Choco, Mel and Matsuri collabed with tons of indies and randos all the time.
It's not a big deal, if you don't like it just skip it when they collab.

>> No.17282044

God I wish I was Reimu

>> No.17282179

Meds kudasai

>> No.17282292

>Clout chaser likes the biggest male EN vtuber
Huh, I wonder why she likes this specific vtuber?

>> No.17282334

>the biggest male EN vtuber
That'd be Mysta. Compare their VOD views.
