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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17166174 No.17166174 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17166237

No I don't want to experience Mori propositioning me for sex.

>> No.17166261

Fuck no I have a life

>> No.17166283

You have to be a famous 3D male for that to happen, not 2D

>> No.17166297

No, I sound like the cookie monster with my natural voice.

>> No.17166303

Didnt bother. Even if StarsEN does happen, I'm just a 5 view streamer at best with no outstanding talents. Hiring me would be a gamble at best compared to the possible talents they could grab from their pool of nepotism.

>> No.17166330

What are you doing on /vt/, Arlo?

>> No.17166340

I'd rather join NijiEN lol. StarsEN will just be schizos on one side attacking you and twitter trannies virtue signaling for you on the other.

>> No.17166349

Yeah, and you're gonna fucking love my inevitable debut.

>> No.17166367

Real talk, hololive is a shitty company to work for, I don't care for the money or fame I just want to have fun. I wouldn't be able to play games I enjoy in hololive, couldn't collab with my favorites from outside the company, and would have no conform to stupid lore. I would sooner apply to NijiEN than Hololive

>> No.17166385

Not yet I'm trying to build up my experience first

>> No.17166398

Going to give it a try but I'm making more money with my nft project than I will ever make by being a vtuber.

>> No.17166406

but with more money you can have more fun tho

>> No.17166415

I am a slavic male in my mid 20's that looks and sounds like he's selling small arms to school children. I dont think I'd fit in.

>> No.17166424

Don't you need to live in Japan?
I can't get it now due to covid.

>> No.17166439

You will be in Holostars, though. So it's even worse.

>> No.17166455


>> No.17166468

Low-key would like to start streaming in an attempt to make a name for myself before applying after reading all these threads. Would be trying for the "chilling with your semi-jock guy friend watching him play vidya" aesthetic

>> No.17166483

No, otherwise all EN and ID girls would be living in Japan

>> No.17166488

i have tried, but i can´t fill out the application form in full
they basically expect me to already be a full established streamer, asking for my twitch, twitter and youtube and how mony thousands of views i get per stream etc.

so u have to be successful already to even apply for the first round

so much for "you dont need any talent to make it, if you join hololive"

>> No.17166499

I would watch you ngl

>> No.17166502

i was until i realized how sex pest these women are, i might just form my own vtuber agency with my friends.

>> No.17166512

i'd tune in for that anon

>> No.17166538

I don't need to I'm fucking one of the talents

>> No.17166545

Even if I'm pretty much what anons ask HoloEN is looking for people that are more than just streamers... Even if I have experience I need as much as Ame to even have a chance to make it

>> No.17166580

Maybe i would, but had nothing to offer yet. My english is still worse than Kiara, and my only redeeming quality is that i am spanish (not a spic). I have been learning nihongo for more than half a year, so maybe by 2025 i will join the first generation of HolostarsES

>> No.17166594

That's any job application though, protip: if you're the right candidate experience in numbers doesn't matter so much

>> No.17166595
File: 14 KB, 656x152, gamecommentary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this question.
if my streams don´t revolve about gamecommentary, i can´t even apply.

>> No.17166621

yay my first viewer

>> No.17166717

You can say that again

>> No.17166772

for context: i got a science channel and i do experiments in my streams, trying to mix in some humor and teach some chemistry/physics in the process

while that would propably be impossible to do regulary in vtubing, i also like to teach history and talk about obscure and funny historic events. though that might turn too political for Cover

>> No.17166814

You probably don't need to have big numbers but you do need to have something they can look at. They're not gonna hire you blind.

>> No.17166866

Hololive hires based on your diligence and potential, you don't need a big resumee.

>> No.17166868

I think even something like that could be good. Showing that you can be entertaining even with your niche could be a good look, even if there isn't as much game commentary experience there.

>> No.17167909

I dont think that would automatically filter you, but they would probably forbid you making content about history

>> No.17167990

You know what happened to Mumei. There's no chance they'll let you do those kinds of streams.

>> No.17168008

This, they are probably even more comfortable if you are not too big, because that way they can assure more loyalty from the talent. In HoloEN they only who was significantly popular was Gura, even Ina who was quite succesful in her field didnt have big numbers prior to joining hololive

>> No.17168068

Ame was in the 100s with followers but her experience with streaming and 3D is what made her one of Yahoo's favorites

>> No.17168079

Yes, I have applied! I don't have a lot of initial prospects going into it but we'll see how it goes.
Spoilers: Probably zero chance

>> No.17168452

What I wonder is if anyone from the small corpos applied?

>> No.17168551

Your deluded headcanon doesn't count, Mumei isn't a /his/fag and will never play strategy games.

>> No.17168610

What do you mean with 100s? 100 viewers on average? Hundreds of followwers?

>> No.17168702

Depends on how successful HomoEN Gen 1 will be, the amount of behavioral freedom they get and how much harassment from unicorns they will get. Or they'll just be treated as the uncared child like Stars right now.

Other wise it seems more beneficial to be a NijiEN as male

>> No.17168742

im not an autist and dont want to ruin this for others, so no

>> No.17168872

Is it even worth it being a male vtuber in the English Vtubing space nowadays, or is Luxiem proving the way to change things up and have them become more prominent?

>> No.17169081

>seems more beneficial to be a NijiEN as male
Nijisanji is already coming out with 5 more male vtubers in the next wave. Unless you've been friends with Elira for the last 2 years no western male has a chance of getting in.

>> No.17169151

>Is it even worth it being a male vtuber in the English Vtubing space nowadays, or is Luxiem proving the way to change things up
This is like asking how much of a buff you can get as an indie musician because kpop boy bands exist. Zero. This only matters if you're corporate.

>> No.17169156

did you forget ike vox mysta and luca?

>> No.17169176

Nice bait but hololive has already become so big that at this point, it is the minimum requirement for all the applicants to be established content creators.

>> No.17169202

Only Vox had no connections with Elira. And he got in with the voice buff. The rest did had nepotism points from Elira and other niji girls.

>> No.17169299

Okay enough being delusional fucks since none of you here will fucking make it. Why don't you actually mention a couple literal who's that has a chance of getting in.

>> No.17169464
File: 685 KB, 1000x924, Nina_Saotome_2nd_outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina of course. If she does apply Cover would have to be retarded to reject her.

>> No.17169543

stfu incel

>> No.17169796

I applied, I'm gonna marry Gura

>> No.17169846

I did. I goatsed the camera.

>> No.17169963

>''I don't care for money or fame''
>Would still apply for one of the biggest corpos

Do contrarians really?

>> No.17170134

>actually mention a couple literal who's that has a chance of getting in.
if they had a chance of getting in they wouldn't be literal who's now would they?

>> No.17170222
File: 69 KB, 1080x403, IMG_20211231_230413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she though? She seems more favorable towards Niji nowadays. It's the natural choice for singers. Also pic related.

>> No.17170257

I can hardly talk to myself let alone 12 other people

>> No.17170293

I’ve applied but I think there’s too much competition to get in on the girls side. I’m an accomplished content creator in a different field but I don’t stream enough so I’m only a 2 view. After the waiting period is over I’m gonna reapply except this time I’ll switch my avatar to a shota and lower my voice and try to join Stars.
Wish me luck guys!

>> No.17170379

I dunno, she keeps on singing holo songs during karaoke and she's also preparing a Violet cover. Also there's no point in her joining Niji since she's already getting close number wise to the lower NijiENs.

>> No.17170405

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.17170433

Why would I want to be the thing I hate? The world needs less male vtoobas.

>> No.17170441

Good luck Sana!

>> No.17170454

Because I already applied for management at a couple of smaller companies.

>> No.17170492

She would fit right in with 2-3 streams per week.

>> No.17170544

My role models are Kiara Ame and Comet who made me become a live2D m*le vchooba for 6 months, I think I can try

>> No.17170617

Only works if you're niji, they already have a pre-existed fanbase because of nijiJP boys are popular with asian women

>> No.17170698

Nah I'm nowhere near big enough yet and have no experience with actual streaming
Is it fucked up to use a smaller company as a stepping stone and for practice for the "big leagues"? I know a few current Holos were previously part of startup agencies, but a lot of the audition forms mention a minimum 6-12 month contract so idk if agencies are tightening down on streamers basically pumping and dumping them for experience and clout or something

>> No.17170760

I need to wait 1.5 years

>> No.17170790

Speak for yourself. Most, if not, all of council were literal who's before they joined Hololive.

>> No.17170831

Cover doesn’t want big streamers, they want small but invested ones or relatively big ones that stopped making content, that’s pretty much the background of all of EN.

>> No.17170850

>one of the most popular indie ASMR chuubas
>the third largest meme queen on the youtube after Senzawa and Dakooters
>two moderately successful indie streamers
you can say that one was a literal who but the others were pretty well known

>> No.17170869

Not yet. I want to spend the first half of this year getting more experience streaming before I apply. I honestly think I've got the charisma and voice necessary for the job but I don't have the numbers to back myself up yet. I'm going to apply in six months no matter what.

>> No.17170895

I'm in, first dubs that replies to me is the only girl I promise I won't talk to or even acknowledge she exists.

>> No.17170920

Yeah, I checked youtube statistics and my submission got like 5 views from them, no email though. I'll keep trying every 3 months because making the vids is fun

>> No.17170989

Same here. I had a lot of fun with the process.

>> No.17171013

>Meme queen
yo mean Meme King right?

>> No.17171053


>> No.17171065

No, they wouldn't pick me with my accent

>> No.17171097


>> No.17171348

not yet, i'm still trying to grow my current channel and train my voice but when i do apply i will get accepted! i will play video games, dance and sing for a living! I will try and do charity streams! and most importantly, i will get violated by Reine!

>> No.17171451

divinely based

>> No.17171493

I did, I'm a former popular male eceleb, and I'm using this opportunity so I can get close to Gura.

>> No.17171515

I'm fairly confident I check out every single box except the EN part. My accent would filter me right out. Americans think I'm british, the british think I'm scottish, and the scottish think I'm deranged.

>> No.17171576

W-what are you??

>> No.17171678

i am from India.
I stream almost daily since 2 years and my most watched video has over 7000 views.
I only play Minecraft.
I speak no Japanese, but besides English i speak Marathi and Hindi, so i could do some streams in those, like Kiara does with German.
There are many people in India who love India, it is a big market for Hololive.
What are my chances?

>> No.17171763

Why would you even apply for Holostars? If you're a girl I understand HoloEN for more fame+money, but the downsides are too much if you're a guy. Only if you genuinely like the company and need no other reason.

>> No.17171768

He just said he's Scottish

>> No.17171893

i mean i don't see how a scottish accent would be a hard filter unless it's literally unintelligible. there's plenty of room in that niche

>> No.17172048

>Only if you genuinely like the company and need no other reason.
That's why I want to apply. Plus, the salary would probably be a step up from what I'm making right now and certainly more enjoyable.

>> No.17172233

I'm not too confident about your chances, anon.

>> No.17173116

remember how /vt/ was screaming at the top of their lungs about how males corpos would never succeed in the western? /vt/ is always wrong. this is just moving goalposts now.

>> No.17173347

western fujo audience

>> No.17173409

Yes, I'm gonna make kronii my gf. See you losers.

>> No.17173439

godspeed anon

>> No.17173474

based, I'm going for maybe Ina or Gura since I live close to Canada

>> No.17174181

so long as you don't touch ame

>> No.17174428
File: 108 KB, 737x556, 913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had a nightmare that I joined Hololive once. Honestly, it felt no different from a dream where you're put on stage in front of thousands of people but you're in your underwear.

>chat kept expecting me to do something funny or cute
>was too nervous to think of anything, and just played along with whatever chat wanted
>kept tripping on my words and stuttering
>eventually chat started asking "are you okay?"
>try to laugh it off, come across as even more autistic
>after stream, check /vt/ to see what people thought of me
>everyone talks shit about me and calls out my autism
>people either say that I'm completely incompetent, or just faking nervousness to act like "I'm shy guys xD"
>even my gen mates realize that I'm a failure, and dodge any discussions about me
>realize I have to stream the next day, and the next day, and the next

After I woke up, I never thought about what it would be like to be a vtuber ever again. Say what you will about the "worst" vtubers, at least they have the confidence to say dumb shit every day and mean it.

>> No.17174675

I have respect for any big vtubers out there having audiences of thousands constantly watching their every move. Shit is nerve wracking as fuck, but it seems like something you quickly get used to as well after a few weeks.

>> No.17174732

Could make for an interesting Vtuber to be fair

>> No.17175014

Looks like you've got your lore figured out already.

>> No.17175155

Well luxiem is a success, but western market? Please ... majority of their viewers is still in asia. Western male vtuber market is still in the fog anon, i really do hope someone open it wide like when myth open EN market wide

>> No.17175229

it doesnt matter how much money you have if you have no time

>> No.17175262

Holy newfag

>> No.17175378

Do it spaghetti man. It is your destiny to become the ultimate cringekinotuber.

>> No.17175449

>working under a retarded seanigger tranny who is trying to turn hololive woke
I don't think so tim

>> No.17175524

no fucking shit
literally everyone in myth was a preestablished content creator (one of them over 1 mil subs and couldve easily turned her channel into a career, the others are in the 6 figure subs range)
hell, even sora was a streamer before hololive was established, afaik all of the jps had preexisting streaming/video experience
why the fuck would they hire a streamers whos never appeared on camera

>> No.17175619

shes tried tho and shes mentioned she wanted to play map/civ type games, i think gura also mentioned that civ is a no go even tho she really wanted to play it

>> No.17175646

I made sure not to accidentally watch mine and only have 1 view so far but at least it seems they've seen it.

>> No.17176980

Anon your roomate reps…

>> No.17176993

but Connor said you don´t need any talent
he said it is unfair to the 2views that vtubers from hololife get so many viewers basically for free only because of the company
all those corpo-streamers would be on the same level if they hadn´t joined
are you calling him a liar?

>> No.17177047

not them, but I'm calling him a little bitch on top of a liar

>> No.17177117

yea cant wait to be the PakoRaito of coverEN

>> No.17177187

Yeah, me.

>> No.17177478

If you get accepted into Holostars, there's a decent chance you might be able to talk to your oshi at least once.

>> No.17177511

how about hooking up with them? that's my real goal anyway

>> No.17177571

do you think Gura is an easy target?

>> No.17177587

You would literally get to fuck the EN girls. Potentially several of them, though you'd probably get fired if you went that far.

>> No.17177661

If you're not holding out hope for dating your oshi off-camera and eventually marrying them, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.17177670

I mean you'd have higher chances than you would as some random fan.

>> No.17177859

You could take a look at the Nijisanji IN branch for reference.

>> No.17177967

Some of them are happily in relationships, some of them are gay, but otherwise depending on who your oshi is you definitely could and the current heterosexual stars definitely do.

>> No.17177970

Hello anons,

I already have an established youtube channel although it's on the relatively smaller side (~9.5k subs).

The biggest issue with my content is that it's targeted towards JP ojiisans and middle-aged white dudes according to YT statistics. To be more specific, my channel is focused on real retro hardware I've collected over the years (arcade pcb, jp computers and rare console variants/devkits) and gathering footage from that.

Hololive is probably looking for fujobait rather than 1cc attempts so I don't think I would pass the first auditions

>> No.17177974

>Muh sex
You guys are fucking morons, you know that? Not a single holo would fuck you for being a co-worker, and you'd be lucky to ever meet them in person

>> No.17178047

You never know until you try man. I'm a real hardware pimp myself and I'm planning on applying once I have more consistent streams under my belt

>> No.17178220

Kek, nice cope. I'm definitely fucking your oshi when I get in.

>> No.17178224

Sounds interesting enough to audition, especially if you know any japanese. Remember that knowing basic shit about hardware became a part of Botan's character that is loved by the company and the audience, so they'll probably take your content seriously.

>> No.17178277

No. I’m black, lol.

>> No.17178408

Yeah. I don't stream enough though so I'll get mogged by people with more dedication who are in their 20's and not their 30's.

>> No.17178455

come on now, think about how many of the best vtubers that work for Cover are in their thirties

>> No.17178472

So you're layla from nijisanji

>> No.17178504

Well Kiara was't, but she had a hell of a rap sheet that fit the job well.

>> No.17178555

Wait, they're seriously doing HoloStars EN now?

>> No.17178599

Hags will get more love than oijisans. Most women who want to watch vtubers come in for that sweet fujo bait. I could ham it up, but doing that schtick when I don't like it seems like a nightmare.

>> No.17178608

Honestly all of them are either too good for me or just not good enough for me.

>> No.17178675

I'm just a little younger than you but definitely an ojisan. I get the hunch that cover probably isn't going to go all in on fujobaiting since Luxiem and Holostars JP already exist. I doubt it will really be something they expect of us

>> No.17178707

I probably won't make it in first time but I'll keep trying. Just need to upgrade my equipment. I have some unique ideas and I can probably stream long hours to fill in the dead ones.

>> No.17178737

wtf are you talking about her roommate channel is prob the most well known of all of them

>> No.17178899

If it's EN that might not matter.

>> No.17178904

excellent, you have perfect lore to work with

>> No.17178936

>He doesn't know
>He hasn't even guessed

>> No.17178964

Would be accused of being a Sseth ripoff right after debuting.

>> No.17179089
File: 10 KB, 186x171, B634994C-C962-4CCD-8FCF-D692E50EB2A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. Now I’m lifting “natty” to debut as a /fit/ god. That way I will mogg the other homos and keep everyone in check so the realms don’t collab.
I’m taking one for the team.

>> No.17179092

Just go for it, my dude, worst that happens is you don't hear anything back. Yagoo isn't gonna call you up and call you a stinky gaijin for an hour because you wasted his time. Probably

>> No.17179122

Hard to know who exacly Cover wants to hire to fill up their lineup, so there's always a chance that you might fill that niche/spot that Cover's looking for
Besides, auditioning is free, might as well apply and see what happens. if you dont make it, then so be it, dosent hurt to try, you never know

>> No.17179329

>Hard to know who exacly Cover wants to hire to fill up their lineup
They want what works in the west.
Discount Pewdiepie, Walmart brand Jerma, over the counter Markiplier. Loud, screaming, makes lewd jokes now and then to milk the fujos.

>> No.17179340

Just do it, even if you get rejected, you're more than allowed to audition again in 3 months times. Many in Hololive didn't get in on their first audition, so give it a shot, worst that could happen is you get rejected and just need to wait 3 months to apply again.

>> No.17179515

I know I would never make it. 20 viewers on a good day, but can't sing, can't draw, I just play games and talk about dumb shit. Someone like Ame's PL seems to be the bare minimum they look for and she was partnered. Sure numbers aren't the only important thing, but I don't have something outside of numbers either.

>> No.17181688

Mori, followed by Gura, followed by Ame, and then Kiara. Her views weren't huge until she hit Hololive.

>> No.17182574

Domo got in.

>> No.17182584

>I'd rather join NijiEN
Good luck getting in if you don't have connections to the existing members or a big numbers account.

>> No.17183986

requirements: are you elira's friend?

>> No.17184556

I have never streamed but I'm used to do conferences to a lot of people because of my occupation, I am also a mid sized artist (~30k followers in twitter) in my free time, I can also speak english, spanish, french and a bit of german and japanese... I would fill euro timezone... I think I will give it a try anons.
I could stream art and strategy games like stellaris if cover got these permissions... Stellaris should be fine unline hoi4

If I get in I'll fuck your oshi and you can't stop me from doing so, I dont care if its a stars I will do it

>> No.17184662

>t. deadbrap
nigger are you retarded? gura was by far the most popular even at debut and had about 10x the subs as mori, all of s******'s videos have 1-5 million views, d******** only has a handful of videos that break 1 mil, not to mention s****** made the most popular meme of 2019/2020
also my point was just that all of them made videos or were streamers, not a popularity contest, dont know why you moved the goalpost but nice try

>> No.17184700

Honestly I've been thinking about it since by a stroke of luck I made it into Japan right before it went into full lockdown mode.
But I've spent that time mostly doing my reps to get to a level of Japanese where I can have conversations with other people and not usually streaming, so I don't have much of a channel with a lot of content to lean on.
I do stream occasionally but not on a schedule, but now that I'm mostly settled I can switch that up.
I think I have many stories to share with everyone, my actual circumstances on crash landing in Japan not as your average murican English teacher expat or working holiday yuro being just one of many, but I'm not confident in my chances with just potential and not being an established streamer instead. I only usually entertain people with my stories on Discord chat and game voice chat and the like.
I doubt they're accepting any more people like Subaru, she's the closest I know that is a lot like what I could provide. Although I actually have played games for a long time.

>Captcha 2W4MY

>> No.17185565
File: 174 KB, 556x416, rebecca_chambers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do know spoken JP, but I haven't bothered learning to read at a 中学生 level because I don't communicate the language outside of relatives from Sendai (not ethnic Nip btw).

I do know alot about JP game dev lore that not alot of westerners might not know.

Might do zatsudans about electronics otaku culture since it's a thing 99% of westerners don't even know about (will probably be boring tho).

Or I could bring an ex-Capcom guy I know who used to program the PS1 ver. of Resident Evil (was only a grunt worker, no one special) and do a live Q&A with him on stream. He had great stories like how he saw the FMV actor for Rebecca Chambers in person and told me how fucking hot she was

>> No.17185611

Domo is in. If you don't have his numbers what delusions make you think you can pass auditions?

>> No.17185781

I dunno who tf that is and I don't think anybody would get anywhere if they were just sitting on their hands and worrying about other people's success instead of pursuing their own success

>> No.17185904

Idk who tf this is either, they already have gotten back to people that applied? I thought even mentioning you applied was a no no

>> No.17186419

Seems too soon to say, auditions officially opened up a month ago, unless they were able to find enough talent to work with

>> No.17186530

I'd rather become a wagie than apply to a company to be honest with you

>> No.17186555

>Seems too soon to say
Cover said they'd respond to applications in a month. If Domo put in his app as soon as it opened, the timelines would match up since we're almost at a month since they went live.

>> No.17186652

If you actually read his Twitter it's probably about the VTuber Apex tournament he's hosting.

>> No.17186705

>Cover said they'd respond to applications in a month.
Oh fuck I just double checked the form, you're right

>> No.17186768

damn I only sent mine last week since I wanted to make a decent 5 minute video, I hope waiting didn't screw me out of a chance if the others will be picked before me.

>> No.17188486

I'd hold out hope for a second gen amigo

>> No.17188749

Even if your endgame would be in NijiEN, it isn’t a bad idea to get some corpo experience with Cover. NijiEN would love to snag someone from their biggest competitor.

>> No.17188856

Make up for personal charm and charisma, Einstein. If you have to fake it, fake it REALLY good.

>> No.17188960

Might as well call it NijiEL.

>> No.17189149

Perfect opportunity to mog the JP branch and show them how it’s done.

>> No.17190561

i don't know i feel like im gonna have a lot of twitter antis for saying slurs and warped shit about sex to my oshi on 4ch

great place btw

>> No.17191304

Let's be real here, there is way too many shitters to sift through to even bother earnestly looking at applications. If a StarsEN happens every guy will be a nepotism hire or some big (150k+ followers) influencer personally scouted by Cover

>> No.17192747

Oga fucked Miko and FBK, he is also rich and buff tho

>> No.17192924

Shien is on his thirties

>> No.17193165

So he's the ugliest of his gen.

>> No.17193186
File: 2.13 MB, 209x207, 1639097991301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predict half the new gen will be clippers.

>> No.17193264

this is a reach. get money build a brand and create another persona on the side.

>> No.17193781

Obviously. Cover's scouting team doesn't know what they're doing. They're just looking for people with big Twitter and Youtube numbers.

>> No.17195141

You can play games you just can't stream them, I don't get why that's so hard. At the end of the day you're applying for a job, do your 9-5 playing the block game or whatever is popular during the month then play whatever you'll never play on stream like Metro 2033 or just watch other chuubas

>> No.17195705

Anons, what are my chances

>/here/ but I can't pander to 4chan because you guys are schizo, but I'm cool with 4chan slang
>Indie Vtuber for 6-8 months. 20 CCVs
>Almost made it to a company I won't name
>Had an interview with another company I won't name
>Spanish accent. Speak Spanish, English and basic Japanese
>Hate Apex. Will never stream that shit
>Loli voice
>Sings...okay enough

I want to audition because I'm confident on my skills, but I guess I just need a push

>> No.17195810

>>Indie Vtuber for 6-8 months. 20 CCVs
0 chance

>> No.17195830

Do it

>> No.17195956 [DELETED] 

>Spanish accent
no holos have accents so if it's pronounced ur fucked
also they are all hot irl

>> No.17196038

No chance. You’d have a better shot doing what >>17170293 will be doing and lowering your voice to get into Stars as a shota. There are simply too many female chuubas with better metrics out there.

>> No.17196391

> the others are in the 6 figure subs range

>> No.17196473
File: 275 KB, 1300x975, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I haven't even hit the le affiliate button despite meeting the requirements half a year ago.

I'm not a sell-out.

>> No.17196616

I applied for Vshojo as a meme and then applied to hololive when they opened up auditions for men.

Got a couple of thank you emails from vshojo but nothing seemed to come of it, (1 on submit, 1 with some follow up questions shortly after the deadline), Nothing from Hololive but my application has apparently been viewed 3 times, not sure if that counts me checking it or not so it might be 0 times.

>> No.17196788

You have to be Elira's friend or Canadian to get in.

>> No.17197111 [DELETED] 

Literally none of the known ENs are hot irl. Ame, Mumei, and Kronii are average looking and the rest are below.

>> No.17197183 [DELETED] 

she fine don't hate

>> No.17197542

like hell I want to deal with half of you autismos as 1/48th of the audience.

>> No.17197612 [DELETED] 

I didn’t name Kiara. I actually consider her part of the below average due to her nose and bone structure. You really need to learn how to judge past the makeup and photoshop. I bet you think Veibae is actually attractive irl too.

>> No.17197774

Honestly if you can’t handle just 2% of your audience being schizos, you probably aren’t cut out for vtubing anyway. HololiveEN is literally the biggest streamer hugbox I’ve ever seen.

>> No.17198125 [DELETED] 

Bruh, Kiara's fine, I don't know what your problem is. She's skinnier than most girls I like but I find her attractive.

>> No.17198194

was mainly being hyperbolic. A legitimate reason is because I'd want to learn to play music more competently before giving it a shot.

>> No.17199438

>I just need a push
1. Speak and communicate clearly but DO NOT hide your Spanish accent. Especially since you another loli voice and those are a dome a dozen you need something to separate your voice from the rest.
2. What you draw and animate matters more than the fact you draw? Example there aren't any corpo artists that livestreams comic/manga art or ecchi/hentai art
3. What you sing matters more than the fact you can sing. There's plenty of people that sing the same songs
4. Lastly
>Indie Vtuber for 6-8 months. 20 CCVs
There better be a significant trade off for this. Like you're willing to work six days a week or something. That's fine for a start-up but not a major one.

>> No.17200646

Oh god that asshole got in? I just remember he spent 5 minutes trying to shill Shartemis and failed.

>> No.17201128
File: 141 KB, 1292x338, gen 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a couple literal who's that has a chance of getting in.
Moon Jelly, Peari, Nina, Yuria

>> No.17201513

No. For one, I'm a spic. Second, my voice is terribly unappealing to listen to. Third and most importantly of all, my ideas for content wouldn't sit well with viewers. Who the hell would want to listen to some 20 year old spic talk about NASCAR all day instead of the "clearly superior Formula 1" or the "way more cool D1GP"? That and I couldn't relate to any of my genmates. I'm too damn edgy and antisocial for my own good.

>> No.17201924

nah anon, you gotta get in next year so we become spic genmates. Then as the year goes by we'll start to talk to each other more and more as I let you spiel about nascar and vehincular manslaughter in old Formula 1 races while we struggle to play fusion frenzy.

>> No.17202301

being a male idol to me kinda sounds like it'd be interesting but i've got a long ways to go rep wise before i think about a serious audition.

>> No.17202433

I forgot to mention that I like playing racing games a lot, along with games that I played on PS2 and PS3. I'm so far behind in internet culture because I refuse to let go of the past. The only thing I'll have going for me is that I like listening to and singing rock/metal songs from the entirety of the 2000s, especially ones that were featured in videogames.

>> No.17202474
File: 74 KB, 500x336, Immortality is up for grabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about it. Want to at least build up some experience streaming and see if I even really enjoy it. So far I've been having fun with it even if I haven't built up a huge following or anything. The people who've watched my stuff say they've enjoyed it though. I have a lot of weird hobbies and life experiences (mostly involving my career in science) that I find fun to talk about with an audience. Plus I try to make fun out of technical issues and stuff which is half the battle.

>> No.17202702

Better question. If Cover fucks up the first gen massively, would you apply for gen 2? I can see them trying to copy niji and putting a bunch of very very plainly flaming gay men in gen one, among other more insufferable types (arigathanks? really?). Would you want to be associated with that, take the gamble and apply if you thought your genmates would also be massive fujobait you'd have to awkwardly trudge along with? As a dude who physically cannot stream right now, much less do anything else such as practice singing due to his social situation this is honestly the biggest possibility for starsen to bomb permanently that I can see at this point.

>> No.17202727

okay dude i was with you until you said veibae that bitch is hot

>> No.17203103

Yes, I would have no problem tard-wrangling the previous gen.

>> No.17203232

Yeah, I basically feel the same as >>17203103. I have pretty good social skills and don't typically have a problem finding the common ground among a group of people and finding a way for us all to have fun together.

>> No.17203328

That's good. I can keep up with her lore.

>> No.17203332

>apply for gen 2
by the time that comes around vtubing fad will be dead

>> No.17203385
File: 309 KB, 374x400, getaloadtowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I can't pander to 4chan
also you're not a female

>> No.17203525

Can't be helped if you can't stream.

>> No.17203591

Do it

>> No.17203707
File: 1.37 MB, 480x360, Gulp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bi so who cares.

>> No.17203765

EN aren't idols. It's unlikely that the males would get that title slapped on them.

>> No.17204398

I'm considering throwing my hat in despite being a 1-view but will I get rejected if I call women bitches at time in my streams and talked shit about VShojo once?

>> No.17204435

Nope, I'm not a faggot, nor do I want to be faggotbait so I have no interest in joining holostars.

>> No.17204590

who knows, but that would be a surefire way to get shitcanned if you kept doing that if you were to get hired

>> No.17204666
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>Apply as soon as I could
>Month passes, no call back

>> No.17204787

you got some pretty good taste anon
I'm more of an 80/90's metal guy but all decades got great stuff in them. We're probably niche but I'd love a chuba that hits some of those subgenres as well. Most we get at times are Gura's sabataon and motorhead covers.

>> No.17204872

I'll anti him so hard the chinese will look tame

>> No.17204936

Well I know how to act professional in a job setting but when you're a 1-view who does streams as a hobby you give way less of a fuck. That said it's not something I do often but it happened in a previous stream or two.

>> No.17205104

If Domo got in there is going to be a lot of drama

>> No.17205304

I just know the guy's annoying as shit and posts fucking everywhere on twitter. What makes him drama central?

>> No.17205356

nothing it's just /vt/ being retarded again

>> No.17205431

When would be the earliest we'll start hearing about EN3/StarsEN?
June? That would put it at around the same waiting time as Council & IRyS, which would be fine for a regular audition but with open auditions I'd expect for Cover to take its time like they do with JP

>> No.17205511

Dude is NijiEN5, got in with the auditions back in July and his debut is in about 2 weeks

>> No.17205517


>> No.17205719

>they already have gotten back to people that applied?
Gooba knew she was in 10 days after the Myth auditions ended (we know because Risu commented on her old life account), though she probably speedran the later stages of the auditions, if someone on Gooba's level is auditioning you could probably expect them to already be hired

>> No.17205770

I'd say as long as you aren't sweating like a hooker in church at any point during the interview (assuming you get one) and don't actively try to draw attention to those vods then you should be golden

>> No.17205879

Pull a Nene and you'll be 100% in EN4 by the end of March with a shorter waiting time between EN3 and EN4 than the wait from Myth to Council

>> No.17206148

Possibly his network but when did anyone care about Stars outside collabs.

>> No.17206276

My voice sounds bad, and I'm boring so no. Good luck to any anons that are though, give me a shout-out if you get in!

>> No.17207426

Did Nenechi teach you nothing? Apply again... and again.... and again, you want to get in? Put on the work to join

>> No.17207516

Even still, I know I would be a failure on arrival despite my taste in music nevermind me even passing the audition. No one is gonna listen to me, a spic, talking about cars going around in circles. Bottom line, I shouldn't audition at all. I'll just continue watching random chuuba streams until I grow bored of chuubas. But I bet you have a shot at making it big.

>> No.17207632

Nina is too good for Hololive

>> No.17207889

Go for it and be autistic in your interview. Learn those moe gap and you'll be easily accepted. Also dont force that cute voice unless it's actually a voice you are comfortable to speak with. Learn from Ame and Gura in that field, not kiara.
Also also, learn to integrate your accent with your voice to create max kawaii noises like gura and ame (dont force it tho)

>> No.17208004

you could have made it if you were a spic that loved Visual Kei

>> No.17208025

The world's massively weird, you never know if a good chunk of people end up finding topics like that enthralling. Especially if you know what you're talking about. Nah, I'm not particularly interesting to pass these types of tests. But if I ever do for some reason, I'll draw gijinkas of random cars on stream and play drum covers within the first 2 weeks.

>> No.17208724
File: 39 KB, 726x669, 0004A479-762E-4C5D-ACBF-20752434CC3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t even have a pc

>> No.17209467

if domo got in then my experience as a small streamer for a year isn't going to help me, I already did my opsec and know how to appeal to both normies and idolchads so if cover is really looking at numbers I'll try to apply but I won't expect a message back for StarsEN 1

>> No.17209522

No because they'd almost certainly force you to say gay shit to appeal to fujos

>> No.17209596

Try anyway and if you don't get in, keep trying.

>> No.17209753

>uses a failed branch as a reference

>> No.17209872

just lie, find an obscure MIA content creator that has decent numbers and do your best to imitate the person.

>> No.17211468

Botan said no girls in stars.

>> No.17211599

Nene did it when no one was applying for Hololive. Ever since Gura went viral worldwide, Hololive apps skyrocketed.

>> No.17213106

youre gay

>> No.17215043

couldn't you just private them if you apply?

>> No.17215451

It’s Mercury retrograde until Feb 4th and as a male astrology faggot, that’s the worst time to apply for anything.
I also have no experience in content creation and don’t wanna start during this month.

So I’d be a pretty good male Sana hope they give me that shota model

>> No.17215492

dont look at chat dont look at twiter

>> No.17215518

i love slave accents post vacaroo

>> No.17215574

kinda nice actually

>> No.17215577

Trash Taste enjoyer, he’s not a liar, but he is super retarded and doesn’t actually watch vtubers.

>> No.17215714

Kinda based not gonna lie. Your voice would stand out and you've already got some lore

>> No.17215717

maybe because big streamers dont need to join holo, unless they want to be friends with holo girls? but I doubt they cant do that where tehy already are
Once en management loosen up on the collab bans that is

>> No.17216406

Honestly the problem with accents is often not the accent itself but that you mumble slightly or slur some speech which is normal in your language and to others with your accent, but becomes harder to decipher to those without. The solution is to kind of "over pronounce" things to a degree and open your mouth more when you talk. If you did this I can see people wanting to watch you specifically BECAUSE of your accent.

>> No.17218587

I've never streamed or created video content, and I haven't applied.
But I figure like most things in life, it's all about confidence.
I'm gonna make you all proud anons.

>> No.17218594

I fail to see the problem

>> No.17218667

but ayame?

>> No.17218862
File: 268 KB, 640x954, 1640801800091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I wish a was more of a sperg when I was younger in order to have some kind of background in streaming/content creation. Wish I could seize this opportunity. Good luck to any anons applying

>> No.17218978

Ngl if it wasn't for the uncertainty of an upcoming court case id totally do it

>> No.17219827

didn't moon jelly sperg out and nuke her yt channel? on the other hand, that is the kind of qualifiers that hololive actively searches for

>> No.17219897

i would unironically watch you being an autistic sperg

>> No.17219934

Apply and get hired before going to jail. It'll be an epic final yabai.

>> No.17220209

that is an even bigger reason to keep trying so you don't get lost in the massive pile of applications

>> No.17220236

somehow i can see your skintone through this post

>> No.17221683

That just means you don’t have quick buffs getting in but could still make it out if your video application. My problem is the real killer which is I can’t commit the time due to random possible deployments since I’m still in the military.

>> No.17221765

I have no charisma, am uncreative and terrible at all videogames, and sound like Fez from That 70's Show.

>> No.17221926

Would it be cringe if on debut someone started out with a nasally voice but sang in a deep county accent at the finale? Similar to Mr. Hyunh from Hey Arnold?

>> No.17221957

I sent in a video of me pulling 605. I hope yagoo is okay with mixed grip.

>> No.17222241

No, I'm boring and not creative at all. I also can't speak outloud without stuttering.
I'd probably kill myself on stream on the first week if I even get to make it in.

>> No.17222375

Rumor has it Nux wants to apply.

>> No.17222472

I never saw the benefit of someone that already is super well established applying for these things, he'd only have a slightly larger audience with more restrictions on what he's able to do or stream.

>> No.17222588

Cause he can create more bridges and try to branch out to the Japanese audiences.

>> No.17222649

would a strong Italian-new york accent be a turnoff, asking for a friend

>> No.17222684

>build more bridges
Dunno, he's more proficient at burning them.

>> No.17222739

It would only work if you roleplayed as one of the mario brothers

>> No.17223011

If I applied with my sister and did a brother/sister vtuber niche, do you think it could work?

>> No.17223009


“italian” in the sense of “im wahkin heah” and less mario but still fair enough

>> No.17223161

Only if you do incest asmr streams

>> No.17223188

If both of you have youtube/twitch channels where you've shown this dynamic and it has garnered sufficient attention, then maybe. If you've got nothing to show for it and you're just pitching this as an idea the no fucking chance.

>> No.17223230

Yes, especially if you bait with incest.

>> No.17223267

No because I have a real fucking job
Children used to want to be astronauts not a fucking streamer

>> No.17223486

Children wanted to be astronauts cause it looked cool, not because they wanna do space science or get through the harsh training to be one.

>> No.17223575

It's something that contributed to society
Not everyone wanted to be an actor or singer that did nothing important but be famous

>> No.17223800

oh hey, fellow male astrology faggot. I hope we both make it in and make /vt/ shit themselves over it. do you read tarot too?

>> No.17223872

Actors and singers are entertainers. They are necessary for human functioning.

>> No.17224035

Easy to manage

Talents: singing, drawing, Japanese speaking

>> No.17224083

I'd say entertainers are really important. As sad as it might sound, we need clowns and cute anime girls that stream to function

>> No.17224247

Astronauts do nothing important,its purely masturbatory.

>> No.17224517

monstrously based.

>> No.17224910

i wish, but i only got into astrology a year ago and haven't even considered learning. EN new year tarot card readings sound really fun tho hmm

>> No.17225315

>children in 1950s: I wanna be a teacher
>children in 1960s: I wanna be a model
>children in 1970s: I wanna be an astronaut

it's just a sign of the times, old man.
I wanted to be an actor

>> No.17226059

>kids aren't allowed to have dreams that keep pace with the advancement of technology and entertainment
>we need to remain stuck in the 1980s because my feelings as a Gen Xer will be hurt otherwise!

>> No.17226143

I'm so ready for public opinion to turn on gen x. Literally worse than the boomers.

>> No.17227457


>> No.17227796

I have a real job and am also successful in pursuing my passions. Wow your life sucks. I can’t believe you’re a wagie with not dreams or aspirations.

>> No.17228043
File: 971 KB, 500x375, 82C4878C-E1C4-48B7-9473-F4F2649BF3F4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking pro singing lessons again
>making improvements on my drawing
>learning nihongo
>commentating at my local esport tourneys
>getting /fit/ and grooming myself so if my roommate gets found out people won’t be disappointed by what’s behind the avatar
Honestly, even if I’m living out a fantasy where I eventually apply to cover, if nothing else I’m gonna come out a much better person overall

>> No.17229446

Same anon. Applying to cover has had the same effect on me, I've been trying to dial it up to ten on shit I need to and want to get better at to help with my chances. Even if I don't get in, I'm gonna keep improving in every aspect so next chance will be the one.

>> No.17230074

Tarot really is fun. I dunno if you have any interest in other mystical traditions but just knowing astrology alone adds a lot to tarot imo

>> No.17230691


Do you work full time?

>> No.17231361

Chances are 0% as long as you don't apply.
But if you can't even apply without seeking worthless external validation from /here/, then I'm sure that you were not the right fit for the upcoming HoloES

>> No.17231712

>singing lessons
already prefer you over every single other guy in the thread. I hope you apply. Also, how are the lessons? I've been thinking of taking singing practice more seriously again.

>> No.17231950

No I didn't start streaming yet

>> No.17232089

Sounds based

>> No.17234614

Extremely based.

>> No.17236632

If they hire Rinotuna as a mama your chances of getting in would be much higher than you think

>> No.17236728

Don't give these fuckers ideas, they're 100% doing some stupid petty impulsive shit and getting graduated after the first week

>> No.17236851

> cringe vtuber dream
I'd watch you.
> selling small arms to school children
I'd watch you too.
> Hololive is probably looking for fujobait rather than 1cc attempts
You too.

Honestly, these posters already sound more interesting than any existing male vtuber I can think of.

>> No.17236899

Yes, i'm ready to become the face that hololive always needed: a fat italian-american.

>> No.17237369

Honestly I’d be pretty turned off if a tuber turned out to be a /vt/poster.

>> No.17237425

haha, y-yeah... >_>

>> No.17237573

> Don't give these fuckers ideas, they're 100% doing some stupid petty impulsive shit and getting graduated after the first week
But as audience, that sounds fun?

>> No.17237641


>> No.17238865


>> No.17242350

Kiara was only weak on youtube
she had a big niconico history
