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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17161778 No.17161778 [Reply] [Original]

As soon as "Q" came out, you all kneel to mori again

>> No.17161819

>Leeching off the top vtuber
Lol, nice one cuckbeat

>> No.17161845

Just because she is collabing with the queen of vtubers? Don't make me laugh.

It will be an awful song like all the songs she does.

Kneeling to Mori is sonething that only cucks do

>> No.17161846

Mori and Gura are very good together I think https://youtu.be/qNIhngowViI

>> No.17161858

There has literally been not one single valid criticism of Mori Calliope to have ever come out of /vt/ or /jp/

>> No.17161887

She's petty and hangs out with the wrong crowd

>> No.17161890

>Kneeling to Mori is sonething that only cucks do
Kneel to Mori and bend over for Connor

>> No.17161892

>You all

>> No.17161907

There is. It's just that Mori can't take criticism of any kind. She's pathetic like that

>> No.17161912

despite all of these, i am still a chumbeat!

>> No.17161942

holy fuck mori her retarded fanbase are fucking annoying

>> No.17161944

There's been plenty. You people just like to throw the legitimate ones in with the shitposts.

>> No.17161971
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>> No.17162058

Cuckbeats are turning their attitude into trash e-celeb shit with "they hate us cause they ain't us". Mori will stagnate if she becomes like that

>> No.17162075
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>> No.17162091


>> No.17162100

Pretending to live in a different reality doesn't make reality any less valid. She's certainly finding that out.

>> No.17162157
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>> No.17162181

I put up with a lot of shit for Gura. But a line has to be drawn somewhere.

>> No.17162199

>as soon as "Q" came out
based time traveller

>> No.17162281

I don't listen to EN songs except Irys.

>> No.17163443


>> No.17163542
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i love IRyS buy her original songs are kinda trash

>> No.17164165
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>> No.17164321

>Everything is corporate and about numbers
>Friends? What's that

>> No.17164386 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17164402

Her music is REALLY really bad, in particular the lyrics

>> No.17164412

And who are you?

>> No.17164424


>> No.17164438

This is the most pathetic cope cuckbeats have come up this far.

>> No.17164440

go back tourist

>> No.17164548

Has Mori ever had a good song (or cover)? To justify her music-oriented vtuber status. I mean actually good like Unison or Suisei's Saga Jihen cover or Zero no Ashiato. I haven't heard anything other than her first three or four songs and they ranged from trash (Please R.I.P.) to mediocre, has she put out any hits since then?

>> No.17164757 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17164840

I want to agree with you, but Live Again and end of a life are great.

>> No.17164863
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Now gura, ame and ina ones

>> No.17164869

Suisei seem to like red a lot, she try to sung it twice on karaoke stream
Also looks like a lot of people love end of a life

>> No.17164933

>in particular the lyrics
I feel like this isn't being said enough, she rhymes and that shit that is expected, but apart from that there are rarely any substance and it comes across as really stiff, especially in the holomyth songs

>> No.17164962

I could do them, if I had template. But it's probablly easier to ask in drawthread.

>> No.17164993


cursed fucking image
mori wasn't thinking at all

>> No.17165048

Her part in Watame's song was some of the laziest shit to come out of Hololive but at least it was only added in at the last minute to capitalize on HoloEN's sudden fame and a version without it was also released

>> No.17165231

It was posted here too, someone even added a bone(r). Mori is the one who cursed it, since it would've stayed as another dumb image.

>> No.17165273

>a version without it was also released
you got a link?

>> No.17165358

It's on volume 1 of Watame no Uta. Song 9 is the one with Mori, song 7 is the one without.

>> No.17165416

Was that cloudy sheep or whatever?

>> No.17165427

I'll kneel if Gura raps, Calli sings the hook, and someone other than Calli writes the whole thing. I'd settle for just having someone else write it honestly. I think Calli ruins every song she writes lyrics for. Her additions to KING were the worst parts. Doesn't matter though, it'll be on Calli's channel with Gura's algorithmic power so tens of millions of views are basically guaranteed.

>> No.17165447

2 more weeks.

>> No.17165448
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I only cared about mori's Rikka collab songs, the rest are meh and I doubt gura has any musical talent(in terms of song writing) to seriously make mori's music any less meh.
And I will never forgive /vt/ for forgetting the only truly wonderful musical pieces mori has ever been involved in

>> No.17165457

End of a life was great tho, didn't she write that?

>> No.17165511

>actually listening to the vtuber music
ummm cringe...

>> No.17165516

Mori is everything I feared when they first announced holoEN

>> No.17165526

Yeah I hate it because she's a really entertaining streamer and her singing is great, but all her songs sound like the same generic, forgettable trash.

>> No.17165570

never stopped kneeling. if you do that kind of stuff, you're a casual. you're basically just a tourist.

>> No.17165696

This. /vt/ and /jp/ are just drama-forcing crybabies.

>> No.17165699

i've stopped kneeling. i hurt my knees yesterday

>> No.17165703

Gura's only talent is singing voice. She never wrote any song or plays any instruments aside from the trashy ukulele everyone can learn.

>> No.17165766

Fair enough I do like that one. I was being a bit hyperbolic, but I think end of a life is the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.17165772

"She shouldn't get drunk and feed the troll on a known Anti account while on her official company twitter" isn't a valid criticism?

>> No.17165872

>Rembrandt's only talent was his painting
Great argument

>> No.17165896

They're basically 1 and 2 ... who's leeching now?

>> No.17166012

That's not what that anon said. A more suitable simile would be someone who's great at painting by numbers but otherwise completely devoid of technical skills or creativity when it comes to actually painting something themselves.
Rembrandt would be someone that not only possesses a great singing voice, but who also writes his songs himself, plays all the instruments, does the composition and mixing and mastering.

>> No.17166144


>> No.17167260

okay that's valid ngl. Connor and the trash taste crowd is hated so much on here because you fags get reminded of yourselves when you see them. You faggots know how much of pieces of shits you are and you easily see it on the trash taste fuckers. 4chan, otaku, weebshit crowds have always been the wrong crowd, cringy fucks who do gay shit.

>> No.17167747

>does everything like a faggot wagecuck
Rembrandt sounds like a gay fucker then.

>everyone can learn
lol, (You), a loser on 4chan thinks you can learn to play the ukulele. LOL, give me a break faggot. It should be a rule that failures shouldn't have a right to talk shit to people better than them, that would quickly shut down this whole website. All you faggots here are talentless losers, that's why you're here circle jerking with the other pathetic faggots. Outside, the world would laugh at you if they ever find out who you really are. Go ahead, tell a complete stranger outside your habits and how you live your day to day life, he'll definitely think you're a fucking waste of life.

>> No.17168372
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>> No.17168703

learning to play the fucking UKELELE (lmfao) is really REALLY easy anon. you sound frustrated and or mad, i would recommend taking a break from the internet. maybe try to learn an instrument with the spare time!

>> No.17168820

I'm not a simpleton third worlder that easily gets persuaded by temporary hype. I see this as a bad thing if Gura hangs with her more, she will be easily influenced to commit yabs.

>> No.17168975

In fact, the ukelele is easier to learn than the guitar, which is already one of the easier instruments to learn.

>> No.17168993

Okay, but replace the head of the dude fucking her with a strawberry.

>> No.17169003

something that mori has proven to be terrible at

>> No.17169213

guitar is definitely not easy to learn if you want to be more than some dipshit busting out the acoustic at parties to try and look cool. it just gives you the best results out of only knowing 5 chords

>> No.17169340

this is funny to me bc i love all of mori's music and think shes an excellent lyricist but eoal has some of her clumsiest lines

>> No.17169487

compared to other instruments guitar is still definitely one of the easiest instruments even past the beginner stage (compare the skill ceiling of piano, brass, violin/viola/cello to the skill ceiling of guitars and it makes the guitar almost look like a toy). i'd argue even the most musically challenged retard can pick up a guitar past the beginner stages if they actually practice more than an hour a week, which just wouldn't be the case with harder instruments that require some level of innate talent or much more practice (for example the piano which might even be easier to play at the beginner levels than the guitar but the difficulty increases almost exponentially past that stage. which is why concert pianists all pretty much started playing before they were 7 years old and practiced 10 hours a day every day since)

>> No.17169696

Lmao there King cover was the worst on the fucking net because they have zero vocal harmony together both suck for different reasons and its only thanks to brain dead pedophiles, brain dead wigger lovers and view bots that they have any traction still

>> No.17169814

She's number 2 HoloEN. Mori is definitely a tard, but how is she leeching?

>> No.17169824

I can teach an autistic raccoon to play like a lead guitarist you just need two technics that any idiot can develop through brute force repetition and a fucking effects peddle and 80% of people will think your some shiny golden guitar god

>> No.17169886

Because numbers smaller than top anderstand

>> No.17170173

Mori's rap completely ruins this cover.

>> No.17170316

There is no one in Hololive who has had more success with their songs than Mori. If anyone is leeching here, it is Gura.

>> No.17170399

>kronii weed meme
huh? is this some 2day twitter shit or did I miss something?

>> No.17170508

Kek this struck a chord with the retards.

>> No.17170659


>> No.17170719

Sure but it's going to be delayed again anyway.

>> No.17170757

Based and true.
It's pretty the Kiara situation of the place of origin hating their own.

>> No.17170767

I think this whole thing is stupid but I never liked her. Calli is like answering the question that no one asked "what if an annoying juggalo became a vtuber?"

>> No.17170952

It should not be hard to type her name in youtube search and select sort by view count. Then you can do the same to your favorite vtuber and see who has the higher numbers. There is no need to embarrass yourself by making it obvious that you only exist in the /vt/ bubble.

>> No.17171044

I remember when Q was announced everyone was like "OH NO NO NO KIARA GOT KEKED" "OMG KIARA DON'T LOOK" but now I feel like Kiara is glad she can avoid Mori for a few more days

>> No.17172105

Or any other song.

>> No.17172121

>whori having bigger numbers than gura
do connorbraps really?

>> No.17172204

The song will be trash, just like 98% of her music.

>> No.17172297

no wonder gura feels so lonely, every time someone wants to collab with her faggots call them leeches and thus rarely approach her.

>> No.17172831

If you are talking about their songs, it really is not up to your opinion. I don't really know how to deal with schizoes like you who live in their own alternative reality.

>> No.17176244

When WILL it come out, anyway?
Are they seriously still mixing it?

>> No.17176517

this is the one sentiment i don't understand. Her music is obviously just some below average stuff, not even notably bad.
Have you people never actually heard truly awful, real trash tier music? That's really hard to believe.

>> No.17176654

It was Gura's idea to add Calli's rap

>> No.17176766
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Cuckbeats circle the wagons around their retard for the 50th time before abandoning ship and disappearing for days when she makes the next big yab

>> No.17176977

>kneeling to someone I've never liked
it's the only good thing the brapper has ever produced, and it'd still have been garbage elsewhere.
>a version without it was also released
link or >>>/out/, I'm not going to dig for your validation.

>> No.17177016

more like "worst on the 'net because it isn't "KING", it's a mashup that has some of "KING" stuck to it".

>> No.17177084

Imagine replying to bait with more bait

>> No.17177560

>You will all kneel to Mori again
WTF are you talking about... I wasn't kneeling to Mori even before this recent drama began

>> No.17177865

The trashiest music loops back around to being great, her music is just trash

>> No.17177997

It is just the same who say that the music Justin Bieber or something makes is the worst thing in the world. They are not really making an objective musical analysis, they just want to fit in with the people who hate Justin Bieber.
