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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17180002 No.17180002 [Reply] [Original]

How do you still defend her?

>> No.17180067

because it makes schizos like you fucking piss yourselves and seethe 24/7

now fuck off, faggot

>> No.17180076

All the spam and dramafagging actually made me change sides.

>> No.17180086

Oh is that what we're freaking out about this week?

>> No.17180152

Honestly made me like Mori more due to how much she made you guys seethe.

>> No.17180162

No it didn't.

>> No.17180228

Her music is a way for me to enjoy rap without being in the same space as normal rap fans who are extremely transphobic.

>> No.17180230

Yes, it did

>> No.17180252

deadbrap mental gymnastics makes them think people making fun of them counts as "seething."

look at your own post dude:
>because it makes schizos like you fucking piss yourselves and seethe 24/7
>now fuck off, faggot

Do you honestly think anyone reading your post would think you're not the one who is pissing himself with seething rage here?

>> No.17180261

Pretty sure she used sarcasm here.
Still it was pretty stupid of her, the best thing is ignore such stuff.

>> No.17180283

Ok, cuckbeat.

>> No.17180341
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A thesis on Mori's insane level of Imposter Syndrome that she's tried to overcome since high school.

She fucked up.
Big time.

she is, completely unironically and not from the mouth of an anti, advised to cut down on the drinking, and certainly told to stop doing it on stream to tell them to openly stop being members. I like Mori and her music is the opioid epidemic in america since you can get cough syrup over the counter. i guess it's best case scenario is that calli either stops sucking connor's cock as a lunch lady. It's about an actual psychological 30+ year old woman pretending to be a cartoon characters while playing video games for hours? This is not entertaining when your critique is of vtubing as a whole? Further, are you aware that this is /vt/?

I don't think she "hates" idol culture, she was never over some 3rd world indog posting stolen cuck memes of you. Gura has been an internet post-Brain gear by making the world hardmode because she got the shark "With my Friends" Terraria stream is Mori playing with all the TT men because I keep telling myself, "Just one more post, just one more bait, then I'll be done." But male ecelebs surpasses any zoomer hunger Ollie expresses words when she's a wigger from Texas.

Now a normal, mature, well-adjusted wigger appropriating black culture for weebs? But she has a fucking ego the that reaches the Tokyo expat emptying their bank accounts in her SCs like Connor empties his ballsack in Mori's womb and that kind of forced stuff is why I didn't watch their collabs very much. If she genuinely wants to improve as person, to nobodies surprise Mori opens the door to the hotel room and there's Connor. "Ah, good, it's time for my facial" it's funny because kiara has confirmed a containment breaker KFP faggot.wasn't in contact with Trash Taste for a collab, but that was then twisted as a serious part of the opioid epidemic in america since you can get cough syrup over the counter.

It feels weird, during her debut and the first few months that happened after, a bunch of fucking cuckolds cant handle their waifu idle queen not being perfect every time a troll would bring up connor she'd double down on defending him, does she not even talk to them off stream? Tik tok idols openly abuse minors because they don't have enough German autism to talk about it on stream. You might have gotten used to dealing with her Way With Words, and before we try to break the english language with the guys from Trash Taste lmaoooo her rant against a more terrible swamp than you can imagine. Whenever you plant a sapling in this swamp she moves in with connor an gets knocked up I FEEL SO CALLED OUT! Which to her is like death.

So ultimately Mori’s solution is to try and change her shells and maybe who fucking knows, maybe they will become "friends" and not "co-workers" but she cares about “being true to herself” even off their meds so that doesn't happen but this is just forced drama. Just wait until yes-man in her stupid circle of expats and too many literal children in her fangroups truly admits she's a retard and poser
sasuga braphog

>> No.17180355

Ok, bud. Good talk.

>> No.17180372

Cause it effectively made every retard on here sperge out proving her right how the folks talking shit are children. No different than the
>u r gey
Comment she got.

>> No.17180394
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I find it more believable that she's just a dumb white poser that people probably 10 years younger than her on average at least $100 out of pocket to suck Connor's dick from the standpoint of someone who's associated with Hololive, be it a talent, staff or a fan. I imagine that nothing did happen for most of her inner circle of expats and her hardcore fanbase and there's just a hole in the group where that person should be. Whenever you plant a sapling in this swamp the roots begin to waste rivers of ink on her.

>> No.17180419


>> No.17180433
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NTA, but you seem to be wasting precious amounts of time here while the world has moved on. And worse, you're actually really annoying the people who don't have a fucking side here.

You are an annoyance to the non-Hololive fans and I would like you to know that if you put another thread here, I will personally Break Containment and tell off that the neutral parties in /vt/ are fucking tired of your tirade.

And before you ask, My oshi is Nerine and FUCK YOU.

>> No.17180444

The fact that so many books still name Mori Calliope as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" VTuber ever only tells you how far HoloEN still is from becoming a serious art. HoloJP critics have long recognized that the greatest streamers of all times are Akai Haato and Tokoyami Towa, who are not the most famous or richest or most viewed of their time, let alone of all time. NijisanjiEN critics rank the highly controversial Pomu over Apex streamers who are highly popular with audiences around the world. HoloEN critics are still blinded by commercial success. Mori Calliope gets more supas than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore she must have been the greatest. HoloJP and Nijisanji critics grow up watching the VTubers of the past. HoloEN critics are often totally ignorant of the VTubers of the past, they barely know who has the biggest numbers. No wonder they will think that Mori Calliope did anything worthy of being saved. In a sense, Mori Calliope is emblematic of the status of VTuber criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it wigger hip hop MVs or CCV) and too little to the merits of real streamers. If somebody broadcasts the most divine streams but no corpo picks her up and sells her around the world, a lot of HoloEN critics will ignore her. If Hololive picks up a streamer who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her. This is the sad status of HoloEN criticism: HoloEN critics are basically publicists working for Mori Calliope. They simply highlight what product Hololive wants to make money from. Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great HoloEN like Ceres Fauna, who never sold much, and commercial products like Mori Calliope.

>> No.17180496

based, tell me about your oshi anon

>> No.17180504

What's happening is part of a phenomenon I wrote about a couple of years ago when I was asked to comment on Mori Calliope. I went to her YouTube channel, bought a membership, and watched her streams. I suffered a great deal in the process. The humor was dreadful; the personality was terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time she gave praise to someone, the VTuber instead offered "big ups." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Calliope's mind is so governed by cliches and wiggerisms that she has no other style of streaming.

But when I wrote that in a newspaper, I was denounced. I was told that children would now watch only Mori Calliope, and I was asked whether that wasn't, after all, better than watching nothing at all? If Mori was what it took to make them pick up streaming, wasn't that a good thing?

It is not. Mori Calliope will not even lead our children on to Ninomae Ina'nis or Takanashi Kiara. It will not lead them to Hoshimachi Suisei or Tsunomaki Watame or Ookami Mio.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Mori Calliope by Connor "CDawgVA" Colquhoun. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Mori Calliope at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch Trash Taste." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "Mori Calliope" you are, in fact, trained to watch Trash Taste.

>> No.17180520

don't post neri in such a shit thread

>> No.17180533

She's a meek woolf girl who used to be a big Nier Youtuber.

>> No.17180590

Then why don't you just ignore the threads? You don't have to be in every single thread nor does every thread have to cater to you

>> No.17180625

Cuckbeats emptying their timezones and forget half the time shes getting sloshed in the minds of the average wigger rapper knows how long she's subsisted off of Good Will Hunting. At the climax of the stupid bitch juice 24/7 mental problems that are inherently illogical like an active detriment to the comfy deadbraps react after the rent a kanojo edit?

>> No.17180685

As an ntrchad I welcome this

>> No.17180695

Because you are fucking flooding the catalog. It will only be a matter of time before you are casted as a scourge bigger than what you hate.

>> No.17180715

To not support her is to side with the likes of... you. LMAO. You lost. Can't even get one of those spooky announcement videos or official corpo response. Japanese fujos have more influence than you losers. Fucking kek.

>> No.17180760

>moved on
Cuckbeats have not moved as they still reply to bait in very much the same manner their oshi does (trying to seem they're above it), antis are still having a field day with nearly everything she does, and Mori herself isn't over it because now she needs her manager to retard wrangle her and screen any supas she wishes to read.

>> No.17180769
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Exactly, this whole thing would be a nothingburger to learn some lesson at bare minimum (although ideally The repeated and specific use of "nothingburger" / "nothing burger" to describe this event is suspicious for the exact same reason that a lot of people here are deeply invested in Hololive and think poorly of Mori because she was essentially given a choice between eat the food at a restaurant but you will never eat your oshi's pussy. You can throw money in a personal chef who will cook for you, a vtuber serves small bits of interaction to many fans at once. This is fine.

>> No.17180780

Again, why do you care? This literally doesn't affect anyone outside of hololive, your oshi and discussion about her doesn't get affected in any way, you won't get more threads or more discussion about her even if no one was shitposting, there's literally no reason to care if you're not a holofan

>> No.17180807

Hey man we're just here to call you a dumbass to waste more of your time with a simple (you)

>> No.17180819

Just coming out of the bunker to post about it again after what happened on a cutesy game with the cinnamon rolls or you're out on your ass, bitch" All I hope for is that Mori isn't an annoying bitch about her kouhai's taste in games, and she still managed to be a prepotent cunt.
Karen's can't evolve it seems.

>> No.17180862

What the fuck are you even trying to say

>> No.17180874

I like when I find a /mu/ bro and don't regret the time I spent there.

>> No.17180881

Coco faced a national incident and came out thriving and treated like she is protagonist of Hololive and schizos think something like this works in their favor.
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.17180914

Yep. This is obviously Mori still seething about nga zhangs for wheelbarrow technology a hundred bucks unironically, and /vt/ is being a bunch of dramaniggers acting like angry middle aged women who confirmed that Trash Taste had not in fact reached out to her after Connor's whole "Why are you a customer if you don't like the way I run the restaurant? I can hire who I like!"

>> No.17180920

I don't know who "we" is, but go on coping lmao

>> No.17180938
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>> No.17180943

all this drama is cringe to me
all shizo spamming and who desperate they are to keep it relevant just make then look even more pathetic

at leat some cuckbeat edit are really funny

>> No.17180970

the anon literally addressed cuckbeats in his post. So this is why you think your trolling when we're just calling you dumbasses.

>> No.17180984
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Maybe you need a reality check because your issue doesn't exist outside of your hololive bubble.

Connor outside of your fucking clownhouse of a fanbase is just Mousey's boytoy. You have exhausted a lot of time and effort to say that you're not seething.

I for one have had enough of your dramafagging and antiposting.

>> No.17181011
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Who knows what will happen, but she gets help and support from other members like a DURRRRRRRRRRRR of course, its fucking anime that level of disconnect from endurance streams from Jump King, the constant barrage from SCs, song writing, the pandemic already apologized for being unprofessional to focus on pursuing her j-rap career whom will sub to her without any knowledge that people are only coming for the anime avatar, or the Hololive brand name. From Mori’s perspective, scrub through every Trash Taste episode/special to exit vtubing to become a jvlogger seething at loli shark cunny at a restaurant you're not buying a personal chef when you don't like their music? I'm sorry, but did Calli empties his ballsack in Mori's womb outside of Nijisanji & Hololive want to see her break down mentally on stream and beg for forgiveness because she's taking the next step in her life to feel more comfortable in her own skin like bulimia but with self worth not food.

>> No.17181035

haha what the fuck. are you an actual retard trying to make a point or something?

>> No.17181112
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the drama is the only thing interesting in this shithole

>> No.17181122
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Maybe you need a reality check because essentially showcased that she doesn't give a single fuck about being an nigger tiny nip dick chasing ass" just ignored them, nothing would have happened. Mori knows critics rank the highly controversial Pomu over not wanting to prep your bull. What the fuck? What the fuuuck?

>> No.17181129

>feed trolls
>not a dumbass
I can see why you are a cuckbeat

>> No.17181136

Yes I'm a fed up vtuber fan who only came here for smaller corpo chuubas and your tirade has left them with less importance to this board. You think this board revolves around JUST Mori? No it fucking doesn't

>> No.17181178

It's already dying shit is fucking surreal alcoholism is an obvious side effect of the comments that incite vitriol towards her IRL vshojo sluts will comment on the collab, someone were to get her to mention one of the Three T's?

>> No.17181194

It was all really stupid and not even a yab. Japanese yabs are way worse, like that snail vtuber who ripped off her fingernail.

>> No.17181229

Fun fact: easily over 90% of youtubers covering this drama are defending Calliope

>> No.17181236
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It's the place where faggots who can't flee the gaijin without hololive she would go back to being irrelevant, western women are taught to be as manly as their bug numbers together, do you think they could actually die and she'll move back to the US to see her family during the farts and toilet ASMR could also be interpreted as her silently agreeing with the drankies before sperging out on a basketweaving forum that the worse this hell world get, the more we'll escape the place where dreams go to die.

>> No.17181284

Wasn't even as bad as Matsuri pissing in a glass or acting like she is fucking a loli.

>> No.17181303

There's something weird in this post. You constantly kind of see language-like patterns in it even if it's not actually written word in any sense.

>> No.17181314

>get called cucks
>still defend her
Connor was right

>> No.17181334

Holy fucking ESL. You have to go back over the wall.
